Higher education in Hong Kong

Higher education in Hong Kong means any education higher than secondary education, including professional, technical, and academic.[1] It is the highest level of education in Hong Kong, regulated under the Hong Kong Law.


Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application designed to assist students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) results to apply for admission to the universities in Hong Kong.


According to the Education Bureau, Hong Kong has 20 degree-awarding higher education institutions,[2] including:

UGC funded universities

Below universities funded under the University Grants Committee (UGC):

Self-financing institutions

Statutory university

Approved post secondary colleges

Approved post secondary colleges are educational institutes registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320). This kind of colleges are allowed to give out academic awards at bachelor's degree level or above as well as to include the Chinese words ″學院″ or ″大學″, or the English word ″University″ in the registration name with prior approval from the Chief Executive-in-Council.

  • Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU, founded in 1971, granted university status in December 2006)
  • Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK, founded in 2010, granted university status in October 2018)
  • Saint Francis University (previously Caritas Institute of Higher Education)
  • Chu Hai College of Higher Education
  • HKCT Institute of Higher Education
  • Tung Wah College
  • Centennial College
  • Gratia Christian College
  • Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education
  • Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council
  • UOW College Hong Kong

The publicly funded institution

Statutory institution


QS World University Rankings
and Times Higher Education–QS World University Rankings
Times Higher Education World University Rankings
QS World University Rankings
Institution2010/112011/122012/132013/142014/152015/162016/172018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
HKU2322232628302726 25 25 22 22 21
HKUST4040333440283630 37 32 27 34 40
CUHK4237403946514446 49 46 43 39 38
CityU12911095104108575549 55 52 48 53 54
PolyU16617715916116211611195 106 91 75 66 65
HKBU342243271288318281278299 277 261 264 287 281
LU551-600601-650601-650601-650551-600 601-650 591-600 571-580 581-590 601-650
Times Higher Education World University Rankings
Institution2010/112011/122012/132013/142014/152015/162016/172018 2019 2020 2021 2022
HKU2134354343444340 36 35 39 30
HKUST4162655751594944 41 47 56 66
CUHK1511241091291387658 53 57 56 49
CityU193182201-225192201-250119119 110 126 126 151
PolyU149251-275251-275251-275201-225201-250192182 159 171 129 91
HKBU111276-300301-350301-350301-350351-400351-400401-500 401–500 401–500 351–400 401–500
QS University Rankings: Asia
The University of Hong Kong1123232252434
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology42111554378914
The Chinese University of Hong Kong24557668109131112
City University of Hong Kong18151512121197821182023
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University38303026252727292731252526
Hong Kong Baptist University73454948434551646465646668
Lingnan University, Hong Kong>200191-200151-160121115128142109100123120131152
QS World University Rankings by Subject
Institution2016 (Top 20)2017 (Top 100)2018 (Top 20)2018 Best subject of this instituteThe highest ranking of this subject in Hong Kong (2018)
The University of Hong Kong2937101st:DentistryThe University of Hong Kong (1st)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong1730120th:Communication & Media StudiesThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (20th)
City University of Hong Kong718026th:LinguisticsThe University of Hong Kong (11th)
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology1216414th:Computer Science & Information SystemsThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (14th)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University81633rd:Hospitality & Leisure ManagementThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (3rd)
Hong Kong Baptist University02051-100th: Communication & Media StudiesThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (20th)
The Education University of Hong Kong1119th:Education & TrainingThe University of Hong Kong (7th)
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts01050-100th:Performing ArtsThe University of Hong Kong (44th)


  • UGC is the abbreviation of University Grants Committee.
  • HKCAAVQ is the abbreviation of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (formerly HKCAA).
  • Programme Area Accreditation means the programme operator can operate specific programmes at designated subject areas and academic levels during specific period, granted and reviewed by HKCAAVQ. Prior notice and individual accreditation to HKCAAVQ are not required.
  • Honour diploma (academically equivalent to higher diploma and associate degree in Hong Kong, and equivalent to bachelor's degree in some countries) was an academic award issued by colleges or institutes before they were granted full university status, such as HKBU, LU and SYU. It is no longer awarded.

See also


Further reading

  • French, N.J., (1999). The Reform of Higher Education in Hong Kong. In C.B. Teather (ed) Higher Education in a Post-binary Era: National Reforms and Institutional Responses (pp. 158–180) London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999.
  • Mok, K.H. (2001). Academic Capitalisation in the New Millennium: The Marketisation and Corporatisation of Higher Education in Hong Kong. Policy & Politics, 29(3), 299–315
  • Postiglione, G.A. (2002). The Transformation of Academic Autonomy in Hong Kong. In M.K. Chan and A.Y. So (eds.) Crisis and Transformation in China's Hong Kong (pp. 307–321). London : M.E. Sharpe.
  • Shive, G. (1992). Educational Expansion and the Labour Force. In G.A. Postiglione (ed) Education and Society in Hong Kong: Toward One Country and Two Systems (pp. 215–234). Hong Kong: HKU Press.
  • Sutherland, S. (2002). Higher Education in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Research Grant Council.
  • Tang, H.H. (2010). "Higher Education Governance and Academic Entrepreneurialism in East Asia: The Two Episodes of Hong Kong and Macau". Research Studies in Education 8: 106–124. (ISBN 978-988-19820-1-8).
  • University Grants Committee. (1996). Higher Education in Hong Kong: A Report by the Universities Grants Committee. Hong Kong: Government Printer.
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