2024 Croatian presidential election

Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Croatia in December 2024, with a second round in January 2025 if no candidate receives a majority.[1] Incumbent president Zoran Milanović is eligible for a second term. His first term began on 19 February 2020 and will end on 18 February 2025.[2]

2024 Croatian presidential election

December 2024

Incumbent President

Zoran Milanović


Presidential elections will be held in the super-election year of 2024 during which voters in Croatia will also vote for the Croatian Parliament in April and European Parliament in June.[3]

The first round was planned for December 2024, but on 15 March 2024 incumbent president Zoran Milanović announced he would run as a candidate of the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP) for the position of prime minister.[4] During press conference he revealed his resignation as the president would come "after election victory" in the parliamentary election on 17 April 2024.[5] In that case the first round could be held no later than 16 June 2024.

Electoral system

The president of Croatia is directly elected by secret ballot to a term of five years using the two-round system, with presidents limited to two full terms in office. The constitution requires that a presidential election be held no sooner than 60 days and no later than 30 days before the expiration of the incumbent president's term. An absolute majority (50% + 1 vote) of all votes cast (including invalid, blank and uncast ballots) is required to win in the first round. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote, a second-round is to be held fourteen days later, with the two candidates with the highest number of votes in the first round taking part. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes in the second round (a majority of valid votes cast) is declared the winner. If one of the candidates who has qualified for the second round were to withdraw their candidacy or die, the candidate with the next highest number of votes in the first round takes their place in the second round.[6]

In order for a potential candidate to be allowed to contest the elections and have their name placed on the ballot, they must gather at least 10,000 signatures from eligible voters, with every signatory being permitted to give their signature to only one potential candidate. The timeframe for collecting the said number of signatures is set at twelve days, and after the expiry of this period potential candidates must submit them to the State Electoral Commission for verification.[7]


Potential candidates

See also


  1. "Election Calendar". State Electoral Commission of the Republic of Croatia.
  2. "Croatia". www.fao.org. Retrieved 7 October 2023.
  3. "Superizborna godina za Hrvate: Birače očekuju europski, parlamentarni i predsjednički izbori" [Super election year for Croats: European, parliamentary and presidential elections await voters]. Večernji list (in Croatian). 1 January 2024. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  4. "Milanović ide na izbore sa SDP-om: Bit će kandidat za premijera" [Milanović is going to the elections with SDP: He will be a candidate for prime minister]. Dnevnik.hr (in Croatian). 15 March 2024. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
  5. "Oglasio se Milanović nakon šokantne objave: Otkrio kada će odstupiti s mjesta predsjednika" [Milanović spoke after the shocking announcement: Revealed when he will step down as president]. Dnevnik.hr (in Croatian). 15 March 2024. Retrieved 15 March 2024.
  6. Važniji propisi Archived 2016-12-13 at the Wayback Machine Croatian Parliament (in Croatian)
  7. "Bliže se predsjednički izbori! Ovo su datumi koje morate znati" [The presidential election is getting near! These are the dates you have to know.] (in Croatian). Dnevnik.hr. 20 November 2014. Retrieved 22 December 2018.
  8. "Slobodna Dalmacija - Milanović sigurno ide na drugi mandat, neće se odreći mogućnosti da još jednom pobijedi HDZ. Tko bi mu mogao parirati?". slobodnadalmacija.hr. 13 August 2023. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  9. "VIDEO Zorana Milanovića novinari pitali planira li po novi mandat, pogledajte što im je odgovorio". Dnevnik.hr. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  10. "ANKETA Ova se imena spominju kao potencijalni predsjednički kandidati, recite nam kome biste od njih dali svoj glas". Direktno (in Croatian). 2 April 2023. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  11. "HDZ traži izazivača Zoranu Milanoviću, spominju se četiri imena!". N1. 27 February 2023. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  12. "S KIM U KOALICIJU? / Nino Raspudić za RTL: 'Mogao bih biti kandidat za predsjednika Republike. Cilj je uništiti HDZ'" [COALITION WITH WHOM? / Nino Raspudić for RTL: 'I could be a candidate for the President of the Republic. The goal is to destroy HDZ']. net.hr (in Croatian). 21 March 2024. Retrieved 23 March 2024.
  13. "Ljevica sigurna u odabir: Samo sin legende Domovinskog rata može biti ozbiljni protukandidat Milanoviću". direktno.hr. Retrieved 4 April 2024.
  14. "Mislav Kolakušić kandidirat će se na predsjedničkim izborima: "Rekao je da više nema što raditi s Domovinskim pokretom"" [Mislav Kolakušić will run in the presidential elections: "He said that he has nothing to do with the Homeland Movement anymore"]. Dnevnik.hr (in Croatian). 23 April 2024. Retrieved 23 April 2024.
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