2005 Sudirman Cup

The 2005 Sudirman Cup was the 9th tournament of the World Mixed Team Badminton Championships of Sudirman Cup. It was held from May 10 to May 15, 2005, in Beijing, China.

2005 Sudirman Cup
Tournament details
Dates10 – 15 May
VenueCapital Indoor Stadium[1]
LocationBeijing, China
2003 Eindhoven 2007 Glasgow →

Host city selection

Beijing and Glasgow submitted bids for the competition. Beijing was confirmed as the host during 2003 IBF council meeting in Eindhoven.[2]


41 teams around the world took part in this tournament.[3] Geographically, they were 22 from Europe, 13 teams from Asia, 3 from Americas, two from Oceania and one from Africa. This edition also saw the expansion of Group 1 to 8 teams.



Subgroup 1A

Team one Team two Score
Denmark DenmarkEngland England3–2
South Korea South KoreaThailand Thailand4–1
Denmark DenmarkThailand Thailand4–1
South Korea South KoreaEngland England5–0
Denmark DenmarkSouth Korea South Korea3–2
England EnglandThailand Thailand4–1

Subgroup 1B

Team one Team two Score
China ChinaSweden Sweden5–0
Indonesia IndonesiaHong Kong Hong Kong4–1
China ChinaHong Kong Hong Kong5–0
Indonesia IndonesiaSweden Sweden4–1
China ChinaIndonesia Indonesia5–0
Hong Kong Hong KongSweden Sweden4–1


Team one Team two Score Notes
England EnglandHong Kong Hong Kong3-15th-6th
Thailand ThailandSweden Sweden3-07th-8th


Team one Team two Score
China ChinaSouth Korea South Korea3–0
Indonesia IndonesiaDenmark Denmark3–0


2005 Sudirman Cup Champions


Fifth title

Subgroup 2A

Team one Team two Score
Malaysia MalaysiaNetherlands Netherlands3–2
Malaysia MalaysiaChinese Taipei Chinese Taipei4–1
Malaysia MalaysiaRussia Russia5–0
Netherlands NetherlandsChinese Taipei Chinese Taipei3–2
Netherlands NetherlandsRussia Russia4–1
Chinese Taipei Chinese TaipeiRussia Russia4–1

Subgroup 2B

Team one Team two Score
Japan JapanSingapore Singapore3–2
Japan JapanGermany Germany4–1
Japan JapanUkraine Ukraine5–0
Singapore SingaporeGermany Germany3–2
Singapore SingaporeUkraine Ukraine5–0
Germany GermanyUkraine Ukraine4–1


Team one Team two Score Notes
Malaysia MalaysiaJapan Japan3-19th-10th
Singapore SingaporeNetherlands Netherlands3-011th-12th
Germany GermanyChinese Taipei Chinese Taipei3-013th-14th
Russia RussiaUkraine Ukraine3-215th-16th

Subgroup 3A

Team one Team two Score
Poland PolandNew Zealand New Zealand4–1
Poland PolandFinland Finland4–1
Poland PolandBulgaria Bulgaria3–2
New Zealand New ZealandFinland Finland4–1
New Zealand New ZealandBulgaria Bulgaria4–1
Finland FinlandBulgaria Bulgaria3–2

Subgroup 3B

Team one Team two Score
India IndiaUnited States United States4–1
India IndiaScotland Scotland4–1
India IndiaWales Wales4–1
United States United StatesScotland Scotland3–2
United States United StatesWales Wales5–0
Scotland ScotlandWales Wales4–1


Team one Team two Score Notes
Poland PolandIndia India3-117th-18th
New Zealand New ZealandUnited States United States3-219th-20th
Scotland ScotlandFinland Finland3-221st-22nd
Bulgaria BulgariaWales Wales3-223rd-24th

Subgroup 4A

Team one Team two Score
Switzerland SwitzerlandEstonia Estonia3–2
Switzerland SwitzerlandKazakhstan Kazakhstan3–2
Switzerland SwitzerlandNorway Norway5–0
Estonia EstoniaKazakhstan Kazakhstan4–1
Estonia EstoniaNorway Norway3–2
Kazakhstan KazakhstanNorway Norway3–2

Subgroup 4B

Team one Team two Score
France FranceAustralia Australia4–1
France FranceSouth Africa South Africa5–0
France FrancePeru Peru5–0
Australia AustraliaSouth Africa South Africa5–0
Australia AustraliaPeru Peru4–1
South Africa South AfricaPeru Peru4–1


Team one Team two Score Notes
France FranceSwitzerland Switzerland3-025th-26th
Australia AustraliaEstonia Estonia3-027th-28th
South Africa South AfricaKazakhstan Kazakhstan3-129th-30th
Norway NorwayPeru Peru3-131st-32nd

Subgroup 5A

Team one Team two Score
Italy ItalyLuxembourg Luxembourg4–1
Italy ItalyCyprus Cyprus4–1
Luxembourg LuxembourgCyprus Cyprus4–1

Subgroup 5B

Team one Team two Score
Lithuania LithuaniaIsrael Israel4–1
Lithuania LithuaniaTurkey Turkey4–1
Israel IsraelTurkey Turkey4–1


Team one Team two Score Notes
Italy ItalyLithuania Lithuania3-233rd-34th
Luxembourg LuxembourgIsrael Israel3-135th-36th
Turkey TurkeyCyprus Cyprus3-137th-38th

Group 6

Team one Team two Score
Sri Lanka Sri LankaJamaica Jamaica4–1
Sri Lanka Sri LankaMongolia Mongolia5–0
Jamaica JamaicaMongolia Mongolia5–0

Final classification

Group 1
Pos Country
1 China China
2 Indonesia Indonesia
3 Denmark Denmark
4 South Korea Korea
5 England England
6 Hong Kong Hong Kong
7 Thailand Thailand
8 Sweden Sweden
Group 2
Pos Country
9 Malaysia Malaysia
10 Japan Japan
11 Singapore Singapore
12 Netherlands Netherlands
13 Germany Germany
14 Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei
15 Russia Russia
16 Ukraine Ukraine
Group 3
Pos Country
17 Poland Poland
18 India India
19 New Zealand New Zealand
20 United States United States
21 Scotland Scotland
22 Finland Finland
23 Bulgaria Bulgaria
24 Wales Wales
Group 4
Pos Country
25 France France
26 Switzerland Switzerland
27 Australia Australia
28 Estonia Estonia
29 South Africa South Africa
30 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
31 Norway Norway
32 Peru Peru
Group 5
Pos Country
33 Italy Italy
34 Lithuania Lithuania
35 Luxembourg Luxembourg
36 Israel Israel
37 Turkey Turkey
38 Cyprus Cyprus
Group 6
Pos Country
39 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
40 Jamaica Jamaica
41 Mongolia Mongolia
  Promoted to higher group
  Relegated to lower group


  1. "中国体育报:苏迪曼杯 大家潇洒走一回". Sina. Retrieved 11 May 2019.
  2. "Beijing Awarded 2005 Sudirman Cup". en.people.cn. Retrieved 1 April 2017.
  3. "Sudirman Cup". Archived from the original on 2011-06-02. Retrieved 2011-06-13.
  4. "Times Archives". Oxfordshire Libraries.
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