List of islands of Massachusetts

The islands of Massachusetts range from barren, almost completely submerged rocks in Massachusetts Bay (e.g. Abbott Rock, first on the list below) to the large, famous and heavily visited Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket.

The recent history of Massachusetts' islands includes creation by flooding, connection to the mainland and subsumption into new land. Several islands existed as hills in western Worcester County and eastern Hampshire County until the 1930s, when the Swift River was dammed amid controversy to create the Quabbin Reservoir to meet demand for water in the Boston metropolitan area. Castle Island, Deer Island and Nut Island, all in Boston Harbor, have been attached to the mainland and remain islands in name only. Castle and Nut Islands now form the ends of peninsulas due to land reclamation, while Deer Island was attached to Winthrop Peninsula by the New England Hurricane of 1938. Governors Island and Apple Island now constitute the land underneath the runways and tarmacs of Logan International Airport and are included in this list despite their disappearance. Many of the Boston Harbor islands that are located under Logan's flight paths are part of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area.

Although most of the islands are in or near the Atlantic Ocean, several islands in western Massachusetts are found in the Connecticut River and a few others are surrounded by natural or man made lakes, ponds and wetlands.

Name Municipality Populated? Terrain Notes
Abbot RockSalemuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Abiels LedgeWarehamuninhabited barrenminor rock
Abnecotants IslandNantucketuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Alden IslandDuxburyinhabited?residenceminor island / wetland
Aldridge LedgeBostonuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Alleghany RockVineyard Havenuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Allen RockEdgartownuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Allen RockSalisburyuninhabitedbarrenminor rock / wetland
Amrita IslandBourne inhabitedresidential area
Angelica RockFairhavenuninhabitedbarrenminor island, privately owned
Anuxanon IslandLakevilleuninhabitedheavily forested
Apple IslandBostonuninhabited commercial usepart of the Logan Int'l Airport complex
Archer RockMarbleheaduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Averills IslandTopsfielduninhabitedforestedwetland
Babson LedgeGloucesteruninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bachelor IslandGosnolduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Badgers RockSalisburyuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bagwell IslandIpswichuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Bailey FlatWestportuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Bakers IslandSaleminhabitedresidential areaisolated community
Bar RockWestportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bar RockScituateuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Baret IslandGosnolduninhabitedbarrenminor island
Barrel RockCohassetuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Barstow RockMattapoisettuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bartlett RockRockportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bartlett RockMarshfielduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bartletts IslandMarshfieldinhabitedresidential areawetland
Barton IslandGill uninhabitedforestedminor island
Bass LedgeNantucketuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bass RockIpswichuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bass RockNahantuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bass Rock[1]Quincy/Weymouthuninhabited barrenminor rock
Bassetts IslandBourneinhabitedresidential areaisolated community
Bates IslandWebsteruninhabitedforestedminor island
Bates RockScituateuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bear IslandFoxboroughinhabited?residence?isolated (residence?)
Bear IslandScituateuninhabitedheavily forestedminor island
Bearse RockHyannisuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Beaver IslandRoweuninhabitedheavily forested
Bemo LedgeGloucesteruninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bench RockBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bents LedgeDartmouthuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Big Pine IslandWestportuninhabitedforested?
Big Quamino RockCohassetuninhabitedbarrenmid-size rock
Big Ram IslandWestportuninhabitedbarrenwetland
Big RockTisburyuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Billingsgate IslandWellfleetuninhabitedbarrenabandoned settlement
Bird IslandMarionuninhabitedbarrenminor island / has tower structure
Black RockFairhavenuninhabitedbarrenminor island / has beacon structure
Black RockNahantuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Black RockBeverlyuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Black RockGloucesteruninhabitedbarrenminor rock / wetland
Black RockGloucesteruninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Black RockBostonuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Blind RockBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Blue Fish RockMarshfielduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Blueberry IslandWinchendon inhabitedresidential area
Boohoo LedgeManchester-by-the-Seauninhabited barrenminor rock
Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area(Boston Harbor)inhabited National Recreation AreaU.S. Coast Guard station / compilation of islands
Boutwell IslandGrotonuninhabitedstate forestJ Harry Rich State Forest
Boynton IslandGloucesterinhabited?residence?wetland
Brace RockGloucesteruninhabitedbarrenlarge rock
Brant IslandMattapoisettinhabitedresidential area
Brant Rock Marshfield uninhabitedbarrenlarge rock
Briggs RockWestportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
BrimblesSalemuninhabitedbarrenminor rocks
Brooklyn RockFairhavenuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Brown IslandMarbleheadabandonedprivate conservation land (Trustees of Reservations)
Browns IslandNewburyuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Brush IslandOak Bluffsuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Brush IslandCohassetuninhabitedbarrenminor island
*Buck RockManchester-by-the-Seauninhabited barrenminor rock
Buckthorn RockCohassetuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Bull IslandGosnoldinhabited?residence?
Bull IslandEssexuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Bumpkin IslandHinghaminhabited?state parkruins / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Burnham RocksGloucester?uninhabitedbarrenminor rocks
Button IslandHinghamuninhabited forestedminor island / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Calf IslandBostonuninhabited state parkruins / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Calf IslandsBostonuninhabitedstate park ruins / compilation of islands / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Canary IslandHatfielduninhabitedheavily forested
Canoe RockWestportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Cape CodBarnstableinhabitedthickly settled towns and villages, heavily forested, wetlandsforested, minor and major rock
Carr IslandSalisburyuninhabitedwetlandState Wildlife Management Area
Carrick IslandPetershamuninhabitedforested
Castle RockNahantuninhabitedbarrenmid-size rock
Caswell RockMarbleheaduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Cataumet RockFalmouthuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Cedar IslandDartmouthuninhabitedheavily forestedminor island / wetland
Cedar IslandGosnolduninhabitedbarrenminor island
Cedar IslandWarehamuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Cemetery IslandClintonuninhabitedheavily forested
Chaces IslandNewbury/Newburyportuninhabitedbarren
Channel RockBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Channel Rock(Nantucket Sound)uninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Chapman IslandPetershamuninhabitedbarren
Chappaquiddick IslandEdgartowninhabitedresidential arealarge island
Checkerberry IslandWebsteruninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Children's IslandSaleminhabitedSummer Camp, property of YMCA
Childs IslandMedfielduninhabitedheavily forestedminor island / wetland
Chittenden RockCohassetuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Choate Island
Chubb IslandBeverlyuninhabitedbarrenmid-size rock
Church RockBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Church RockNew Bedforduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Clapps IslandMarionuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Clark IslandOtis/Tollanduninhabited state forestTolland State Forest
Clark's IslandPlymouthinhabitedresidential area
Cleveland East LedgeFalmouthlocation of Cleveland East Ledge Lightbarrenminor rock
Cleveland IslandMashpeeuninhabitedheavily forestedminor island
Cleveland LedgeMattapoisettuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Cobble IslandWebsterinhabitedresidenceisolated residence
Coffin RockFalmouth uninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Commissioners LedgeBostonuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Common IslandDuxburyuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Cone RockBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Coney IslandSalemabandonedlight growth, small salt marshminor island
Coney Island RockSalemuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Conspiracy IslandBerkleyuninhabitedlight growthminor island
Cooks IslandKingstonuninhabitedbarrenminor island
Cormorant RockSalemuninhabitedbarrenmid-size rock
Cormorant RockMattapoisettuninhabitedbarrenhas beacon / minor island
Corn IslandEssexuninhabitedforestedminor island / wetland
Corys IslandWestportuninhabitedbarren
Cove LedgeManchester-by-the-Seauninhabited barrenminor rock
Crescent IslandFoxboroughuninhabitedheavily forestedminor island
Cross Farm HillIpswichuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Cross IslandEssexinhabited residential areawetland / privately owned
Crow IslandFairhaveninhabitedresidenceminor island
Crow Island RockManchester-by-the-Seauninhabited barrenminor rock
Crowninshield IslandMarbleheadabandonedsmall pine forestTrustees of Reservations property
Cunningham LedgeBoylstonuninhabited minor island
Cuttyhunk IslandGosnoldinhabitedresidential arealarge island
Dartmouth RockDartmouthuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
David RockGloucesteruninhabitedbarren
Davids IslandWeymouthuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Davis Neck
Dead NeckBarnstableuninhabitedbarren
Dean IslandEssexuninhabitedforestedminor island / wetland
Decatur RockNew Bedforduninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Deer IslandAmesburyinhabited?commercial use?minor island
Deer IslandBoston HarboruninhabitedBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Den Hill Island
Devils Foot IslandFalmouth uninhabitedbarrenminor island
Devilsfoot IslandMedfielduninhabitedforestedminor island / wetland
Dighton RockBerkleyuninhabitedstate park minor rock / Dighton Rock State Park / Massachusetts' (official) state explorer rock
Dilly IslandEssexuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
Dodge RockRockportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Dogfish LedgeWestportuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Dole IslandNewburyuninhabited nat. wildlife refugeminor island / wetland / Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Dolphin RockSwampscottuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Dread LedgeSwampscottuninhabitedbarrenminor rock
Dry SalvagesRockportuninhabitedbarrencompilation of islands
Duck IslandBarnstableuninhabitedbarrenminor island / wetland
E IslandAuburndaleuninhabitedforestedminor island / wetland
Eagle IslandSalemuninhabitedlight growthminor island
Egg RockNahantuninhabitedvery light growthmajor rock
Elizabeth Island Arlington uninhabited forested minor island
Fish IslandNew Bedford
Fox IslandWalthamuninhabitedforestedminor island
Gallops IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Gerry Island
Georges IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Gooseberry IslandSalemuninhabitedlight growthminor island
Governors Island
Grape IslandWeymouthBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Great Bank
Great Brewster IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Great Egg Island
Great Flat
Great IslandWellfleetuninhabitedGreat Island Trail [2]
Great Misery IslandSalemuninhabited/abandonednature preserve (Trustees of Reservations)minor island
Green IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Gull IslandGosnold
Gunning Island
Hales IslandHaverhill
Halfmoon Flat
Halfway Pond IslandPlymouthuninhabited?research natural area (The Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts)minor island
Hangman IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Hog IslandEssexuninhabited?spruce forest, wetlandslocation site for The Crucible (1996 film)
Holy IslandIpswich
House IslandManchester-by-the-Sea
Kettle Island
Langlee IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Little Brewster IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Little Calf IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Little Island
Little Misery IslandSalem, Massachusetts
Little Quabbin Island
Little Ram Island
Little Salvages
Long Beach Rock
Long IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Lovell's IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Marblehead Rockuninhabitedlarge rock
Martha's VineyardAquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, West Tisburyinhabited year roundresidential/commercialWell-developed summer attraction
Middle Brewster IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Middle Ground
Milk IslandRockport, Massachusetts
Monomoy IslandChatham
Monohamsett Island
Moon IslandQuincyuninhabitedtraining facilitiesBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Morris Island
Mount Zion IslandPetershamuninhabitedforestedin Quabbin Reservoir; access not permitted[3]
Muskeget IslandNantucketuninhabiteddunes, marsh2 buildings; inaccessible by most boats
NantucketNantucketinhabited year roundresidential, commercialWell-developed tourist attraction
Nashawena IslandGosnoldinhabited year roundPrivately owned
Naushon IslandGosnoldinhabited year roundPrivately owned
Newton Island
Nixes MateBoston Harboruninhabitedgranite rocknavigation aid / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Nomans LandChilmark
Nonamesset IslandGosnold
Nut IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Onset IslandWareham
Osterville Grand Island
Outer Brewster IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Palmers Island
Park Island
Parker Hill Island
Pasque IslandGosnold
Peddocks IslandBoston HarborinhabitedruinsBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Penikese IslandGosnold
Pierce Island
Pine Island
Plum IslandNewburyport, Newbury, Ipswich, and Rowleyinhabitedresidential, commercial and wildlife sanctuaryPlum Island State Park at southern tip
Popes Island
Popponesset IslandMashpee
Prince Head
Raccoon IslandBoston Harboruninhabitedgravel/rockBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Ragged IslandHinghamuninhabitedplants/treesBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Rainsford IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Ram IslandSalisburyuninhabitedwetlands and treesState Wildlife Management Area
Roger Island
Round Island
Sampsons IslandBarnstable, Massachusettsuninhabitedscrub pine, oak, sand, marshMass. Audubon wildlife sanctuary[4]
Sanford Flat
Sarah IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Sea Ledge
Seal Island
Seymour IslandPlymouth (in Billington Sea)uninhabited?forestedminor island
Shag RocksBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Sheep Island[5]Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Sipson IslandOrleansinhabitedPleasant Bay, Cape Cod, private
Sipson Meadow
Slate Island[6]Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Snake IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Southworth Island
Spectacle IslandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Spinnaker Island
Stall Hill IslandTaunton
Stevens Island
Straitsmouth Islandlocation of Straitsmouth Island Light
Strong Island
Tenpound Island
Tern Island
Thacher IslandRockport
The Gravesunincorporated areainhabitedbarrenmajor rock / privately owned / aid to navigation / Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Thimble IslandBostonuninhabitedbarrenRock outcrop in the Dorchester Bay is the middle shaft of the old sewer tunnel under Dorchester Bay between Moon Island and Columbia Point[7]
Thompson IslandBostonuninhabited, used by Outward Boundforested, marshlandBoston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Tilden Island
Tinker's IslandSaleminhabitedsparse growth
Tobys Island
Tuckernuck IslandNantucketyes, summerscrub oak/heath~35 houses, no roads or electricity
Uncatena IslandGosnold
Veckatimest IslandGosnold
Walker Hill Island
Washburn IslandFalmouth
Weepecket IslandsGosnold
West IslandFairhaven
Whites Flat
Wickets IslandWareham
Woodbridge Island

See also

  • Islands of the Northeast United States


  1. Bass Rock is federally recognized and is designated as an island in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, referenced in the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), which is developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN), according to the USGS website. Bass Rock's designated number on the GNIS is either #617550 Archived 2005-12-10 at the Wayback Machine, #613293, or #614043 .
  2. Great Island Trail, National Park Service
  3. "Quabbin Reservoir Watershed System" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-10-05. Retrieved 2020-05-20.
  4. "Sampsons Island Wildlife Sanctuary".
  5. Island Facts: Sheep Island - Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service)
  6. Island Facts: Slate Island - Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park Service)
  7. "Moon Island and the Old Boston Drainage System". Boston Harbor Beacon. Retrieved 3 March 2018.
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