Outline of Austria

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Austria:

The location of Austria
Flag-map of Austria
An enlargeable relief map of the Republic of Austria

Austria landlocked sovereign country located in Central Europe.[1] It borders both Germany and the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. The capital is the city of Vienna on the Danube River.[2]

General reference

An enlargeable topographic map of Austria

Geography of Austria

An enlargeable satellite map of Austria
Grossglockner is, at 3,798 metres above the Adriatic (12,461 ft), the highest mountain in Austria
Lake Neusiedl, at 115 m (377 ft), the lowest point in Austria

Geography of Austria

Land boundaries: 2,562 km

 Germany 784 km
 Italy 430 km
 Hungary 366 km
 Czech Republic 362 km
 Slovenia 330 km
  Switzerland 164 km
 Slovakia 91 km
 Liechtenstein 35 km
  • Coastline: none

Environment of Austria

The Great Walser Valley
The Untere Wildgrubenspitze, the highest peak of the Lechquellen Mountains in Austria
Wörthersee, Carinthia's largest lake

Environment of Austria

Natural geographic features of Austria

Neighbors of Austria

Map showing Austria and its neighbors

Austria is bordered by:

Administrative divisions of Austria

Administrative divisions of Austria

States of Austria

States of Austria

Coat of arms of the State of Tyrol
Districts of Austria

Districts of Austria

The districts of Austria, listed by state:

Districts of Burgenland

Districts of Burgenland

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Güssing (district)GSGüssingBurgenland
Jennersdorf (district)JEJennersdorfBurgenland
Mattersburg (district)MAMattersburgBurgenland
Neusiedl am See (district)NDNeusiedl am SeeBurgenland
Oberpullendorf (district)OPOberpullendorfBurgenland
Oberwart (district)OWOberwartBurgenland
Districts of Carinthia

Districts of Carinthia

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Feldkirchen (district)FEFeldkirchen in KärntenCarinthia
HermagorHEHermagor-Pressegger SeeCarinthia
Sankt Veit an der Glan (district)SVSankt Veit an der GlanCarinthia
Spittal an der Drau (district)SPSpittal an der DrauCarinthia
Völkermarkt (district)VKVölkermarktCarinthia
Wolfsberg (district)WOWolfsbergCarinthia
Districts of Lower Austria

Districts of Lower Austria

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Amstetten (district)AMAmstettenLower Austria
Baden (district)BNBadenLower Austria
Bruck an der Leitha (district)BLBruck an der LeithaLower Austria
Gänserndorf (district)GFGänserndorfLower Austria
Gmünd (district)GDGmündLower Austria
Hollabrunn (district)HLHollabrunnLower Austria
Horn (district)HOHornLower Austria
Korneuburg (district)KOKorneuburgLower Austria
Krems-LandKRKrems an der DonauLower Austria
Lilienfeld (district)LFLilienfeldLower Austria
Melk (district)MEMelkLower Austria
Mistelbach (district)MIMistelbachLower Austria
Mödling (district)MDMödlingLower Austria
Neunkirchen (district)NKNeunkirchenLower Austria
Sankt Pölten-LandPLSankt PöltenLower Austria
Scheibbs (district)SBScheibbsLower Austria
Tulln (district)TUTullnLower Austria
Waidhofen an der Thaya (district)WTWaidhofen an der ThayaLower Austria
Waidhofen an der YbbsWYWaidhofen an der YbbsLower Austria
Wiener Neustadt-LandWBWiener NeustadtLower Austria
Wien-UmgebungWU; SW for the city of SchwechatKlosterneuburgLower Austria
Zwettl (district)ZTZwettlLower Austria
Districts of Upper Austria

Districts of Upper Austria

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Braunau am Inn (district)BRBraunau am InnUpper Austria
Eferding (district)EFEferdingUpper Austria
Freistadt (district)FRFreistadtUpper Austria
Gmunden (district)GMGmundenUpper Austria
Grieskirchen (district)GRGrieskirchenUpper Austria
Kirchdorf an der Krems (district)KIKirchdorf an der KremsUpper Austria
Linz-LandLLLinzUpper Austria
Perg (district)PEPergUpper Austria
Ried im Innkreis (district)RIRied im InnkreisUpper Austria
Rohrbach (district)RORohrbach im MühlkreisUpper Austria
Schärding (district)SDSchärdingUpper Austria
Steyr-LandSESteyrUpper Austria
Urfahr-UmgebungUULinzUpper Austria
Vöcklabruck (district)VBVöcklabruckUpper Austria
Wels-LandWLWelsUpper Austria
Districts of Salzburg

Districts of Salzburg

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Hallein (district)HAHalleinSalzburg
Tamsweg (district)TATamswegSalzburg
Sankt Johann im Pongau (district)JOSankt Johann im PongauSalzburg
Zell am See (district)ZEZell am SeeSalzburg
Districts of Styria

Districts of Styria

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Bruck-MürzzuschlagBM (MZ)[3]Bruck an der MurStyria
Deutschlandsberg (district)DLDeutschlandsbergStyria
Hartberg-FürstenfeldHF (FF, HB)[4]HartbergStyria
Leibnitz (district)LBLeibnitzStyria
Leoben (district)LN; LE for the city of LeobenLeobenStyria
Liezen (district)LI, GB (BA)[5]LiezenStyria
Murau (district)MUMurauStyria
Murtal (district)MT (JU, KF)[6]JudenburgStyria
Südoststeiermark (district)SO (FB, RA)[7]FeldbachStyria
Voitsberg (district)VOVoitsbergStyria
Weiz (district)WZWeizStyria
Districts of Tyrol

Districts of Tyrol

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Imst (district)IMImstTyrol
Kitzbühel (district)KBKitzbühelTyrol
Kufstein (district)KUKufsteinTyrol
Landeck (district)LALandeckTyrol
Lienz (district)LZLienzTyrol
Reutte (district)REReutteTyrol
Schwaz (district)SZSchwazTyrol
Districts of Vorarlberg

Districts of Vorarlberg

Political districtVehicle registration codeAdministrative centerState
Bludenz (district)BZBludenzVorarlberg
Bregenz (district)BBregenzVorarlberg
Dornbirn (district)DODornbirnVorarlberg
Feldkirch (district)FKFeldkirchVorarlberg
Districts of Vienna

Districts of Vienna

Municipalities of Austria
Salzburg, the fourth-largest city in Austria

Municipalities of Austria

Demography of Austria

Demographics of Austria

Government and politics of Austria

Alexander Van der Bellen, president of Austria.
Parliament Building on Ringstraße, Vienna
Seat of the Constitutional Court in Vienna

Politics of Austria

Branches of the government of Austria

Government of Austria

Executive branch of the government of Austria

Austrian Federal Government

Legislative branch of the government of Austria

Judicial branch of the government of Austria

Courts in Austria

Foreign relations of Austria

Foreign relations of Austria

International organization membership

International organization membership of Austria The Republic of Austria is a member of:[1]

Law and order in Austria

Law of Austria

Military of Austria

Leopard 2A4 of the Austrian Bundesheer
Jagdkommando soldiers jump out of the C-130 Hercules

Military of Austria

Local government in Austria

Local government in Austria

History of Austria

Battle of Vienna 1683
Panoramic view of Vienna after the city walls were reconstructed in 1548. In the middle is St. Stephen's Cathedral, behind the medieval Hofburg complex

History of Austria

  • Timeline of Austrian history
  • Current events of Austria
  • Military history of Austria
  • Rulers of Austria

By state

Culture of Austria

Franzensburg castle in Laxenburg
The original Sachertorte, as served at Vienna's Hotel Sacher
Austrian Crown Jewels: Imperial Orb, Crown, and Sceptre
Posthumous painting of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1819)

Culture of Austria

Art in Austria

Sports in Austria

Marcel Hirscher, an Austrian alpine ski racer who won a record six consecutive World Cup titles

Sport in Austria

Economy and infrastructure of Austria

A farm in Austria
Vestas V66-1.75 MW wind turbines of the Tauern Wind Park in Oberzeiring

Economy of Austria

Education in Austria

Education in Austria

  • Academic grading in Austria
  • Schools in Austria
  • Universities in Austria

See also



  1. "Austria". The World Factbook. United States Central Intelligence Agency. July 14, 2009. Retrieved July 23, 2009.
  2. CIA map 1
  3. In the former district of Mürzzuschlag registration plates showing the MZ- were issued.
  4. In the former separated districts registration plates showing the FF- resp. HB- were issued.
  5. Vehicle registration plates issued in the district of Liezen usually show the LI-code. However, in the former area around Bad Aussee and the area Gröbming which are nevertheless part of Liezen district registration plates showing the BA- was issued respectively GB-code is issued.
  6. In the former districts of Judenburg and Knittelfeld registration plates showing the JU- resp. KF- were issued.
  7. In the former districts of Feldbach and Radkersburg registration plates showing the FB- resp. RA-were issued.

Wikimedia Atlas of Austria

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