List of cities and towns in Jamaica

The following is a list of the most populous settlements in Jamaica.


Kingston, capital of Jamaica

The following definitions have been used:

  • City: Official city status on a settlement is only conferred by Act of Parliament. Only three areas have the designation; Kingston when first incorporated in 1802[1][2] reflecting its early importance over the then capital Spanish Town, Montego Bay being granted the status in 1980,[3][4][5][6] and Portmore, whose municipal council was given the city title in 2018.[7] It is not necessarily based on population counts, and while a honorific title, can confer some increased autonomy.
  • Town/Village: The Statistical Institute of Jamaica considers an urban area to be any area with 2,000 or more residents.[8] A town would generally be considered to be ranked as a higher populated urban area, and a village as a minor urban area.
  • Neighbourhood: Geographically obvious subdivisions of any of the above.

Cities and towns

A map of Jamaica, with main settlements and notable places


Name Census population[9] Coordinates Parish Granted
2021 2011 2001
Kingston** 584,627 579,13717.98°N 76.80°W / 17.98; -76.80 (Kingston)Kingston1802
Portmore 182,153 156,469 17.94°N 76.87°W / 17.94; -76.87 (Portmore) Saint Catherine 2018
Montego Bay* 110,115 96,47718.46°N 77.91°W / 18.46; -77.91 (Montego Bay)Saint James1980

** Country and parish capital

* Parish capital

Chief towns

These are settled areas with 10,000 residents or more.

Name Census population[9] Coordinates Parish
2021 2011 2001
Spanish Town* 147,152 131,51517.99°N 76.95°W / 17.99; -76.95 (Spanish Town)Saint Catherine
May Pen* 61,548 57,33417.97°N 77.24°W / 17.97; -77.24 (May Pen)Clarendon
Mandeville* 49,695 47,46718.05°N 77.48°W / 18.05; -77.48 (Mandeville)Manchester
Old Harbour 28,912 23,823 17.92°N 77.10°W / 17.92; -77.10 (Old Harbour) Saint Catherine
Savanna-la-Mar* 22,633 19,893 18.16°N 77.95°W / 18.16; -77.95 (Savanna-la-Mar) Westmoreland
Ocho Rios 16,671 15,769 18.42°N 77.11°W / 18.42; -77.11 (Ocho Rios) Saint Ann
Linstead 15,231 15,660 18.15°N 77.02°W / 18.15; -77.02 (Linstead) Saint Catherine
Port Antonio* 14,816 14,568 18.16°N 76.38°W / 18.16; -76.38 (Port Antonio) Portland
Saint Ann's Bay* 11,173 10,441 18.44°N 77.22°W / 18.44; -77.22 (Saint Ann's Bay) Saint Ann
Morant Bay* 11,052 10,782 17.87°N 76.39°W / 17.87; -76.39 (Morant Bay) Saint Thomas
Yallahs 10,849 9,888 17.87°N 76.57°W / 17.87; -76.57 (Yallahs) Saint Thomas
Hayes 10,639 10,098 17.88°N 77.25°W / 17.88; -77.25 (Hayes) Clarendon
Santa Cruz 10,423 10,785 18.07°N 77.72°W / 18.07; -77.72 (Santa Cruz) Saint Elizabeth

Towns and villages

Name Census population[9] Coordinates Parish
2011 20011991
Above Rocks 3,076 3,1703,26318.10°N 76.87°W / 18.10; -76.87 (Above Rocks)Saint Catherine
Aenon Town 1,374 1,808 18.20°N 77.39°W / 18.20; -77.39 Clarendon
Adelphi 2,218 1,459 18.44°N 77.79°W / 18.44; -77.79 (Adelphi) Saint James
Albert Town 3,845 3,9493,38918.29°N 77.54°W / 18.29; -77.54 (Albert Town)Trelawny
Alexandria 1,693 1,7341,67218.29°N 77.35°W / 18.29; -77.35 (Alexandria)Saint Ann
Alligator Pond 2,541 1,8831,54217.87°N 77.56°W / 17.87; -77.56 (Alligator Pond)Manchester
Alston 2,049 1,666 18.17°N 77.43°W / 18.17; -77.43 (Alston) Clarendon
Anchovy 4,414 4,0813,63318.40°N 77.93°W / 18.40; -77.93 (Anchovy)Saint James
Annotto Bay 6,017 5,4235,46818.27°N 76.77°W / 18.27; -76.77 (Annotto Bay)Saint Mary
Balaclava 2,770 2,7032,83718.17°N 77.64°W / 18.17; -77.64 (Balaclava)Saint Elizabeth
Bamboo 4,705 4,2983,73218.38°N 77.26°W / 18.38; -77.26 (Bamboo)Saint Ann
Bath 2,115 2,1442,15117.95°N 76.35°W / 17.95; -76.35 (Bath)Saint Thomas
Bethel Town 4,198 3,2322,76818.30°N 77.95°W / 18.30; -77.95 (Bethel Town)Westmoreland
Black River* 5,352 4,0953,67518.03°N 77.86°W / 18.03; -77.86 (Black River)Saint Elizabeth
Bluefields 2,978 3,1322,56418.17°N 78.03°W / 18.17; -78.03 (Bluefields)Westmoreland
Bog Walk 9,431 11,2418,79418.10°N 77.02°W / 18.10; -77.02 (Bog Walk)Saint Catherine
Brown's Town 9,031 8,0546,76218.40°N 77.36°W / 18.40; -77.36 (Brown's Town)Saint Ann
Buff Bay 4,678 4,2102,59618.23°N 76.67°W / 18.23; -76.67 (Buff Bay)Portland
Bull Savanna 3,747 3,45717.88°N 77.59°W / 17.88; -77.59 (Bull Savanna)Saint Elizabeth
Cambridge 4,073 3,9663,38418.32°N 77.89°W / 18.32; -77.89 (Cambridge)Saint James
Cascade 812 8661,22018.40°N 78.10°W / 18.40; -78.10 (Cascade)Hanover
Carron Hall 1,186 1,293 18.27°N 76.94°W / 18.27; -76.94 (Carron Hall) Saint Mary
Cave Valley 1,500 1,7221,77718.27°N 77.37°W / 18.27; -77.37 (Cave Valley)Saint Ann
Cedar Valley 1,299 1,592 17.99°N 76.58°W / 17.99; -76.58 (Cedar Valley) Saint Thomas
Chapelton 4,363 4,5563,93018.08°N 77.27°W / 18.08; -77.27 (Chapelton)Clarendon
Christiana 8,430 8,2767,23518.17°N 77.49°W / 18.17; -77.49 (Christiana)Manchester
Claremont 1,773 1,9702,15418.38°N 77.17°W / 18.38; -77.17 (Claremont)Saint Ann
Clark's Town 3,003 3,9533,13918.42°N 77.57°W / 18.42; -77.57 (Clark's Town)Trelawny
Coleyville 2,016 2,0983,32018.22°N 77.50°W / 18.22; -77.50 (Coleyville)Manchester
Comfort Castle 893 856 18.05°N 76.41°W / 18.05; -76.41 (Comfort Castle) Portland
Constant Spring 11,801 12,07212,36918.05°N 76.78°W / 18.05; -76.78 (Constant Spring)Saint Andrew
Croft's Hill 3,117 3,2022,99418.13°N 77.22°W / 18.13; -77.22 (Croft's Hill)Clarendon
Cross Keys 1,869 2,057 17.89°N 77.50°W / 17.89; -77.50 (Cross Keys) Manchester
Dalvey 2,952 3,2632,74217.90°N 76.25°W / 17.90; -76.25 (Dalvey)Saint Thomas
Darliston 2,328 2,5291,43518.23°N 77.97°W / 18.23; -77.97 (Darliston)Westmoreland
Dias 1,653 1,434 18.39°N 78.19°W / 18.39; -78.19 (Dias) Hanover
Discovery Bay 2,446 2,5182,23018.47°N 77.39°W / 18.47; -77.39 (Discovery Bay)Saint Ann
Duncans 2,686 2,1321,84918.47°N 77.53°W / 18.47; -77.53 (Duncans)Trelawny
Easington 2,664 2,3262,37817.92°N 76.60°W / 17.92; -76.60 (Easington)Saint Thomas
Ewarton 9,753 10,8078,74218.18°N 77.08°W / 18.18; -77.08 (Ewarton)Saint Catherine
Falmouth* 8,686 8,1887,24518.49°N 77.66°W / 18.49; -77.66 (Falmouth)Trelawny
Frankfield 3,507 3,6252,86518.15°N 77.35°W / 18.15; -77.35 (Frankfield)Clarendon
Frome 1,306 96890018.30°N 78.15°W / 18.30; -78.15 (Frome)Westmoreland
Gayle 3,260 4,1483,20518.33°N 77.00°W / 18.33; -77.00 (Gayle)Saint Mary
Gimme-Me-Bit 883 1,076 17.89°N 77.28°W / 17.89; -77.28 (Gimme-Me-Bit) Clarendon
Glengoffe 3,100 3,232 18.14°N 76.88°W / 18.14; -76.88 (Glengoffe) Saint Catherine
Golden Grove 2,351 2,6222,76117.93°N 76.27°W / 17.93; -76.27 (Golden Grove)Saint Thomas
Gordon Town 3,265 3,8461,04918.05°N 76.70°W / 18.05; -76.70 (Gordon Town)Saint Andrew
Grange Hill 6,922 7,5916,53018.37°N 78.20°W / 18.37; -78.20 (Grange Hill)Westmoreland
Green Island 1,933 1,5391,59118.38°N 78.27°W / 18.38; -78.27 (Green Island)Hanover
Guy's Hill 763 5183,16518.25°N 77.00°W / 18.25; -77.00 (Guy's Hill)Saint Mary
Half Way Tree* 5,163 4,934 18.01°N 76.78°W / 18.01; -76.78 (Half Way Tree) Saint Andrew
Hector's River 1,617 1,578 18.00°N 76.26°W / 18.00; -76.26 (Hector's River) Portland
Highgate 6,375 6,0515,41818.32°N 76.87°W / 18.32; -76.87 (Highgate)Saint Mary
Hope Bay 1,759 1,7741,56918.20°N 76.57°W / 18.20; -76.57 (Hope Bay)Portland
Hopewell 5,651 4,7594,26818.25°N 78.30°W / 18.25; -78.30 (Hopewell)Hanover
Islington 3,983 2,9732,86818.32°N 76.85°W / 18.32; -76.85 (Islington)Saint Mary
Jackson Town 2,143 1,718 18.41°N 77.48°W / 18.41; -77.48 (Jackson Town) Trelawny
James Hill 1,404 1,770 18.18°N 77.34°W / 18.18; -77.34 (James Hill) Clarendon
Johns Hall 3,217 2,329 18.41°N 77.85°W / 18.41; -77.85 (Johns Hall) Saint James
Junction 4,034 3,524 17.90°N 77.60°W / 17.90; -77.60 (Junction) Saint Elizabeth
Kellits 2,106 2,4222,29118.17°N 77.23°W / 18.17; -77.23 (Kellits)Clarendon
Kemps Hill 573 1,132 17.85°N 77.28°W / 17.85; -77.28 (Kemps Hill) Clarendon
Lacovia 3,788 3,1253,15918.07°N 77.75°W / 18.07; -77.75 (Lacovia)Saint Elizabeth
Lionel Town 3,609 3,5684,66917.80°N 77.23°W / 17.80; -77.23 (Lionel Town)Clarendon
Little London 4,222 4,3121,84818.30°N 78.20°W / 18.30; -78.20 (Little London)Westmoreland
Lluidas Vale 2,095 2,5522,16118.12°N 77.15°W / 18.12; -77.15 (Lluidas Vale)Saint Catherine
Long Bay 976 1,074 18.09°N 76.31°W / 18.09; -76.31 (Long Bay) Portland
Lucea* 7,840 6,2456,00218.44°N 78.18°W / 18.44; -78.18 (Lucea)Hanover
Lucky Hill 3,260 4,14875018.30°N 77.02°W / 18.30; -77.02 (Lucky Hill)Saint Mary
Maggotty 1,727 1,0991,35918.15°N 77.77°W / 18.15; -77.77 (Maggotty)Saint Elizabeth
Malvern 2,817 3,0563,26217.97°N 77.72°W / 17.97; -77.72 (Malvern)Saint Elizabeth
Manchioneal 2,383 2,3162,18518.05°N 76.28°W / 18.05; -76.28 (Manchioneal)Portland
Maroon Town 2,673 3,2062,66918.35°N 77.79°W / 18.35; -77.79 (Maroon Town)Saint James
Mavis Bank 2,309 2,4321,75618.02°N 76.67°W / 18.02; -76.67 (Mavis Bank)Saint Andrew
Mile Gully 2,004 2,134 18.13°N 77.54°W / 18.13; -77.54 (Mile Gully) Manchester
Milk River 1,564 842 17.87°N 77.35°W / 17.87; -77.35 (Milk River) Clarendon
Mitchell Town 1,452 1,749 17.80°N 77.19°W / 17.80; -77.19 (Mitchell Town) Clarendon
Mocho 1,531 1,788 18.02°N 77.32°W / 18.02; -77.32 (Mocho) Clarendon
Moneague 3,464 3,3832,88018.28°N 77.10°W / 18.28; -77.10 (Moneague)Saint Ann
Moore Town 1,061 1,3171,05418.07°N 76.43°W / 18.07; -76.43 (Moore Town)Portland
Mountainside 1,754 1,097 17.98°N 77.74°W / 17.98; -77.74 (Mountainside) Saint Elizabeth
Nain 2,969 2,5062,37317.97°N 77.60°W / 17.97; -77.60 (Nain)Saint Elizabeth
Negril 7,680 5,679 4,18418.32°N 78.33°W / 18.32; -78.33 (Negril)Westmoreland
152 184 Hanover
New Market 2,204 1,775 18.14°N 77.90°W / 18.14; -77.90 (New Market) Saint Elizabeth
Newell 2,056 1,836 17.92°N 77.74°W / 17.92; -77.74 (Newell) Saint Elizabeth
Newport 3,022 2,495 17.96°N 77.50°W / 17.96; -77.50 (Newport) Manchester
Old Harbour Bay 5,872 6,3445,40517.90°N 77.10°W / 17.90; -77.10 (Old Harbour Bay)Saint Catherine
Oracabessa 4,398 4,2304,06618.40°N 76.93°W / 18.40; -76.93 (Oracabessa)Saint Mary
Osbourne Store 3,580 2,9543,39017.97°N 77.33°W / 17.97; -77.33 (Osbourne Store)Clarendon
Petersfield 5,037 3,6992,04518.25°N 78.07°W / 18.25; -78.07 (Petersfield)Westmoreland
Point Hill 2,099 2,2353,65118.08°N 77.10°W / 18.08; -77.10 (Point Hill)Saint Catherine
Port Morant 2,905 3,007 17.88°N 76.32°W / 17.88; -76.32 (Port Morant) Saint Thomas
Port Maria* 7,463 7,4397,65118.37°N 76.89°W / 18.37; -76.89 (Port Maria)Saint Mary
Port Royal 1,251 1,651 3,004 17.93°N 76.85°W / 17.93; -76.85 (Port Royal) Kingston
Porus 6,009 5,9245,09518.03°N 77.42°W / 18.03; -77.42 (Porus)Manchester
Pratville 1,963 1,351 17.91°N 77.41°W / 17.91; -77.41 (Pratville) Manchester
Race Course 2,958 3,1682,58917.83°N 77.28°W / 17.83; -77.28 (Race Course)Clarendon
Ramble 2,047 2,024 18.35°N 77.97°W / 18.35; -77.97 (Ramble) Hanover
Retreat 3,034 2,759 18.39°N 77.02°W / 18.39; -77.02 (Retreat) Saint Mary
Richmond 2,086 2,2101,98418.23°N 76.90°W / 18.23; -76.90 (Richmond)Saint Mary
Rio Bueno 1,037 1,2751,10818.46°N 77.45°W / 18.46; -77.45 (Rio Bueno)Trelawny
Riversdale 2,514 3,5752,79118.15°N 76.97°W / 18.15; -76.97 (Riversdale)Saint Catherine
Rock River 1,786 1,831 18.07°N 77.21°W / 18.07; -77.21 (Rock River) Clarendon
Rocky Point 2,473 3,3272,74417.77°N 77.27°W / 17.77; -77.27 (Rocky Point)Clarendon
Runaway Bay 8,640 5,8405,65518.45°N 77.33°W / 18.45; -77.33 (Runaway Bay)Saint Ann
Sandy Bay 5,052 3,8174,47618.45°N 78.10°W / 18.45; -78.10 (Sandy Bay)Hanover
Seaforth 5,287 5,5174,10817.93°N 76.45°W / 17.93; -76.45 (Seaforth)Saint Thomas
Siloah 2,545 2,7552,70118.17°N 77.71°W / 18.17; -77.71 (Siloah)Saint Elizabeth
Southfield 3,854 3,4042,67117.88°N 77.67°W / 17.88; -77.67 (Southfield)Saint Elizabeth
Spalding 4,373 3,225 5,48118.14°N 77.41°W / 18.14; -77.41 (Spalding)Manchester
2,147 2,645 Clarendon
Stony Hill 9,307 9,2428,24418.08°N 76.78°W / 18.08; -76.78 (Stony Hill)Saint Andrew
Thompson Town 2,310 2,383 18.08°N 77.36°W / 18.08; -77.36 (Thompson Town) Clarendon
Toll Gate 2,800 3,087 17.97°N 77.35°W / 17.97; -77.35 (Toll Gate) Clarendon
Trinity Ville 1,239 2,3382,61417.95°N 76.53°W / 17.95; -76.53 (Trinity Ville)Saint Thomas
Troja 1,019 1,394 18.20°N 76.92°W / 18.20; -76.92 (Troja) Saint Catherine
Ulster Spring 841 9951,39118.32°N 77.52°W / 18.32; -77.52 (Ulster Spring)Trelawny
Wakefield 3,373 3,0192,72418.42°N 77.72°W / 18.42; -77.72 (Wakefield)Trelawny
Wait-A-Bit 3,157 3,439 18.24°N 77.52°W / 18.24; -77.52 (Wait-A-Bit) Trelawny
Watt Town 434 538 18.30°N 77.41°W / 18.30; -77.41 (Above Rocks) Saint Ann
White House 4,211 3,4983,15718.08°N 77.97°W / 18.08; -77.97 (White House)Westmoreland
Williamsfield 3,327 4,2512,80018.07°N 77.48°W / 18.07; -77.48 (Williamsfield)Manchester
York Town 1,623 2,075 17.94°N 77.27°W / 17.94; -77.27 (York Town) Clarendon


White River Rafting signs
  • Accompong (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Aeolus Valley (Saint Thomas)
  • Airy Castle (Saint Thomas)
  • Barking Lodge (Saint Thomas)
  • Berry Hill (Manchester)
  • Bog (Westmoreland)
  • Big Woods (Westmoreland)
  • Boscobel (Saint Mary)
  • Bull Bay (Saint Andrew)
  • Carmel (Westmoreland)
  • Cattawood Springs (Portland)
  • Clarendon Park (Clarendon)
  • Cotterwood (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Duckenfield (Saint Thomas)
  • Four Paths (Clarendon)
  • Haddersfield (Saint Mary)
  • Hagley Gap (Saint Thomas)
  • Hodges (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Hopewell Hall (Saint Thomas)
  • Hopewell (Clarendon)
  • Hopewell (Manchester)
  • Hopewell (Saint Andrew)
  • Hopewell (Saint Ann)
  • Hopewell (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Hopewell (Westmoreland)
  • Hopeton (Westmoreland)
  • Knockpatrick (Manchester)
  • Lloyds (Saint Thomas)
  • Long Wood (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Mavis Bank (Saint Andrew)
  • Meadsfield (Manchester)
  • Middle Quarters (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Mount Rosser (Saint Catherine)
  • Nanny Town (Portland)
  • New Holland (Saint Elizabeth)
  • New Market (Saint Elizabeth)
  • New Roads (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Newcastle (Saint Andrew)
  • Nine Mile (Saint Ann)
  • Old Pera (Saint Thomas)
  • Paynes Town (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Port Esquivel (Saint Catherine)
  • Port Morant (Saint Thomas)
  • Roxborough (Manchester)
  • San San (Portland)
  • Sheckles Pen (Clarendon)
  • Stonehenge (Saint James)
  • Walderston
  • White Hall (Saint Elizabeth)
  • Wood Hall (Saint Catherine)


Kingston & St. Andrew

See also


  1. "The Laws of Jamaica: 1799-1803". A. Aikman, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1812.
  2. "A Special Gleaner Feature on Pieces of the Past - The Capital City Kingston -The first 500 years in Jamaica".
  3. "Montego Bay (Status of City) Act | Ministry of Justice - Government of Jamaica".
  4. "Parish profiles - Jamaica Information Service". Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  5. "Major Jamaican Cities & Towns - Including the Largest City in Jamaica". Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  6. "Jamaica Observer Limited". Jamaica Observer. Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  7. "It's now Portmore City Municipality". 3 November 2018. Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  8. "Urban centres grow by 5 per cent". Jamaica Observer. Retrieved 16 July 2019.
  9. "Population and Housing Census 2011: General Report Volume 1". Retrieved 19 March 2023.
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