261 (number)

261 (two hundred [and] sixty-one) is the natural number following 260 and preceding 262. It has the prime factorization 32·29.

260 261 262
← 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 →
Cardinaltwo hundred sixty-one
(two hundred sixty-first)
Factorization32 × 29
Divisors1, 3, 9, 29, 87, 261
Greek numeralΣΞΑ´
Roman numeralCCLXI

Mathematical properties

There are six divisors of this number, the divisors being 1, 3, 9, 29, 87, and 261 itself.[1] 261 is a deficient number, since 1 + 3 + 9 + 29 + 87 = 129 < 261.

261 is nonagonal number, unique period in base 2, and the number of possible unfolded tesseract patterns.

261 is a lucky number, as well as an odious number, meaning it has an odd number of 1's in its binary expansion, which is 1000001012 (with 3 ones in it).[2]


  1. "Facts about the number 261". Numbermatics - the number explorer. Retrieved 2017-03-20.
  2. "Number Gossip: 261". www.numbergossip.com. Retrieved 2017-03-20.
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