European Liberal Forum

The European Liberal Forum (ELF) is a political foundation at the European level affiliated to the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party. Founded in 2007, ELF brings together liberal think tanks, political foundations, and institutes from around Europe to observe, analyze, and contribute to the debate on European public policy issues and the process of European integration, through research, training, and the promotion of active citizenship within the EU.

European Liberal Forum
Formation2007 (2007)
TypePolitical foundation at European level
HeadquartersBrussels, Belgium
Hilde Vautmans, MEP
€ 1,66 million (2016)[1]

Compared to other political foundations in Europe, the European Liberal Forum's independent status is much more pronounced.[2] ELF is open to all types of liberal actors, provided they subscribe to the ideas represented by the European Liberals. Additionally, ELF provides ALDE with the scientific input toward policy development, thus contributing to the European public debate, and it presents liberal proposals and views towards the wider public in EU Member States.

Board of directors and secretariat

The ELF Board of Directors provides the foundation with day-to-day guidance. Currently, the Board is composed of:[3]

  • Hilde Vautmans, MEP, President
  • Svenja Hahn, MEP, 1st Vice-President
  • Dr Milosz Hodun, 2nd Vice-President
  • Mats Löfström, MP Treasurer
  • Dr Šárka Prát, Board member
  • Marco Mariani, Board member
  • Pieter Van de Stadt, Board Member

The secretariat is run by Daniel Kaddik, ELF Executive Director.[4]


Policy papers

  • Batteries Charging the Future: The New Cycle for Energy Storage, and the Global Arms Race for it by Francesco Cappelletti;
  • The ‘Brussels Effect’ Digitalisation and the Future of Transatlantic Relations by Dr Antonios Nestoras;[5]
  • Enhancing the Commission’s AI Act Proposal Dr Benjamin Jan;
  • The Promise of Magnetic Fusion for a Sustainable Future by Francesco Cappelletti;
  • The Potential of Harm Reduction: A Novel EU Strategy on Tobacco Regulation by Dr Frank-Ulrich Fricke;
  • Towards a Social EU? A Liberal Vision for Social Policy Beyond the Porto Summit by Dr Maria Alesina.

Member organisations

Member organisations
Member organisationName in the original languageShort NameCountry
Institute of Liberal PoliticsԼիբերալ քաղաքականության ինստիտուտILP Armenia
NEOS LabNEOS Lab Austria
Jean Gol CentreCentre Jean GolCJG Belgium
European Liberal YouthLYMEC Belgium
LiberasLiberas Belgium
Albert Maertens Study CentreStudiecentrum Albert MaertensSAM Belgium
Boris Divković FoundationFondacija Boris DivkovićBDF Bosnia and Herzegovina
Liberal Institute for Political Analyses (LIPA)Либералният институт за политически анализиLIPA Bulgaria
Liberal Integration FoundationФондация „Либерална интеграцияLIF Bulgaria
International Educational CentreIEC Croatia
Institute for Politics and SocietyInstitut pro politiku a společnostIPPS Czech Republic
Danish Liberal Democracy ProgrammeDLDP Denmark
Academy of LiberalismLiberalismi AkadeemiaAoL Estonia
Swedish Education AssociationSvenska bildningsförbundetSBF Finland
Think tank MagmaTankesmedjanMagma Finland
LGBTI Liberals of EuropeLLOE France
Europe-Georgia Instituteევროპულ-ქართული ინსტიტუტიEGI Georgia
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for FreedomFriedrich-Naumann-StiftungFNF Germany
Centre for Liberal Studies – Markos DragoumisΚέντρο Φιλελεύθερων Μελετών – Μάρκος ΔραγούμηςKEFiM Greece
For Freedom, for Liberal Thinking FoundationSzabadságért AlapítványFFF Hungary
Let’s Start Up Hungary FoundationIndítsuk Be Magyarországot FoundationIbM Hungary
Republikon Foundation for Science, Education and ResearchRepublikon FoundationRepublikon Hungary
Association LibMov, Liberal MovementAssociazione LibMov, Movimento LiberaleLibMov Italy
Luigi Einaudi CentreCentro Luigi EinaudiCLE Italy
Luigi Einaudi FoundationFondazione Luigi EinaudiFLE Italy
Liberal Critic FoundationFondazione Critica LiberaleFCL Italy
Forum for Latvia’s FutureLatvijas Nākotnes ForumsFLF Latvia
Liberal Institute SkopjeЛибералниот Институт СкопјеLIS North Macedonia
Haya van Someren Stichting / VVD InternationaalThematisch Netwerk InternationaalTNI Netherlands
Mr. Hans van Mierlo Stichting Netherlands
Stichting Internationaal Democratisch Initiatief / D66 International D66 Netherlands B.M. TeldersStichting TeldersStichting Netherlands
Study Centre of VenstreVenstres StudieforbundVS Norway
Liberté! FoundationFundacja Liberté!Liberté! Poland
Project: Poland FoundationFundacja Projekt: PolskaProPol Poland
Liberal Social Movement (Portugal)Movimento Liberal SocialMLS Portugal
Institute for Liberal StudiesInstitutul de Studii LiberaleISL Romania
NOVUM – Institute for strategic and applicable researchNOVUM Slovenia
Zavod 14zavod za sožitje in napredekZAVOD Slovenia
Galician Society for Freedom and DemocracyAsociación Galega para a Liberdade e a DemocraciaALIDEM Spain
Forum for Reforms, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (Fores)FORES Sweden
Centre Party International FoundationCenterpartiets internationella stiftelseCIS Sweden
Bertil Ohlin InstituteBertil Ohlin Institutet Sweden
Swedish International Liberal CenterCenterpartiets internationella stiftelseSILC Sweden
glp labglp lab – das offene PolitlaborGLP Switzerland
Freedom Research AssociationÖzgürlük Araştırmaları DerneğiÖAD Turkey
The Paddy Ashdown Forum United Kingdom

See also


  1. "Financial documentation year 2016" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 March 2018. Retrieved 16 March 2018.
  2. Gagatek, Wojciech. Towards policy-seeking Europarties? : the development of European political foundations. EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2011/58. Florence: European University Institute, 2011. ISSN 1028-3625.
  3. About board Archived 2016-10-02 at the Wayback Machine Liberal Forum
  4. About secretariat Archived 2016-03-22 at the Wayback Machine Liberal Forum
  5. Nestoras, Antonios. "The Brussels Effect in Digitalisation and the Future of Transatlantic Relations". European Liberal Forum. European Liberal Forum. Retrieved 8 August 2022.
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