European Parliament Committee on Regional Development
The Committee on Regional Development (REGI) is a committee of the European Parliament. Its current chair, elected on 10 July 2019, is Younous Omarjee.[1]
Research service
The Committee is directly supported by a research service, the Policy Department for Structural & Cohesion Policies. Most of its research studies and briefings are published online. The publications do not necessarily reflect the view of the Committee.
Recent publications (as of October 2018):
Externalities of Cohesion Policy
Future links between structural reforms and EU cohesion policy
Conditionalities in Cohesion Policy
Digital Agenda and Cohesion Policy
The economic, social and territorial situation of Northern Ireland
Control and simplification of procedures within European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)
Economic, social and territorial situation of Slovenia
Implementation of Cohesion Policy in the 2014-2020 Programming Period – January 2018 UPDATE
Public Private Partnerships and Cohesion Policy
Cohesion policy and Paris Agreement Targets
Integrated use of ESI funds to address social challenges
European Cohesion Policy and regional development policies in other parts of the world Archived 2017-12-09 at the Wayback Machine
Lessons learnt from the Closure of the 2007-13 Programming Period
Financial instruments for energy efficiency and renewable energy
Gold-Plating in the European Structural and Investment Funds
The economic, social and territorial situation of Romania – North-West Region