Cabinet of Haiti

The Cabinet of Haiti is an executive body of the Republic of Haiti. The Cabinet is the collective decision-making body of the entire government under the Office of the Prime Minister, composed of the Prime Minister and several Cabinet Ministers.[1][2]

List of ministries

Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation Ricard Pierre 347, Ave John Brown (Bourdon), Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of the Environment James Cadet Delmas 31, Rue Jacques 1 # 11, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Defense Enold Joseph Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ricarden St-Jean 6 Rue Legitimate, Port-au-Prince, Haiti HT-00116
Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training Nesmy Manigat 5, Ave Jean-Paul II, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Economy and Finance Michel Patrick Boisvert 22 Avenue Charles Summer, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Justice and Public Security Emmelie Prophète 19 Charles Sumner Avenue, Port-au-Prince, Haitdf
Ministry of Culture and Communication Emmelie Prophète Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Tourism Luz Kurta Cassandra François 8, Rue Legitimate (Champs-de-Mars), Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Charlot Bredy Route Nationale No. 1, Damien, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor Pierre Ricot Odney Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Interior and Territorial Communities Ariel Henry Palais des Ministeres, Champs de Mars, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Minister of Public Health and Population Alix Larsen 111, Rue Saint-Honore, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship Jean Victor Généus Boulevard Harry Truman, Cité de l'Exposition, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (Haiti) Rosemond Pradel Palais des Ministeres, Rue Monseigneur Guilloux, B.P. 2002, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action Raymonde Rival Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights Sofia Loreus Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ministry of Haitians Living as Foreigners Judith Nazareth Auguste Rue Prosper No. 8, Bourdon, Musseau, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, HT6140
Minister Delegated to the Prime Minister in charge of social programs and projects of the Government Edouard Jules Port-au-Prince, Haiti


4. All Foreign Governments Haiti. (6 September 2023)

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