Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary

The Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary is a forest located near Visakhapatnam. It has been under the control of Andhra Pradesh Forest Department since 10 March 1970. Earlier the land was under the control of Maharajah of Vizianagaram. It was named after the local hillock Kambalakonda. It is a dry evergreen forest mixed with scrub and meadows and covers an area of 70.70 square kilometers. The indicator species is the Indian leopard.[1]

Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
IUCN category IV (habitat/species management area)
Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary morning view
Map showing the location of Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
Map showing the location of Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
Location of Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
LocationAndhra Pradesh, India
Nearest cityVisakhapatnam
Coordinates17°49′31″N 83°18′31″E
Area70.70 km2 (17,470 acres)
Established10 March 1970
Governing bodyAndhra Pradesh Forest Department
Eastern Ghats view in Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary
Calotes versicolor basking on grass at Kambalakonda
View of Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary from Gudilova
Helicteres isora (east Indian screw tree) at Kambalakonda
Carissa spinarum flowers at Kambalakonda
Polyalthia cerasoides red berries bunch at Kambalakonda
Pachliopta hector moving on grass leaf at Kambalakonda
Purple-rumped sunbird (Leptocoma zeylonica)
Red cedar fruit Erythroxylum monogynum at Kambalakonda
Axis axis (spotted deer) at Kambalakonda


The sanctuary is located from latitudes of 17.34° N to 17.47° N and longitudes of 83.04° E to 83.20° E. The location corresponds to an area west of National Highway 16 on the northern side of Visakhapatnam and Pendurthi in Visakhapatnam district. It can be reached by road about 3 km from Visakhapatnam, opposite to zoo park.

The sanctuary has a dry evergreen forest mixed with scrub and meadows. The terrain is hilly with steep slopes.

Flora and fauna


There is diverse flora and fauna in this sanctuary representing the Eastern Ghats. Floral diversity is high and includes:

Common nameFormal nameLocal name
Indian licoriceAbrus precatoriusగురువింద
Tree of HeavenAilanthus excelsaపెదమాను
Sage-leaved alangiumAlangium salviifoliumఊడుగ
Neem treeAzadirachta indicaవేప
Indian thorny bambooBambusa bambosముళ్ళవెదురు
Bidi leaf treeBauhinia racemosaతెల్ల ఆరె
Mountain pomegranateCatunaregam spinosaమంగ
East Indian satinwoodChloroxylon swieteniaబిల్లుడు
Buttercup treeCochlospermum religiosumకొండగోగు
Golden shower treeCassia fistulaరేల
Bush plum treeCarissa spinarumవాక
Indian rosewoodDalbergia sissooఇరుగుడుసేవ
Banyan treeFicus benghalensisమర్రి
Hairy fig treeFicus hispidaబొడ్డ
Indian fig treeFicus racemosaమేడి
White fig treeFicus virensజువ్వి
Indian boxwoodGardenia latifoliaపెదకరింగ
Dhaman treeGrewia tiliaefoliaతడ
White teakGmelina arboreaగుమ్మడి టేకు
Indian screw treeHelicteres isoraనులి తడ
Indian ash treeLannea coromandelicaగుంపెన
Ironwood treeManilkara hexandraపాల
Indian mulberryMorinda tinctoriaతగర
Jungle berryPolyalthia cerasoidesదుద్దుగ
Dinnerplate treePterospermum suberifoliumకనకచంపకం
Jamun treeSyzygium cuminiనేరేడు
Red cutch treeSenegalia chundraచండ్ర
TeakTectona grandisటేకు
White babulVachellia leucophloeaతెల్లతుమ్మ
Indigo treeWrightia tinctoriaఆంకుడు


There is a varied fauna[2] present in the sanctuary.


Common nameFormal nameObserved
Indian muntjacMuntiacus muntjakCommon
Indian spotted chevrotainMoschiola indicaCommon
Indian leopardPanthera pardus fuscaRare
Indian jackalCanis aureus indicusRare
Indian wild dogCuon alpinusRare
Indian pangolinManis crassicaudataRare
Indian boarSus scrofa cristatusCommon
Indian crested porcupineHystrix indicaCommon
Indian hareLepus nigricollisCommon
Rusty-spotted catPrionailurus rubiginosusRare
Jungle catFelis chausCommon
Madras treeshrew[3]Anathana elliotiRare
Ruddy mongooseHerpestes smithiiCommon
Sambar deerRusa unicolorCommon
Spotted deerAxis axisCommon
Asian palm civetParadoxurus hermaphroditusCommon


Common nameFormal nameObserved
Indian pythonPython molurusRare
Rat snakePtyas mucosusCommon
Indian cobraNaja najaCommon
Common Indian bronzebackDendrelaphis tristisCommon
Common Asian vine snakeAhaetulla nasutaRare
Russell's viperDaboia russeliiRare
Indian chameleonChamaeleo zeylanicusCommon
Bengal monitorVaranus bengalensisCommon
Visakhapatnam limbless skinkBarkudia melanostictaRare


Common nameFormal nameObserved[4]
Indian paradise flycatcherTerpsiphone paradisiCommon
Rufous treepieDendrocitta vagabundaCommon
Black drongoDicrurus macrocercusCommon
Indian golden orioleOriolus kundooRare
Indian peafowlPavo cristatusRare
Grey francolinFrancolinus pondicerianusRare
Laughing doveSpilopelia senegalensisCommon
Spotted doveSpilopelia chinensisCommon
Red-wattled lapwingVanellus indicusCommon
Rose-ringed parakeetPsittacula krameriCommon
Pied crested cuckooClamator jacobinusCommon
Barn owlTyto albaRare
Spotted owletAthene bramaCommon
Green bee-eaterMerops orientalisCommon
Indian grey hornbillOcyceros birostrisRare
Indian rollerCoracias benghalensisCommon
Red-whiskered bulbulPycnonotus jocosusCommon
Indian robinCopsychus fulicatusCommon
Baya weaverPloceus philippinusCommon
White wagtailMotacilla albaCommon
Pied kingfisherCeryle rudisCommon
Banded bay cuckooCacomantis sonneratiiRare
Purple-rumped sunbirdNectarinia zeylonicaCommon
Painted spurfowlGalloperdix lunulataRare
White-bellied sea eagleHaliaeetus leucogasterRare


Common nameFormal nameObserved[5]
Lemon pansyJunonia lemoniasCommon
Anomalous nawabCharaxes agrariaCommon
Indian sunbeamCuretis thetisCommon
Plain tigerDanaus chrysippusCommon
Peacock pansyJunonia almanaRare
Common banded peacockPapilio crinoRare
Great eggflyHypolimnas bolinaCommon
Common crowEuploea coreCommon
Danaid eggflyHypolimnas misippusCommon
Lime swallowtailPapilio demoleusCommon
Blue tigerTirumala limniaceCommon
Common MormonPapilio polytesCommon
Mottled emigrantCatopsilia pyrantheCommon
Common jayGraphium dosonCommon
Dark grass blueZizeeria karsandraCommon
Common gullCepora nerissaCommon
Monkey puzzleRathinda amorCommon
Common pierrotCastalius rosimonCommon
BaronetEuthalia naisRare

See also

  • Andhra Pradesh Forest Department
  • Dolphin Nature Conservation Society


  1. "APFD Website". Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 31 July 2012.
  2. http://www.thehindubusinessline.in/2006/09/28/stories/2006092803301900.htm
  3. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 March 2016. Retrieved 18 July 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  4. http://eghats.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Avifauna-of-Kambalakonda.pdf
  5. "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 17 July 2021. Retrieved 23 July 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
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