Districts of Slovakia

The districts of Slovakia are administrative units known as okres in the Slovak language. It is a second-tier territorial administrative unit, below a Region in standing, and superior to a municipality. Each district contains at least several municipalities.

The cities of Bratislava and Košice are the only cities in Slovakia divided into internal urban districts, with five in Bratislava, and four in Košice. These urban districts are then further divided into smaller boroughs (which serve a function analogous to municipalities in typical districts).

All other districts are larger in size and also include rural areas, and rural as well as urban municipalities. Each of these more typical districts has an urban centre serving as the seat of the district, usually the largest town (or the only town) of a given district. Rural municipalities are not legally allowed to become district seats.

Map of current Slovak districts

Districts (okresy) of Slovakia


Several districts form a "Region" (Slovak "kraj"). One district, on the other hand, consists of several "municipalities" (Slovak "obec"), which in turn consist of "cadastral areas" (Slovak "katastrálne územie").

Districts have been units of state administration in Slovakia since its creation with a few interruptions, e. g. except for the period from 2004 to late 2013. Today, each district is administered by a "district office" (okresný úrad). Since late 2013, there have been also some special district offices being responsible (regarding some selected issues) not for the territory of a district, but for the territory of a Region (kraj) - they are called "district office at the seat of a Region" (okresný úrad v sídle kraja).

In the period from 2004 to late 2013, the district offices were abolished and replaced by "circuit offices" (obvodný úrad), which were usually responsible for several districts (except for the Nové Zámky District, which was one district with two circuit offices).

Slovakia has currently 79 districts, the capital of Bratislava being divided into 5 districts and the city of Košice into 4 districts. The districts are named after their administrative seats, colloquially known as "district towns". The district town is commonly the largest town in the district, although exceptions exist, such as Ilava District where the district town Ilava is far overshadowed by the much larger Dubnica nad Váhom, or Košice-okolie District, the seat of which (Košice) is not part of the district at all, instead being subdivided into four of its own districts.

Districts of Slovakia

The following table gives an overview of the districts, along with the population, area, and location within Slovakia.

Area[3] in km2
Region (kraj)
Banská Bystrica110,631 (Decrease)809Banská Bystrica
Banská Štiavnica16,003 (Decrease)292Banská Bystrica
Bardejov77,666 (Decrease)935Prešov
Bánovce nad Bebravou35,972 (Decrease)461Trenčín
Brezno60,905 (Decrease)1,265Banská Bystrica
Bratislava I42,546 (Increase)9Bratislava
Bratislava II116,669 (Increase)92Bratislava
Bratislava III70,641 (Increase)74Bratislava
Bratislava IV98,404 (Increase)96Bratislava
Bratislava V112,688 (Increase)94Bratislava
Bytča31,056 (Increase)281Žilina
Čadca89,494 (Decrease)760Žilina
Detva31,771 (Decrease)449Banská Bystrica
Dolný Kubín39,480 (Increase)491Žilina
Dunajská Streda123,355 (Increase)1,074Trnava
Galanta94,179 (Increase)641Trnava
Gelnica31,923 (Increase)584Košice
Hlohovec44,731 (Decrease)267Trnava
Humenné61,398 (Decrease)754Prešov
Ilava58,811 (Decrease)358Trenčín
Kežmarok76,165 (Increase)629Prešov
Komárno100,992 (Decrease)1,100Nitra
Košice I67,421 (Decrease)85Košice
Košice II82,115 (Decrease)80Košice
Košice III28,535 (Decrease)16Košice
Košice IV60,067 (Decrease)60Košice
Košice  okolie131,305 (Increase)1,534Košice
Krupina22,050 (Decrease)584Banská Bystrica
Kysucké Nové Mesto32,890 (Decrease)173Žilina
Levice110,040 (Decrease)1,551Nitra
Levoča33,730 (Increase)421Prešov
Liptovský Mikuláš72,054 (Decrease)1,341Žilina
Lučenec73,071 (Decrease)825Banská Bystrica
Malacky75,325 (Increase)949Bratislava
Martin95,921 (Decrease)735Žilina
Medzilaborce11,708 (Decrease)427Prešov
Michalovce110,670 (Decrease)1,019Košice
Myjava26,062 (Decrease)327Trenčín
Námestovo63,268 (Increase)690Žilina
Nitra161,499 (Decrease)870Nitra
Nové Mesto nad Váhom62,572 (Decrease)579Trenčín
Nové Zámky137,778 (Decrease)1,347Nitra
Partizánske45,293 (Decrease)301Trenčín
Pezinok66,174 (Increase)375Bratislava
Piešťany62,626 (Decrease)381Trnava
Poltár21,179 (Decrease)476Banská Bystrica
Poprad105,015 (Increase)1,104Prešov
Považská Bystrica61,993 (Decrease)463Trenčín
Prešov176,781 (Increase)933Prešov
Prievidza132,891 (Decrease)959Trenčín
Púchov44,136 (Decrease)375Trenčín
Revúca39,349 (Decrease)730Banská Bystrica
Rimavská Sobota83,953 (Decrease)1,471Banská Bystrica
Rožňava61,944 (Decrease)1,173Košice
Ružomberok56,536 (Decrease)646Žilina
Sabinov61,072 (Increase)545Prešov
Senec94,577 (Increase)359Bratislava
Senica60,314 (Decrease)683Trnava
Skalica46,965 (Decrease)357Trnava
Snina35,833 (Decrease)804Prešov
Sobrance22,775 (Decrease)538Košice
Spišská Nová Ves100,201 (Increase)587Košice
Stará Ľubovňa54,054 (Increase)707Prešov
Stropkov20,366 (Decrease)388Prešov
Svidník32,334 (Decrease)549Prešov
Šaľa51,309 (Decrease)355Nitra
Topoľčany69,521 (Decrease)597Nitra
Trebišov105,136 (Decrease)1,073Košice
Trenčín114,837 (Increase)674Trenčín
Trnava133,154 (Increase)741Trnava
Turčianske Teplice15,854 (Decrease)392Žilina
Tvrdošín36,127 (Decrease)478Žilina
Veľký Krtíš43,002 (Decrease)848Banská Bystrica
Vranov nad Topľou80,906 (Increase)769Prešov
Zlaté Moravce40,369 (Decrease)521Nitra
Zvolen68,657 (Decrease)759Banská Bystrica
Žarnovica26,054 (Decrease)425Banská Bystrica
Žiar nad Hronom46,477 (Decrease)517Banská Bystrica
Žilina158,456 (Increase)815Žilina

See also

  • Boroughs and localities of Bratislava
  • Boroughs and localities of Košice


  1. "Statistic of Slovak places by Dušan Kreheľ – Export". Archived from the original on 2021-07-19. Retrieved 2021-07-19.
  2. "Statistic of Slovak places by Dušan Kreheľ – Export". Archived from the original on 2021-09-01. Retrieved 2021-09-01.
  3. "Statistic of Slovak places by Dušan Kreheľ – Export". Archived from the original on 2021-06-27. Retrieved 2021-07-05.
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