Fantasy Masterworks
Fantasy Masterworks is a series of British paperbacks intended to comprise "some of the greatest, most original, and most influential fantasy ever written", and claimed by its publisher Millennium (an imprint of Victor Gollancz) to be "the books which, along with Tolkien, Peake and others, shaped modern fantasy."[1]
It has a companion series in the SF Masterworks line. A separate Future Classics[2] line has also started featuring eight science fiction novels from the last few decades.
The books were numbered only through No. 50; in the 2013 reboot of the series, the books are unnumbered, have a uniform look, and feature introductions by well-known writers and critics.
Numbered paperback series (2000–2007)
Number | Title | Author | Originally Published | ISBN | Masterworks Published |
1 | The Book of the New Sun | Gene Wolfe | 1983 | ISBN 978-1-857-98977-9 | 2000 |
2 | Time and the Gods | Lord Dunsany | 1905–1916 | ISBN 978-1-857-98989-2 | 2000 |
3 | The Worm Ouroboros | E. R. Eddison | 1922 | ISBN 978-1-857-98993-9 | 2000 |
4 | Tales of the Dying Earth | Jack Vance | 1950–1984 | ISBN 978-1-857-98994-6 | 2000 |
5 | Little, Big | John Crowley | 1981 | ISBN 978-1-857-98711-9 | 2000 |
6 | The Chronicles of Amber | Roger Zelazny | 1970–1978 | ISBN 978-1-857-98726-3 | 2000 |
7 | Viriconium | M. John Harrison | 1971–1985 | ISBN 978-1-857-98995-3 | 2000 |
8 | The Conan Chronicles Volume 1: The People of the Black Circle | Robert E. Howard | 1933-2000 | ISBN 978-1-857-98996-0 | 2000 |
9 | The Land of Laughs | Jonathan Carroll | 1980 | ISBN 978-1-857-98999-1 | 2000 |
10 | The Compleat Enchanter: The Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea | L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt | 1940–1954 | ISBN 978-1-857-98757-7 | 2000 |
11 | Lud-in-the-Mist | Hope Mirrlees | 1926 | ISBN 978-1-857-98767-6 | 2000 |
12 | The Book of the New Sun, Volume 2: Sword and Citadel | Gene Wolfe | 1982 & 1983 | ISBN 978-1-857-98700-3 | 2000 |
13 | Fevre Dream | George R. R. Martin | 1982 | ISBN 978-1-857-98331-9 | 2001 |
14 | Beauty | Sheri S. Tepper | 1991 | ISBN 978-1-857-98722-5 | 2001 |
15 | The King of Elfland's Daughter | Lord Dunsany | 1924 | ISBN 978-1-857-98790-4 | 2001 |
16 | The Conan Chronicles Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon | Robert E. Howard | 1932-2001 | ISBN 978-1-857-98747-8 | 2001 |
17 | Elric | Michael Moorcock | 1961–1965 | ISBN 978-1-857-98743-0 | 2001 |
18 | The First Book of Lankhmar | Fritz Leiber | 1968–1970 | ISBN 978-1-857-98327-2 | 2001 |
19 | The Riddle-Master's Game | Patricia A. McKillip | 1976–1979 | ISBN 978-1-857-98796-6 | 2001 |
20 | Time and Again | Jack Finney | 1970 | ISBN 978-0-575-07360-9 | 2001 |
21 | Mistress of Mistresses | E.R. Eddison | 1935 | ISBN 978-0-575-07284-8 | 2001 |
22 | Gloriana | Michael Moorcock | 1978 | ISBN 978-0-575-07359-3 | 2001 |
23 | The Well of the Unicorn | Fletcher Pratt | 1948 | ISBN 978-0-575-07267-1 | 2001 |
24 | The Second Book of Lankhmar | Fritz Leiber | 1968–1988 | ISBN 978-0-575-07358-6 | 2001 |
25 | Voice of Our Shadow | Jonathan Carroll | 1983 | ISBN 978-0-575-07367-8 | 2002 |
26 | The Emperor of Dreams | Clark Ashton Smith | 1928-2002 | ISBN 978-0-575-07373-9 | 2002 |
27 | Lyonesse I: Suldrun's Garden | Jack Vance | 1983 | ISBN 978-0-575-07374-6 | 2002 |
28 | Peace | Gene Wolfe | 1975 | ISBN 978-0-575-07376-0 | 2002 |
29 | The Dragon Waiting | John M. Ford | 1983 | ISBN 978-0-575-07378-4 | 2002 |
30 | Chronicles of Corum | Michael Moorcock | 1977 | ISBN 978-0-575-07366-1 | 2002 |
31 | Black Gods and Scarlet Dream | C. L. Moore | 1933–1939 | ISBN 978-0-575-07417-0 | 2002 |
32 | The Broken Sword | Poul Anderson | 1954 | ISBN 978-0-575-07425-5 | 2002 |
33 | The House on the Borderland and Other Novels | William Hope Hodgson | 1907-1946 | ISBN 978-0-575-07372-2 | 2002 |
34 | The Drawing of the Dark | Tim Powers | 1979 | ISBN 978-0-575-07426-2 | 2002 |
35 | Lyonesse II and III: The Green Pearl and Madouc | Jack Vance | 1985 & 1989 | ISBN 978-0-575-07517-7 | 2003 |
36 | The History of the Runestaff | Michael Moorcock | 1979 | ISBN 978-0-575-07469-9 | 2003 |
37 | A Voyage to Arcturus | David Lindsay | 1920 | ISBN 978-0-575-07483-5 | 2003 |
38 | Darker Than You Think | Jack Williamson | 1948 | ISBN 978-0-575-07546-7 | 2003 |
39 | The Mabinogion | Evangeline Walton | 1936-2002 | ISBN 978-0-575-07538-2 | 2003 |
40 | Three Hearts & Three Lions | Poul Anderson | 1961 | ISBN 978-0-575-07498-9 | 2003 |
41 | Grendel | John Gardner | 1971 | ISBN 978-0-575-07582-5 | 2004 |
42 | The Iron Dragon's Daughter | Michael Swanwick | 1993 | ISBN 978-0-575-07605-1 | 2004 |
43 | Was | Geoff Ryman | 1992 | ISBN 978-0-575-07669-3 | 2005 |
44 | Song of Kali | Dan Simmons | 1985 | ISBN 978-0-575-07659-4 | 2005 |
45 | Replay | Ken Grimwood | 1986 | ISBN 978-0-575-07559-7 | 2005 |
46 | Sea-Kings of Mars and Otherworldly Stories | Leigh Brackett | 1942-2005 | ISBN 978-0-575-07689-1 | 2005 |
47 | The Anubis Gates | Tim Powers | 1983 | ISBN 978-0-575-07725-6 | 2005 |
48 | The Forgotten Beasts of Eld | Patricia A. McKillip | 1974 | ISBN 978-0-575-07765-2 | 2005 |
49 | Something Wicked This Way Comes | Ray Bradbury | 1962 | ISBN 978-0-575-07874-1 | 2006 |
50 | The Mark of the Beast and Other Fantastical Tales | Rudyard Kipling | 1884-2007 | ISBN 978-0-575-07791-1 | 2007 |
New design
Title | Author | Originally Published | ISBN | Masterworks Published |
Aegypt | John Crowley | 1987 | ISBN 978-0-575-08300-4 | 2013 |
The Dragon Griaule | Lucius Shepard | 2013 | ISBN 978-0-575-08992-1 | 2013 |
Last Call | Tim Powers | 1992 | ISBN 978-0-575-11681-8 | 2013 |
The Falling Woman | Pat Murphy | 1986 | ISBN 978-0-575-13314-3 | 2013 |
The Phoenix and the Mirror | Avram Davidson | 1969 | ISBN 978-0-575-13038-8 | 2013 |
Lord Darcy | Randall Garrett | 1964–1979 | ISBN 978-1-473-20104-0 | 2014 |
Votan and Other Novels | John James | 1966–1969 | ISBN 978-0-575-10550-8 | 2014 |
The Broken Sword * | Poul Anderson | 1954 | ISBN 978-1-473-20544-4 | 2014 |
Ombria in Shadow | Patricia A. McKillip | 2002 | ISBN 978-1-473-20574-1 | 2014 |
Beauty * | Sheri S. Tepper | 1991 | ISBN 978-1-473-20659-5 | 2014 |
Mythago Wood | Robert Holdstock | 1984 | ISBN 978-1-473-20545-1 | 2014 |
Little, Big * | John Crowley | 1981 | ISBN 978-1-473-20547-5 | 2015 |
The Book of the New Sun, Volume 1: Shadow and Claw * | Gene Wolfe | 1983 | ISBN 978-1-473-21197-1 | 2015 |
Expiration Date | Tim Powers | 1996 | ISBN 978-1-473-21198-8 | 2015 |
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld * | Patricia A. McKillip | 1974 | ISBN 978-1-473-21203-9 | 2015 |
Lavondyss | Robert Holdstock | 1988 | ISBN 978-1-473-21199-5 | 2015 |
Earthquake Weather | Tim Powers | 1997 | ISBN 978-1-473-21205-3 | 2015 |
Thomas the Rhymer | Ellen Kushner | 1990 | ISBN 978-1-473-21162-9 | 2015 |
The Anvil of Ice | Michael Scott Rohan | 1986 | ISBN 978-0-575-09221-1 | 2015 |
Elleander Morning | Jerry Yulsman | 1984 | ISBN 978-1-473-21169-8 | 2015 |
The Circus of Dr. Lao | Charles G. Finney | 1935 | ISBN 978-1-473-21367-8 | 2016 |
* Also published in the Fantasy Masterworks numbered series.
See also
- SF Masterworks
- According to the back cover of e.g. Howard, Robert E. (2000). The Conan Chronicles Volume 1: The People of the Black Circle. Fantasy Masterworks. Millennium. ISBN 1-85798-996-1.
- Gollancz editor Simon Spanton on the Future Classics promotion
External links
- List of Fantasy Masterworks in order of publication with extensive reviews.
- Fantasy Masterworks overview and reviews—List of Fantasy Masterworks numbered series in reverse order of publication with shorter reviews at The SF Site.
- The Fantasy Masterworks List—A graphical presentation of the Fantasy Masterworks.
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