
Cattleya (/ˈkætliə/)[2] is a genus of orchids from Costa Rica south to Argentina.[1] The genus is abbreviated C in trade journals.[3]

Cattleya labiata
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Epidendreae
Subtribe: Laeliinae
Genus: Cattleya
Type species
Cattleya labiata
    • Sophronia Lindl.
    • Sophronitis Lindl.
    • Maelenia Dumort.
    • Lophoglotis Raf.
    • × Sophrocattleya Rolfe
    • Eunannos Porta & Brade
    • Hoffmannseggella H.G.Jones
    • Dungsia Chiron & V.P.Castro
    • × Hadrocattleya V.P.Castro & Chiron
    • × Hadrodungsia V.P.Castro & Chiron
    • Hadrolaelia (Schltr.) Chiron & V.P.Castro
    • × Microcattleya V.P.Castro & Chiron
    • Microlaelia (Schltr.) Chiron & V.P.Castro
    • Cattleyella Van den Berg & M.W.Chase
    • Schluckebieria Braem
    • × Brasicattleya Campacci
    • Brasilaelia Campacci
    • Chironiella Braem


Epiphytic or terrestrial orchids with cylindrical rhizome from which the fleshy noodle-like roots grow. Pseudobulbs can be conical, spindle-shaped or cylindrical; with upright growth; one or two leaves growing from the top of them. The leaves can be oblong, lanceolate or elliptical, somewhat fleshy, with smooth margin. The inflorescence is a terminal raceme with few or several flowers. Flowers have sepals and petals free from each other; the lip or labellum (lowermost petal), usually has a different coloration and shape from the rest of the flower and covers in part the flower column forming a tube. There are four pollinia (bag-like organs that contain pollen). The fruit is a capsule with many small seeds.[4][5][6]


The genus was named in 1824 by John Lindley after horticulturalist William Cattley. Cattley obtained a specimen of then unnamed Cattleya labiata from William Swainson who had discovered the new plant in Pernambuco, Brazil, in 1817. The plant successfully bloomed under the care of Cattley and it became the type specimen from which Lindley described C. labiata.[7]

Currently accepted species and subgeneric division within genus Cattleya are:[8][9][10][11][12][13]

  • Subgenus Cattleya
    • Section Cattleya
    • Section Crispae
      • Series Cattleyodes
      • Series Hadrolaelia
      • Series Microlaelia
      • Series Parviflorae
      • Series Sophronitis
    • Section Lawrenceanae
  • Subgenus Cattleyella
  • Subgenus Intermediae
  • Subgenus Maximae

Section Cattleya

ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. aureaS. Panama to Colombia300 – 1000 meters
C. dowianaCosta Rica250 – 1200 meters
C. gaskellianaColombia to Trinidad700 – 1000 meters
C. iricolorEcuador to Peru400 – 1220 meters
C. jenmaniiVenezuela to Guyana300 – 600 meters
C. labiataBrazil600 – 900 meters
C. luteolaN. Brazil, Ecuador to Bolivia100 – 1200 meters
C. mendeliiNE. Colombia1300 – 1800 meters
C. mooreanaPeruaround 990 meters
C. mossiaeN. Venezuela900 – 1500 meters
C. percivalianaColombia to W. Venezuela1300 – 2000 meters
C. quadricolorColombia600 – 1500 meters
C. rexPeru to N Boliviaaround 1350 meters
C. schroederaeNE. Colombia.
C. trianaeColombiaaround 1200 meters
C. warneriE. Brazil400 – 900 meters
C. warscewicziiColombia500 – 1700 meters
Series Cattleyodes
ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. crispaSE. Brazil800 – 1500 meters
C. grandisBrazil - SE. Bahia to N. Espírito Santo.
C. lobataSE. Brazil.
C. perriniiSE. Brazil700 – 900 meters
C. purpurataSE. & S. Brazil
C. tenebrosaBrazil - SE. Bahia to Espírito Santo.
C. virensSE. Brazil1000 – 1500 meters
C. xanthinaBrazil - Bahia to Espírito Santo.
Series Hadrolaelia
ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. alaoriiBrazil - Bahia200 – 600 meters
C. bicalhoiBrazil - S. Minas Gerais to Rio de Janeiro500 – 2000 meters
C. jongheanaBrazil - Minas Gerais1300 – 1600 meters
C. praestansSE. Brazil300 – 500 meters
C. pumilaSE. & S. Brazil600 – 1300 meters
C. sincoranaBrazil - Bahia1100 – 1500 meters
Series Microlaelia
ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. lundiiBolivia to Argentina740 – 1000 meters
Series Parviflorae
ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. alvarenguensisBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 800 meters
C. alvaroanaBrazil - Rio de Janeiro
C. angereriBrazil - Minas Gerais1000–1300 meters
C. blumenscheiniiBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1200 meters
C. bradeiBrazil - Minas Gerais1100 – 1400 meters
C. briegeriBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1370 meter
C. campaciiBrazil
C. caulescensBrazil - Minas Gerais600 – 1200 meters
C. cinnabarinaBrazil - S. Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro800 – 1500 meters
C. colnagoiBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. conceicionensisBrazil - Minas Gerais800 – 1200 meters
C. crispataBrazil - Minas Gerais400 – 1200 meters
C. endsfeldziiBrazil - Minas Gerais900 meters
C. esalqueanaBrazil - Minas Gerais1100 – 1300 meters
C. flavasulinaBrazil - Minas Gerais900 – 1440 meters
C. fournieriBrazil - Minas Gerais1100 – 1800 meters
C. ghillanyiBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. gloedenianaBrazil - São Pauloaround 1600 meters
C. gracilisBrazil - Minas Gerais: Serra do Cipó
C. guanhanensisBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1100 meters
C. harpophyllaBrazil - Minas Gerais to Espírito Santo500 – 900 meters
C. hataeBrazil - Minas Gerais1000 – 1100 meters
C. hegerianaBrazil - Rio de Janeiro1000 – 1200 meters
C. hispidulaBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1200 meters
C. hoehneiBrazil - Espírito Santoaround 800 meters
C. itambanaBrazil - Minas Gerais1500 to 2200 meters
C. kautskyanaBrazil - Espírito Santo600 – 1000 meters
C. kettieanaBrazil - Minas Gerais1500 – 2000 meters
C. kleberiBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1100 meters
C. liliputanaBrazil - Minas Gerais: Serra do Ouro Branco1200 – 1400 meters
C. locatelliiBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. longipesSE. Brazil - Serra do Cipó1300 – 2000 meters
C. luetzelburgiiBrazil - Bahia1100 – 1700 meters.
C. macrobulbosaBrazil - Espírito Santoaround 1600 meters
C. marcalianaBrazil - Bahia200 – 300 meters
C. milleriBrazil - Minas Gerais800 – 1300 meters
C. mirandaeBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1300 meters
C. munchowianaBrazil - Espírito Santo1100 – 1300 meters
C. neokautskyiSE. Brazil600 – 1000 meters.
C. pabstiiBrazil - Minas Gerais1200 meters
C. pendulaBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. pfisteriBrazil - Bahiaaround 1300 meters
C. presidentensisBrazil - Minas Gerais1000 – 1300 meters
C. reginaeBrazil - Minas Gerais1200 – 2000 meters
C. rupestrisBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. sanguilobaBrazil – Bahia
C. tereticaulisBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. vandenbergiiBrazil - Minas Gerais
C. vasconcelosianaBrazil - Minas Geraisaround 1100 meters
C. verbooneniiBrazil - Rio de Janeiro
C. viridifloraBrazil - Minas Gerais
Series Sophronitis
ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. acuensisBrazil - Rio de Janeiro1800 – 2100 meters
C. alagoensisBrazil - Alagoas300 – 500 meters
C. brevipedunculataBrazil - Minas Gerais1220 – 2000 meters
C. cernuaBrazil to NE. Argentina2 – 100 meters
C. coccineaBrazil to NE. Argentina650 – 1670 meters
C. dichromaBrazil - Rio de Janeiro1200 – 1525 meters
C. mantiqueiraeSE. Brazil1200 – 1890 meters
C. pygmaeaBrazil - Espírito Santo915 – 1067 meters
C. wittigianaBrazil - Espírito Santo700 – 2000 meters

Section Lawrenceanae

ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. lawrenceanaVenezuela, Guyana, N. Brazil250 – 2400 meters
C. lueddemannianaN. Venezuela0 – 500 meters
C. wallisiiN. Brazil

Subgenus Cattleyella

ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. araguaiensisBrazil395 – 610 meters

Subgenus Intermediae

ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. aclandiaeBrazil100 – 400 meters
C. amethystoglossaBrazilaround 600 meters
C. bicolorSE. Brazil
C. dormanianaBrazil600 – 100 meters
C. elongataBrazil900 – 1500 meters
C. forbesiiBrazilaround 200 meters
C. granulosaBrazil600 – 900 meters
C. guttataBrazil.
C. harrisonianaSE. Brazil
C. intermediaSE. & S. Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
C. kerriiBrazil
C. loddigesiiSE. Brazil to NE. Argentina.
C. nobiliorWC. Brazil to Bolivia170 – 700 meters
C. porphyroglossaBrazil.
C. schillerianaBrazil0 – 800 meters.
C. schofieldianaBrazilaround 900 meters
C. tenuisNE. Brazil1000 – 1200 meters.
C. tigrinaSE. & S. Brazil0 – 100 meters.
C. velutinaBrazil
C. violacealowland Amazon rainforest & Guyana200 – 700 meters
C. walkerianaWC. & SE. Brazil0 – 2000 meters.

Subgenus Maximae

ImageNameDistributionElevation (m)
C. maximaS Ecuador to N Peru10 – 1500 meters

Natural hybrids

Currently accepted natural hybrids are:[13]

  • Cattleya × adrienne (= Cattleya pumila × Cattleya jongheana) (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × albanensis
  • Cattleya × amanda
  • Cattleya × binotii (= ) (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × brasiliensis (= C. bicolor × C. harrisoniana) (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × braunae
  • Cattleya × britoi (= C. crispata x C. mirandae) (Brazil - Minas Gerais)
  • Cattleya × brymeriana (= C. violacea × C. wallisii) (N. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × calimaniana (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × calimaniorum (NE Brazil)
  • Cattleya × carassana (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × cattleyioides (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × cipoensis (Brazil)
  • Cattleya × colnagiana (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × cristinae (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × cypheri
  • Cattleya × dasilvae
  • Cattleya × dayana (= C. forbesii × C. guttata) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × deckeri
  • Cattleya × delicata
  • Cattleya × diamantinensis (= C. pfisteri × C. sincorana) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × dolosa (= C. loddigesii × C. walkeriana) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × dukeana (= C. bicolor × C. guttata) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × duveenii (= C. guttata × C. harrisoniana) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × elegans
  • Cattleya × ericoi
  • Cattleya × feldmanniana
  • Cattleya × fidelensis (Brazil - Rio de Janeiro).
  • Cattleya × frankeana
  • Cattleya × gaezeriana
  • Cattleya × gerhard-santosii
  • Cattleya × gottoana
  • Cattleya × gransabanensis (= C. jenmanii × C. lawrenceana) (Venezuela).
  • Cattleya × gravesiana (= C. lueddemanniana × C. mossiae) (Venezuela).
  • Cattleya × hardyana (= C. dowiana var.aurea × C. warscewiczii) (Colombia).
  • Cattleya × heitoriana
  • Cattleya × hummeliana
  • Cattleya × hybrida (= C. guttata × C. loddigesii) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × imperator (= C. granulata × C. labiata) (NE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × intricata (= C. intermedia × C. leopoldii) (S. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × irrorata
  • Cattleya × isaacii
  • Cattleya × isabella (= C. forbesii × C. intermedia) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × itabapoanaensis
  • Cattleya × jetibaensis
  • Cattleya × joaquiniana (= C. bicolor × C. walkeriana) (Brazil) .
  • Cattleya × kautskyi (= C. harrisoniana × C. warneri) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × kerchoveana
  • Cattleya × labendziana
  • Cattleya × lambari
  • Cattleya × lilacina
  • Cattleya × lucieniana (= C. forbesii × C. granulosa) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × macguiganii
  • Cattleya × measuresii (= C. aclandiae × C. walkeriana) (E. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × mesquitae (= C. nobilior × C. walkeriana) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × mingaensis
  • Cattleya × mixta (= C. guttata × C. schofieldiana) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × moduloi (C. schofieldiana × C. warneri) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × mucugensis
  • Cattleya × neocalimaniana
  • Cattleya × neocalimaniorum
  • Cattleya × neoreginae
  • Cattleya × nesyana
  • Cattleya × occhioniana
  • Cattleya × odiloniana
  • Cattleya × patrocinii (= C. guttata × C. warneriana) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × picturata (= C. guttata × C. intermedia) (SE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × pittiana
  • Cattleya × porphyritis
  • Cattleya × porphyrophlebia
  • Cattleya × raganii
  • Cattleya × resplendens (= C. granulosa × C. schilleriana) (NE. Brazil)
  • Cattleya × rigbyana
  • Cattleya × ruschii
  • Cattleya × sancheziana
  • Cattleya × schroederiana
  • Cattleya × schunkiana
  • Cattleya × schunkii
  • Cattleya × scita (= C. intermedia × C. tigrina) (S. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × sgarbii
  • Cattleya × sororia
  • Cattleya × tenuata (= C. elongata × C. tenuis) (Brazil) .
  • Cattleya × varelae
  • Cattleya × venosa (= C. forbesii × C. harrisoniana) (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × verelii
  • Cattleya × victoria-regina ( C. guttata × C. labiata) (NE. Brazil).
  • Cattleya × victoriacarolinae
  • Cattleya × wetmorei
  • Cattleya × whitei
  • Cattleya × wilsoniana (= C. bicolor × C. intermedia). (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × wyattiana (= C. crispa × C. lobata). (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × zaslawskii (= C. harpophylla × C. praestans). (Brazil).
  • Cattleya × zayrae (= C. amethystoglossa × C. elongata). (Bahia, Brazil)


Hybrids of Cattleya and other genera are placed in the following nothogenera:

  • × Brassocattleya = Brassavola × Cattleya
  • × Brassolaeliocattleya = Brassavola × Cattleya × Laelia
  • × Cattleytonia = Cattleya × Broughtonia
  • × Laeliocattleya = Cattleya × Laelia
  • × Rhyncholaeliocattleya = Rhyncholaelia × Cattleya


Cattleya mossiae fo. coerulea
  • Light
Cattleyas need light, but not direct sunlight; in case of intense sunlight, shade must be provided.[14]
  • Temperature
Day temperatures must be between 25-30 °C (77-86 °F) and night temperatures not lower than 10-12 °C (50-53.6 °F).[14]
  • Humidity
Must be between 40-70% with good ventilation; however plants must not be exposed to air currents.[15]
  • Watering
Water only if substrate is dry. It can be done once a week, but it all depends on the environmental conditions and the season.[15]
  • Fertilizing
Cattleyas can survive without fertilizing. However, it is advisable to use nitrogen-based fertilizers without urea; fertilizers must be applied during the growth season.[15] To avoid salt accumulation in the substrate, water thoroughly between fertilizer applications.[15]


  1. "Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families". Royal botanic Gardens Kew. Retrieved 21 February 2017.
  2. Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607
  3. "Alphabetical list of standard abbreviations of all generic names occurring in current use in orchid hybrid registration as at 31st December 2007" (PDF). Royal Horticultural Society.
  4. Buzatto, Cristiano Roberto; Ferreira, Priscila Porto Alegre; Welker, Cassiano Aimberê Dorneles; Seger, Guilherme Dubal dos Santos; Hertzog, Anelise; Singer, Rodrigo B. (2010). "O gênero Cattleya Lindl. (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae) no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil". Revista Brasileira de Biociências (in Portuguese). 8 (4). ISSN 1980-4849.
  5. Withner, C. (1988). The Cattleyas and Their Relatives. Vol. 1: The Cattleyas. Timber Press. pp. 29–30. ISBN 9780881920994.
  6. Schweinfurth, C., "Orchidaceae, Orchids of Peru", Fieldiana, Botany 30(3): 535
  7. "Cattleya, Queen of the Orchids: The Showy Cattleya, Queen of the Orchids, BEGINNERS' HANDBOOK - XV". Retrieved 29 June 2017.
  8. Van den Berg, Cássio (2014). "Reaching a compromise between conflicting nuclear and plastid phylogenetic trees: a new classification for the genus Cattleya (Epidendreae; Epidendroideae; Orchidaceae)". Phytotaxa. 186 (2): 75. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.186.2.2. ISSN 1179-3163.
  9. "Laelia gracilis - IOSPE PHOTOS". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
  10. "Cattleya hispidula - IOSPE PHOTOS". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
  11. "Cattleya gracilis (Pabst) Van den Berg — The Plant List". Retrieved 28 June 2017.
  12. van den Berg, Cássio (2016). "Nomenclatural notes on Laeliinae-VI. Further combinations in Cattleya (Orchidaceae)". Neodiversity. 9 (1): 4–5. doi:10.13102/neod.91.2.
  13. "Cattleya - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew". Archived from the original on 8 September 2009. Retrieved 1 July 2017.
  14. Schoser, Gustav (1993). Orchid Growing Basics. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 64. ISBN 9780806903620.
  15. "Cattleyas for the Beginner - Part 1". Retrieved 3 July 2017.
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