List of years in literature

This article gives a chronological list of years in literature (descending order), with notable publications listed with their respective years and a small selection of notable events. The time covered in individual years covers Renaissance, Baroque and Modern literature, while Medieval literature is resolved by century.

Note: List of years in poetry exists specifically for poetry.

See Table of years in literature for an overview of all "year in literature" pages.

Several attempts have been made to create a list of world literature. Among these are the great books project including the book series Great Books of the Western World, now containing 60 volumes. In 1998 Modern Library, an American publishing company, polled its editorial board to find the best 100 novels of the 20th century: Modern Library 100 Best Novels. These attempts have been criticized for their anglophone bias and disregard of other literary traditions.

Ancient times

Middle Ages

16th century









  • 1570 in literatureTheatrum Orbis Terrarum (Ortelius), Doria Atlas, Lafreri atlases (approximate date)
  • 1571 in literatureArte de la lengua mexicana y castellana and Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana (de Molina), The Books of Homilies (third volume), Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'Arme, si da offesa come da difesa (Giacomo di Grassi)
  • 1572 in literatureFranciade (de Ronsard), Os Lusíadas (de Camões)
  • 1573 in literatureEtz Chaim (Chaim Vital), Aminta (Tasso)
  • 1574 in literatureRight of Magistrates (Beza), Exercicio quotidiano
  • 1575 in literatureArbatel de magia veterum, Terze rime (Veronica Franco)
  • 1576 in literatureThe Pattern of Painful Adventures, Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (La Boétie), The Princely Pleasures, at the Court at Kenilworth (Gascoigne)
  • 1577 in literatureThe Interior Castle (Teresa of Ávila), The Lives of the Saints (Skarga), Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Weyer)
  • 1578 in literatureCompendium of Materia Medica (Li Shizhen), Euphues (Lyly), History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil (Jean de Léry)
  • 1579 in literatureHanthawaddy Hsinbyushin Ayedawbon (Yazataman), Bible of Kralice, The Shepheardes Calender (Spenser)



  • 1590 in literatureTamburlaine (Marlowe, both parts published); Arcadia (Sidney), A Book to Burn (Li Zhi), Caigentan (Hong), Kao Pan Yu Shi (Tu Long), Vizsoly Bible
  • 1591 in literatureThe Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare, approximate date), Astrophel and Stella (Sidney), Mateh Moshe, Postil of Jonas Bretkunas
  • 1592 in literatureJourney to the West (Wu Cheng'en), Codex Huamantla, Pierce Penniless (Nashe), Doctor Faustus (Marlowe, approximate date)
  • 1593 in literatureThe Phoenix Nest, Brevis commentarius de Islandia (Jónsson), Jakub Wujek Bible
  • 1594 in literatureThe Unfortunate Traveller (Nashe), Theatrum artis scribendi (Hondius), Codex iconographicus monacensis 236, Satire Ménippée
  • 1595 in literatureA Midsummer Night's Dream, (Shakespeare), Korjenic-Neoric Armorial, Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh (?Abd al-Qadir Badayuni), Prophecy of the Popes (Wion)
  • 1596 in literatureThe Faerie Queene (Spenser, Books 4–6), The Blind Beggar of Alexandria (Chapman)
  • 1597 in literatureRomeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), Essays (Francis Bacon), The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare, approximate date), Eight sermons before the Sejm (Skarga), Apparatus ad omnium gentium historiam (Possevino), Mysterium Cosmographicum (Kepler)
  • 1598 in literatureGolestan-e Honar (Ghoma), Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare, approximate date)
  • 1599 in literatureHenry V and Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), Guzmán de Alfarache (Alemán), Basilikon Doron (King James VI), Postil of Mikalojus Daukša, The Model of Poesy (Scott)
  • 1600 in literatureAs You Like It (Shakespeare), Englands Helicon (Flasket), Will Kemp's "Nine Days Wonder", Erofili (Chortatzis)

17th century


  • 1601 in literatureHamlet (Shakespeare, approximate date), Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), The Triumphs of Oriana (Morley), Leucippe and Clitophon (first printed)
  • 1602 in literatureLa Argentina (Centenera), Bahr al-Hayat (Muhammad Ghawth, approximate date), The City of the Sun (Campanella)
  • 1603 in literatureOthello (Shakespeare, approximate date), Nippo Jisho, The Wonderfull Yeare (Dekker). First kabuki performances
  • 1604 in literatureAltan Tobchi (Guush Luvsandanzan), Schilder-boeck (van Mander)
  • 1605 in literatureDon Quixote de la Mancha (Part 1; Cervantes), Fastiginia (da Veiga), Mundus Alter et Idem (Hall), The Advancement of Learning (Bacon)
  • 1606 in literatureKing Lear and Macbeth (Shakespeare, approximate date), Ryukyu Shinto-ki
  • 1607 in literatureL'Astrée (d'Urfé, first part), Atheism Conquered (Campanella), Tom a Lincoln (Johnson, second part)
  • 1608 in literatureSomnium (Kepler), Journey from Bohemia to the Holy Land, by way of Venice and the Sea (Harant), Shoumei (Heinouchi)
  • 1609 in literatureShakespeare's sonnets published, Epicœne, or The Silent Woman (Jonson), Comentarios Reales de los Incas (de la Vega), Sancai Tuhui (Wang Qi)


  • 1610 in literatureMuyejebo, Sidereus Nuncius (Galileo), True Reportory (Strachey)
  • 1611 in literatureKing James Bible, The Tempest (Shakespeare), Runa ABC (Bureus), Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum (Lanier)
  • 1612 in literatureMalay Annals (oldest known version), The Beginning and Progress of the Muscovy War (Zólkiewski), Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca
  • 1613 in literatureNovelas ejemplares (Cervantes), Dongui Bogam (Heo Jun), Jatakalankara (Ganesa), Soledades (de Góngora)
  • 1614 in literatureAlma Academia Leidensis, Jibong yuseol (Yi), 1614 Low German Bible
  • 1615 in literatureDon Quixote de la Mancha (second part, Cervantes), Zihui (Mei), De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas (Ricci)
  • 1616 in literatureChess or the King's Game (Augustus the Younger), Koyo Gunkan (Kosaka), Krista Purana (Stephens), A Description of New England (Smith)
  • 1617 in literatureDhola Maru, Wamyo Ruijusho (large edition)
  • 1618 in literatureThe Dog in the Manger (Lope de Vega), Speculum Sophicum Rhodostauroticum
  • 1619 in literatureFuenteovejuna (Lope de Vega), The Maid's Tragedy (Beaumont and Fletcher)


  • 1620 in literatureNovum Organum (Bacon), Septimana Philosophica (Maier), Haec-Vir, Stories Old and New and The Three Sui Quash the Demons' Revolt (Feng)
  • 1621 in literatureThe Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), The Countess of Montgomery's Urania (Wroth), Wubei Zhi (Mao)
  • 1622 in literatureMourt's Relation (Winslow and Bradford), Palazzi di Genova (Rubens), La secchia rapita (Tapoti)
  • 1623 in literatureFirst Folio (Shakespeare), Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart (Comenius), Zhifang Waiji
  • 1624 in literatureDevotions upon Emergent Occasions (Donne), Emblemata of Zinne-werck (de Brune), Stories to Caution the World (Feng), De Veritate (Herbert)
  • 1625 in literatureDe jure belli ac pacis (Grotius), Musaeum Hermeticum (Jennis), Pamietnik handlowca (Stefanski)
  • 1626 in literatureNew Atlantis (Bacon), El Buscón (de Quevedo), The Jews' Tragedy (Heminges, written)
  • 1627 in literatureStories to Awaken the World (Feng), Los Sueños (de Quevedo), Diagrams and explanations of the wonderful machines of the Far West (Shreck and Wang)
  • 1628 in literatureInstitutes of the Lawes of England (Coke), The Lover's Melancholy (Ford)
  • 1629 in literatureJanua linguarum reserata (Comenius), Alphabetum Ibericum sive Georgianum cum Oratione, Mélite (Corneille)



  • 1640 in literatureMeditations on First Philosophy (Descartes), Arte da Lingoa Canarim (Stephens), Augustinus (Jansen), Bay Psalm Book, On Yixing Tea Pot (Zhou Gaochi), A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Shen Yue)
  • 1641 in literatureLeyen Spiegel, A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Macaria (Plattes), Flandria Illustrata (Sanderus)
  • 1642 in literatureDe Cive (Hobbes), Tohfatu'l-Ahbab (Muhammad Ali Kashmiri), Le Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori et Architetti (Baglione)
  • 1643 in literatureCazania lui Varlaam, Gero (Agerre), A History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet, Shinra no Kiroku (Matsumae Kagehiro)
  • 1644 in literatureAreopagitica and Of Education (Milton), Principles of Philosophy (Descartes)
  • 1645 in literatureThe Book of Five Rings and Dokkodo (Musashi), Epistolae Ho-Elianae (Howell), L'huomo di lettere (Bartoli)
  • 1646 in literatureEstebanillo González, Gangraena (Edwardes), Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Browne)
  • 1647 in literatureThe Advice to Hartlib (Petty), Beaumont and Fletcher folios (first edition), The Siege of Sziget (Zrinski, written)
  • 1648 in literatureHesperides (Herrick), Image of the Virgin Mary Mother of God of Guadalupe, Padmavati (Alaol)
  • 1649 in literatureHistoria Lettica (Einhorn), Huei tlamahuiçoltica (de la Vega), Leabhar na nGenealach (Dubhaltach MacFhirbhisigh), Prasna Marga (Narayanan Nambutiri)


  • 1650 in literatureChūzan Seikan (Sho Shoken), The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (Bradstreet), Il Conquisto di Granata (Graziani), Vrhobreznica Chronicle
  • 1651 in literatureThomas Hobbes's Leviathan, The Dancing Master (Playford), Abagar (Filip Stanislavov), Bahar-i Danish (Inayat Allah Kamboh)
  • 1652 in literatureTheatrum Chemicum Britannicum (Ashmole), Alcibiades the Schoolboy, Oedipus Aegyptiacus (Kircher)
  • 1653 in literatureThe Compleat Angler (Walton), Logopandecteision (Urquhart)
  • 1654 in literatureDasbodh (Ramdas), Appius and Virginia (Webster)
  • 1655 in literatureDabestan-e Mazaheb, De Corpore (Hobbes), Tarikh al-Sudan (Abd al-Sadi); Junius manuscript first published
  • 1656 in literatureThe Commonwealth of Oceana (Harrington), Mizan al-haqq (Kâtip Çelebi)
  • 1657 in literatureComical History of the States and Empires of the Moon (Cyrano de Bergerac), Lettres provinciales (Pascal), The Siege of Rhodes (Davenant),
  • 1658 in literatureHeutelia, Ping Shan Leng Yan, The Garden of Cyrus (Browne)
  • 1659 in literatureShajara-i Tarakima (Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur), The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses (Shirley)





18th century











19th century











20th century











21st century





  1. Charles Osborne, The Life and Crimes of Agatha Christie, London, 1982.
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