Green Party of South Africa

The Green Party of South Africa (GPSA) is a small political party in the Western Cape province. It is a member of the Federation of Green Parties of Africa.

Green Party of South Africa
HeadquartersNoordhoek, Cape Town, South Africa
Political positionCentre
International affiliationFederation of Green Parties of Africa

History of Green politics in South Africa

The Ecology Party was established in November 1989, but disbanded after recruiting only 1 800 members.[1]

Ian Brownlie launched the Green Party (GRP) in July 1992, but it too disbanded after failing to win a seat in the Western Cape Provincial legislature during the 1994 Provincial and National general elections under the leadership of Nathan Grant.[1]

Judy Sole founded the Government by the People Green Party (GPGP) in 1999, which she later renamed to The Green Party of South Africa. The party has contested elections as the Green Party of South Africa since the 2000 local elections. Due to the lack of funding the Green Party of South Africa only participated in the 2004 provincial elections but was reconstituted in early February 2019 to contest the provincial elections.

Election results

Year National Western Cape
City of Cape Town References
Ward Proportional
19942 6110.1%[2]
19999 1930.06%2 4530.15%[3][4]
20004770.07%1 9730.28%[5]
20043 3170.21%[6]

Provincial elections

Election[7][8] Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng Kwazulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North-West Northern Cape Western Cape
 %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats  %Seats
1994 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.1%0/42
1999 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.15%0/42
2004 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.21%0/42
2019 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.13%0/42

See also


  1. Kotzé, Hendrik Jakobus; Anneke Greyling (1994). Political organizations in South Africa A-Z (2 ed.). Tafelberg. ISBN 0-624-03261-2.
  2. Álvarez-Rivera, Manuel (2004-01-05) Republic of South Africa 1994 General Election. Election Resources on the Internet
  3. National and Provincial Elections Results, 1999. IEC
  4. Western Cape Results. IEC
  5. Party Support, Province: Western Cape, Ward: All Wards, Party: The Green Party of South Africa. IEC
  6. 2004 Provincial election, Western Cape. IEC
  7. "Election Resources on the Internet: Republic of South Africa General Election Results Lookup".
  8. "Results Dashboard". Retrieved 11 May 2019.
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