
Vasil Troyanov Boyanov (Bulgarian: Васил Троянов Боянов; born 7 March 1978), professionally known as Azis (Bulgarian: Азис), is a Bulgarian recording artist of Romani ethnicity.[3][4] Azis initially rose to prominence in Eastern Europe performing songs mostly in chalga, a genre which can be described as the Bulgarian rendition of pop-folk. Azis has collaborated with other Bulgarian pop-folk singers, such as Gloria, Malina, Sofi Marinova, Toni Storaro, and with Bulgarian rap artists – Ustata and Vanko 1.[5][6] Other than that, his repertoire includes duets with singers from the former Yugoslavia, including Indira Radić, Marta Savić, Jelena Karleuša and Severina.

Background information
Birth nameVasil Troyanov Boyanov
Also known asAzis
Born (1978-03-07) 7 March 1978[1][2]
Sliven, Bulgaria[2]
GenresChalga, pop-folk
Occupation(s)Singer, musician, writer, activist, television show host
Years active1999–present

Boyanov performed "Let Me Cry" at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with Mariana Popova, staying in the semi-finals.[7][8]

Other than his acclaimed career as a vocalist, he competed unsuccessfully in the 2005 Bulgarian parliamentary election as a member of the Euroroma party.[9]

Azis remains a prominent figure in the Bulgarian music scene.


Azis was born Vasil Troyanov Boyanov in Sliven, although his childhood was spent in Kostinbrod and Sofia. In 1989, after the fall of communism in Bulgaria, he moved with his family to Germany. There, his sister, Matilda, and brother Ryan were born. Azis married Nikolay "Niki Kitaetsa" Petrov Parvanov on 1 October 2006. Their marriage is not legally recognized under Bulgarian law.[10] Azis' daughter was born on 5 August 2007 and was named Raya. Her mother is Azis' longtime friend, Gala.[10] In 2008, Azis and Parvanov separated amicably.[11]


In late November 2007, Boyko Borisov, then mayor of Sofia, censored billboards of Azis kissing Niki Kitaetsa, which pictured both men shirtless[12][13] on the basis they were too graphic in nature. The picture was then censored in other cities in Bulgaria.[14]

In 2021, Azis was scheduled to perform at the Balkan Fair in Kestel, Bursa, Turkey, but the performance was cancelled after a campaign by Islamists targeting Azis' LGBT identity.[15]


  • In 2007, Azis and Kitaetsa appeared in the VIP Brother 2 edition of Big Brother Bulgaria. Azis left the house voluntarily after nineteen days.[9]
  • Azis was interviewed in the second episode of Michael Palin's New Europe.
  • In 2008 on PRO.BG, Azis co-hosted the talk show Azis' Late Night Show with actress Ekaterina Evro.
  • In August 2012, Anonymous used the video clip to Azis' song "Mrazish" to deface the website of the Russian court Khamovnichesky, where the members of the band Pussy Riot were convicted.[16]
  • Azis was a contestant on the widely popular reality show Kato dve kapki voda, which is the Bulgarian version of Your Face Sounds Familiar. After twelve weeks and a wide specter of highly praised and enjoyed performances, he placed second. In early 2021, he was announced as one of the returning participants in the forthcoming ninth All Stars season of the show.


Greek laïko vocalist Panos Kiamos, made a cover of Azis' single "Sen Trope" entitled "Fotia me Fotia" (Fire to Fire). Serbian turbo-folk singer Dragan Kojić Keba covered the same song as "Ona to zna" (She Knows That), as well as the Romanian singer Florin Salam as "Saint Tropez".

In November 2012, the Greek singer Giorgos Tsalikis made a cover of Azis' song "Hop", entitled "Asto" (Let it).


Studio albums

YearOriginal titleTransliterationMeaning in English
2000Мъжете също плачатMazhete sashto plachatMen also cry
2003На голоNa goloIn the nude
2004КралятKralyatThe King
2004Together- Заедно с Деси СлаваTogether- Zaedno s Desi SlavaTogether (with Desi Slava)
2005AZIS 2005Azis 2005AZIS 2005
2011Гадна породаGadna PorodaNasty breed
2014Azis 2014Azis 2014Azis 2014

Compilation albums

YearOriginal titleTransliterationMeaning in English
2002The BestThe Best
2005The Best 2The Best 2

EPs (Maxi singles)

YearOriginal titleTransliterationMeaning in English
2003Целувай ме+Tseluvay me+Kiss me+
2004Как болиKak boliHow it hurts

Videography / Songs

YearOriginal titleTransliterationTranslation
1999"Автомонтьор"AvtomontyorAuto mechanic
2000"Мъжете също плачат"Mazhete sashto plachatMen cry too
2001"Хвани ме де"Hvani me deCatch me
2001"Обичам те"Obicham teI love you
2002"Няма"NyamaI won't
2002"Делник и празник"
(дует с Кали)
Delnik i praznikWeekday and weekend
(with Kali)
2002"Дай ми го дай"Day mi go dayGive it to me
2003"Всеки път"Vseki patEvery time
2003"Никой не може"Nikoy ne mozheNo one can
2003"Целувай ме"Tseluvay meKiss me
2004"Как боли"Kak boliHow it hurts
2004"Хайде почвай ме"Hayde pochvay meLet me soil
2004"Не сме безгрешни"
(дует с Глория)
Ne sme bezgreshniWe're not sinless
(with Gloria)
2004"Казваш, че ме обичаш"
(дует с Деси Слава)
Kazvash, che me obichashYou say that you love me
(with Desi Slava)
2004"Но казвам ти стига"No kazvam ti stigaBut I'm telling you to stop
2004"Ледена кралица"Ledena kralitsaIce Queen
2005"Обречи ме на любов"Obrechi me na lyubovCondemn me to love
2005"Точно сега"
(дует с Устата)
Tochno segaRight now
(with Ustata)
2005"Верността е лъжа"
(дует с Марта Савич)
Vernostta e lazhaDevotion is a lie
(with Marta Savić)
2005"Не знаеш"
(дует с Малина)
Ne znaeshYou don't know
(with Malina)
2005"Като скитница"Kato skitnitsaLike a Wanderer
2006"Празнуваш ли сега"Praznuvash li segaAre you celebrating now
2006"Черните очи"
(дует с Малина)
Chernite ochiThe black eyes
(with Malina)
2006"Тежко ли ти е"Tezhko li ti eIs it hard for you
2007"Подлудяваш ме"Podludyavash meYou drive me crazy
2009"Теб обичам"Teb obichamLoving you
2009"Накарай ме"Nakaray meMake me
2009"Имаш ли сърце"Imash li sartseDo you have a heart
2010"Дай ми лед"Day mi ledGive me ice
2010"Луд ме правиш"
(дует с Ванко 1)
Lud me pravishYou make me crazy
(with Vanko 1)
2010"Удряй ме"Udryay meHit me
2011"Няма накъде"Nyama nakadeNowhere
2011"Гадна порода"Gadna porodaNasty breed
2011"Сен Тропе"Sen TropeSaint-Tropez
2012"Кажи честно"Kazhi chestnoTell me honestly
2012"Пробвай се"
(дует с Андреа)
Probvay seGive it a try
(feat. Andrea)
2012"Ти за мен си само секс"Ti za men si samo seksYou're just sex for me
2012"Нещо мръсно"Neshto mrasnoSomething dirty
2013"Евала"EvalaWell done
2013"Хайде на морето"Hayde na moretoLet's go to the sea
2013"Ти ме размаза"Ti me razmazaYou crushed me
2013"Като тебе втори няма"
(дует с Ванко 1)
Kato tebe vtori nyamaThere's nobody like you
(with Vanko 1)
2014"Ти ли си"
(дует с Ваня)
Ti li siIs it you
(with Vanya)
2014"Пий цяла нощ"Piy tsyala noshtDrink all night
2014"Колко сме пили"
(with Тони Стораро)
Kolko sme piliHow much we drank
(with Toni Storaro)
2014"Каза ли го"
(дует с Мария)
Kaza li go
(with Maria)
did you say it (with Maria)
2014Estar Loco
(with Giorgos Tsalikis)
To be crazy
(Giorgos Tsalikis)
2014"Чуй ме"
(дует с Мария)
Chuy meHear me
(with Maria)
2015"Джанъм, джанъм"Djanam, djanamDarling, darling
2015"Моля те не ми звъни"
(дует с Мария)
Molya te ne mi zvaniPlease don't call me
(with Maria)
(дует с Фики)
(with Fiki)
2018"Позна ли ме?"Pozna li me?Did you recognize me?
2019"Циганче"CigancheGypsy kid
2023"По, По, По"Po, Po, PoBetter, Better, Better


  • 2003: Шоу спектакъл
  • 2004: Нищо лично
  • 2004: The best videoclips
  • 2004: Together with Desi Slava
  • 2005: AZIS 2005
  • 2005: Дуети (Duets)
  • 2006: Аз, Азис ( I, Azis) (CD)
  • 2007: Azis


List of non-single guest appearances, with other performing artists, showing year released and album name
Title Year Artist(s) Album
"Sezam" 2011 Indira Radić Istok, sever, jug i zapad
"Mama" 2012 Marta Savić 13
"Fališ mi" 2022 Severina


  • Аз, Азис (Book and CD) (2006)


  1. "Профилът на Азис" [Azis Profile]. (in Bulgarian). Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  2. Silverman, Carol (24 May 2012). Romani Routes: Cultural Politics and Balkan Music in Diaspora. Oxford University Press. p. 189. ISBN 9780195300949. Retrieved 3 January 2014.
  3. Samson, J. (2013). Music in the Balkans. BRILL. p. 610. ISBN 9789004250383. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  4. Kenrick, D. (2010). The A to Z of the Gypsies (Romanies). Scarecrow Press. p. 35. ISBN 9781461672272. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  5. Haj-Najafa, D. (12 May 2009). "Kitsch of the Day, Azis i Ustata's 'Tochno Sega'". The New York Times. Men's Fashion blog. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  6. Watkins, R.; Deliso, C. (2008). Bulgaria. Lonely Planet. p. 52. ISBN 9781741044744. Retrieved 1 January 2014 via Internet Archive. azis bulgaria.
  7. Taras, R (2008). Europe Old and New: Transnationalism, Belonging, Xenophobia. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 200. ISBN 9780742557345. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  8. Fricker, K; Gluhovic, M, eds. (2013). Performing the 'New' Europe: Identities, Feelings and Politics in the Eurovision Song Contest. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137367976. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  9. Imre, A (2009). Identity Games: Globalization and the Transformation of Media Cultures in the New Europe. MIT Press. p. 125. ISBN 9780262090452. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  10. "Bulgaria's Gay Idol Becomes Father". 5 August 2007. Retrieved 4 January 2014.
  11. "Азис и Китаеца се разделиха без скандали" [Azis and a Chinese parted without scandals]. (in Bulgarian). 29 April 2008. Archived from the original on 4 January 2014. Retrieved 29 December 2016.
  12. Kourtova P; Attwood F; et al., eds. (2012). Controversial Images: Media Representations on the Edge. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 60. ISBN 9781137291998. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  13. Daskalova K, et al. (2012). Gendering Post-socialist Transition: Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 85. ISBN 9783643902290. Retrieved 1 January 2014.
  14. "Свалят скандални билбордове на Азис и Китаеца в София" [Download scandalous billboards Azis and Kitaetsa in Sofia]. (in Bulgarian). 20 November 2007.
  15. Buyuk, Hamdi Firat (14 September 2021). "Islamist Backlash Cancels Bulgarian LGBT Star's Concert in Turkey". Balkan Insight. Retrieved 14 September 2021.
  16. "Anonymous defaces website of court that convicted Pussy Riot". The Guardian. United Kingdom. 22 August 2012.
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