Identifying marks on euro coins

Before the introduction of the euro, the current eurozone members issued their own individual national coinage, most of which featured mint marks, privy marks and/or mint master marks. These marks have been continued as a part of the national designs of the euro coins, as well. This article serves to list the information about the various types of identifying marks on euro coins, including engraver and designer initials and the unique edge inscriptions found on the €2 coins.

Date stamps on euro coins

Since the euro was officially introduced in 1999, most of the EMU member countries began producing their coins ahead of the 2002 introduction date. There is individual national legislation in place which governs the mintage of coins issued from each country. These coinage acts regulate the coin production parameters for each country.

Mintage date

The coinage acts of countries with a mintage date stipulation specify that the year the coin is minted, regardless of when the coins are issued, should appear on each coin. Belgium, Finland, France, the Netherlands and Spain have mintage date stipulations.

Issue date

The coinage acts of countries with an issue date stipulation specify that the year the coin is issued, regardless of when the coins are minted, should appear on each coin. Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, San Marino and the Vatican City have issue date stipulations.


Since the euro was first issued in 2002, the countries which have an issue date stipulation are all dated 2002 onward, even though these coins were minted in previous years to prepare for the adoption of the euro. As a result, there are no euro coins dated 1999, 2000 and 2001 issued from countries with an issue date stipulation.

Luxembourg has no domestic mint, so their coins are minted elsewhere. Regardless of the mintage location of these coins, the issue date stipulation in their coinage act must be followed by whichever country mints their coins and the date stamp is therefore applied accordingly.

Since Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City do not have their own coinage acts, the date stamp is applied in accordance with the coinage act of whichever country mints these coins. France produces the euro coins for Monaco and follows the mintage date stipulation; it began minting Monégasque euro coins only in 2001, since the mintage quantities were so low. Sammarinese and Vatican euro coins are minted in Italy and follow the issue date stipulation.

National identifying marks of euro coins

As per a recommendation defined by the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union,[1] the national designs of each member's euro coin should contain a national identification in the form of spelling or abbreviation of the country's name. Of the fifteen members of the Eurozone at the time these recommendations were made, five national designs—those of Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany and Greece—did not meet the criteria outlined. Of these five, two (Finland in 2007 and Belgium in 2008) have changed or amended their design to follow these recommendations, and the other three are expected to follow suit in the coming years.

National identifying marks on euro coins by country
Andorra TextANDORRA
Austria TextREPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH (only on commemorative €2 issues since 2007)
SymbolFlag of Austria
SymbolMonogram of King Albert II
SymbolMonogram of King Philippe
AbbreviationB (€2 commemorative coin 2006)
AbbreviationBE (België/Belgique/Belgien in Dutch, French and German)[3]
Croatia TextHRVATSKA
SymbolCroatian checkerboard
Cyprus TextΚΥΠΡΟΣ/KIBRIS (in both Greek and Turkish)
Estonia TextEESTI (Estonia)
Finland AbbreviationFI (Finland)[4]
France TextRÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE (French Republic in French)French 2 Euro coin 2011. The design features a tree symbolising life, continuity and growth, standing within a hexagon and encircled by the motto of the French Republic, "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" (Liberty, equality, fraternity)
Abbreviationstylised RF (République française)
Germany TextBUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (Federal Republic of Germany in German) (only on commemorative €2 issues until 2009 and commemorative €2 commonly issued coins until 2015)
AbbreviationD (only on commemorative €2 issues since 2010 (except commemorative €2 commonly issued coins from 2012 and 2015), not to be confused with Munich mint mark "D" on standard-issue designs of all denominations)
SymbolDepiction of the Bundesadler (Federal Eagle) (only on standard-issue €1 and €2 designs)
Greece[5] TextΕΥΡΩΠΗ (EUROPA) 2 EYPΩ (Euro) Greek 2 Euro coin 2002 featuring the word Europa and depicting a woman sat astride a bull.
Edge Lettering ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ (Hellenic Republic in Greek) (only on commemorative €2 issues since 2007)
Ireland Text / Symboléire (in Gaelic type)Harp
Italy TextREPUBBLICA ITALIANA (Italian Republic in Italian)Italian 1 Euro coin 2002. The design shows the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, displayed in the gallery of the Academy in Venice, illustrating the ideal proportions of the human body.
Abbreviationstylised RI (Repubblica Italiana)
Latvia TextLATVIJA
SymbolLV (€2 commemorative coin 2014-2015)
Lithuania TextLIETUVA
Luxembourg TextLËTZEBUERG (Luxembourg in Luxembourgish)
TextLUXEMBOURG (Luxembourg in French)
Symbolmonogram of Grand Duke Henri (€2 commemorative coin 2005)
Symbollion (€2 commemorative coin 2018 and onwards)
Malta TextMALTA
Monaco TextMONACO
Netherlands TextWILLEM-ALEXANDER KONING DER NEDERLANDEN (Willem Alexander, King of the Netherlands)
TextBEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN (Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands)
TextNEDERLAND (€2 commemorative coin 2009, 2012, 2015)
TextKONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN (€2 commemorative coin 2007)
Portugal TextPORTUGAL
San Marino TextSAN MARINO
Slovakia TextSLOVENSKO
Slovenia TextSLOVENIJA
Spain TextESPAÑA
Vatican City TextCITTÀ DEL VATICANO (Vatican City)

Mint marks

The use of mint marks on euro coins takes one of these three forms:

  • a single letter representing a city or country
  • the abbreviation of the country's mint
  • the symbol of the country's mint
Mint marks on euro coins by country
CountryMint locationMint markMint mark descriptionNotes
Belgium (2005-2017)Brussels Head of archangel St. Michael, patron saint of Brussels. Prior to 2008, Belgian mark had only been used on commemorative issues. Since 2008, the mark is used on both standard issue and commemorative issue coins.
Belgium (2018–present)Utrecht, Netherlands Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint)
FinlandVantaa [4] Logo of the Rahapaja Oy mint The Cornucopian logo was used until 2010. Since 2011, the logo is a heraldic lion.
FrancePessac Cornucopia, Different of the Monnaie de Paris[6]
GermanyGerman Euro coins are minted at 5 locations in Germany A, D, F, G, J LettersA for Berlin, D for Munich, F for Stuttgart, G for Karlsruhe, J for Hamburg,

while B, C, E and H used to be mint locations that had been closed prior to the introduction of the euro.

Greece (2002)Madrid, Spain
Pessac, France
Vantaa, Finland
E (20c),
F (1c, 2c, 5c, 10c and 50c),
S[7] (€1 and €2)
LettersE for Spain (España), F for France, S for Finland (Suomi).
The initial supply of Greek euro coins were produced at three locations, in addition to the Athens mint, due to their late entry into the European Monetary Union (EMU) just before the introduction date on 1 January 2002; only certain denominations of Greek coins with the date stamp of "2002" have these mint marks. Greek euro coins dated 2002 without these mint marks were produced in Athens, Greece.
All Greek euro coins bear the standard Greek mint mark symbol of the Athens mint.
Greece (2002–present)Athens Stylised acanthus leaf
ItalyRome RLetter
LithuaniaVilnius Lietuvos monetų kalykla (Lithuanian Mint House, LMK) logo
Luxembourg (2002–2004)Utrecht, Netherlands Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint)
Luxembourg (2005–2006)Vantaa, Finland S,[7] Letter, logo of the (Suomen) Rahapaja Oy mint
Luxembourg (2007–2008)Pessac, France F, Letter, Cornucopia, Different of the Monnaie de Paris[6]
Luxembourg (2009–present)Utrecht, Netherlands Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint)
Malta (2008, 2016-present)Paris, France FLetter
Malta (2009)Utrecht, Netherlands Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint) There were no standard issue coins in 2009, only one commemorative coin.
MonacoPessac, France Cornucopia, Different of the Monnaie de Paris[6] (Paris Mint)
NetherlandsUtrecht Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint)
PolandWarsaw Mennica Polska (Polish Mint) logo Poland is not yet part of the Eurozone. When the euro is introduced, this is the mintmark which will be used.
The Polish Mint logo is the letter M on top of the letter W and comes from Mennica Warszawa or Warsaw Mint
Portugal (2007–present)Lisbon INCM Imprensa Nacional – Casa de Moeda (National Currency – Mint House) abbreviation
Portugal (2020–present)Lisbon CASA DA MOEDA Mint House textThis mark is only been used on commemorative issues.
San MarinoRome, Italy RLetter
SlovakiaKremnica Mincovňa Kremnica (Kremnican Mint, MK) logo
Slovenia (2007)Vantaa, Finland Fi[7]Abbreviation
Slovenia (2008)Utrecht, Netherlands Mercury's wand, the logo of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint)
SpainMadrid Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (National Factory of Currency and Stamps) logo
VaticanRome, Italy RLetter

Mint master marks and privy marks

Mint master marks or privy marks are symbols representing directors, chief engravers or chief executive officers of mints.


The directors of the Monnaie Royale de Belgique/Koninklijke Munt van België (Royal Belgian Mint) in Brussels uses mint master's marks on all €2 commemorative coins and on all Belgian euro coins with a datestamp from 2008 onwards minted at this location.

Mint master marks on Belgian euro coins
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
ScaleRomain Coenen 1999–2009 (€2 commemorative coins)
2008–2009 (standard issue euro coins)
[8] QuillSerge Lesens 2009-2012 (€2 commemorative coins)
2010–2012 (standard issue euro coins)
[9] CatBernard Gillard 2012-2016 (Commemorative coins)
2013-2016 (standard issue euro coins)
[10] Coat of arms of HerzeleIngrid van Herzele2017–2022
[11] Aster and Erlenmeyer flaskGiovanni Van de Velde2023–present


The director of the Rahapaja Oy (Mint of Finland, LTD.) mint in Helsinki-Vantaa used a mint master's mark on Finnish euro coins minted at this location with the date stamp between 1999 and 2006.

Mint master mark on Finnish euro coins 1999–2006
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
M LetterRaimo Makkonen1999–2006


The directors of Monnaie de Paris in Pessac use mint master's marks on all French euro coins minted at this location.

Mint master marks on French euro coins
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
BeePierre Rodier1999–2000
HorseshoeGérard Buquoy2001–2002
Stylised heart with the initials of the mint masterSerge Levet2003
[6] Hunting horn, a wave and a fishHubert Larivière2004–2010
[12] Pentagon with letters AG, MP and YSYves Sampo2011–2020
[13] Square with letters JJJoaquin Jimenez2021–present


Luxembourg euro coins dated 2002 were minted in the Netherlands in 2000 and thus bear the mint master mark of E. J. van Schauwenburg, Temporary Director of the Utrecht Mint during the year of coin production. The Coinage Act of Luxembourg stipulates that national coins cannot have a date stamp prior to the year of issue. Therefore, Luxembourg euro coins bear the mint master mark of the Temporary Director at the time of minting, despite the date on the coins.

Coins dated 2003–2004 bear the mint master mark of Maarten Brouwer, Director of the Utrecht Mint from 2003–2015. Luxembourgian euro coins dated 2005–2006 were produced at Rahapaja Oy (Mint of Finland), in Helsinki-Vantaa, Finland. Since the mint director does not affix a mint master mark to coins in production at that location, these coins do not bear a mint master mark but an S[7] and the logo of the 'Suomen Rahapaja' instead.

Luxembourg euro coins dated 2007-2008 were produced at Monnaie de Paris, in Pessac, France and bear the mint master mark of Hubert Larivière, Director of the Paris Mint.

As of 2009, coins are again minted at the Royal Dutch Mint in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Until 2015 it was again the mint master mark of Maarten Brouwer. From 2016-2017 Kees Bruinsma was the Temporary Director of the Utrecht Mint.

Mint master marks on Luxembourgian euro coins
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
Bow and arrow with a star[14] E. J. van Schauwenburg2002
SailboatMaarten Brouwer2003–2004
[6] Hunting horn, a wave and a fishHubert Larivière2007–2008
SailboatMaarten Brouwer2009–2015
Sailboat with a star[14]Kees Bruinsma2016–2017
[15] St. Servatius BridgeStephan Satijn2017–2021
RavenBert van Ravenswaaij2022–present


Monegasque euro coins are produced by Monnaie de Paris, in Pessac, France beginning in 2001 and thus bear the mint master mark of Gérard Buquoy, Serge Levet, Hubert Larivière and Yves Sampo Directors of the Mint from 2001–2002, 2003, 2004–2010 and 2011–present respectively.

Mint master marks on Monegasque euro coins
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
HorseshoeGérard Buquoy2001–2002
Stylised heart with the initials of the mint masterSerge Levet2003
[6] Hunting horn, a wave and a fishHubert Larivière 2004–2010[16]
[12] Pentagon with letters AG, MP and YSYves Sampo2011–2020
Square with letters JJJoaquin Jimenez2021–present


The mint masters of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (Royal Dutch Mint) in Utrecht use mint master's marks on all Dutch euro coins minted at this location.[17]

Mint master marks on Dutch euro coins
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
Bow and arrowDrs. Chr. van Draanen1999
Bow and arrow with a star[14]E. J. van Schauwenburg2000
Vine branch and fruitsR. Bruens2001
Vine branch and fruits with a star[14]Maarten Brouwer2002
SailboatMaarten Brouwer2003–2015
Sailboat with a star[14]Kees Bruinsma2016–2017
[18] St. Servatius BridgeStephan Satijn2017–present


Slovenian euro coins dated 2008 were produced at Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and bear the mint master mark of Maarten Brouwer, director of the Royal Dutch Mint from 2003 until 2015.

Mint master mark on Slovenian euro coins 2008
MarkMark descriptionName of mint masterCoin dates
SailboatMaarten Brouwer2008

Designer, sculptor and engraver initials on euro coins

Each country had the opportunity to design its own national side of the euro coin. Most coins bear the initials or the name of the designer somewhere in the national design. For example, all eight motives of the common reverse sides of the euro coins bear the stylised initials "LL" for Luc Luycx.

Designer, sculptor and engraver initials on standard euro coins

Inscriptions of initials on standard issue euro coins by country
Euro coin denominationInscription imageInscription textNameTitle
1, 2, 5 cent F. COURTIADEFabienne Courtiadedesigner
10, 20, 50 cent [19] L. JORIO d'ap. O.ROTY Laurent Jorio, Oscar Roty[20] designer
1, 2 euro J. JIMENEZJoaquim Jimenezdesigner
All denominations ΓΣ (stylised)Georges Stamatopoulosdesigner
1 cent ED (stylised)Eugenio Driuttiengraver
2 cent LDS (stylised)Luciana De Simoniengraver
5 cent ELFEttore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
10 cent CMClaudia Momoniengraver
20 cent M.A.C.Maria Angela Cassolengraver
50 cent M (stylised)Roberto Mauriengraver
1 euro LC (stylised)Laura Cretaraengraver
2 euro M.C.C.Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
All denominations YGC (stylised)Yvette Gastauer-Clairedesigner
1, 2 and 5 cent NGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
All denominations VS (stylised)Vítor Manuel Fernandes dos Santosdesigner
San Marino (first series)
All denominations Ch (stylised)Frantisek Chocholasculptor
All denominations ELF INC.[21] Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
San Marino (second series)
All denominations AL (stylised)Arno Ludwigsculptor
All denominations E.L.F MOD.Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
1, 2, 5 cent ZDrahomír Zobekdesigner
10, 20, 50 cent JČ (stylised) and 'PK' (stylised)Ján Černaj and Pavol Károlydesigners
IŘ (stylised)Ivan Řehákdesigner
Vatican City (first series)
1, 2 and 5 cent GV • UP INC.[21]Guido Veroi
Uliana Pernazza
10, 20 and 50 cent GV • UP INC.[21]Guido Veroi
Uliana Pernazza
1 and 2 euro [19] GV • UP INC.[21]Guido Veroi
Uliana Pernazza
Vatican City (second series)
All denominations D. LONGODaniela Longosculptor
1 cent M.A.C. INC.[21]Maria Angela Cassolengraver
2 cent LDS (stylised) INC.[21]Luciana De Simoniengraver
5 cent ELF INC.[21]Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
10 cent M.C.C. INC.[21]Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
20 cent M.A.C. INC.[21]Maria Angela Cassolengraver
50 cent LDS (stylised) INC.[21]Luciana De Simoniengraver
1 euro ELF INC.[21]Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
2 euro M.C.C. INC.[21]Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
Vatican City (third series)
All denominations D.L.Daniela Longosculptor
1 and 2 cent LDS INC.[21]Luciana De Simoniengraver
5 cent ELF INC.[21]Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
10 cent M.C.C. INC.[21]Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
20 and 50 cent M.A.C. INC.[21]Maria Angela Cassolengraver
1 euro ELF INC.[21]Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
2 euro M.C.C. INC.[21]Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver

Designer, sculptor and engraver initials on €2 commemorative coins

Inscriptions of initials on €2 commemorative coins by year
CountryInscription imageInscription textNameTitle
Finland M MPertti Mäkinen
Raimo Makkonen
mint master
Konstantinos Kazakos
Panagiotis Gravvalos
Italy UP (stylised)Uliana Pernazzaengraver
LuxembourgYGC (stylised)Yvette Gastauer-Clairesculptor
San Marino E.L.F.Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
L.D.S. INC.[21]
Guido Veroi
Luciana De Simoni
Belgium LL (stylised)Luc Luycxdesigner
Finland KTapio Kettunendesigner
Italy M.C.C.Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
LuxembourgYGC (stylised)
PB (stylised)
Yvette Gastauer-Claire
Patrice Bernabei
San Marino LDS (stylised) INC.[21]Luciana De Simoniengraver
ELF INC.[21]
Daniela Longo
Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini
Finland M (the two marks reflect the mirror motif of the coin)Raimo Makkonenmint master
Germany HHHeinz Hoyerdesigner
Italy M.C.C.Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
San Marino LDS (stylised)Luciana De Simoniengraver
MCC INC.[21]
Orietta Rossi
Maria Carmela Colaneri
Germany HHHeinz Hoyerdesigner
Monaco R.B.BARONR. B. Barondesigner
Portugal[22] I Vilar (signature)Irene Vilardesigner
San Marino E.L.F.Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
MCC INC.[21]
Daniela Longo
Maria Carmela Colaneri
Finland KTapio Kettunensculptor
Germany OE (stylised)Erich Ottdesigner
Italy MCCMaria Carmela Colaneriengraver
PortugalEsc. J. DuarteJoão Duartesculptor
San Marino[19] E.L.F.Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
Vatican VEROIGuido Veroiengraver
GermanyFBFriedrich Brennersculptor
GreeceΓΣGeorgios Stamatopoulossculptor
ItalyM.C.C.Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
PortugalJ.AURÉLIOJosé Aurélioplastic artist
San MarinoA.M.Annalisa Masiniengraver
SlovakiaPKPavol Károlyengraver
VaticanO. ROSSI
Orietta Rossi
Maria Carmela Colaneri
GermanyBBBodo Broschatengraver
GreeceΓΣGeorgios Stamatopoulossculptor
ItalyC.M.Claudia Momoniengraver
PortugalJOSÉ CÂNDIDOJosé Cândidoengraver
San MarinomRoberto Mauriengraver
Guido Veroi
Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini
FinlandVHannu Veijalainenartist
GermanyHHHeinz Hoyerengraver
ItalyELF INC.Ettore Lorenzo Frapicciniengraver
PortugalIC - FBIsabel Carriço and Fernando Brancodesigners
San MarinoC.M.Claudia Momoniengraver
SlovakiaMRMiroslav Rónaidesigner
VaticanO. ROSSI
Orietta Rossi
Maria Carmela Colaneri
FinlandTErja Tielinensculptor
GermanyŒ (stylised)Erich Ottengraver
ItalyM.C.C.Maria Carmela Colaneriengraver
PortugalJOSÉ DE GUIMARÃESJosé De Guimarãesdesigner
Gabriella Titotto
Luciana De Simoni
GermanyER (stylised)Eugen Ruhlengraver
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
Italym (stylised)
Roberto Mauri
Maria Carmela Colaneri
NetherlandsKЯCL (stylised)
Claudia Linders and Roosje Klap
Pannos Goutzemisis
PortugalHUGO MACIELHugo Macieldesigner
San MarinoMOMONIClaudia Momoniengraver
Slovakiamh (stylised)Miroslav Hricdesigner
Patrizio Daniele
Maria Carmela Colaneri
GermanyOE (stylised)Erich Ottengraver
GreeceMA (stylised)Maria Andonatouengraver
ItalyLDS (stylised)
Luciana De Simoni
Claudia Momoni
NetherlandsPPannos Goutzemisisdesigner
PortugalJOSÉ TEIXEIRAJosé Teixeiradesigner
San MarinoMCC
UP (stylised)
Maria Carmela Colaneri
Uliana Pernazza
SlovakiaMP (stylised)Mária Poldaufovádesigner
Gabriella Titotto
Claudia Momoni
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezengraver
Heinz Hoyer
Bernd Wendhut
ΣtΑΜ (stylised)
Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
Maria Grazia Urbani
Silvia Petrassi
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
F Fonseca (signature)
António Marinho
Fernando Fonseca
San MarinoAM
Annalisa Masini
Erik Spiekermann
SlovakiaIŘ (stylised)Ivan Řehákdesigner
Chiara Principe
Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini
FinlandKTapio Kettunensculptor
GermanyJTJordi Truxadesigner
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyLDS (stylised)Luciana De Simoniengraver
C.M.Claudia Momoniengraver
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
PortugalJOANA VASCONCELOSJoana Vasconcelosdesigner
San MarinoMBMatt Bonaccorsiengraver
SlovakiaVP (stylised)Vladimír Pavlicadesigner
Mariangela Crisciotti
Claudia Momoni
Daniela Longo
Silvia Petrassi
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezdesigner
GermanyCh (stylised)František Chocoladesigner
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyLDS (stylised)Luciana De Simoniengraver
C.M.Claudia Momoniengraver
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
PortugalLUIS FILIPE DE ABREULuis Filipe de Abreudesigner
San MarinoLDS (stylised)Luciana De Simonidesigner
Andrew Lewis
Uliana Pernazza
SlovakiaMP (stylised)Mária Poldaufovádesigner
SP INC. (stylised)
Orietta Rossi
Silvia Petrassi
Gabriella Titotto
Claudia Momoni
BelgiumLL (stylised)Luc Luycxdesigner
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezdesigner
GermanyBB (stylised)Bodo Broschatdesigner
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyUP (stylised)Uliana Pernazzaengraver
SP (stylised)Silvia Petrassiengraver
LithuaniaJPJustas Petrassidesigner
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
PortugalEduardo AiresEduardo Airesdesigner
San MarinoLDS (stylised)Luciana De Simonidesigner
A.M.Annalisa Masinidesigner
SlovakiaPK (stylised)Pavol Károlydesigner
Daniela Longo
Claudia Momoni
Patrizio Daniele
Valerio De Seta
BelgiumLL (stylised)Luc Luycxdesigner
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezdesigner
GermanyMO (stylised)Michael Ottopainter
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyM.A.C.Maria Angela Cassolengraver
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
PortugalL.F. ABREULuis Filipe de Abreudesigner
pomar (signature)Júlio Pomardesigner
San MarinoUP (stylised)Uliana Pernazzadesigner
M.A.C.Maria Angela Cassoldesigner
SlovakiaPV (stylised)Peter Valachdesigner
Vatican D.LONGO
Daniela Longo
Annalisa Masini
Daniela Fusco
Maria Angela Cassol
BelgiumLL (stylised)Luc Luycxdesigner
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezdesigner
GermanyJT (stylised)Jordi Truxadesigner
BB (stylised)Bodo Broschatdesigner
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyLDS (stylised)Luciana De Simoniengraver
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
PortugalANDRÉ LETRIAAndré Letriadesigner
Esc. J.J. BRITOJosé João de Britoengraver
San MarinoC.M.Claudia Momonidesigner
A.M.Annalisa Masinidesigner
SlovakiaPV (stylised)Peter Valachdesigner
Vatican D.LONGO
SP. A.M.
Daniela Longo
Silvia Petrassi
Gabriella Titotto
Maria Angela Cassol
BelgiumLL (stylised)Luc Luycxdesigner
France.J (stylised)Joaquin Jimenezdesigner
GermanyMO (stylised)Michael Ottopainter
GreeceΣtΑΜ (stylised)Georgios Stamatopoulosengraver
ItalyUP (stylised)Uliana Pernazzaengraver
C.M.Claudia Momoniengraver
MaltaNGBNoel Galea Basondesigner
MAF (stylised)Maria Anna Frisonedesigner
PortugalEDUARDO AIRESEduardo Airesdesigner
F.PROVIDÊNCIAFrancisco Providênciasculptor
San MarinoSP (stylised)Claudia Momonidesigner
VdSValerio De Setadesigner
SlovakiaBR (stylised)Branislav Rónaidesigner
Vatican CP (stylised)
Chiara Principe
Uliana Pernazza
Patrizio Daniele
Annalisa Masini

€2 edge inscriptions

With each member of the Eurozone comes a set of individual coin designs. Included in the individuality of the national obverse face of the euro coins, whose design is left to the member states, is the edge of the €2 coin. Each member was allowed to design a unique inscription that would appear on the €2 coin's edge. Some of these edge inscriptions are carried over from the coins of the yielded currencies in circulation prior to the introduction of the euro.

Standard issue €2 edge inscriptions

Standard €2 edge inscriptions by country
Country Edge inscription Description
Austria The sequence "2 EURO ★★★" repeated four times alternately upright and inverted.
Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain The sequence "2 ★ ★" repeated six times alternately upright and inverted.
Croatia "O LIJEPA O DRAGA O SLATKA SLOBODO" ("Oh beautiful, oh dear, oh sweet freedom" in Croatian, from Dubravka).
Cyprus The sequence "2 ΕΥΡΩ 2 EURO" repeated twice (2 EURO in Greek and Turkish).
Estonia "EESTI ○" (ESTONIA in Estonian) upright and inverted.
Finland "SUOMI FINLAND" (FINLAND in Finnish and Swedish, the two official languages in Finland), followed by three lion's heads.
Germany "EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT" (UNITY AND JUSTICE AND FREEDOM in German), Germany's national motto and the beginning of Germany's national anthem, followed by the Federal Eagle.
Italy, San Marino, Vatican The sequence "2 ★" repeated six times alternately upright and inverted.
Lithuania "LAISVĖ ★ VIENYBĖ ★ GEROVĖ ★" ("Freedom, Unity, Prosperity" in Lithuanian)
Malta The sequence "2✠✠" repeated six times alternately upright and inverted
Netherlands "GOD ★ ZIJ ★ MET ★ ONS ★" (GOD BE WITH US in Dutch). The same lettering had been applied to the larger denomination guilder coins.
Portugal The edge design features the seven castles and five coats of arms also found on the national side, all equally spaced.
Slovakia "SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA" (SLOVAK REPUBLIC in Slovak) with two stars and linden leaf between.
Slovenia "SLOVENIJA •" (SLOVENIA in Slovene)

Commemorative issue €2 edge inscriptions

Generally the edge inscription of a €2 commemorative coin does not change from the standard issue counterpart. There are a few exceptions.

Commemorative €2 edge inscriptions by issue date
Year and CountryEdge inscriptionDescription
Finland (2005) "YK 1945–2005 FN" ("UN 1945–2005 UN" in Finnish and Swedish, the official languages of Finland) followed by three lion's heads. "YK" stands for "Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat" and "FN" stands for "Förenta Nationerna". Issued to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and Finland's 50 year membership in the UN.[23]
Finland (2007) "ROMFÖRDRAGET 50 ÅR EUROPA" ("TREATY OF ROME 50 YEARS EUROPE" in Swedish, one of the official languages of Finland. The same words in Finnish - "ROOMAN SOPIMUS 50 V EUROOPPA" - appear on the face of this coin). Issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome.[24]
Finland (2009) "TALOUS-JA RAHALIITTO EMU" ("ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION EMU" in Finnish, one of the official languages of Finland. Issued to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union.

In 2008, a European Commission's recommendation was approved in which the following was stated: "The legend engraved on the edge of the commemorative euro coins intended for circulation must be the same as that on the normal euro coins intended for circulation."[25] In 2012, a European Regulation was approved in which, with a binding nature, the previous restriction was specified.[26]


  1. "OJ 2005/ L 186/1" (PDF). Official Journal of the European Union. 18 July 2005.
  2. Bank, European Central (2015-06-25). "Belgium". European Central Bank. Retrieved 2024-02-24.
  3. As applied to the 2008 amended design onward.
  4. As applied to the 2007 amended design onward.
  5. Bank, European Central (2015-06-25). "Greece". European Central Bank. Retrieved 2024-02-24.
  6. "Monnaie de Paris "About our mint master's mark"". Archived from the original on 2008-05-05. Retrieved 2007-10-23.
  7. Coins minted in Finland have "FI", "F" or "S" as the mint mark.
  8. "Lesens, Serge".
  9. "2012-2016) Cat (Bernard Gillard coin catalogue - Buying - Selling - Collecting".
  10. "Wapenschild van Herzele op euromunten". Het Laatste Nieuws (in Dutch). 2016-09-09. Retrieved 2023-11-22.
  11. "Giovanni Van de Velde".
  12. "Gijsbertus Willem de Wit (1926-2018)". 11 December 2018.
  13. "Joaquin Jimenez-nomme-graveur-general-des-monnaies". 21 July 2020.
  14. The star represents a temporary director.
  15. "Onthulling nieuw Muntmeesterteken".
  16. There are no Monegasque coins issued into general circulation with this mint master mark on them. Coins minted from 2004–2006 were minted in proof quality for collector sets only and none were produced in 2007.
  17. The span between 1999 and 2003 marks the first time in Dutch currency history where five different mint master's marks were used in consecutive years.
  18. "Onthulling nieuw Muntmeesterteken".
  19. The image has been rotated 90 degrees clockwise for presentation purposes.
  20. In 1898, Oscar Roty created the famous character of La Semeuse (the Sower) for the silver coins of the 3rd Republic. The 'Sower' is represented on the 10, 20 and 50 cent French euro coins. The original design of that character is attributed to him in this inscription.
  21. INC is the Italian abbreviation for 'engraver'.
  22. The image has been rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise for presentation purposes.
  23. 2005 commemorative euro coins from the European Commission
  24. Celebrating 50 years of Europe with the euro from the European Commission
  25. COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 19 December 2008 on common guidelines for the national sides and the issuance of euro coins intended for circulation
  26. COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) No 566/2012 of 18 June 2012 amending Regulation (EC) No 975/98 on denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation


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