Development regions of Romania

The development regions of Romania (Romanian: Regiunile de dezvoltare ale României) refer to the eight regional divisions created in Romania in 1998 in order to better co-ordinate regional development as Romania progressed towards accession to the European Union (EU). The development regions correspond to NUTS 2-level divisions in EU member states. Despite becoming increasingly significant in regional development projects, Romania's development regions do not actually have an administrative status and do not have a legislative or executive council or government. Rather, they serve a function for allocating EU PHARE funds for regional development, as well as for collection of regional statistics. They also co-ordinate a range of regional development projects and became members of the Committee of the Regions when Romania joined the EU on January 1, 2007.

Map of the development regions (NUTS-2 level divisions)
Map of the macroregions (NUTS-1 level divisions)


There are eight development regions in Romania, which (with the exception of București-Ilfov) are named by their geographical position in the country:

  • RO1 – Macroregiunea Unu:
    • Nord-Vest – RO11; 6 counties; 2,521,793 inhabitants; 34,159 km2 (13,189 sq mi)
    • Centru – RO12; 6 counties; 2,271,066 inhabitants; 34,082 km2 (13,159 sq mi)
  • RO2 – Macroregiunea Doi:
    • Nord-Est – RO21; 6 counties; 3,226,436 inhabitants; 36,850 km2 (14,230 sq mi)
    • Sud-Est – RO22; 6 counties; 2,367,987 inhabitants; 35,762 km2 (13,808 sq mi)
  • RO3 – Macroregiunea Trei:
    • Sud - Muntenia – RO31; 7 counties; 2,864,337 inhabitants; 34,489 km2 (13,316 sq mi)
    • București - Ilfov – RO32; 1 county and Bucharest; 2,259,669 inhabitants; 1,811 km2 (699 sq mi)
  • RO4 – Macroregiunea Patru:
    • Sud-Vest Oltenia – RO41; 5 counties; 1,873,606 inhabitants; 29,212 km2 (11,279 sq mi)
    • Vest – RO42; 4 counties; 1,668,921 inhabitants; 32,028 km2 (12,366 sq mi)
No Name Code Area, km2 Population Municipalities Other cities Communes Villages
3Sud - MunteniaRO3134,4532,864,33716325192,019
4Sud-Vest OlteniaRO4129,2121,873,60611294082,070
8București - IlfovRO321,8212,259,669183291


Gross domestic product (GDP) as reported by Eurostat
2006 2016[1] 2020
(million )
€ per
(million €)
€ per capita
% of
EU average
(million )
€ per
(million €)
in 2014
€ per capita
% of
EU average
% of
EU average
GDP per
Romania 98,419 4,500 196,999 9,200 38 169,771 8,600 301,801 17,000 58 72
Nord-Vest 11,675 4,200 23,370 8,700 36 19,519 7,600 34,001 14,300 51 67
Centru 11,335 4,500 22,689 9,100 37 18,761 8,000 33,349 15,800 54 67
Nord-Est 10,787 2,900 21,591 5,900 24 17,081 5,300 30,912 10,400 36 46
Sud-Est 11,051 3,800 22,119 7,900 32 18,159 7,400 34,020 14,600 52 58
Sud - Muntenia 12,482 3,800 24,985 7,700 31 20,583 6,800 36,630 14,200 46 55
București - Ilfov 22,946 9,900 45,931 21,100 86 46 994 20,500 81,267 40,400 139 164
Sud-Vest Oltenia 8,138 3,600 16,290 7,200 29 12,451 6,300 22,677 12,400 42 56
Vest 9,940 5,300 19,897 10,500 43 16 081 8,900 28,698 17,600 60 74

HDI index

Map of Romanian regions by HDI in 2021.
  ≥ 0.900
  0.820 – 0.900
  0.800 – 0.819
  0.750 - 0.799

List of NUTS2 statistical regions of Romania by Human Development Index as of 2021[9]

RankRegionHDI (2021)
Very high human development
1 București - Ilfov0.926
2 Nord-Vest 0.832
3 Vest0.831
-  Romania (average) 0.828
4 Centru 0.825
5 Sud-Vest 0.808
High human development
6 Sud-Est0.798
7 Sud0.795
8 Nord-Est 0.792

See also


  1. "Statistics". Retrieved 17 May 2019.
  2. "Site3-TGM table". Retrieved 14 July 2009.
  3. Eurostat (19 February 2009). "GDP per inhabitant in the EU in 2006" (PDF). Europa web portal. Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  4. "Site3-TGM table". Retrieved 14 July 2009.
  5. "Site3-TGM table". Retrieved 14 July 2009.
  6. "Site3-TGM table". Retrieved 14 July 2009.
  7. Eurostat (26 February 2016). "GDP per capita in the EU in 2014". Europa web portal. Retrieved 28 February 2016.
  8. "Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 2 regions". European Commission. Retrieved 14 May 2023.
  9. "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab".
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