Lake Placid Olympic Ski Jumping Complex

The Lake Placid Olympic Ski Jumping Complex, also known as the MacKenzie Intervale Ski Jumping Complex, consists of HS100- and HS128-meter ski jump towers built for the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid, New York, United States. Modernized and lengthened in 2021, they are the only jumps in North America homologated for winter and summer jumping competitions.[1] The complex is operated by the Olympic Regional Development Authority.[2]

Lake Placid Olympic Ski Jumping Complex
MacKenzie Intervale
LocationLake Placid, New York,  United States
OperatorOlympic Regional Development Authority
Opened21 February 1921 (Large)
December 1978 (Normal)
Expanded1923, 1932, 1950, 1965,
1977, 1980, 1983, 1994,
2011, 2021
K–point90 metres (300 ft)
115 metres (377 ft)
Hill size100 metres (330 ft)
128 metres (420 ft)
Hill record136 metres (446 ft)
Japan Ryōyū Kobayashi
(11 February 2023)
Top events
Olympics1932, 1980
World Championships1950

The 128-meter jump features an Observation deck which offers views of nearby John Brown's Farm and the surrounding High Peaks of the Adirondacks.[3] Training and competition for Nordic ski jumping takes place year round thanks to a plastic mat out-run on the 90m jump. The Freestyle Aerial Training Center is located to the right of the base of the jump towers. Aerialists can train in the summer months by jumping into a 750,000 gallon pool.[4]

In 2018, funding was approved to upgrade the tracks with cooling to ensure winter operation. Also, the smaller hills will be upgraded to current FIS standards with a safer spread of heights for jumpers to progress. This is in tandem with a number of major games being hosted by Lake Placid over the next few years.

On 11 February 2023, they hosted first World Cup Men's super team (pairs) event in history.

Hill parameters

  • Construction point: 115 m
  • Hill size (HS): 128 m
  • Official hill record: 136.0 metres (446.2 ft)Japan Ryōyū Kobayashi (11 February 2023)
  • Inrun length: 98.07 m
  • Inrun angle: 35.1°
  • Take-off length: 6.89 m
  • Take-off angle: 11°
  • Take-off height: 3.08 m
  • Landing angle: 34.1°
  • Average speed: 93.1 km/h
  • Homologation source: [5]


The Lake Placid Club built the first ski jump on this site in 1920, using the hillside itself as the jump surface. The jump was referred to as the Intervales 35-meter jump. On February 21, 1921, the first competition was held at this site, drawing 3,000 spectators. The record jump for the day was 124 feet, set by Antony Maurer. In 1923, the jump was enlarged to fifty meters, and in 1927, a new steel tower was built, raising the jump to 60 meters. In 1928, the tower was raised to 75 meters; this was the tower used for the 1932 Winter Olympic Games. In 1977, the old tower was demolished to make way for new 70 and 90-meter jumps, used for the 1980 Winter Olympic Games. In 1994, the landing hills were re-graded to bring the jumps into compliance with current rules, and increasing their height to 90 and 120 meters.[6] In 2019, a pulse gondola was installed to replace an aging double chair which served the ski jumps.[7] In 2021, both jumps received upgrades that enabled year-round training and increased reliability, in addition to a new base lodge.[8][9]

The towers were built using a jacking system that lifted and poured concrete into the forms continuously, night and day, for 15 days for the larger jump, and 9 days for the smaller one.

The present record jumps stand at 105 meters for the 90-meter jump, set by Andrew Osadetz of Canada, and 136.0 meters for the 120-meter jump, set by Ryōyū Kobayashi of Japan.

Ski jumping events

Winter Olympic Games

The complex was a venue in the 1932 Winter Olympics and 1980 Winter Olympics.[10][11]

Olympic podiums
Year Date Hill Winner Second place Third place Ref
↓ Men's Individual ↓
193212 February  K60Norway Birger RuudNorway Hans BeckNorway Kåre Walberg[12]
198017 February  K86Austria Toni InnauerJapan Hirokazu Yagi
East Germany Manfred Deckert
23 February  K114Finland Jouko TörmänenAustria Hubert NeuperFinland Jari Puikkonen

FIS Nordic World Championships

Year Date Hill Winner Second place Third place Ref
↓ Men's Individual ↓
19505 February  K61Norway Hans BjørnstadSweden Thure LindgrenNorway Arnfinn Bergmann[14]

FIS World Cup

Season Date Hill Winner Second place Third place Ref
↓ Men's Individual ↓
1982/8315 January  K114Finland Matti NykänenAustria Armin KoglerUnited States Jeff Hastings [15]
16 January  K114Finland Matti NykänenAustria Armin KoglerNorway Steinar Bråten [16]
1983/8417 December  K86Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Primož UlagaFinland Matti NykänenCanada Horst Bulau
United States Jeff Hastings
18 December  K114United States Jeff HastingsSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Primož UlagaCzechoslovakia Jiří Parma [18]
1984/8515 December  K114Austria Andreas FelderCzechoslovakia Jiří ParmaAustria Ernst Vettori[19]
16 December  K86Austria Andreas FelderFinland Jari PuikkonenNorway Per Bergerud [20]
1985/8614 December  K114Norway Vegard OpaasSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Primož UlagaCzechoslovakia Pavel Ploc[21]
15 December  K86Austria Franz NeuländtnerAustria Ernst VettoriCanada Steve Collins [22]
1986/8713 December  K114Norway Vegard OpaasAustria Ernst VettoriSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Primož Ulaga[23]
14 December  K86Austria Ernst VettoriSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Primož UlagaNorway Vegard Opaas [24]
1987/8812 December  K114Czechoslovakia Pavel PlocWest Germany Dieter ThomaWest Germany Andreas Bauer[25]
13 December  K86Czechoslovakia Pavel PlocCzechoslovakia Jiří ParmaNorway Vegard Opaas [26]
1988/8910 December  K114Sweden Jan BoklövAustria Ernst VettoriFinland Pekka Suorsa[27]
11 December  K86Norway Vegard OpaasAustria Ernst VettoriWest Germany Thomas Klauser [28]
1989/909 December  K114Austria Ernst VettoriFinland Matti NykänenSweden Jan Boklöv[29]
10 December  K86Finland Ari-Pekka NikkolaAustria Ernst VettoriAustria Andreas Felder
1990/911 December  K86Austria Andreas FelderFinland Ari-Pekka NikkolaFinland Anssi Nieminen[30]
2 December  K114Germany André KiesewetterSwitzerland Stephan ZündAustria Ernst Vettori
2022/2311 February  HS128Germany Andreas WellingerJapan Ryōyū KobayashiAustria Daniel Tschofenig[31]
12 February  HS128Norway Halvor Egner GranerudGermany Andreas WellingerAustria Stefan Kraft[32]
2023/2410 February  HS128Slovenia Lovro KosJapan Ryōyū KobayashiNorway Marius Lindvik[33]
11 February  HS128Austria Stefan KraftSlovenia Lovro Kos
Germany Philipp Raimund
↓ Men's Super team ↓
2022/2311 February  HS128  Poland
Dawid Kubacki
Piotr Żyła
Daniel Tschofenig
Stefan Kraft
Ryoyu Kobayashi
Naoki Nakamura
2023/2410 February  HS128  Austria
Michael Hayböck
Stefan Kraft
Philipp Raimund
Andreas Wellinger
Johann André Forfang
Marius Lindvik

FIS Junior Nordic World Championships

Season Date Hill Winner Second place Third place Ref
↓ Men's Individual ↓
198616 February  K114Italy Virginio LunardiWest Germany Christian RimmelNorway Clas Brede Bråthen [37]
↓ Men's team ↓
198613 February  HS128  West Germany
Dieter Thoma
Christian Rimmel
Robert Leonhardt
Friedrich Braun
Virginio Lunardi
Carlo Pinzani
Paolo Rigoni

 Soviet Union
Juri Durinov
Michail Esin
Sergej Badenko
Evgeny Vashurin

FISU Winter World University Games

Year Date Hill Winner Second place Third place Ref
↓ Men's Individual ↓
19725 March  K70Japan Hideki NakanoSoviet Union Gariy NapalkovSoviet Union Yuriy Kalinin[39][40]
202316 January  HS100Kazakhstan Danil VassilyevAustria Maximilian LienherAustria Timon-Pascal Kahofer[41]
↓ Women's Individual ↓
202316 January  HS100Poland Nicole KonderlaJapan Machiko KubotaPoland Kinga Rajda[42]
↓ Mixed team ↓
202318 January  HS100 Poland I
Nicole Konderla
Adam Niżnik
Machiko Kubota
Ryusei Ikeda
 Poland II
Kinga Rajda
Szymon Jojko
↓ Men's team ↓
202320 January  HS100 Austria
Timon-Pascal Kahofer
Maximilian Lienher
Sergey Tkachenko
Danil Vassilyev
Sakutaro Kobayashi
Ryusei Ikeda
↓ Women's team ↓
202320 January  HS100 Poland I
Kinga Rajda
Nicole Konderla
 Poland II
Paulina Cieślar
Anna Twardosz
Miki Ikeda
Machiko Kubota



  1. "History Of The LAKE PLACID LEGACY SITES". Lake Placid Legacy Sites. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  2. "What We Do". Olympic Regional Development Authority. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  3. "OLYMPIC JUMPING COMPLEX". Lake Placid Legacy Sites. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  4. "Olympic Jumping Complex". Olympic Regional Development Authority. Archived from the original on 2009-01-22.
  5. "Certificate of jumping hill" (PDF). Retrieved 1 October 2022.
  6. "MacKenzie Intervale Ski Jumping Complex". Ski Jumping Hill Archive. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  7. "Skyride – Lake Placid, NY". Lift Blog. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  8. Russell, Emily (2021-11-27). "Lake Placid ski jumps upgraded ahead of Olympic trials". North Country Public Radio. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  9. Lynn, Lisa (2022-11-17). "Lake Placid's Olympic Revival". VT ski and ride. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  10. 1932 Winter Olympics official report. Archived April 10, 2008, at the Wayback Machine pp. 141-4. Accessed 12 October 2010.
  11. 1980 Winter Olympics official report. Volume 1. pp. 36-9. Accessed 16 November 2010. (in English and French)
  12. "LAKE PLACID 1932 SKI JUMPING RESULTS". Olympic Games. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  13. "LAKE PLACID 1980 SKI JUMPING RESULTS". Olympic Games. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  14. "World Championships Lake Placid, NY (USA)". International Ski Federation. 1950-02-01. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  15. "Finec Nykanenv v Lake Placidu krepko prvi". Delo (in Slovenian). 17 January 1983. p. 9.
  16. "Še ena zmaga Nykanena v Lake Placidu". Delo (in Slovenian). 18 January 1983. p. 8.
  17. "Primož Ulaga v Lake Placidu dosegel tretjo zmago za SP". Delo (in Slovenian). 19 December 1983. p. 9.
  18. "Na zadnji tekmi turneje zmaga Hastingsa, Ulaga 2". Delo (in Slovenian). 20 December 1983. p. 9.
  19. "Felder tretjič zapored, Naši tokrat brez točk". Delo (in Slovenian). 17 December 1984. p. 9.
  20. "Andreas Felder dobil tudi četrto tekmo". Delo (in Slovenian). 18 December 1984. p. 9.
  21. "Lake Placid: 1. Opaas, 2. Ulaga". Delo (in Slovenian). 16 December 1985. p. 9.
  22. "Primož Ulaga najuspešnejši". Delo (in Slovenian). 17 December 1985. p. 9.
  23. "Ulaga krepko vodil, zmagal pa je Opaas". Delo (in Slovenian). 15 December 1986. p. 9.
  24. "Naši skakalci v ZDA dosegli največji ekipni uspeh doslej". Delo (in Slovenian). 16 December 1986. p. 9.
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  26. "Velik ekipni uspeh skakalcev: kar trije naši med deseterico". Delo (in Slovenian). 15 December 1987. p. 11.
  27. "V Lake Placidu točke tudi našima Matjažema". Delo (in Slovenian). 12 December 1988. p. 9.
  28. "Mar strah pred neuspehom". Delo (in Slovenian). 13 December 1988. p. 11.
  29. "Na srednji skakalnici Nikkola (FIN), Ulaga vnovič četrti". Delo (in Slovenian). 11 December 1989. p. 9.
  30. "V Lake Placidu naši začeli res odlično, Na veliki skakalnici Petek deseti". Delo (in Slovenian). 3 December 1990. p. 9.
  31. "VIESSMANN FIS SKI JUMPING WORLD CUP Lake Placid OFFICIAL RESULTS". International Ski Federation. 2023-02-11. Retrieved 2023-02-12.
  32. "VIESSMANN FIS SKI JUMPING WORLD CUP Lake Placid OFFICIAL RESULTS SUN 12 FEB 2023". International Ski Federation. 2023-02-12. Retrieved 2023-02-12.
  33. "First World Cup win for Lovro Kos". International Ski Federation. 2024-02-10. Retrieved 2024-02-11.
  34. "Men's HS128: Lake Placid (USA)" (PDF). FIS. Retrieved 11 February 2024.
  35. "LAKE PLACID WC Men's Team HS128". International Ski Federation. 2023-02-11. Retrieved 2023-02-12.
  36. "Super-team super-close: 0.2 points make the difference". International Ski Federation. 2024-02-10. Retrieved 2024-02-11.
  37. "Junior World Championships - Men's individual". 13 February 1986.
  38. "Junior World Championships - Men's team event". 13 February 1986.
  39. "Ski Jumping Universiade Men: Normal Hill". Sports123. Archived from the original on 2010-01-24. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
  40. "Zlata kolajna Bachledi". Delo (in Slovenian). 6 March 1972. p. 1.
  41. "Ski Jumping Men's Normal Hill Individual Results" (PDF). International University Sports Federation. 2023-01-16. Retrieved 2023-02-03.
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  43. "Ski Jumping Mixed Team Results" (PDF). International University Sports Federation. 2023-01-18. Retrieved 2023-02-04.
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