Languages of Vanuatu

The Republic of Vanuatu has the world's highest linguistic density per capita.[1] Despite being a country with a population of less than 300,000,[2] Vanuatu is home to 138 indigenous Oceanic languages.

Languages of Vanuatu
Signage in English, Bislama, and French
OfficialEnglish, French, Bislama
Indigenous138 languages, all Oceanic
Keyboard layout

The country's three official languages are of foreign origin: English, French, and Bislama, an English-based creole language.

Additional languages are also spoken as a result of recent migrations (e.g. Samoan, Hakka Chinese, Mandarin Chinese).

The linguistic situation in Vanuatu

Indigenous languages

There are over one hundred local languages spread over the archipelago (listed below), all of them belonging to the Austronesian family of languages.

Vanuatu is the country with the highest density of languages per capita in the world: it currently shows an average of about 1,760 speakers for each indigenous language, and went through a historical low of 565;[1] only Papua New Guinea comes close. Some of these languages are very endangered, with only a handful of speakers, and indeed several have become extinct in recent times. Generally however, despite the low numbers for most of the indigenous languages, they are not considered especially vulnerable to extinction.[3]


Bislama, a creole language derived from English, similar to Tok Pisin of Papua New Guinea and other nearby creoles, is the first language of many urban ni-Vanuatu, that is, the residents of Port Vila and Luganville; it is the most common second language elsewhere in the Vanuatu islands.

In recent years, the use of Bislama as a first language has considerably encroached on indigenous languages, whose use in the population has receded from 73.1 to 63.2 percent between 1999 and 2009.[4]

Out of the three official languages, Bislama is the most spoken in Vanuatu, followed by English, and lastly French.

English and French

From the times when Vanuatu was a British-French condominium, there is still an unofficial separation line between regions where English or French are taught at school. According to Ethnologue, English is the first language of 6,000 people (2% of the population) and it is spoken as a second language by 120,000 people (40%).[5] French is the first language of 1,800 people (1%) and is spoken as a second language by 87,000 people (29%).[5]

The majority of the country's population (63.2% in 2009)[4] speak an indigenous language as their first language, with Bislama as a second language. English and French are generally spoken as third languages, in spite of their official status.

List of Vanuatu’s indigenous languages

Vanuatu is home to more than a hundred indigenous languages: a recent count lists 138.[6] Among them, three became extinct in recent decades. Many are named after the island they are spoken on, though some of the larger islands have several different languages. Espiritu Santo and Malakula are linguistically the most diverse, with about two dozen languages each.

Some language names refer to networks of dialects rather than unified languages. Uripiv, for example, is a dialect continuum spoken across several islands in Malampa Province. In such cases, the decision as to how many languages should be counted is notoriously difficult, and sometimes the object of controversy. The number of 112 listed below may differ from other counts proposed in the literature, depending partly on these difficulties.[7]

All indigenous languages of Vanuatu are Oceanic. Three are Polynesian languages of the Futunic group: Emae, Mele-Fila and Futuna-Aniwa. The remaining languages belong to these three groups of the Southern Oceanic branch of Oceanic:


Below is the Ethnologue's list of most of the indigenous languages of Vanuatu, which are still spoken or were until recently.[8] It provides links to an OLAC list of media resources on the language.[9]

Tip: Click on the column title to change the sort order.

LanguageOLACOther namesSpeakers % of total
AkeitsrTasiriki650 0.2404Espiritu SantoNCV
Amblongalm300 0.1109Espiritu SantoNCV
Anejom̃atyAneityum900 0.3328AneityumSV
AoreaorExtinct 0.0000Espiritu Santo, AoreNCV
Apmaapp7,800 2.8846PentecostNCV
Arakiakr8 0.0030ArakiNCVMoribund
Auluaaul750 0.2774MalekulaNCV
AvavatmbKatbol700 0.2589MalekulaNCV
AxambahbAhamb750 0.2774MalekulaNCV
Baetorabtr1,330 0.4919MaewoNCV
BakibkiBurumba, Paki350 0.1294EpiNCV
BierebobnkBonkovia-yevali800 0.2959EpiNCV
BieriabrjBieri, Vovo, Wowo70 0.0259EpiNCVEndangered
BurmbarvrtBanan Bay, Vartavo900 0.3328MalekulaNCV
Butmas-TurbnrAti520 0.1923Espiritu SantoNCV
Central Maewomwo1,400 0.5177MaewoNCV
DaakieptvPort-Vato1,300 0.4808AmbrymNCV
DaakakabpaBaiap, South Ambrym1,200 0.4438AmbrymNCV
Dixon Reefdix50 0.0185MalekulaNCVShifting
DorigwwoWetamut300 0.1109Banks Islands (Gaua)NCV
Emaemmw400 0.1479Shepherd Islands (Emae)Polynesian
Etonetn500 0.1849EfateNCV
FortsenalfrtKiai450 0.1664Espiritu SantoNCV
Futuna-AniwafutWest Futuna1,500 0.5547Futuna, AniwaPolynesian
HanolmlRaga6,500 2.4038PentecostNCV
HiwhiwHiu280 0.1035Torres Islands (Hiw)NCV
IfoiffExtinct 0.0000ErromangoSV
Kwameratnk3,500 1.2944TannaSV
Korokrf250 0.0925Banks Islands (Gaua)NCV
LamenulmuLamen, Varmali850 0.3143Epi, LamenNCV
LakonlknLakona; Vurē800 0.2959Banks Islands (Gaua)NCV
LamappswPort Sandwich1,200 0.4438MalekulaNCV
LarevatlrvLaravat680 0.2515MalekulaNCV
Lehalitql200 0.0740Banks Islands (Ureparapara)NCV
LelepalpaHavannah Harbour400 0.1479Lelepa, EfateNCV
LemeriglrzSasar2 0.0007Banks Islands (Vanua Lava)NCVMoribund
Lenakeltnl11,500 4.2529TannaSV
LetemboinmsSmall Nambas800 0.2959MalekulaNCV
LewolwwVarsu2,200 0.8136EpiNCV
LonwolwolcrcWest Ambrym1,200 0.4438AmbrymNCV
Lorediakarkarlnn850 0.3143Espiritu SantoNCV
Lo-TogalhtLoh, Toga580 0.2145Torres Islands (Lo, Toga, Tegua)NCV
LöyöpurrLehalurup240 0.0888Banks Islands (Ureparapara)NCV
MaemmeDirak1,000 0.3698MalekulaNCV
Maiimmm180 0.0666EpiNCV
MalfaxalmlxNa’ahai600 0.2219MalekulaNCV
Malua BaymllMiddle Nambas500 0.1849MalekulaNCV
Maragusmrs15 0.0055MalekulaNCV
Maskelynesklv1,100 0.4068Malekula, Maskelynes IslandsNCV
Mav̈eamkvMavea, Mafea34 0.0126Mav̈eaNCV
Mele-FilamxeIfira-Mele3,500 1.2944Efate, Mele, IfiraPolynesian
Mereilmb400 0.1479Espiritu SantoNCV
Morouasmrp150 0.0555Espiritu SantoNCV
Motamtt750 0.2774Banks Islands (Mota)NCV
Mpotovoromvt430 0.1590MalekulaNCV
MwerlapmrmMerlav1,100 0.4068Banks Islands (Merelava)NCV
MwesenmsnMosina10 0.0037Banks Islands (Vanua Lava)NCV
MwotlapmlvMotlav2,100 0.7766Banks Islands (Motalava)NCV
NahavaqsnsSouth West Bay700 0.2589MalekulaNCV
Nakanamangallp9,500 3.5133Efate, Shepherd Islands (Nguna, Tongoa)NCV
NamakuranmkMakura3,750 1.3868Efate, Shepherd Islands (Tongoa, Tongariki)NCV
NamanlzlLitzlitz15 0.0055MalekulaNCV
Narangonrg160 0.0592Espiritu SantoNCV
Nasariannvh5 0.0018MalekulaNCV
Navutnsw520 0.1923Espiritu SantoNCV
Nese160 0.0592MalekulaNCV
NeververlgkLingarak1,250 0.4623MalekulaNCV
NindemwiLabo1,100 0.4068MalekulaNCV
NisvaiVetbon140 0.0518MalekulaNCVUnesco
Nokukunkk160 0.0592Espiritu SantoNCV
North Tannatnn5,000 1.8491TannaSV
North Ambrymmmg5,250 1.9416AmbrymNCV
Northeast AmbaeombLolovoli; Aoba5,000 1.8491AmbaeNCV
NumetgsTarasag700 0.2589Banks Islands (Gaua)NCV
OlratolrExtinct 0.0000Banks Islands (Gaua)NCV
PaamapaaPaamese6,000 2.2189PaamaNCV
Piamatsinaptr150 0.0555Espiritu SantoNCV
Polonombaukplb220 0.0814Espiritu SantoNCV
Repanbitiprpn90 0.0333MalekulaNCV
RereppgkPangkumu, Tisman380 0.1405MalekulaNCV
RoriargaMores75 0.0277Espiritu SantoNCV
SaasaxSa2,500 0.9245PentecostNCV
SakaoskuHog Harbour, N'kep4,000 1.4793Espiritu Santo, SakaoNCV
Shark Bayssv450 0.1664Espiritu Santo, LitaroNCV
SieergSe, Erromanga1,900 0.7027ErromangoSV
SkeskeSeke300 0.1109PentecostNCV
South EfateerkErakor, Nafsan6,000 2.2189EfateNCV
Southeast Ambrymtvk3,700 1.3683AmbrymNCV
Southwest Tannanwi5,000 1.8491TannaSV
SowaswwExtinct 0.0000PentecostNCV
SungwadiamrbMarino; North Maewo500 0.1849MaewoNCV
TamambomlaMalo; Tamabo4,000 1.4793MaloNCV
Tambotalotls50 0.0185Espiritu SantoNCV
Tangoatgp800 0.2959TangoaNCV
Tasmatetmt150 0.0555Espiritu SantoNCV
Tialemnl400 0.1479Espiritu SantoNCV
Tolomakotlm900 0.3328Espiritu SantoNCV
Tutubatmi500 0.1849Espiritu Santo, TutubaNCV
UnuaonuOnua520 0.1923MalekulaNCV
Urauur6 0.0022ErromangoSV
Uripiv-Wala-Rano-AtchinupvUripiv9,000 3.3284MalekulaNCV
Valpeivlp300 0.1109Espiritu SantoNCV
Vaovao1,900 0.7027Vao, MalekulaNCV
V’ënen TautnmbBig Nambas3,350 1.2389MalekulaNCV
Vera’avraVatrata500 0.1849Banks Islands (Vanua Lava)NCV
VinmavisvnmNeve’ei500 0.1849MalekulaNCV
VolowmlvValuwaExtinct 0.0000Banks Islands (Mota Lava)NCV
Vunapuvnp380 0.1405Espiritu SantoNCV
VurësmsnVureas, Mosina2,000 0.7396Banks Islands (Vanua Lava)NCV
Wailapawlr100 0.0370Espiritu SantoNCV
West AmbaenndDuidui8,700 3.2174AmbaeNCV
Whitesandstnp7,500 2.7736TannaSV
Wusiwsi300 0.1109Espiritu SantoNCV

François et al. (2015)

The following list of 138 Vanuatu languages is from François et al. (2015:18-21).

No.LanguageOther namesSpeakersISO 639-3Region
1HiwHiu280hiwTorres Islands (Hiw)
2Lo-TogaLoh, Toga580lhtTorres Islands (Lo, Toga, Tegua)
3Lehali200tqlBanks Islands (Ureparapara)
4LöyöpLehalurup240urrBanks Islands (Ureparapara)
5MwotlapMotlav2100mlvBanks Islands (Motalava)
6VolowValuwa1mlvBanks Islands (Motalava)
7Mota750mttBanks Islands (Mota)
8LemerigSasar2lrzBanks Islands (Vanua Lava)
9Vera'aVatrata500vraBanks Islands (Vanua Lava)
10VurësVureas, Mosina2000msnBanks Islands (Vanua Lava)
11MwesenMosina10msnBanks Islands (Vanua Lava)
12NumeTarasag700tgsBanks Islands (Gaua)
13DorigWetamut300wwoBanks Islands (Gaua)
14Koro250krfBanks Islands (Gaua)
15Olrat3olrBanks Islands (Gaua)
16LakonLakona, Vurē800lknBanks Islands (Gaua)
17MwerlapMerlav1100mrmBanks Islands (Merelava)
18SungwadiaMarino, North Maewo500mrbMaewo
19SungwadagaCentral Maewo1400mwoMaewo
20BaetoraSouth Maewo, Sungaloge1330btrMaewo
21East AmbaeLolovoli, Aoba5000ombAmbae
22West AmbaeDuidui8700nndAmbae
27TolomakoBigbay900tlmEspiritu Santo
28Piamatsina250ptrEspiritu Santo
29Vunapu380vnpEspiritu Santo
30Valpei300vlpEspiritu Santo
31Nokuku250nkkEspiritu Santo
32MeriTasmate, Oa300tmtEspiritu Santo
33WusiKula350wsiEspiritu Santo
34Bura300Espiritu Santo
35MereiTiale, Lametin400lmb, mnlEspiritu Santo
36MoresKo200mrpEspiritu Santo
37AndeMorouas500Espiritu Santo
38ToksikiSoisoru, Roria200rgaEspiritu Santo
39KiaiFortsenal450frtEspiritu Santo
40Moiso100Espiritu Santo
41Kene300Espiritu Santo
42Daruru100Espiritu Santo
43AkeiTasiriki4000tsrEspiritu Santo
44Retlatur100Espiritu Santo
45WailapaAle500wlrEspiritu Santo
46FarsafNarango, Nambel400nrgEspiritu Santo
47VaravaraAmblong, Aje300almEspiritu Santo
48Narmoris220plbEspiritu Santo
49BiliruTambotalo3tlsEspiritu Santo
50Atin120Espiritu Santo
51AtiPolonombauk, Meris85Espiritu Santo
52Farnanto100Espiritu Santo
53SeFanafo20Espiritu Santo
54SiniaNavut520nswEspiritu Santo
55Butmas-TurAti, Farafi520bnrEspiritu Santo
56NgenShark Bay450ssvEspiritu Santo, Litaro
57TholpNethalp0Espiritu Santo
58SakaoHog Harbour, Nkep4000skuEspiritu Santo
59MaveaMav̋ea, Mafea34mkvEspiritu Santo, Mavea
60Tutuba500tmiEspiritu Santo, Tutuba
61Aore0aorEspiritu Santo, Aore
62TamamboMalo, Tamabo4000mlaEspiritu Santo, Malo
63TangoaMovono370tgpEspiritu Santo, Tangoa
64Araki8akrEspiritu Santo, Araki
66LendamboiSmall Nambas, Letemboi800nmsMalakula
69Avok500Malakula, Avok
70UliveoMaskelynes1100klvMalakula, Maskelynes
71Port SandwichLamap1200pswMalakula
73BurmbarBanam Bay, Vartavo900vrtMalakula
77RerepPangkumu, Tisman380pgkMalakula
81AvavaKatbol, Navava, Bangsa’700tmbMalakula
82NeververLingarak, Nevwervwer1250lgkMalakula
84UripivUripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin, Northeast Malakula9000upvMalakula, Atchin, Uripiv
85Rutan ?Malakula
87Vao1900vaoMalakula, Vao
88Alovas ?Malakula
92Malua BayMiddle Nambas500mllMalakula
94TiraxMae, Dirak1000mmeMalakula
95V'ënen TautBig Nambas3350nmbMalakula
97LarëvatLaravat, Larevat680lrvMalakula
101AveteianDixon Reef50dixMalakula
103NahavaqSouth West Bay, Siesip700snsMalakula
105Naha'aiMalvaxal, Malfaxal600mlxMalakula
107North Ambrym5250mmgAmbrym
109Southeast Ambrym3700tvkAmbrym
110DaakiePort Vato1300ptvAmbrym
111DaakakaSouth Ambrym, Baiap1200bpaAmbrym
113RaljagoWest Ambrym, Lonwolwol<10crcAmbrym
115LamenLamenu, Varmali850lmuEpi, Lamen
118BakiBurumba, Paki350bkiEpi
120BieriaBieri, Vovo, Wowo25brjEpi
121NamakuraMakura, Namakir3750nmkEfate, Shepherd Islands (Tongoa, Tongariki)
122EmaeMakatea400mmwShepherd Islands (Emae)
123Nakanamanga9500llpEfate, Shepherd Islands (Nguna, Tongoa)
124LelepaHavannah Harbour400lpaEfate, Lelepa
126South EfateErakor6000erkEfate
127Mele-FilaIfira-Mele3500mxeEfate, Mele, Ifira
128SieSe, Sie, Erromanga1900ergErromango
131North Tanna5000tnnTanna
133Southwest TannaNawal5000nwiTanna
135KwameraNafe, Nɨfe3500tnkTanna
138Futuna-AniwaWest Futuna1500futFutuna, Aniwa


  1. See François et al. (2015:8-9); and also Crowley (2000:50); François (2012:86).
  2. The estimate is 298,333 for July 2020 (source: “Vanuatu”, CIA World Factbook).
  3. Nettle, Daniel and Suzanne Romaine (2016). Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World's Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-19-515246-3.
  4. François (2012:104).
  5. Vanuatu in Eberhard, David M.; Simons, Gary F.; Fennig, Charles D., eds. (2022). Ethnologue: Languages of the World (25th ed.). Dallas, Texas: SIL International.
  6. See François et al. (2015).
  7. Thus while Tryon (1976) lists 113 separate languages, Lynch & Crowley (2001), using different criteria, propose a lower figure of 88 languages, many of which are dialect continua. See the discussion in François et al. (2015:4-7).
  8. This table lists 112 languages. See François et al. (2015:18-21) for a list of 138 items.
  9. The bibliographical references that underlie this table can be found with each individual language entry.


Further reading

  • Tryon, D.T. New Hebrides languages: An internal classification. C-50, vi + 550 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1976. doi:10.15144/PL-C50
  • Tryon, D.T. "The Languages of the New Hebrides: Internal and External Relationships". In Wurm, S.A. and Carrington, L. editors, Second International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics: Proceedings. C-61:877-902. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1978. doi:10.15144/PL-C61.877
  • Tryon, D.T. and Gly, R. Gazetteer of New Hebrides place names/Nomenclature des noms geographiques des Nouvelles-Hebrides. D-15, xxxvi + 188 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1979. doi:10.15144/PL-D15
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