Autostrada A4 (Italy)

The Autostrada A4, or Autostrada Serenissima, is an autostrada (Italian for "motorway") 523.1 kilometres (325.0 mi) long in northern Italy which connects Turin and Trieste via Milan and Venice crossing the entire Po Valley from west to east. The city of Venice (or rather, Mestre, a mainland frazione of Venice) originally formed a bottleneck on the A4, but is now bypassed by the Passante di Mestre (the old route through Mestre was renumbered A57). The A4 passes just north of the city of Milan, where it is toll-free.

Autostrada A4 shield}}
Autostrada A4
Autostrada Serenissima
Route information
Part of E55, E64 and E70
Maintained by ANAS
Length523.1 km (325.0 mi)
Major junctions
West endTurin
Major intersections A55 in Turin
A5 in Borgo d'Ale
A26 in Greggio
A50 and A52 in Rho
A8 in Pero
A51 in Carugate
A58 in Agrate Brianza
A35 in Ospitaletto
A21 in Brescia
A22 in Verona
A31 in Vicenza
A13 in Padova
A57 in Venice
A27 in Preganziol
A28 in Santo Stino di Livenza
A23 in San Giorgio di Nogaro
A34 in Palmanova
RA13 in Sistiana
East endTrieste
RegionsPiedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Highway system
  • Roads in Italy
A 3 A 5


Due to the different companies that manage the different parts of the motorway, it is often referred to as formed by five sections: Turin-Milan, Milan-Brescia, Brescia-Padua, Padua-Venice and Venice-Trieste. As it runs through the whole Pianura Padana, which is a densely populated and highly industrialized area, A4 is one of the most trafficked motorways of Italy.

A4 is a dual-carriageway, six-lane motorway for most of its length. The stretch between Milano Est tollgate and Bergamo has been an eight-lane motorway since 30 September 2007. The stretch from Venice to Trieste is instead still a four-lane motorway, but it is planned to upgrade this stretch over motorway to six lanes.


Passante di Mestre

The route of the "Passante di Mestre" (marked in blue) and the Venice-Mestre motorway system

The passante di Mestre is a part of the A4 motorway, opened to traffic on 8 February 2009. The objective of the route is to reduce the volume of auto- and truck-based traffic passing through Mestre (a mainland frazione of Venice) to reach non-local destinations like Austria, Slovenia and other Eastern European countries.

The new includes three lanes plus one emergency lane. Each lane measures 3.75 metres (12.3 ft) apart from the emergency lane which measures only 3 metres (9.8 ft), and the new stretch of motorway totals 32.3 kilometres (20.1 mi).

Major cities

Autostrada A4 Passes through Turin, Settimo Torinese, Novara, Cusano Milanino, Cinisello Balsamo, Monza, Bergamo, Brescia, Verona, Vicenza, and Padua.


Autostrada A4 near Milan
Autostrada A4 near Monza
Autostrada A4 near Bergamo
Autostrada A4 near Meolo
Rest area "Scaligera"
Autostrada A4 near Mestre (Passante di Mestre)
Autostrada A4 near Vigonza
Autostrada A4 near Quarto d'Altino
Autostrada A4 near Sistiana
Autostrada Serenissima
Exit↓km↓↑km↑ProvinceEuropean Route
Torino Giulio Cesare0.0523.1TO E64
Torino Abbadia di Stura
Tangenziale Nord
Turin Caselle Airport
Traforo del Frejus - France–Italy border
2.0521.1TO E64
Rest area "Settimo Torinese"3.0520.1TO E64
Settimo Torinese4.0519.1TO E64
Leinì, Volpiano
10.0513.1TO E64
Chivasso ovest14.0509.1TO E64
Chivasso centro
Caluso, Ivrea
16.0507.1TO E64
Chivasso est19.0504.1TO E64
Rondissone24.0499.1TO E64
Toll gate Rondissone24.3498.8TO E64
Rest area "San Rocco"[1]24.4--VC E64
Rest area "Cigliano"[2]--491.2VC E64
Cigliano32.9490.2VC E64
Borgo d'Ale36.8486.3VC E64
- Ivrea - Vercelli
43.8479.3VC E64
45.2477.9VC E64
54.4468.7VC E64
Balocco60.0463.1VC E64
Rest area "Villarboit"64.2458.9VC E64
Greggio67.5455.6VC E64
Genova - Gravellona T.72.4450.7NO E64
Biandrate-Vicolungo73.6449.5NO E64
Novara Ovest82.9440.2NO E64
Rest area "Novara"88.7434.4NO E64
Novara Est90.5432.6NO E64
Strada statale 336 dell'Aeroporto della Malpensa
Milan Malpensa Airport
104.5418.6MI E64
Arluno110.9412.2MI E64
Rho118.4404.7MI E64
Toll gate Milano Ghisolfa120.8402.3MI E64
Tangenziale Ovest di Milano
Varese, Sesto C.
Milan Malpensa Airport
Como, Chiasso
120.9402.2MI E64
Rest area "Pero"122.7400.4MI E64
122.9400.2MI E64
Milano V.le Certosa
Fiera Milano
125.0398.1MI E64
Bresso - Milano Niguarda
Superstrada Milano-Meda-Cermenate
129.5393.6MI E64
Rest area "Lambro"133.6389.5MI E64
Cinisello Balsamo-Sesto San Giovanni
Superstrada Milano-Lecco-Morbegno
Milano V.le Zara
136.1387.0MI E64
Toll gate Milano est138.0385.1MB E64
Tangenziale Nord Milano
138.0385.1MB E64
Tangenziale Est Milano
Milan Linate Airport
144.5378.6MB E64
Agrate Brianza145.5377.6MB E64
Tangenziale est esterna di Milano
Milan Linate Airport
146.3376.8MB E64
Rest area "Brianza"148.4374.7MB E64
Cavenago-Cambiago149.7373.4MB E64
Trezzo sull'Adda156.8366.3MI E64
Capriate160.3362.8BG E64
Rest area "Brembo"165.7357.4BG E64
Dalmine165.4357.7BG E64
Milan Bergamo Airport
172.1351.0BG E64
Seriate178.7344.4BG E64
Grumello-Telgate187.3335.8BG E64
Ponte Oglio190.6332.5BG E64
Palazzolo192.8330.3BS E64
Rest area "Sebino"197.5325.6BS E64
Rovato201.0322.1BS E64
Ospitaletto206.0317.1BS E64
BreBeMi [3]210.0313.1BS E64
Rest area "Val Trompia"213.7309.4BS E64
Brescia Ovest
Fiera di Brescia
214.9308.2BS E64
Brescia Centro
Brescia Sud

222.3300.8BS E64
Rest area "S. Giacomo"226.5296.6BS E70
Brescia Est
Brescia Montichiari Airport
228.8294.3BS E70
Desenzano243.9279.2BS E70
Rest area "Monte Alto"244.6278.5BS E70
Sirmione251.3271.8BS E70
Peschiera258.8264.3VR E70
Castelnuovo del Garda (under construction)
superstrada Strada Statale 450 di Affi
263.1260.0VR E70
Verona Villafranca Airport
270.4252.7VR E70
Rest area "Monte Baldo"271.7251.4VR E70
Autostrada A22
Verona nord
Verona Villafranca Airport
275.3247.8VR E70
Verona Sud279.8243.3VR E70
Verona Est
Transpolesana: Legnago - Rovigo
289.7233.4VR E70
Rest area "Scaligera"300.7222.4VR E70
Soave302.4220.7VR E70
Montebello311.4211.7VI E70
Montecchio320.6202.5VI E70
Rest area "Villa Morosini ovest"324.8198.3VI E70
Vicenza Ovest326.6196.5VI E70
Vicenza Est334.2188.9VI E70
Piovene Rocchette
Vicenza nord
335.6187.5VI E70
Rest area "Tesina est"336.0187.1VI E70
Grisignano343.3179.8VI E70
Rest area "Limenella"354.5168.6PD E70
Padova Ovest
Tangenziale di Padova
356.2166.9PD E70
Padova Est
Tangenziale di Padova
363.3159.8PD E70
Bologna - Padova
Padova industrial area
364.2158.9PD E70
Rest area "Arino"372.5150.6VE E70
Tangenziale di Venezia - Mestre (west)374.6148.5VE E70
Spinea380.9142.2VE E70
Martellago - Scorzè389.4133.7VE E70
Preganziol400.0123.1TV E70
Venezia Tessera Aiport
Tangenziale di Venezia (north)
402.0121.1TV E70
Tangenziale di Venezia - Quarto d'Altino (east)
Venezia Tessera Aiport
407.0116.1VE E70
Meolo-Roncade416.0107.1VE-TV E55
San Donà di Piave-Noventa424.099.1VE E55
Rest area "Calstorta"431.092.1VE E70
Cessalto432.091.1TV E55
Santo Stino di Livenza439.084.1VE E55
Conegliano452.071.1VE E55
Rest area "Fratta"456.067.1VE E55
Latisana467.056.1UD E55
San Giorgio di Nogaro-Porpetto483.040.1UD E55
Rest area "Gonars"487.036.1VE E70
Austria–Italy border - Villach - Vienna
490.033.1UD E70
Palmanova491.032.1UD E70
Villesse - Gorizia
Italy–Slovenia border - Nova Gorica
501.022.1GO E70
Redipuglia - Monfalcone Ovest
di Ronchi dei Legionari
Trieste Ronchi dei Legionari Airport
506.017.1GO E70
Toll gate Lisert515.08.1GO E70
Monfalcone Est515.08.1GO E70
Rest area "Duino"519.04.1TS E70
Duino520.03.1TS E70
Trieste - Italy–Slovenia border - Rabuiese - Istria
523.00.1TS E70
Spur Sistiana - Padriciano Italy–Slovenia border
523.10.0TS E70

See also

Other Italian roads


  1. Only in the direction of Trieste
  2. Only in the direction of Turin
  3. Only in the direction of Milan
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