GO Transit fares

GO Transit is the inter-regional transportation authority of the Golden Horseshoe, which includes the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. It is Canada's oldest regional transit system, first serving passengers in 1967.

Fare zones

The service area of GO Transit is divided into a number of fare zones, each of which belonging to a number of fare corridors. Fares on GO Transit are based on the distance between originating and destination fare zones. Tickets between two fare zones are valid for travel between the two fare zones stated on the ticket, as well as between any two fare zones that lie between them on the same fare corridor. Tickets are not generally issued between two fare zones on different corridors, with the following notable exceptions:

  • Due to all-day GO train service and the interlining of the Lakeshore West line and the Lakeshore East line, tickets may be issued for trips starting in a fare zone on one line and ending in a fare zone on the other. Similarly, due to the number of GO bus connections between stations on the Lakeshore West line and the Milton line (including Square One Bus Terminal, but excluding Lisgar GO station), tickets may be issued for trips starting in a fare zone in Mississauga or Milton outside of the Lakeshore West line and fare zones on either of the Lakeshore lines.
  • Tickets are generally issued for trips between a fare zone inside Toronto and a fare zone outside the City of Toronto, even if they lie in different fare corridors; such tickets are valid between the fare zone outside the City of Toronto to any fare zone inside the City of Toronto for which the ticket value is equal or less. (For example, a ticket from Square One Bus Terminal to Scarborough Centre Bus Terminal would also be valid for trips to Kennedy GO Station, as the trips are of equal value, even though all three locations are on different fare corridors.) Note that Milliken GO Station, despite physically located within the City of Toronto, is considered to be in a fare zone outside of the City of Toronto for historical reasons.

As all GO Transit tickets are only valid for continuous trips of no more than two and a half hours, multiple tickets may be needed for longer trips.

List of fare zones

Fare zones 1–9, 19, 59, 70, 77, 79, 89 and 90 (shaded in green) are located within Toronto.

1Toronto Coach TerminalNo longer used by GO Transit
2TorontoUnion Station
Union Station Bus Terminal
(all corridors except Highway 407)
2TorontoExhibition GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
2TorontoBloor GO StationKitchener Line
3Etobicoke CentreKipling GO StationMilton line
4Metro NorthwestWeston GO Station
Etobicoke North GO Station
Kitchener line
5North YorkOriole GO Station
Old Cummer GO Station
Richmond Hill line
5North YorkFinch Bus Terminal
Sheppard–Yonge station
Mississauga/North York
Milton (via Highway 401)
Trinity Common (via Highway 407)
Pearson Airport (via Highway 401)
Oshawa (via Highway 401)
5North YorkYork Mills Bus TerminalMississauga/North York
Milton (via Highway 401)
Trinity Common (via Highway 407)
Brampton (via Highway 427)
Kitchener line
Oshawa (via Highway 2)
5North YorkYorkdale Bus TerminalMississauga/North York
Milton (via Highway 401)
Kitchener Line
Brampton (via Highway 427)
Pearson Airport (via Highway 401)
East Gwillimbury (via Highway 400)
Oshawa (via Highway 2)
6Scarborough SouthDanforth GO Station
Scarborough GO Station
Lakeshore East line
Stouffville Line
7Scarborough CentreAgincourt GO StationStouffville line
7Scarborough CentreScarborough Centre Bus TerminalHighway 407 East
Oshawa (via Highway 2)
Oshawa (via Highway 401)
Durham College Express
8GuildwoodEglinton GO Station
Guildwood GO Station
Lakeshore East line
9Rouge HillRouge Hill GO StationBeaverton
Lakeshore East line
10Port CreditPort Credit GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
11CooksvilleDixie GO Station
Cooksville GO Station
Milton line
12ClarksonClarkson GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
13OakvilleOakville GO StationLakeshore West line
Highway 407 West
Niagara Falls
13OakvilleOakville Carpool LotHighway 407 West
Pearson Airport (via Highway 407)
13OakvilleSheridan CollegeHighway 407 West
14BronteBronte GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
14BronteBronte Carpool LotHighway 407 West
15ApplebyAppleby GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
16BurlingtonBurlington GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
16BurlingtonBurlington Carpool LotHighway 407 West
Niagara Falls
17AldershotAldershot GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
18HamiltonHamilton GO CentreLakeshore West line
Hamilton Express
Highway 407 West
Pearson Airport (via Highway 407)
18HamiltonWest Harbour GO StationLakeshore West Line
Niagara Falls
18HamiltonMcMaster University Bus TerminalBrantford
Highway 407 West
19North YorkDownsview Park GO StationBarrie line
19VaughanHighway 407 Bus TerminalPearson Airport (via Highway 407)
Highway 407
20Square OneSquare One Bus TerminalMilton line
Highway 407 West
Pearson Airport (via Highway 407)
Mississauga/North York
21StreetsvilleStreetsville GO StationMilton line
Highway 407 West
21StreetsvilleErin Mills Transitway StationHighway 407 West
21StreetsvileWinston Churchill Transitway StationGuelph
22MeadowvaleMeadowvale GO Station
Meadowvale Town Centre
Milton Line
Highway 407 West
Milton (via Highway 401)
22MeadowvaleMeadowvale Business ParkMilton (via Highway 401)
22MeadowvaleHurontario at 407 GO Park & RideKitchener line
Highway 407 West
23LisgarLisgar GO StationMilton line
24MiltonMilton GO StationMilton line
Milton (via Highway 401)
24MiltonMilton Carpool LotGuelph
25MississaugaDixie Transitway Station
Renforth Transitway Station
Mississauga/North York
Pearson Airport (via Highway 407)
26CambridgeSmartCentres iXpress Station
Sportsworld Carpool Lot iXpress Station
27KitchenerKitchener railway stationKitchener line
27WaterlooWilfrid Laurier University (Laurier iXpress Station)
University of Waterloo (UW Davis iXpress Station)
27KitchenerCharles St. Transit TerminalKitchener line
28PontypoolClarington North Carpool LotPeterborough
29MillbrookCavan/Millbrook Carpool LotPeterborough
30PeterboroughPeterborough Transit Terminal
Trent University
Peterborough Carpool Lot
31MaltonMalton GO StationKitchener line
31MaltonToronto Pearson International AirportPearson Airport (via Highway 407)
Pearson Airport (via Highway 401)
32BramaleaBramalea City Centre TerminalKitchener line
Brampton (via Highway 427)
Trinity Common (via Highway 407)
32BramaleaTrinity Common Bus Terminal
Williams Pkwy at 410 Carpool Lot
Trinity Common (via Highway 407)
32BramaleaBramalea GO StationKitchener Line
Brampton (via Highway 427)
Trinity Common (via Highway 407)
Highway 407 West
33BramptonBrampton GO Station
Brampton Bus Terminal
Kitchener line
Brampton (via Highway 427)
33BramptonShoppers World TerminalKitchener line
34Mount PleasantMount Pleasant GO StationKitchener line
35GeorgetownGeorgetown GO StationKitchener line
36SilvercreekKitchener line
37ActonActon GO StationKitchener line
38RockwoodKitchener line
39GuelphGuelph Central GO StationKitchener line
39GuelphUniversity of GuelphKitchener line
Highway 407 West
39AberfoyleAberfoyle GO Park and RideGuelph
Highway 407 West
40ErindaleErindale GO StationMilton Line
42CaledonCaledon Carpool LotOrangeville
43OrangevilleOrangeville Mall
Orangeville GO Park & Ride
Orangeville Carpool Lot
44East GwillimburyEast Gwillimbury GO StationEast Gwillimbury (via Highway 400)
Barrie line
45QueensvilleQueensville Carpool LotKeswick
46KeswickKeswick Carpool LotKeswick
50Richmond HillRichmond Hill GO StationRichmond Hill Line
50Richmond HillMajor Mackenzie at Highway 404 Carpool LotKeswick
Highway 407 East
52Port PerryBeaverton
56Bolton SouthBolton GO Park & Ride LotBolton
59Long BranchLong Branch GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
60LangstaffLangstaff GO StationRichmond Hill line
60LangstaffRichmond Hill Centre TerminalPearson Airport (via Highway 407)
Highway 407 East
61Maple—RutherfordRutherford GO Station
Maple GO Station
Barrie line
61MapleMajor Mackenzie at Highway 400 Carpool LotEast Gwillimbury (via Highway 400)
62KingKing City GO StationBarrie line
63AuroraAurora GO StationBarrie line
63AuroraAurora Carpool LotBarrie Line
64NewmarketNewmarket GO StationBarrie line
64NewmarketNewmarket Bus Terminal
Highway 9 at 400 Carpool Lot
East Gwillimbury (via Highway 400)
64NewmarketDavis Dr at 404 Carpool LotKeswick
65BradfordBradford GO StationBarrie line
66DeerhurstBarrie line
67ChurchillBarrie line
68Barrie SouthBarrie South GO StationBarrie line
69BarrieAllandale Waterfront GO Station
Barrie Bus Terminal
Barrie line
70MillikenMilliken GO StationStouffville line
71UnionvilleUnionville GO StationStouffville line
Highway 407 East
72Markham—CentennialCentennial GO Station
Markham GO Station
Stouffville line
Highway 407 East
73Mount JoyMount Joy GO StationStouffville line
Highway 407 East
74Stouffville—LincolnvilleStouffville GO Station
Old Elm GO Station
Stouffville line
75GoodwoodStouffville line
76UxbridgeStouffville line
77KennedyKennedy GO StationStouffville line
78GormleyGormley GO StationRichmond Hill line
79MimicoMimico GO StationLakeshore West line
Niagara Falls
80Stoney CreekStoney Creek GO Park & Ride
Confederation GO Station
Niagara Falls
81GrimsbyGrimsby Carpool LotNiagara Falls
82LincolnBeamsville Carpool LotNiagara Falls
83St. CatharinesSt. Catharines railway station
Fairview Mall
Niagara Falls
84Niagara-on-the-LakeNiagara CollegeNiagara Falls
84Niagara FallsNiagara Falls railway station
Niagara Falls Transit Terminal
Niagara Falls GO Park & Ride Lot
Niagara Falls
85BrantfordBrantford Bus TerminalBrantford
86BroughamBrougham Carpool LotHighway 407 East
88Durham CollegeDurham College
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Durham College Express
Highway 407 East
89MalvernCentennial College
University of Toronto Scarborough
Highway 407 East
90North RougeOshawa (via Highway 2)
91PickeringPickering GO StationBeaverton
Lakeshore East line
Highway 407 East
92AjaxAjax GO StationBeaverton
Lakeshore East line
93WhitbyDundas at 412 GO Park & RideOshawa (via Highway 2)
93WhitbyWhitby GO StationBeaverton
Lakeshore East line
94OshawaOshawa GO StationLakeshore East
94OshawaRitson GO Park & RideLakeshore East
94OshawaOshawa Bus TerminalLakeshore East Line
Highway 407 East
Oshawa (via Highway 2)
95CourticeCourtice GO Park & RideLakeshore East line
96BowmanvilleBowmanville GO Park & RideLakeshore East line
97NewcastleNewcastle Carpool LotLakeshore East line

Fare classes

GO Transit offers three passenger fare classes: adult, senior and student. Senior fares are available for passengers over the age of 65. As of March 9, 2019, passengers under the age of 12 can ride free on all GO Transit trains and buses.[1]

Student fares are only available for those with acceptable student identification:

  • For high school students, school-issued student identification is needed. Note that these do not necessarily need to be identification issued by a school within GO Transit's service area.
  • Full-time students of post-secondary institutions anywhere in Canada (not necessarily within GO Transit's service area) for which student identification is reissued each year may use their school-issued student identification for proof of student fare qualification.
  • Students at Durham College, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and Trent University's Oshawa Campus require their school-issued student identification for proof of student fare qualification.
  • Students at Centennial College, Humber College, Michener Institute, Mohawk College, Niagara University, Sheridan College, and Trent University's Peterborough campus require a sticker to be affixed to their school-issued student identification for proof of student fare qualification.
  • Students at McMaster University holding a Hamilton Street Railway U-Pass require their school-issued student identification for proof of student fare qualification.
  • All other post-secondary students require the GO Transit student ID. It is valid for full-time students from October of one year to October of the next year, as long as the student retains full-time status. GO Transit student ID application forms may be obtained from the registrar's office of their institutions. These must be processed at GO Transit's offices at Union Station before they may be used as proof of student fare qualification. Students at Seneca College, Toronto Metropolitan University, York University, University of Waterloo, and the University of Guelph may also obtain GO Transit student identification online, while students at the University of Toronto's St. George, Mississauga, and Scarborough campuses may obtain their GO Transit student identification on campus.

Fare types

Up until July 31, 2012, GO Transit offered five types of fares:

  • Single-ride tickets are for one single journey between two fare zones. These expire four hours after purchase, and are not refundable.
  • Two-ride tickets are for two single journeys between two fare zones. These do not expire, but are not refundable.
  • Day passes are for unlimited journeys between two fare zones from 3AM one day to 3AM the next. These are not refundable.
  • Ten-ride tickets are for 10 single journeys between two fare zones. These do not expire, and unused portions may be refunded 30 days after purchase.
  • Monthly passes are for unlimited journeys between two fare zones for one calendar month. They are available for purchase 10 days before the month to 14 days into the month, and must be signed by its user for it to be valid. These may be refundable.

GO Transit stopped selling two-ride and ten-ride tickets on June 1, 2012 and stopped accepting two-ride and ten-ride tickets on July 31, 2012, in favour of using Presto Cards exclusively; paper monthly passes have been discontinued since 1 January 2013;[2] day passes remain available for purchase. Passengers may convert any unused rides on their tickets to equivalent value on a Presto Card before the end of 2012.

There is no distinction between bus and train service.

Fares between two fare zones for a particular type of ticket and passenger category are based on multiples of the standard (adult single-ride) fare as follows:

Fare multiples for ticket users
Day Pass21
Monthly Pass342028

Fares are rounded to the nearest $0.05 for single-ride fares and day passes and $1.00 for monthly passes, after fare multiples are applied. The minimum adult single-ride fare (for travel on GO Transit within one fare zone) is always $4.50; other fares depend on the fare zones travelled.

Presto cards and contactless credit cards

An old PRESTO card reader at Oshawa station. These readers have since been replaced with newer readers with an LCD screen and the ability to read credit cards.

Presto cards and contactless credit cards are accepted on GO Transit. Passengers must tap their cards against the reader upon embarking and disembarking the train or bus. Upon embarking, the minimum fare ($5.30) is always deducted from Presto cards, with fare adjustments performed as the passenger disembarks. With credit cards, charges are processed at the end of the day as a single charge combining all the day's trips.

The following credit cards are accepted: VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Failure to tap the card upon disembarking ("missed tap-off") will cause the maximum fare to be deducted, under the assumption that the passenger travelled to the point furthest away from the origin point. (For example, passengers failing to tap off when boarding at Union Station will be assessed the fare travelling from Union Station to Kitchener GO Station, the point furthest away on any GO train route serving Union Station.) Passengers regularly travel by GO train may also set a "default trip" between two GO train stations, allowing them to avoid tapping their cards upon disembarking; passengers doing so will have the appropriate fare deducted upon embarking at either endpoint. The default trip is not available on contactless credit cards.

Adult and student passengers using the Presto card receive a further fare discount, depending on the number of trips that have been made per month between two fare zones.

Fare multiples for Presto Card users
First 30 trips0.88850.8160.4735
Trips 31–350.88850.050.4735
Trips 36–400.12250.050.4735
Each trip thereafterFreeFreeFree

If there are rides between different sets of fare zones, the discounts after the 30th trip (students) and 35th trip (adults) will be based on the total value of rides taken so far; the fare discounts are structured so that adult and student passengers pay less over the course of a month compared to paying for a paper monthly pass ahead of time; the discrepancy is to encourage passengers to adopt the Presto card over the paper monthly pass.


E-tickets can be purchased at tickets.gotransit.com. They must be activated on a smartphone to be valid (they cannot be printed). Single-ride and return tickets cost the same as a paper ticket.

Weekend Passes and Weekday Group Passes

Other than single-ride and return tickets, the GO Transit e-ticketing website also offers One-Day Weekend Passes and Weekday Group Passes, which are valid for unlimited travel to any location on the GO Transit network within the validity period of the ticket, regardless of the origin and destination entered when purchasing the ticket. One-Day Weekend Passes are valid for one day on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday for one person. Weekday Group passes are valid for one day from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays, for a group of 2-5 people, depending on the type of pass purchased. These passes are available online only and must be activated on a smartphone to be valid (they cannot be printed). They are not valid on the Union Pearson Express. The prices are as follows:

Weekend Pass and Weekday Group Pass prices
Type Price
One-Day Weekend Pass $10
Weekday Group Pass for 2 $30
Weekday Group Pass for 3 $40
Weekday Group Pass for 4 $50
Weekday Group Pass for 5 $60

Fare integration

GO Transit offers fare integration services with local transit providers, as well as with Via Rail.

Via Rail integration

Via Rail offers interline tickets with GO Transit, where passengers may travel on GO Transit trains and connect with Via Rail trains at any GO station also offering Via Rail services (Aldershot GO Station, Brampton GO Station, Georgetown GO Station, Guelph Central GO Station, Guildwood GO Station, Kitchener GO Station, Niagara Falls railway station (Ontario), Oakville GO Station, Oshawa GO Station, St. Catharines railway station, and Union Station) or vice versa on one ticket; the Via Rail ticket acts as a GO transit proof of payment on the GO transit leg. Via Rail interline tickets are not valid for GO buses when trains are not running.

Via Rail also offered the GO-Via Pak, which allowed holders of GO Transit monthly passes or 10-ride tickets (between applicable fare zones) to ride between Union Station and five GO Stations (Aldershot, Brampton, Georgetown, Oakville, Oshawa) on Via Rail trains which stopped at those stations. The GO-Via Pak was priced at the difference between 10 adult single fares and the equivalent 10 adult economy fares on Via Rail. The GO-Via Pak could not be used with the Presto Card. The GO-VIA Pak was no longer sold after December 15, 2012 and was not accepted as of January 1, 2013.[3]

Local transit integration

Fare integration services may exist between GO Transit and local transit providers, where customers may ride GO buses within local service areas using appropriate local proof-of-payment (tickets and/or passes) at no additional cost; GO Transit will also issue a transfer for further travel on local transit providers upon request. Passengers paying by cash or travelling outside the local service area must pay GO transit fares. Passengers using Presto Card will be assessed GO transit fares, although plans are in place for local fares to be assessed instead of GO transit fares whenever they are lower.

  • Durham Region Transit – Though in the past, all GO bus routes serving Durham Region were integrated with DRT, since the launch of DRT Pulse only the routes not covered by DRT Pulse are integrated. This includes Route 71, 81, 88, 90, and 91, the latter two only between Newcastle and Downtown Oshawa.
  • York Region Transit (YRT) – No routes currently are integrated with YRT, though GO Transit had operated routes both on behalf of YRT and as a complement to YRT service in the past, before its eventual replacement with YRT routes. The last such route to have been integrated was Route 69 Sutton, which was replaced by YRT Route 50 Queensville.

GO Transit co-fares

As of February 26, 2024, most local transit systems that connect with GO Transit offer free admission so long as the customer swipes their Presto card on the connecting vehicle. In some cases (where applicable), passengers may also present their GO Transit proof-of-payment (a day pass or single-ride ticket) to the local transit operator.

Passengers using the Presto card or contactless credit card (where accepted) will automatically be assessed the co-fare where appropriate, depending on the status of the local transit operator's integration with the Presto Card or contactless credit card. If the local transit operator does not currently accept the Presto Card or contactless credit card, the co-fare is not applicable with these payment methods.[4]

Transit agencyPresto cardCo-fareNotes
Barrie TransitNoFreeValid to/from Barrie South GO Station or Allandale Waterfront GO Station.
  • Despite Barrie Transit having not adopted the Presto Card on its buses, the co-fare is also accepted for Presto Card holders.
Brampton Transit
(includes Züm)
YesFreeValid to/from any GO train station in Brampton (Brampton, Bramalea, Mount Pleasant), Lisgar GO Station and Malton GO Station in Mississauga, and Brampton Bus Terminal.
  • Also valid for GO buses connecting to/from Brampton Transit services when using the Presto Card or contactless credit card.
  • Co-fares are only accepted for single-ride and day pass tickets when connecting from GO Transit to BT services.
Burlington TransitYesFreeValid to/from any GO train station in Burlington (Aldershot, Appleby, or Burlington).
  • Also valid for GO buses connecting to/from Burlington Transit services when using the Presto Card or contactless credit card.
Durham Region Transit (DRT)YesFreeValid to/from any GO Station in Durham Region (Ajax, Oshawa, Pickering, or Whitby) or Rouge Hill GO Station in Toronto.
  • Also valid for GO buses connecting to/from DRT services when using the Presto Card or contactless credit card.
  • Co-fares are only accepted for single-ride tickets when connecting from GO Transit to DRT services. A full DRT fare is required when connecting to GO Transit from DRT on a GO Transit single-ride ticket.
  • Due to fare integration, DRT co-fares are not accepted on GO buses, and may not be used to connect between GO trains and GO buses; GO Transit fares will be assessed.
Grand River Transit
(including iXpress and GRT MobilityPLUS)
NoFreeValid to/from Kitchener GO Station. Only valid Kitchener GO train service times.[5]
Guelph TransitNoFreeValid to/from Guelph Central GO Station and University of Guelph.
  • Co-fares are only accepted for single-ride tickets when connecting from GO Transit to Guelph Transit services. A full Guelph Transit fare is required when connected to GO Transit from Guelph Transit on a GO Transit single-ride ticket.
Hamilton Street Railway (HSR)YesFreeCo-fares only available using Presto card or contactless credit card.
Milton TransitNoFreeValid at Lisgar and Milton GO Stations.
MiWay (Mississauga Transit)YesFreeCo-fares only offered for Presto card and contactless credit card holders.
Oakville TransitYesFreeValid to/from any GO train station in Oakville (Bronte and Oakville), as well as Clarkson GO Station in Mississauga.
  • Also valid for GO buses connecting to/from Oakville Transit services when using the Presto Card or contactless credit card.
Toronto Transit CommissionYesFreeFrom January 7, 2018, until March 31, 2020, Presto card holders who transferred between GO Transit and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) services were able to save up to $1.50 on their fares as part of a co-fare discount agreement. The discount was not offered for customers who use cash, paper tickets, tokens, or a monthly Metropass on Presto. The program was discontinued on April 1, 2020, after the Ontario government decided not to renew the contract to extend the discounted double fare program, meaning that customers will be charged the full fare when transferring between TTC and GO Transit services within the City of Toronto. On February 26, 2024, free transfers between GO and TTC became available.
Region of Peel TransHelpNo ?
York Region Transit (YRT)
(includes Viva and Toronto Transit Commission bus routes serving York Region, north of Steeles Avenue)
YesFreeValid to/from any GO train station in York Region (Aurora, Centennial, East Gwillimbury, King City, Langstaff, Old Elm, Maple, Markham, Mount Joy, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Rutherford, Stouffville, and Unionville), Milliken and York University GO Stations in Toronto, or Richmond Hill Centre Terminal.
  • Co-fares are only accepted for single-ride tickets when connecting from GO Transit to YRT services or TTC buses in York Region operating north of Steeles Avenue. Riders must use a Presto card or contactless credit card in order to receive their co-fare discount when transferring between Viva bus services and GO Transit since it is not possible to purchase discounted fares or tickets from curbside YRT/Viva single-ride ticket vending machines. A full YRT fare is required when connecting to GO Transit from YRT on a GO Transit single-ride ticket.
  • Enterprise Vivastation is considered part of Unionville GO Station for the purposes of transferring between GO Transit services and Viva Purple and Viva Green.
  • Though TTC routes serving or terminating at Steeles Avenue may briefly enter York Region upon switching from outbound to inbound service, these are not services operated by the TTC on behalf of YRT; and thus co-fares are not offered. There are presently no TTC routes that serve both York Region and serve either of the GO Stations in Toronto where the YRT co-fare is offered.
  • The TTC Times Two program is not valid when connecting to a TTC bus in York Region, even if connecting to a destination in Toronto.


  1. "GO Transit Child Fare – Kids GO Free!". GOTransit.com. Retrieved 9 September 2019.
  2. Kalinowski, Tess (15 October 2012). "GO Transit cancels monthly pass". Toronto Star. Retrieved 2012-10-15.
  3. "GO VIA Pak – for commuters in the Greater Toronto area | VIA Rail". www.viarail.ca. Archived from the original on 13 December 2012. Retrieved 15 May 2022.
  4. "New Fare Discounts | GO Transit".
  5. https://www.grt.ca/en/fares-passes/go-train-riders.aspx# GRT
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