List of festivals in Alberta

Several festivals are held in the Canadian province of Alberta each year. This list includes several types of festivals in the province, such as regional festivals, commerce festivals, fairs, food festivals, arts festivals, religious festivals, folk festivals, music festivals, and recurring festivals on holidays.

Festivals of Alberta
External sublists
By city
  • Festivals of Calgary
  • festivals of Edmonton
  • festivals of Lethbridge
Related topics
  • Festivals of Canada
  • (British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan)
  • culture of Alberta
  • tourism in Alberta


By city

  • List of festivals in Calgary
  • List of festivals in Edmonton
  • List of festivals in Lethbridge

By type

  • List of music festivals in Canada#Alberta


Calgary Region

Festivals in Calgary Region
Tabestoon Festival Olympic Plaza 12-13 August Iranian music, art and food
Airdrie Festival Of LightsAirdrieDecemberRides, Christmas lights, refreshments[1]
Afrikadey!CalgaryEarly AugustAfrica themed festival[2]
Calgary Arab Film FestivalCalgaryOctoberFilm festival
Calgary Jazz FestivalCalgaryLate JuneJazz music
Calgary C-Jazz CARNIVALECalgaryLate AugustJazz music
Calgary Folk Music FestivalCalgaryLate JulyFolk music festival[3]
Calgary Exhibition and StampedeCalgaryMid-JulyRodeo, exhibition
Calgary Fringe FestivalCalgaryAugustFringe festival
Calgary International Children's FestivalCalgaryLate May
Calgary International Film FestivalCalgarySeptember/OctoberFilm festival
Calgary International Spoken Word FestivalCalgaryLate March / AprilSpoken word festival
Calgary Underground Film FestivalCalgarySeptember/OctoberFilm festival
Calgary WinterfestCalgaryFebruary
Canmore Highland GamesCanmoreAnnually on Labour Day weekendCeltic sports, music and dance
CarifestCalgaryJuneCaribbean festival on Stephen Avenue and Prince's Island Park
ENMAX ZoolightsCalgaryDecember/JanuaryHeld at the Calgary Zoo
Chasing Summer Music FestivalCalgaryLate July/early AugustElectronic music festival held annually at Max Bell Arena[4]
Cochrane WinterfestCochraneJanuary 25 & 26Held at the Cochrane Lions Rodeo Park
Expo LatinoCalgaryLate AugustLatino festival in Prince's Island Park
"Fiestaval" Latin FestivalCalgaryJuly 19, 20, 2008Latin music, outdoors, beer gardens
GlobalFestCalgaryAugust 21–29, 2009Multi-ethnic festival and fireworks
High Performance RodeoCalgaryJanuaryTheatre, music, dance, visual arts[5]
International Festival of Animated ObjectsCalgaryJanuaryPuppeteering festival
Calgary International Blues FestivalCalgary
Calgary Midwinter Blues FestivalCalgary
Labour Day Rodeo and ParadeCochraneLabour Day weekendRodeo
Lilac FestivalCalgaryLate MayStreet festival[6]
North American Championship Chuckwagon Races and Guy Weadick Pro RodeoHigh River
Reggae FestivalCalgaryMid-AugustReggae music
Shady Grove Bluegrass FestivalNantonThird weekend of AugustMusic Festival[7][8]
Shakespeare in the ParkCalgaryJulyTheater[9]
Sled IslandCalgaryJulyMusic festival[10]
Spruce Meadows International show-jumping tournamentCalgary
Sun and Salsa FestivalCalgaryMid-July
Taste of CalgaryCalgary
X-FestCalgaryAugustAlternative music festival in Fort Calgary,[11] Labour Day weekend
FozzyFestCalgary (South Kananaskis)Canada Day long weekend[12] Electronic music
InshalaCalgary (South Fort Macleod)Mid-June[13] Electronic music and conference
TreemendusCalgary (Mountain View County)Labour Day weekend[14] Electronic music

Edmonton Region

Festivals in the Edmonton Capital Region
Ice on WhyteEdmontonLate JanuaryIce sculpture
Winter Light[15]EdmontonJanuary - MarchCelebration of winter spirit
International Mother Language Day[16]EdmontonFebruaryBPCA's celebration


Silver Skate Festival and Edmonton Winter Triathlon[15]EdmontonEarly FebruaryWinter festival
Edmonton's International Beerfest[17]EdmontonEarly SpringBeer festival
Edmonton Poetry Festival[18]EdmontonAprilPoetry
Bengali New Year Festival[19]EdmontonAprilBHESA's Boishakhi Mela
Opera NUOVA's Vocal Arts Festival[20]EdmontonMay/JuneOpera / art song
International Children's FestivalSt. AlbertMay/June
Dreamspeakers International Film Festival[22]EdmontonJuneAboriginal filmmakers, performers and artists
Free Will Shakespeare Festival[23]EdmontonJune/JulyShakespeare plays
The Works Art & Design Festival[24]EdmontonJune/JulyDesign and art exhibitions
Dragonfly Music FestivalWabamunJune–JulyCanada Day weekend; Canadian music
K-Days (formerly Klondike Days)[25]EdmontonLate JulyExhibition and fair
Edmonton Heritage Festival[26]EdmontonEarly AugustTraditional dance, foods, and crafts
Edmonton Latin Festival[27]EdmontonMid-AugustLatin culture and music
Edmonton Music & Speech Arts Festival[28]EdmontonMid-Aprilearly-MayClassical Music, Musical Theatre, Speech Arts
Cariwest Caribbean Arts Festival[29]EdmontonMid-AugustCaribbean carnival
Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival[30]EdmontonMid-AugustDragon boat
Edmonton Folk Music Festival[31]EdmontonMid-AugustFolk music festival
Edmonton International Film Festival[32]EdmontonLate September/Early OctoberIndependent film
Edmonton International Literary Festival[33]EdmontonLate OctoberNonfiction writing
Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival[34] EdmontonAugustFringe festival
Edmonton International Jazz Festival[35] EdmontonJulyJazz
Edmonton International Street Performer's Festival[36]EdmontonEarly JulyBusking
Edmonton Short Film FestivalEdmontonFirst Weekend of OctoberAlberta indie short film[37]
A Taste of Edmonton[38]EdmontonLate JulyFood and restaurants
Labatt Blues Festival[39]EdmontonMid-AugustBlues
Rock'n AugustSt. AlbertMid-AugustCar show, live music
Expo LatinoEdmontonLate AugustLatino culture
Symphony Under the Sky[40]EdmontonEarly SeptemberSymphony
SONiC BOOM[41]EdmontonSeptemberAlternative and indie rock
What the Truck?![42]EdmontonMid-SeptemberFood truck festival
Roar Spoken Word FestivalEdmontonMid-SeptemberPoetry/spoken word festival[43]
Pure Speculation[44]EdmontonNovemberGeek and fan culture festival
Purple City Music FestivalEdmontonAugustMusic festival
Canadian Finals Rodeo[45]EdmontonMid-NovemberRodeo
Festival of TreesEdmontonDecemberChristmas trees
Bright Lights FestivalEdmontonLate December/Early JanuaryLarge Christmas lights display
New Year's Eve DowntownEdmontonNew Year's Eve


Festivals in the Alberta Rockies
Banff Culture WalkBanff
Banff Mountain Film FestivalBanffLate OctoberMountain film festival
Banff Mountain Book FestivalBanffLate October
Banff Summer Arts FestivalBanff
Banff World Television FestivalBanffMid-JuneTelevision programming event
Canmore artsPeak Arts FestivalCanmore
Canmore Folk Music FestivalCanmore
Canmore Highland GamesCanmore
Dance Summit Invitational Hinton April Dance festival in the foothills of Jasper National Park
Ice Magic Weekend - International Ice Sculpting CompetitionLake Louise
Jasper Heritage RodeoJasper
Jasper in January[46]JasperJanuaryThree themed weekends running from the middle to the end of January, packed with events, deals and activities from a street party to dogsledding to food tasting.
Jasper Dark Sky Festival[47]JasperOctoberStargazing
Mary Reimer Memorial RodeoHinton
Mozart on the MountainCanmoreSymphonic concert
Wild Mountain Music Fest[48]HintonJuly 15, 16, 17 - 2016Rock and roll, country, blues, rockabilly, Latin, funk, and salsa music
WinterStart Weekend in BanffBanff

Central Alberta

Festivals in Central Alberta
"Bring in Spring" Beef Supper, Silent AuctionAnthony Henday Museum, Delburne, AlbertaAprilFundraising[49]
Athabasca Fringe FestivalAthabascaJulyFringe festival[50]
Band RanchEvansburg, AlbertaJuly 31-August 3
Boom Town Music FestivalOl'Macdonalds Resort, Buffalo Lake, Erskine, AlbertaSeptember 5–6Alternative country, bluegrass, folk [51]
Blueberry Bluegrass Country Music FestivalStony PlainAugustCountry music[52]
Big Valley JamboreeCamroseAugustCountry music[53]
Bro-Tel Backyard FestivalMyrnamAugustAlternative/Rock/Country music[54]
Centre Fest: International Street Performers FestivalRed DeerAugustStreet theatre[55]
David Thompson Days Country FairRocky Mountain HouseAugustFair
Kikino Celebration Days & Silver Birch RodeoKikino3rd weekend in AugustParade, rodeo, bingo, steak supper, trade show, fireworks[56]
East Coulee SpringFestDrumhellerMay 11–13, 201238 bands, 4 venues, 100 musicians, all rock out in the badlands for one weekend[57]
Lac La Biche Pow Wow and Fish DerbyLac La Biche
Maple FlagCold LakeMay–JuneAerial combat exercise
Medicine Lodge RodeoEdsonMayRodeo[58]
Nordlys Film & Arts FestivalCamroseFebruaryFilm festival, live music[59]
Ponoka StampedePonokaJune/JulyRodeo[60]
Rocky Air ShowRocky Mountain HouseAugustAir show[61]
Sidewalk JamboreeEdsonAugustFair
Shake The LakeSylvanLakeAugustAction sports and music festival[62]
Spin Out FestivalCamp MaskepetoonJuneCircus and fire spinning festival[63]
Texas ConnectionInnisfailMid-AugustMusic festival[64]
Thunder in the Valley Drag RacesDrayton ValleyLate August
Vermilion FairVermilionLast weekend of JulyFair[65]
Come By The Hills Music FestivalMistahiya Retreat Centre between Vermilion and Wainwright3rd weekend of AugustFolk, country, rock Music festival[66]
Wainwright StampedeWainwrightThird week (or last full week) of June, Thur-SunChuckwagons, indoor concert/cabaret, midway, parade, and rodeo [67]
Westerner Days Fair and ExhibitionRed DeerJulyFair[68]
Zion Noiz Music & Arts FestivalAlbertaJuneMusic & Arts[69]

Northern Alberta

Festivals in Northern Alberta
Eaglesham July 1st. CelebrationEaglesham Park, Eaglesham AlbertaJuly 1Family event in the Peace River Region
Reel Shorts Film FestivalGrande PrairieMayInternational festival of short films
North Country FairSlave LakeJune
Astral Harvest Music FestivalSlave LakeJulyElectronic and live music[70]
Falher Honey FestivalFalherJuneBeekeeping festival[71]
Alberta Open Sand Sculpture ChampionshipLesser Slave Lake Provincial ParkJulySand castle and sculptures on the beaches of Lesser Slave Lake[72]
Gold Cup Jet Boat RacePeace RiverJuly
Magnificent River Rats FestivalAthabascaJulyParade, music, marketplace, children's activities[73]
North Country FairDriftpileJuneMusic, marketplace, camping, children's activities[74]
Peace FestPeace RiverJulyLive music, marketplace[75]
SummerslamGrande Prairie, Fort McMurrayJuly
Telus Country Fever Music FestivalGrande PrairieJuly
InterPLAY FestivalFort McMurrayAugust
Peace Country Gospel JamboreeBeaverlodgeAugust
The Bear Creek Folk FestivalGrande PrairieAugust
Blueberry FestivalFort McMurrayEarly SeptemberParade, midway, fireworks[76]
Canadian Championship of Custom Bike BuildingBeaverlodge, WembleyEarly SeptemberMotorcycle trade show[77]
Golden Walleye ClassicHigh PrairieSeptember

Southern Alberta

Festivals in Southern Alberta
Lethbridge International Film FestivalLethbridgeAprilFilm festival
Lethbridge Music FestLethbridgeApril 23Music Festival
#mywatertoneats Food FestivalWaterton Lakes National ParkEnd of May-Beginning of Junecelebrating the culinary talent in Waterton[78]
Stirling Community Garage saleStirlingVictoria DayCommunity garage sale
Beethoven in the BadlandsDrumhellerLate MaySymphonic concert[79]
Spectrum FestivalMedicine HatEach year the first weekend of JuneFamily festival [80]
The Gathering – Cowboy PoetryPincher CreekMid-JuneCowboy poetry, music, crafts and art[81]
Waterton Wildflower FestivalWaterton Lakes National ParkMid-Late JuneWorkshops and guided flower hikes[82]
Medicine Hat Jazz FestMedicine HatLate JuneJazz festival[83]
Raymond StampedeRaymondEarly JulyRodeo
The Canadian Badlands Passion PlayDrumhellerEarly to mid-JulyOutdoor theater[84]
Rosebud Summer Concert Series Rosebud Weekends in July and August Outdoor live music festival on the Rosebud Festival Stage[85]
Loud As Hell FestivalDrumhellerJuly 31 - Aug 2Drumheller Stampede Barn[86]
Stirling Settler DaysStirlingMid-JulyPancake breakfast, firefighter games, parade, community dance, a rodeo, and fireworks
Bluegrass Country Music FestivalHill SpringLate JulyCountry music[87]
Medicine Hat Exhibition & StampedeMedicine HatLate JulyRodeo, exhibition[88]
Rum Runners DaysCrowsnest PassLate JulyHeritage festival[89]
South Country FairFort MacleodLate JulyCamping, music and arts festival[90]
Whoop-Up Days Summer Fair & RodeoLethbridgeAugustRodeo and fair
Lethbridge Electronic Music FestivalLethbridgeAugustLocal and regional electronic music acts[91]
Southern Alberta Music FestivalAspen Crossing, Mossleigh, AlbertaAugust 24Live music, 11 am to midnight, 8 to 10 artists[92]
Waterton Wildlife FestivalWaterton Lakes National ParkMid-Late SeptemberWorkshops and info about animals living in the Park[93]
Stirling Fall FestivalStirlingSeptember 13Wagon rides, horseshoe tournament, supper, cup stacking, and a movie in the park
Love & RecordsLethbridge, AlbertaSeptember 17Live music, record fair (vinyl), BBQ, raffles, parkour, art gallery, family zone, beer gardens
The Word on the StreetLethbridgeSeptember 21Outdoor festival celebrating literacy and the written word
Pincher Creek Parade of LightsPincher CreekNovember
Cowboy Christmas ShowHill SpringNovember and DecemberBarn dance[94]
Victorian Prairie Christmas Stirling December Old-fashioned Christmas held at the Galt Historic Railway Park

See also

  • List of festivals in Canada
  • Culture of Alberta
  • Tourism in Alberta


  1. "Welcome to the Airdrie Festival Of Lights". Archived from the original on 2008-12-02. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  2. African Festival and Presentation Society (2007). "Afrikadey!". Archived from the original on 2007-04-05. Retrieved 2007-05-07.
  3. "Calgary Folk Music Festival". Archived from the original on 2007-05-05. Retrieved 2007-05-07.
  4. "Chasing Summer".
  5. "The High Performance Rodeo".
  6. 4th Street BRZ. "Lilac Festival". Archived from the original on 2007-05-20. Retrieved 2007-04-30.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  7. Foothills Bluegrass Music Society. "Shady Grove". Archived from the original on 2013-05-17.
  8. Foothills Bluegrass Music Society. "Foothills Bluegrass Music Society".
  9. Mount Royal College (2007). "Shakespeare in the Park". Retrieved 2007-05-07.
  10. "Sled Island". 2007.
  11. "X-Fest".
  12. FozzyFest (2011). "FozzyFest". Retrieved 2011-05-02.
  13. Inshala (2014). "Inshala". Retrieved 2014-01-10.
  14. Treemendus (2015). "Treemendus". Retrieved 2015-03-11.
  15. Winter Light - Silver Skate, Ice on Whyte and Deep Freeze Archived 2010-04-13 at the Wayback Machine
  16. "Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta".
  17. Edmonton's International Beerfest
  18. Edmonton Poetry Festival
  19. "Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta".
  20. Vocal Arts Festival
  21. Improvaganza
  22. Dreamspeakers Film Festival
  23. Free Will Shakespeare Festival (formerly called River City Shakespeare Festival)
  24. The Works Art & Design Festival
  25. Capital EX
  26. Edmonton Heritage Festival Archived 2009-02-07 at the Wayback Machine
  27. Edmonton Latin Festival
  28. Edmonton Music & Speech Arts Festival
  29. Cariwest
  30. Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival
  31. Edmonton Folk Music Festival
  32. Edmonton International Film Festival
  33. Edmonton International Literary Festival
  34. Edmonton International Fringe Festival
  35. Edmonton International Jazz Festival
  36. Edmonton International Street Performer's Festival
  37. Sharlene Millang (2016). "Edmonton Short Film Festival". Retrieved 2016-08-02.
  38. A Taste of Edmonton
  39. Labatt Blues Festival
  40. Symphony Under the Sky Festival
  41. SONiC BOOM
  42. What the Truck?!
  43. Thomas Trofimuk (2007). "The Roar Spoken Word Festival". Retrieved 2007-09-19.
  44. Pure Speculation
  45. finals Canadian Finals Rodeo
  46. Jasper in January
  47. Dark Sky Festival
  48. Wild Mountain Music Fest
  49. "The Village of Delburne".
  50. Athabasca Fringe Festival Archived 2007-06-10 at the Wayback Machine
  51. Boom Town Music Festival Archived 2014-05-29 at the Wayback Machine
  52. Blueberry Bluegrass Country Music Festival
  53. Big Valley Jamboree
  54. Bro-Tel Backyard Festival
  55. CentreFest
  56. Rodeos Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine
  57. SpringFest
  58. Medicine Lodge Rodeo
  59. Nordlys Film & Arts Festival
  60. Ponoka Stampede
  61. Rocky Mountain Air Show
  62. "Shake The Lake". Archived from the original on 2018-09-07. Retrieved 2020-03-09.
  63. Spin Out Festival Archived 2011-01-19 at the Wayback Machine
  64. Texas Connection
  65. Vermilion Agricultural Society
  66. Mistahia - Facebook page
  67. Wainwright Stampede Association
  68. Westerner Park Archived 2007-02-21 at the Wayback Machine - Western Days Fair and Exhibition
  69. Zion Noiz - Zion Noiz Music & Arts Festival
  70. Astral Harvest Music Festival
  71. Town of Fahler - Honey Festival Archived 2007-08-23 at the Wayback Machine
  72. Town of Slave Lake Archived 2006-10-07 at the Wayback Machine - attractions
  73. Magnificent River Rats Festival
  74. North Country Fair
  75. Peace Fest
  76. Fort Macmurray - festivals
  77. Canadian Championship of Custom Bike Building Archived 2007-08-24 at
  78. "2016 Waterton Food Festival | Waterton, Alberta Official Travel Information".
  79. Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Beethoven in the Badlands Archived 2007-10-14 at the Wayback Machine
  80. Spectrum Festival
  81. Pincher Creek and District Agricultural Society Cowboy Gathering Archived 2007-03-14 at the Wayback Machine
  82. Waterton Wildlower Festival
  83. Medicine Hat Jazz Festival
  84. The Canadian Badlands Passion Play
  85. "2022 Rosebud Concert Series". Retrieved 2022-06-16.
  86. Loud As Hell Festival
  87. Great Canadian Barndance Great Canadian Bluegrass & Classic Country Music Festival Archived 2006-08-14 at the Wayback Machine
  88. Medicine Hat Stampede
  89. Rum Runners Days
  90. South Country Fair Archived 2007-02-01 at the Wayback Machine
  92. Southern Alberta Music Festival
  93. "Waterton Wildlife Weekend 2016 - Waterton, Alberta Official Travel Information". Archived from the original on 2016-02-22. Retrieved 2016-02-25.
  94. Great Canadian Barndance The Cowboy Christmas Show Archived 2007-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
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