Leo Tolstoy bibliography
This is a list of works by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), including his novels, novellas, short stories, fables and parables, plays, and nonfiction.
![]() Leo Tolstoy in his later years; early-20th century | |
References and footnotes |
Prose fiction
- The Autobiographical Trilogy
- Childhood (Детство, 1852)
- Boyhood (Отрочество, 1854)
- Youth (Юность, 1856)
- Cossacks (Казаки, 1852–1863)
- War and Peace (Война и мир, 1864–1869)
- Anna Karenina (Анна Каренина, 1873–1877)
- Resurrection (Воскресение, 1889–1899)
- Hadji Murat (Хаджи-Мурат, 1896–1904)
- Two Hussars (Два гусара, 1856)
- Family Happiness (Семейное счастье, 1859)
- Polikúshka (Поликушка, 1860)
- Death of Ivan Ilyich (Смерть Ивана Ильича, 1882–1886)
- Walk in the Light While There is Light (Ходите в свете, пока есть свет, 1888)
- Kreutzer Sonata (Крейцерова соната, 1889)
- Devil (Дьявол, 1889, pub. 1911)
- Master and Man (Хозяин и работник, 1895)
- Father Sergius (Отец Сергий, 1890–1898)
- The Forged Coupon (Фальшивый купон, 1902–1904)
Short stories
Fables and parables
- "Croesus and Fate" (adaptation of the Greek legend) (1886)
- " Françoise" (adaptation of a story by Guy de Maupassant) ("Франсуаза", 1891)[lower-alpha 3]
- "The Coffee-House of Surat" (adaptation of a story by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre) ("Суратская кофейная", 1893)
- "Too Dear!" (adaption of a story by Guy de Maupassant) ("Дорого стоит", 1897)
- "Poor People" (adaptation of a story by Victor Hugo) ("Бедные люди") (1905)
- "Power of Childhood" (adaptation of Hugo's poem, "La guerre civile") ("Сила детства", 1908, pub. 1912)
Stories for Children
Most children's stories (such as "A Prisoner in the Caucuses") are contained in the ABC and New ABC books shown in the Pedagogical Works section. Below are the stories not published in the ABC and New ABC books.
- Stories for Lubki picture books (1885)
- "Evil Allures, But Good Endures" (lit. "Enemy is Crafty, but God is Strong") ("Вражье лепко, а божье крепко")
- "Little Girls are Wiser than Old Men" ("Девчонки умнее стариков")
- "Ilyás" ("Ильяс")
- Additional Stories and Fables
- "Karma" (Adaptation of a Hindu Tale) ("Карма", 1894)
- "Two Different Versions of the History of the Beehive" ("Две различные версии истории улья с лубочной крышкой") (1900, pub. 1912)
- "Wolf" ("Волк") (1908)
- "A Christmas Night" ("Святочная ночь") (1853, pub. 1928)
- "How Russian Soldiers Die" ("Как умирают русские солдаты") (1854, pub. 1928)
- "Uncle Zhdanov and Mr. Chernov" ("Дяденька Жданов и кавалер Чернов") (1854, pub. 1932)
- "Idyll" ("Идиллия") (1861–1862, pub. 1911)
- The Decembrists (Декабристы, written 1860–1863, published 1884)[lower-alpha 4]
- Novel set during the reign of Peter the Great (1870–1879) (fragments published as Peter the First, Prince Fyodor Shchetinin, and Hundred Years in 1936)
- "Who is Right?" ("Кто прав?") (1891—1893, pub. 1911)
- "Dream of a Young Tsar" ("Сон молодого царя") (1894, pub. 1912)
- "Khodynka: An Incident of the Coronation of Nicholas II" ("Ходынка", 1898, published 1912)
- "Memoirs of a Madman" (1884–1903)
- "Posthumous Notes of the Hermit Fëdor Kuzmich" ("Посмертные записки старца Федора Кузьмича") (1905, published 1912)
- "Father Vasily" ("Отец Василий") (1906, pub. 1911)
- "There Are No Guilty People" (1909)
- The Power of Darkness (Власть тьмы, 1886)
- The First Distiller (1886)
- The Fruits of Enlightenment (Плоды просвещения, 1889)
- The Light Shines in Darkness (unfinished, 1890)
- The Living Corpse (Живой труп, 1900)
- The Cause of It All (1910)
Books and pamphlets
Letters and Correspondence
Supplements to Works of Others
- "To N. N. Ge's Painting: 'Christ's Last Discourse with His Desciples'" (1886)
- Supplementary essay for Timofei Bondarev's The Triumph of the Farmer or Industry and Parasitism (1888)
- "Apropos of A. I. Ershov's Book Recollections from Sevastopol" (1889)
- Introduction to Alice Stockham's Tokology: A Book for Every Woman (1890)
- "The First Step": An introduction to the Russian translation of Howard Williams's The Ethics of Diet (1891)
- Introduction to Henri-Frédéric Amiel's Journal (1893)
- Introduction to The Works of Guy de Maupassant (1894)
- Introduction to S. T. Semenov's Peasant Stories (1894)
- Epilogue to Drozhzhin's Life and Death (1895)
- "Help!": A postscript to "An Appeal to Help the Dukhobors Persecuted in the Caucasus" written by associates of Tolstoy (1896)
- Preface to Carpenter's article, "Modern Science" (1898)
- Introduction to W. von Polenz's Der Büttnerbauer (1902)
From Diary
- "A History of Yesterday" ("История вчерашнего дня") (1851)
- "Grateful Soil" ("Благодарная почва") (1910)
Untranslated Works
- The Great Sin (Великий грех, 1905)
- Do Not Kill (1906)
- Love Each Other (1906)
- The Only Command (1909)
- To the Orthodox Clergy (1903)
Pedagogical works
ABC (Азбука)[3] (1872)
New ABC (Новая Азбука)
- Combination of phonetic and grammatical instruction with many simple untitled stories and fables
- Titled Stories
- Burden (Fable)
- Big Stove (Fable)
- Nakhodka (Story)
- The Girl and the Robbers (Fairy Tale)
- Walnut Branch (Fairy Tale)
- Birdie (Story)
- Three Bears (Fairy Tale)
- How Uncle Semyon Talked About What Happened to Him in the Forest (Story)
- Cow (Story)
- Philippok (Story)
- Prayers in Old East Slavic
Russian Book for Reading (Русская Книга Для Чтения) (Volumes 1-4)
A collection stories, most of which appeared in the four original ABC volumes.
- A letter written with his wife to his wife's younger sister that is treated by critics as a short story.
- A non-fictional sketch.
- An alteration of Guy de Maupassant's "Port".
- Planned but abandoned sequel to War and Peace.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Books by Leo Tolstoy.
- "Translator's Note from "The Gospel in Brief" published by T.Y. Crowell". 2001-03-10. Retrieved 2013-12-31.
- "On Life". Northwestern University Press. n.d. Retrieved 5 November 2021.
This critical edition is the first accurate translation of this unsung classic of Russian thought into English, based on a study of manuscript pages of Tolstoy's drafts, and the first scholarly edition of this work in any language.
- https://www.prlib.ru/item/776875
- https://viewer.rusneb.ru/ru/000199_000009_002861487
External links
- Works by Leo Tolstoy in eBook form at Standard Ebooks
- Leo Tolstoy Archive, at RevoltLib.com
- Leo Tolstoy Archive, at Marxists.org
- Leo Tolstoy Archive, at TheAnarchistLibrary.org
- Works by Leo Tolstoy bibliography in eBook form at Standard Ebooks
- A comprehensive anthology of Tolstoy's short fiction at Standard Ebooks
- Online Books Page — free, public-domain books and articles by Tolstoy available online
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