Condor (ride)

The Condor is the trade name of an amusement ride sold by HUSS of Bremen, Germany. It was debuted at the 1984 New Orleans World's Fair, under the name "Cyclo Tower".

The "Bounty Tower" at Holiday Park, Germany
StatusIn Production
ManufacturerHUSS Park Attractions
VariationsCondor 2GH

The Condor has 28 steel-framed gondolas, each with a fiberglass shell, frequently painted to resemble a bird. The seats hold one to two people, one sitting behind the other if they decide to ride double. It can accommodate approximately 1,700 riders per hour. The automatic doors on the ride are operated by pneumatic air pressure and are manually opened and closed. The ride uses a cable and counterweight system within the tower to assist with the raising and lowering of the rotating assembly.

An AC induction motor located at the end of each arm rotates the gondolas; three more on the middle lifting structure rotate the entire assembly and move the tower. To start the ride, most Condors require three buttons be hit at the same time to start the cycle. (The operator in the booth uses their thumbs on the two buttons located on the panel, while an attendant in a location around the perimeter must be holding that one as well.)

Operators of the ride have options to operate the ride at different speeds and rotation configurations (forward and reverse), with the potential for unique computerized programs on each ride. These unique motions can also be controlled manually. Most Condor installations are park models. An exception is one of the few traveling models left in the world, Blume & Wollenschlaeger's "Ikarus-Der-Mythos". Ikarus was one of the fastest Condors still in operation, and featured different and unique manually operated ride cycles, usually with reverse rotation. Ikarus was taken off the funfair circuit and put into storage in 2007.

In 2007, Huss discontinued manufacturing new installations of the ride. In 2013, Huss re-introduced the Condor as Condor 2-G (2nd Generation).

In 2016, the first Condor 2GH (second generation hybrid) opened in Tivoli Gardens, Denmark. Called "Fatamorgana", it features both standard Condor gondolas and a "thrill version." In this variation, riders are seated in a ring, facing away from the center, and are spun around at high speed.[1]


There are several Huss Condor locations throughout the world, including

CondorPleasure Island Family Theme ParkUnited Kingdom United KingdomCondorUnknownRemoved
HökfärdenLisebergSweden SwedenCondor1985Removed
CondorBobbejaanlandBelgium BelgiumCondor1986Removed
CondorPhantasialandGermany GermanyCondor1986Removed
TaifunTykkimäkiFinland FinlandCondor1986Removed
CondorMorey's PiersUnited States United StatesCondor1988Removed
CondorSix Flags Magic MountainUnited States United StatesCondor1988Removed
CondorSix Flags St. LouisUnited States United StatesCondor1988Removed
IkarusGardalandItaly ItalyCondor1989Removed
RotorParque de Atracciones de MadridSpain SpainCondor1989Operating
Sky HawkMarinelandCanada CanadaCondor1989Operating
The CondorSix Flags Great Escape and Hurricane HarborUnited States United StatesCondor1989Operating
CondorLa RondeCanada CanadaCondor1990Operating
Flying FalconHersheyparkUnited States United StatesCondor1990Removed
CondorSix Flags AstroWorldUnited States United StatesCondor1991Removed
CondorSix Flags Great America
Six Flags Great Adventure
United States United StatesCondor1991
1988 to 1990
Bounty TowerHoliday ParkGermany GermanyCondor1994Removed
IkarusFreizeit-Land GeiselwindGermany GermanyCondor1994Operating
CondorDream ParkEgypt EgyptCondor1995Operating
SengaSerengeti ParkGermany GermanyCondor1995Removed
The EagleAttractiepark SlagharenNetherlands NetherlandsCondor1998Operating
IkarusVidámparkHungary HungaryCondor1999Removed
DrachenflugAbenteuer Park OberhausenGermany GermanyCondor2000Removed
LossepladsenBonBon-LandDenmark DenmarkCondor2000Removed
DrachenflugBelantisGermany GermanyCondor2004Operating
Le CondorLuna Park FréjusFrance FranceCondor2007Removed
CondorEuropark IdroscolaItaly ItalyCondor2009Operating
Sky Twister
Formerly Condor
Skyline Park
Heide Park
Germany GermanyCondor2009
IkarusFantasilandiaChile ChileCondor2011Removed
CondorMiragicaItaly ItalyCondor2012Operating
CondorHappy Valley BeijingChina ChinaCondor 2G2014Operating
AtlantisWunderland KalkarGermany GermanyCondor2015Operating
Giant CondorM&D's Scotland's Theme ParkUnited Kingdom United KingdomCondor2015Operating
FatamorganaTivoli GardensDenmark DenmarkCondor 2GH2016Operating
Falcon's Flight
Formerly Ikarus
Worlds of Fun
United States United StatesCondor2017
CondorSun Tzu Cultural ParkChina ChinaCondor 2G2018Operating
The EagleOcean ParkHong Kong Hong KongCondor1994Removed
Formerly Cóndor
Niagara Amusement Park and Splash World
La Feria de Chapultepec
United States United StatesCondorUnknown
In Storage


External video

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