German Football League 2

The German Football League 2 (GFL2) is the second tier of American football in Germany, below the German Football League. Until 2007, the league was known as the 2. Bundesliga.[1]

German Football League 2
Current season, competition or edition:
Current sports event 2024 German Football League
SportAmerican football
Founded1982 (1982)
No. of teams16
Most recent
North: Berlin Adler
South: Straubing Spiders
Level on pyramidLevel 2
German Football League

League structure

The GFL2, formerly the 2. Bundesliga, which was formed in 1982,[2] is divided into a northern and southern division, with eight teams in each division. Unlike the GFL, there are no inter conference games and no GFL2 champion is determined.

For the 2011 season, both the northern and the southern champions were promoted, while the runners-up of the two divisions played the last placed team in the GFL division above for another spot in the league in 2012.[3] Since then the two division champions play a home-and-away series for a place each in the northern and southern division of the GFL.

Below the GFL2, six Regionalligas, Regional Leagues, are set, North, South, West, Central, East and Southwest. Four teams each are promoted each season from the Regionalliga to the GFL2. However, additional spots may become available if teams resign from either the GFL or the GFL2.[2]

Promotion to the GFL2 is achieved through a promotion round at the end of the Regionalliga season which includes the best Regionalliga teams. For the southern division of the GFL2 the champions of the southern, southwestern and central division and for the northern GFL2 division the champions of the Regionalliga divisions north, west and east play each other once to determine the two promoted teams.

League history

The league was formed as the 2nd American Football Bundesliga in 1982, consisting of 16 clubs in three regional divisions. League strength varied from season to season after this, but the three division format was retained until 1986, when a fourth regional group was added.[2]

In 1995, the league was reduced to two divisions with seven clubs each. The strength was increased to eight teams per division in 1998 but continued to fluctuate because of teams withdrawing.[2]

Promotion to the GFL2 is achieved through the promotion round of the best Regionalliga clubs whereby the champions from the south plays the runners-up from central division and the champions from central the runners-up from the south. The winners of these two contests earn a place in the southern division of the GFL2 for the following season. In the north the champions Of the Regionalliga divisions North,

GFL2 Teams in 2023

German Football League 2 is located in Germany
Golden Dragons
Golden Dragons
Location of teams in the German Football League 2 in 2022

GFL2 North

Team City State
Bielefeld BulldogsBielefeldNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Cottbus CrayfishCottbusBrandenburg
Düsseldorf PantherDüsseldorfNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Langenfeld LonghornsLangenfeldNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Lübeck CougarsLübeckSchleswig-Holstein
Oldenburg KnightsOldenburgLower Saxony
Rostock GriffinsRostockMecklenburg-Vorpommern
Solingen PaladinsSolingenNorth Rhine-Westphalia

GFL2 South

Team City State
Albershausen CrusadersAlbershausenBaden-Württemberg
Montabaur Fighting FarmersMontabaurRhineland-Palatinate
Fursty RazorbacksFürstenfeldbruckBavaria
Gießen Golden DragonsGießenHesse
Pforzheim WilddogsPforzheimBaden-Württemberg
Regensburg PhoenixRegensburgBavaria

GFL2 season placings

The placings in the league since 2000:[2][4][5][6]


GFL2 North 0001020304 0506070809 10111213 1415 1617 1819 2021 2223 24
New Yorker Lions GFL
Dresden Monarchs 421 GFL
Kiel Baltic Hurricanes GFL2 11 GFL
Berlin Rebels 25561 GFL2GFL
Potsdam Royals 531 GFL
Berlin Adler 31 GFL8 *1GFL
Paderborn Dolphins 3257 1GFL
Hildesheim Invaders 7 8 75 1GFL 31GFL
Düsseldorf Panther GFL1 GFL445 2GFL2 1GFL *2GFL2*
Rostock Griffins 8 343 *453*
Langenfeld Longhorns 5356 34234 3 454 *324*
Lübeck Cougars 433 66353 53GFL52 24662 *645*
Oldenburg Knights 6*
Bielefeld Bulldogs 8 14 77 *
Cottbus Crayfish 27 *
Hamburg Pioneers *
Cologne Crocodiles GFL 3 41 GFL
Münster Blackhawks 7
Solingen Paladins 25 *568
Assindia Cardinals 1GFL7 71 GFL8 68 *87
Hamburg Huskies 1 24645 42127 431 GFL6 *78
Elmshorn Fighting Pirates 8 831 GFL
Hannover Spartans 7
Troisdorf Jets 7 368 4327 8
Bonn Gamecocks 76 7646 657
Ritterhude Badgers 8
Cologne Falcons 1 GFL 2 661GFL
Hamburg Blue Devils GFL 1GFL
Osnabrück Tigers 56
Mönchengladbach Mavericks 1GFL
Magdeburg Virgin Guards 65 45
Recklinghausen Chargers 8
Frankfurt Red Cocks 7
Weyhe Vikings 4 78
Hannover Musketeers 22GFL 5
Bochum Cadets 6 8
Dortmund Giants 53
  • In the 2000, 2001 and 2006 seasons, only seven clubs played in the league.
  • In the 2002 and 2011 seasons, only six clubs played in the league.
  • In the 2003 season, only five clubs played in the league.
  • 1 Played as the Hamburg Wild Huskies until 2003, then as the Hamburg Eagles from 2004 to 2009 before becoming the Hamburg Huskies from 2010.


GFL2 South 0001020304 0506070809 10111213 1415 1617 1819 2021 2223 24
Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns 2GFL
Munich Cowboys GFL1 GFL1 GFL
Allgäu Comets 3336 11 GFL
Ravensburg Razorbacks 46 5211 GFL
Saarland Hurricanes 1GFL54 1GFL22 *GFL
Straubing Spiders 668 33 *1GFL
Ingolstadt Dukes 21GFL 1GFL
Kirchdorf Wildcats 1 12 5566 5651 321GFL *321GFL
Fursty Razorbacks 27 7 *252*
Regensburg Phoenix 3*
Pforzheim Wilddogs 4*
Gießen Golden Dragons 6467 45*
Albershausen Crusaders 67 *
Montabaur Fighting Farmers 47 8 *
Frankfurt Universe 223 1GFL6 w
Marburg Mercenaries 311 GFL
Bad Homburg Sentinels 437
Stuttgart Scorpions GFL68
Wiesbaden Phantoms 4 22432 2GFL2 53555 *57
Frankfurt Pirates 6568 *68
Biberach Beavers 4 *
Darmstadt Diamonds 42623 1GFL3 5487 76 *
Nürnberg Rams 434 4434
Rhein Neckar Bandits 5 42GFL
Franken Knights GFL 44221 31GFL 7
München Rangers 88
Holzgerlingen Twister 6375 6
Starnberg Argonauts 7
Kaiserslautern Pikes 6 838
Plattling Black Hawks 331 GFL
Badener Greifs 7 7
Weinheim Longhorns 31 GFL8
Hanau Hornets 855 668 7
Stuttgart Silver Arrows 778
Königsbrunn Ants 8758
Aschaffenburg Stallions GFL 7
Jena Hanfrieds 8
Franken Timberwolves 55467
Rhein Main Razorbacks GFL
Mainz Golden Eagles 54
Rottenburg Red Knights 47
Landsberg Express GFL
  • In the 2003 and 2004 seasons, only seven clubs played in the league.
  • In the 2001 season, only six clubs played in the league.
  • 1 Played as the Simbach Wildcats until 2003.
GFL = Team played in GFL Divisional champion

Divisional champions

The winners of the regional divisions of the GFL:[2]

Year North Central South
1982 Hamburg Dolphins Red Barons Cologne Noris Rams
1983 Bonn Jets Mannheim Redskins Kempten Comets
1984 Dortmund Giants Mainz Golden Eagles Kempten Comets
1985 Cologne Crocodiles II Stuttgart Scorpions Rothenburg Knights
Year North West Central South
1986 Hildesheim Invaders Recklinghausen Chargers Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns München Rangers
1987 Bremerhaven Seahawks Ratingen Raiders Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns Würzburg Pumas
1988 Bremen Buccaneers Recklinghausen Chargers Rüsselsheim Crusaders Königsbrunn Ants
1989 Hildesheim Invaders Recklinghausen Chargers Darmstadt Diamonds Fürth Buffalos
1990 Hamburg Silver Eagles Cologne Bears Stuttgart Scorpions Regensburg Royals
1991 Berlin Rebels Cologne Bears Stuttgart Scorpions Regensburg Royals
1992 Hamburg Silver Eagles Solingen Hurricanes Hanau Hawks Rothenburg Knights
1993 Braunschweig Lions Cologne Bears Frankfurt Gamblers Erding Bulls
1994 Kiel Baltic Hurricanes Tecklenburg Silverbacks Stuttgart Scorpions Simbach Wildcats
Year North South
1995Kiel Baltic HurricanesRüsselsheim Razorbacks
1996Berlin RebelsLandsberg Express
1997Paderborn DolphinsSaarland Hurricanes
1998Berlin RebelsAschaffenburg Stallions
1999Bremen BraveheartsFranken Knights
2000Assindia CardinalsSaarland Hurricanes
2001Berlin AdlerMarburg Mercenaries
2002Dresden MonarchsMarburg Mercenaries
2003Düsseldorf PantherSimbach Wildcats
2004Cologne FalconsMunich Cowboys
2005Kiel Baltic HurricanesDarmstadt Diamonds
2006Kiel Baltic HurricanesWeinheim Longhorns
2007Hamburg EaglesMunich Cowboys
2008Assindia CardinalsPlattling Black Hawks
2009Berlin RebelsFranken Knights
2010Mönchengladbach MavericksSaarland Hurricanes
2011Hamburg Blue DevilsFranken Knights
2012Cologne FalconsAllgäu Comets
2013Bielefeld BulldogsAllgäu Comets
2014Hamburg HuskiesKirchdorf Wildcats
2015Hildesheim InvadersFrankfurt Universe
2016Cologne CrocodilesIngolstadt Dukes
2017Potsdam RoyalsKirchdorf Wildcats
2018Düsseldorf PantherRavensburg Razorbacks
2019Elmshorn Fighting PiratesRavensburg Razorbacks
2021Berlin AdlerStraubing Spiders
2022Paderborn DolphinsIngolstadt Dukes
2023Hildesheim InvadersKirchdorf Wildcats


  1. German Football League 2 Archived 2011-07-18 at the Wayback Machine (in German) AFVD website, accessed: 20 January 2011
  2. Football History(in German) Historic American football tables from Germany, accessed: 2 January 2010
  3. Spielplan der GFL für 2011 steht (in German) GFL website, published: 8 December 2010, accessed: 29 December 2010
  4. GFL 2008, accessed: 2 January 2011
  5. GFL 2009, accessed: 2 January 2011
  6. GFL 2010, accessed: 2 January 2011
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