Demographics of the Dominican Republic

This is a demography of the population of the Dominican Republic including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

Demographics of Dominican Republic
Population pyramid of Dominican Republic in 2020
Population11,332,972 (last census)
Growth rate0.91% (2022 est.)
Birth rate15.2 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate4.2 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Life expectancy72.56 years
  male70.86 years
  female74.33 years (2022 est.)
Fertility rate1.86 children born/woman (2022 est.)
Infant mortality rate21.18 deaths/1,000 live births
Net migration rate-2.68 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Age structure
0–14 years26.85%
15–64 years64.98%
65 and over8.17%
Sex ratio
Total1.02 male(s)/female (2022 est.)
At birth1.04 male(s)/female
Under 151.03 male(s)/female
65 and over0.73 male(s)/female
Major ethnicMixed (74.4%) - Mestizo/"Indio"/mulatto - White Dominicans (17.8%) - Black Dominicans (7.8%)


Historical population
1920 894,665    
1935 1,479,417+65.4%
1950 2,135,872+44.4%
1960 3,047,070+42.7%
1970 4,009,458+31.6%
1981 5,545,741+38.3%
1993 7,293,390+31.5%
2002 8,562,541+17.4%
2010 9,445,281+10.3%
2022 10,760,028+13.9%
Dominican Republic students. Dominicans in Santiago.

The area was first included in world trade in 1492 when Christopher Columbus docked on the island of Hispaniola. When Spain occupied the country in 1496, the population consisted of Arawak (Taíno Indians). When Spain returned in 1496, they founded the current capital, Santo Domingo, as the first Europe city in America. The country came under Spanish rule. France took over the part of Hispaniola that is today Haiti. During the colony era, The Dominican Republic acted as a sugar supplier to Spain and France. Many whites moved to the country during this period. In 1496, Santo Domingo was built and became the new capital, and remains the oldest continuously inhabited European city in the Americas. Today, two other large groups have joined, while the indigenous population has mostly disappeared. 45% of Dominicans consider themselves to have some significant Indigenous/Endemic ancestry, 18% are white, 7.8% are fully or predominantly black and 74% are mixed (Mestizo/Mulatto/"Indio"/Trigueño). About 9.2% of the Dominican population claims a European immigrant background, according to the 2021 Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas survey. During the many years that have passed since the great immigration, the races have been mixed and it can be difficult to distinguish. In terms of race, they are all similar to the other Caribbean islands. The Spaniards brought Christianity to the Dominican Republic, and today about 50% of the population reports as being Catholic. One clear remnant of the Spanish colonial era on the population is the official and widespread use of the Spanish language.

The Dominican Republic's population (1961–2003).

According to the 2022 revision of the World Population Prospects[2][3] the total population was 11,117,873 in 2021, compared to 2,380,000 in 1950. The proportion of the population aged below 15 in 2010 was 31.2%, 62.8% were aged between 15 and 65 years of age, while 6% were aged 65 years or older.[4]

Group of Dominicans in the town of Moca.
Total population
(x 1000)
aged 0–14
aged 15–64
aged 65+
1950 2 38045.551.72.7
1955 2 79646.351.12.6
1960 3 31248.249.22.6
1965 3 90048.948.52.6
1970 4 52447.749.72.7
1975 5 16945.351.92.8
1980 5 82642.654.43.1
1985 6 52440.456.23.4
1990 7 24538.557.63.9
1995 7 97837.058.54.5
2000 8 66334.959.95.1
2005 9 34333.161.35.7
2010 10 01731.262.86.0
2015 10 52830.063.46.7
2020 11 10728.362.87.6

Vital statistics

UN estimates

Population, fertility rate and net reproduction rate, United Nations estimates

Registration of vital events is not universal in the Dominican Republic. The Population Department of the United Nations prepared the following estimates: [4]

Period Live births
per year
per year
Natural change
per year
CBR* CDR* NC* TFR* IMR* Life expectancy
Life expectancy
Life expectancy
1950–1955140 00053 00087 00054.320.533.87.6015346.044.747.3
1955–1960163 00054 000109 00053.417.635.87.6413949.948.651.4
1960–1965178 00052 000126 00049.514.535.07.3512453.652.155.2
1965–1970186 00050 000136 00044.211.832.36.6510956.955.458.7
1970–1975190 00047 000143 00039.29.729.65.689659.858.161.8
1975–1980194 00046 000149 00035.48.327.14.768662.060.364.0
1980–1985206 00046 000160 00033.47.525.94.157564.062.166.1
1985–1990213 00046 000168 00031.06.724.33.656366.564.369.0
1990–1995218 00046 000172 00028.
1995–2000215 00050 000165 00025.
2000–2005219 00054 000165 00023.
2005–2010221 00058 000163 00022.
* CBR = crude birth rate (per 1000); CDR = crude death rate (per 1000); NC = natural change (per 1000); IMR = infant mortality rate per 1000 births; TFR = total fertility rate (number of children per woman)

Births and deaths


Year Population Live births Deaths Natural increase Crude birth rate Crude death rate Rate of natural increase Crude migration rate TFR
2001 8,512,996 194,705 28,771 165,934 22.8 3.4 19.5 2.571
2002 8,627,509 191,409 26,739 164,670 22.1 3.1 19.0 -5.8 2.494
2003 8,745,084 177,859 30,005 147,854 20.3 3.4 16.9 -3.5 2.272
2004 8,857,648 168,734 34,716 134,018 19.0 3.9 15.1 -2.4 2.142
2005 8,968,144 166,150 34,586 131,564 18.5 3.8 14.6 -2.3 2.086
2006 9,071,458 158,137 32,596 125,541 17.4 3.6 13.8 -2.5 1.974
2007 9,174,058 157,033 34,158 122,875 17.1 3.7 13.4 -2.2 1.941
2008 9,279,602 164,373 34,252 130,121 17.6 3.7 14.0 -2.6 2.025
2009 9,380,152 168,495 34,105 134,390 17.9 3.6 14.2 -3.6 2.055
2010 9,478,612 170,414 36,869 133,545 17.9 3.9 14.0 -3.7 2.054
2011 9,580,139 177,135 36,485 140,650 18.4 3.8 14.6 -4.0 2.116
2012 9,680,963 170,568 36,753 133,815 17.5 3.8 13.8 -3.4 2.028
2013 9,784,680 172,136 36,767 135,369 17.5 3.7 13.8 -3.2 2.036
2014 9,883,486 175,897 41,467 134,430 17.7 4.2 13.5 -3.6 2.065
2015 9,980,243 171,422 42,017 129,405 17.1 4.2 12.9 -3.2 1.998
2016 10,075,045 162,607 44,366 118,241 16.1 4.4 11.7 -2.3 1.883
2017 10,169,172 171,538 43,482 128,056 16.8 4.3 12.5 -3.3 1.982
2018 10,266,149 177,854 42,838 135,016 17.2 4.2 13.0 -3.6 2.057
2019 10,358,320 181,139 44,925 136,214 17.3 4.3 13.0 -4.2 2.089
2020 10,448,499 162,212 47,264 114,948 15.3 4.5 10.8 -2.2 1.878
2021 10,535,535 170,520 50,702 119,818 15.9 4.8 11.2 -3.0 1.972
2022 10,621,938 170,069 46,028 124,041 16.0 4.2 11.8 -2.9 1.964
2023 10,711,155 156,024 43,338 112,686 14.6 4.1 10.5 1.802

Structure of the population

Population Estimates by Sex and Age Group (01.VII.2017) (Data refer to national projections.): [6]
Age Group Male Female Total %
Total 5 082 876 5 086 296 10 169 172 100
0–4 492 808 472 820 965 628 9.49
5–9 492 702 474 348 967 050 9.50
10–14 492 107 477 445 969 552 9.53
15–19 480 035 471 501 951 536 9.51
20–24 455 440 453 444 930 505 9.15
25–29 420 715 423 382 844 907 8.30
30–34 377 850 385 180 763 030 7.50
35–39 339 877 348 143 688 020 6.76
40–44 306 907 313 858 616 955 6.07
45–49 275 488 282 105 557 593 5.48
50–54 245 299 249 766 495 065 4.87
55–59 206 257 210 188 416 445 4.10
60–64 162 912 168 103 331 015 3.25
65–69 121 894 126 929 248 523 2.44
70–74 86 739 90 761 177 500 1.74
75–79 61 133 65 274 126 407 1.24
80+ 65 523 73 349 138 872 1.36
Age group Male Female Total Percent
0–14 1 595 851 1 538 432 3 134 283 30.56
15–64 3 213 973 3 268 108 6 482 081 63.19
65+ 306 501 334 859 641 360 6.25
Population Estimates by Sex and Age Group (01.VII.2021) (Data refer to national projections.): [6]
Age Group Male Female Total %
Total 5 259 642 5 275 893 10 535 535 100
0–4 483 891 463 927 947 818 9.00
5–9 490 677 471 962 962 639 9.14
10–14 483 264 468 329 951 593 9.03
15–19 479 169 469 840 949 009 9.01
20–24 456 645 454 343 910 988 8.65
25–29 432 645 433 391 866 036 8.22
30–34 397 618 402 420 800 038 7.59
35–39 359 670 365 118 724 788 6.88
40–44 324 954 331 269 656 223 6.23
45–49 292 170 300 700 592 870 5.63
50–54 261 184 269 338 530 522 5.04
55–59 228 775 236 116 464 891 4.41
60–64 186 503 193 210 379 713 3.60
65-69 141 674 150 452 292 126 2.77
70-74 100 692 107 713 208 405 1.98
75-79 65 820 71 673 137 493 1.31
80+ 74 291 86 092 160 383 1.52
Age group Male Female Total Percent
0–14 1 457 832 1 404 218 2 862 050 27.17
15–64 3 419 333 3 455 745 6 875 078 65.26
65+ 382 477 415 930 798 407 7.58

Fertility and births

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) (Wanted Fertility Rate) and Crude Birth Rate (CBR):[7]

Year CBR (Total) TFR (Total) CBR (Urban) TFR (Urban) CBR (Rural) TFR (Rural)
1965–69 7,1
1970–74 5,8
1975–79 4,7
1980–82 4,31
1983–85 3,69
1986 3,8 (2,8) 3,2 (2,5) 5,1 (3,5)
1991 30,1 3,3 (2,6) 29,7 2,8 (2,3) 30,5 4,4 (3,1)
1996 27,7 3,2 (2,5) 24,4 2,8 (2,2) 29,8 4,0 (3,0)
1999 2,9 (2,3) 2,7 (2,1) 3,4 (2,7)
2002 25,2 3,0 (2,3) 25,3 2,8 (2,3) 24,9 3,3 (2,5)
2007 20,4 2,4 (1,9) 20,0 2,3 (1,8) 21,4 2,8 (2,1)
2013 20,9 2,5 (2,0) 21,2 2,4 (1,9) 20,3 2,6 (2,1)

Other demographic statistics

Demographic statistics according to the World Population Review in 2022.[8]

  • One birth every 3 minutes
  • One death every 8 minutes
  • One net migrant every 18 minutes
  • Net gain of one person every 5 minutes

Demographic statistics according to the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated.[9]


10,694,700 (2022 est.)
10,298,756 (July 2018 est.)

Ethnic groups

Dominicans of full or predominant European descent: 17.8%, Mixed (Mestizo,Mulatto,"Indio",Triracial) descent:74.4%, Afro descent: 7.8%

note: respondents self-identified their race; the term "indio" in the Dominican Republic is not associated with people of indigenous ancestry but people of mixed ancestry or skin color between light and dark

Age structure

Population pyramid of Dominican Republic in 2020
0-14 years: 26.85% (male 1,433,166/female 1,385,987)
15-24 years: 18.15% (male 968,391/female 937,227)
25-54 years: 40.54% (male 2,168,122/female 2,088,926)
55-64 years: 8.17% (male 429,042/female 428,508)
65 years and over: 6.29% (2020 est.) (male 310,262/female 350,076)
0-14 years: 27.56% (male 1,442,926 /female 1,395,809)
15-24 years: 18.52% (male 969,467 /female 937,765)
25-54 years: 40.28% (male 2,112,813 /female 2,035,902)
55-64 years: 7.71% (male 397,821 /female 396,172)
65 years and over: 5.92% (male 286,300 /female 323,781) (2018 est.)

Median age

total: 27.9 years. Country comparison to the world: 144th
male: 27.8 years
female: 28.1 years (2020 est.)
total: 27.3 years. Country comparison to the world: 145th
male: 27.1 years
female: 27.4 years (2018 est.)

Birth rate

18.03 births/1,000 population (2022 est.) Country comparison to the world: 81st
18.9 births/1,000 population (2018 est.) Country comparison to the world: 84th

Death rate

6.29 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.) Country comparison to the world: 147th
6.4 deaths/1,000 population (2018 est.) Country comparison to the world: 145th

Total fertility rate

2.21 children born/woman (2022 est.) Country comparison to the world: 86th
2.28 children born/woman (2018 est.) Country comparison to the world: 88th

Net migration rate

-2.68 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.) Country comparison to the world: 174th
-2.6 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2018 est.) Country comparison to the world: 170th

Population growth rate

0.91% (2022 est.) Country comparison to the world: 106th
0.99% (2018 est.) Country comparison to the world: 109th

Mother's mean age at first birth

20.9 years (2013 est.)
note: median age at first birth among women 25-49

Contraceptive prevalence rate

69.5% (2014)

Dependency ratios

total dependency ratio: 57.8 (2015 est.) Country comparison to the world: 151st
youth dependency ratio: 47.3 (2015 est.)
elderly dependency ratio: 10.5 (2015 est.)
potential support ratio: 9.5 (2015 est.)

Life expectancy at birth

Life expectancy at birth in the Dominican Republic
total population: 72.56 years. Country comparison to the world: 151st
male: 70.86 years
female: 74.33 years (2022 est.)


Roman Catholic 44.3%, Evangelical 13%, Protestant 7.9%, Adventist 1.4%, other 1.8%, atheist 0.2%, none 29.4%, unspecified 2% (2018 est.)


urban population: 83.8% of total population (2022)
rate of urbanization: 1.64% annual rate of change (2020-25 est.)


Education expenditures

4% of GDP (2019) Country comparison to the world: 102nd


definition: age 15 and over can read and write (2016 est.)

total population: 93.8%
male: 93.8%
female: 93.8% (2016 est.)

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education)

total: 14 years
male: 14 years
female: 15 years (2017)

Unemployment, youth ages 15–24

total: 14.9%
male: 11.6%
female: 20.7% (2020 est.)

See also

  • Health in the Dominican Republic
  • Youth in the Dominican Republic
Census information:
  • 1920 Santo Domingo Census
  • 1950 Dominican Republic Census
  • 1960 Dominican Republic Census
  • 1970 Dominican Republic Census
  • 2010 Dominican Republic Census


  1. "Censos de Población y Vivienda". Oficina Nacional de Estadística. Archived from the original on 29 June 2017. Retrieved 26 June 2017.
  2. "World Population Prospects 2022". United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Retrieved July 17, 2022.
  3. "World Population Prospects 2022: Demographic indicators by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100" (XSLX) ("Total Population, as of 1 July (thousands)"). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. Retrieved July 17, 2022.
  4. "World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations". Archived from the original on May 6, 2011.
  5. "Oficina Nacional de Estadística (ONE)". Archived from the original on 2015-11-14. Retrieved 2016-02-07.
  6. "UNSD — Demographic and Social Statistics". Retrieved 2023-05-10.
  7. "MEASURE DHS: Demographic and Health Surveys".
  8. "Dominican Republic Population 2022", World Population Review
  9. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: "World Factbook CENTRAL AMERICA : DOMINICAN REPUBLIC", The World Factbook, 2022
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.