List of Buddhists

This is a list of notable Buddhists, encompassing all the major branches of the religion (i.e. in Buddhism), and including interdenominational and eclectic Buddhist practitioners. This list includes both formal teachers of Buddhism, and people notable in other areas who are publicly Buddhist or who have espoused Buddhism.

Philosophers and founders of schools

Individuals are grouped by nationality, except in cases where their influence was felt elsewhere. Gautama Buddha and his immediate disciples ('Buddhists') are listed separately from later Indian Buddhist thinkers, teachers and contemplatives.

Buddha's disciples and early Buddhists

Buddha and his disciples; the world's tallest walking statue of the Buddha, in Kandy, Sri Lanka[1]
  • Amrapali, royal courtesan
  • Anathapindika, wealthy merchant and banker
  • Ajātasattu, king of Magadha, son of Bimbisāra
  • Bimbisāra, king of Magadha
  • Chandaka, prince Siddhārtha's charioteer
  • Citta, wealthy merchant
  • Cunda Kammāraputta, a smith who gave the Buddha his last meal
  • Hastaka Āṭavika, saved by the Buddha from a demon
  • Kubjottarā, a chief woman disciple and servant of Queen Śyāmāvatī
  • Pasenadi, King of Kosala
  • Samavati, a queen of Kauśāmbī
  • Śuddhodana, the Buddha's father
  • Velukantakiyā
  • Viśākhā, an aristocratic woman and chief female patron

Later Indian Buddhists (after Buddha)

From Gandhara


  • Dharmaraksita (3rd century BCE), Greek Buddhist missionary sent by emperor Ashoka, and a teacher of the monk Nagasena
  • Mahadharmaraksita (2nd century BCE), Greek Buddhist master during the time of Menander
  • Nāgasena (2nd century BCE), Buddhist sage questioned about Buddhism by Milinda, the Indo-Greek king in the Milinda Pañha

Central Asian

  • An Shigao, Parthian monk and the first known Buddhist missionary to China, in 148 CE
  • Dharmarakṣa, Yuezhi monk, the first known translator of the Lotus Sutra into Chinese
  • Jñānagupta (561–592), monk and translator from Gandhara, Pakistan
  • Kumārajīva (c. 401), Kuchan monk and one of the most important translators
  • Lokaksema, Kushan monk from Gandhara, first translator of Mahayana scriptures into Chinese, around 180 CE
  • Prajñā (c. 810), monk and translator from Gandhara, who translated important texts into Chinese and educated the Japanese Kūkai in Sanskrit texts






  • Shin Arahan, primate of Pagan Kingdom, 1056–1115
  • Ledi Sayadaw, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Mahasi Sayadaw, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Sayadaw U Tejaniya, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Mogok Sayadaw, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Webu Sayadaw, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Panditarama Sayadaw, propagator of Vipassanā
  • Mingun Sayadaw, first monk in Myanmar to be awarded the title of Tipitakadhara, meaning Keeper and Guardian of the Tipitaka
  • Taunggwin Sayadaw, last Buddhist monk to hold the office as Thathanabaing of Burma
  • Maha Bodhi Ta Htaung Sayadaw, founder of Maha Bodhi Tahtaung
  • Thamanya Sayadaw, best known for his doctrinal emphasis on metta
  • Sunlun Sayadaw, popular meditation teacher among the monks and Vipassanā meditation master
  • Sitagu Sayadaw, founder and Supreme Head of the Sitagu Buddhist Academies
  • Ashin Nandamalabhivamsa, rector of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University
  • Chanmyay Sayadaw, well-known monk and editor of the Buddhist Scriptures in Pali for reciting Buddhist scriptures at the Sixth Buddhist Council in Myanmar
  • Taung Galay Sayadaw, Karen Theravadin Buddhist monk, and also known as a prolific writer and a historian
  • Sayadaw U Narada, planted many thousands of Bodhi trees, built thousands of pagodas and Buddha statues
  • Sayadaw U Pannavamsa, prominent Buddhist monk, known for his missionary work, particularly in Sri Lanka and Malaysia
  • Ashin Sandadika, well-known monk
  • Sayagyi U Ba Khin, propagator of vipassana meditation in the Ledi tradition


Rulers and monarchs

Modern teachers

Theravada teachers

Tibetan Buddhist teachers

Dzogchen and Bon teachers

Zen teachers

  • John Crook (1930–2011)
  • U Dhammaloka (1856?–1914?)
  • John Garrie (1923–1998)
  • Muhō Noelke (born 1968)
  • Henry Shukman (born 1962)
  • Chi Chern (born 1955)
  • Guang Qin (廣欽) (1892–1986), founder of Cheng Tian Temple (承天禪寺) in Taiwan
  • Yin Shun (印順) (1906–2005), founder of Humanistic Buddhism (人間佛教)
  • Sheng-yen (聖嚴) (1931–2009), founder of Dharma Drum Mountain (法鼓山) in Taiwan
  • Cheng Yen (證嚴) (born 1937), founder of Tzu Chi Foundation (慈濟基金會) in Taiwan
  • Hsing Yun (星雲) (born 1927), founder of Fo Guang Shan (佛光山) in Taiwan
  • Wei Chueh (惟覺) (born 1928), founder of Chung Tai Shan (中台禪寺) in Taiwan
  • Thích Nhất Hạnh (1926–2022)
  • Thích Chân Không (born 1938)
  • Thích Thiên-Ân (1926–1980)
  • Thích Thanh Từ (born 1924)


  • Bhikkhu Analayo (born 1962), known for his comparative studies of early Buddhist texts as preserved by the various early Buddhist traditions
  • Buddhādasa Bhikkhu, his works take up an entire room in the National Library of Thailand, and inspired a group of Thai social activists and artists of the 20th century
  • Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu (1905–1960), remembered for his reliable translations from the Pali into English, remarkable command of the Pali language and a wide knowledge of the canonical scriptures
  • Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu (born 1949), known for his translations of almost 1000 Sutta in all and providing the majority of the sutta translations in a website known as "Access to Insight"
  • Bhikkhu Bodhi (born 1944), second president of the Buddhist Publication Society and has edited and authored several publications grounded in the Theravada Buddhist tradition
  • Tara Brach (born 1953), American psychologist and author
  • Tanaka Chigaku (1861–1939)
  • John Crook (1930–2011), British ecologist, sociologist, and practitioner of both Ch'an and Tibetan Buddhism tradition
  • Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda (1919–2006), Buddhist monk and scholar. in Malaysia, wrote approximately 60 Buddhist works, ranging from small pamphlets to texts of over 700 pages
  • Phra Dhammavisuddhikavi (born 1936), ex-Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Mahamakut Buddhist University and has written 70 books on Buddhism
  • Allen Ginsberg, poet[4] (Tibetan Buddhism)
  • Joseph Goldstein (born 1944), one of the first American Vipassana teachers, contemporary author of numerous popular books on Buddhism
  • Nakamura Hajime (1911–1999)
  • Chittadhar Hridaya (1906–1982)
  • Hsuan Hua (1918–1995), Tripitaka Master; extensive English commentaries on the major Mahayana Sutras: Avatamsaka Sutra, Shurangama Sutra, Shurangama Mantra, Lotus Sutra, Diamond Sutra, and many others
  • Christmas Humphreys (1901–1983)
  • Daisaku Ikeda (born 1928), prolific writer of Nichiren Buddhism, society, peace and nuclear abolition, and President of the Soka Gakkai International
  • Nishitani Keiji (1900–1990)
  • Jack Kerouac, American novelist[5] (Zen and Tibetan Buddhism; also the Catholic Church)
  • Nishida Kitaro (1870–1945)
  • Jack Kornfield (born 1945), American book writer, student of renowned forest monk Ajahn Chah, and teacher of Theravada Buddhism
  • Noah Levine (born 1971), American Buddhist teacher and author
  • Nyanatiloka Mahathera, (1878–1957), translated several important Theravadin Pali texts into German, also wrote a Pali grammar, an anthology, and a Buddhist dictionary
  • Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871–1944), Japanese educator and founder of the Soka Gakkai
  • Edward Salim Michael (1921–2006), composer and author
  • Achan Sobin S. Namto (born 1931), taught Vipassana meditation and Buddhist psychology in Southeast Asia and North America for over 50 years
  • Gudo Wafu Nishijima (1919–2014)
  • Henry Steel Olcott (1832–1907), major revivalist of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and a Buddhist modernist for his efforts in interpreting Buddhism through a Westernized lens
  • Kenneth Pai, Chinese-American writer[6]
  • P. A. Payutto (born 1937), lectured and written extensively about a variety of topics related to Buddhism, awarded the 1994 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education
  • Sharon Salzberg (born 1953), teacher of Buddhist meditation practices in the West, and also a New York Times best-selling author
  • Sangharakshita (1925–2018), founder of the Triratna Buddhist community
  • Sheng-yen (1930–2009), religious scholar, one of the most respected teachers of Chinese Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism, and founder of spiritual and educational organization Dharma Drum Mountain
  • Yin Shun (1906–2005), brought forth the ideal of "Humanistic" (human-realm) Buddhism and regenerated the interests in the long-ignored Āgamas among Chinese Buddhists
  • Shunryū Suzuki (1904–1971), Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the United States
  • Taixu (1890–1947), activist and thinker who advocated the reform and renewal of Chinese Buddhism
  • Nyanaponika Thera (1901–1994), co-founder of the Buddhist Publication Society, contemporary author of numerous seminal Theravada books
  • Robert Thurman (born 1941), American author, editor and translator of books on Tibetan Buddhism, Je Tsongkhapa professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University and co-founder and president of Tibet House U.S.
  • Josei Toda (1900–1958), peace activist and second president of the Soka Gakkai
  • Phra Paisal Visalo, writing and editing books on environment and Buddhism, co-founder of Sekiyadhamma, a network of socially engaged monks in Thailand
  • Brad Warner (born 1964), American monk, writer, and musician
  • Alan Watts (1915–1973), English writer and lecturer
  • Robert Wright (born 1957), American journalist and author. (Zen)[7]
  • Han Yong-un (1879–1944), Korean Buddhist reformer and poet

Politicians and activists







South Korean


  • Thích Huyền Quang (1919–2008), Vietnamese Buddhist monk, dissident and activist; formerly the patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam; in 2002, he was awarded the Homo Homini Award for his human rights activism by the Czech group People in Need
  • Thích Quảng Độ, Vietnamese Buddhist monk, current patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam; awarded the Homo Homini Award for human rights activism by the Czech group People in Need in 2002; nine-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee
  • Thích Quảng Đức (1897–1963), Vietnamese Mahayana monk and self-martyr for freedom of religion; burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963 (Mahayana)

Sri Lankan

Film and television



  • Edson Celulari (born 1958), Brazilian actor[47]
  • Carmo Dalla Vecchia (born 1971), Brazilian actor.[48]
  • João Vitti (born 1967), Brazilian theatre and telenovela actor.[49]



  • Chow Yun-fat, Chinese actor[81]
  • Andy Lau, actor, singer-songwriter and film producer. He has been one of Hong Kong's most commercially successful film actors since the mid-1980s, performing in more than 160 films while maintaining a successful singing career at the same time.[82][83]




  • Marco Columbro (born 1950), Italian actor and television host. (Tibetan Buddhism)[102][103]
  • Manuel De Peppe (born 1970), Italian actor, producer and singer, converted to Buddhism in 2011. (Secular Buddhism)



  • Napapa Tantrakul (born 1986), Thai actress[105]











Hong Konger



  • Carmen Consoli, Italian singer and songwriter[151]










Sumo wrestling




  • Arthur Lillie (24 February 1831 28 November 1911), was a Buddhist, soldier in the British Indian Army, and a writer.
  • Neville Armstrong (20 October 1913 – September 2008) was a British soldier, literary agent, and publisher.

Buddhist practitioners notable in other fields

Fictional Buddhists

Anime and manga

Graphic novels


Film and television

Video games


  • 2D, lead singer and keyboardist of the British virtual band Gorillaz
  • Jeremy, from the popular web series Pure Pwnage

See also


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