List of Icelandic writers

Iceland has a rich literary history, which has carried on into the modern period.[2]

Halldór Kiljan Laxness, one of Iceland's most noted authors, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955[1]

Some of the best known examples of Icelandic literature are the Sagas of Icelanders. These are prose narratives based on historical events that took place in Iceland and the surrounding areas during the Saga Age.[3][4] Most of these sagas were recorded during the 13th and 14th centuries, but the original authors and subsequent recorders of the works are unknown and thus not listed here. Although it has been suggested that Snorri Sturluson is the author of Egil's Saga.[5] The Saga tradition is not limited only to Iceland, and is an integral part of Norse mythology throughout the Nordics.[6][7]

Another dominant form of Icelandic literature is poetry. Iceland has a rich history of poets, with many poets listed here. The early poetry of Iceland is Old Norse poetry, which is divided into the anonymous Eddic poetry,[8] and the Skaldic poetry attributed to a series of skalds, who were court poets who lived in the Viking Age and Middle Ages.[9][10] The modern Icelandic language is sufficiently similar to the Old Norse language for speakers of modern Icelandic to be able to understand Old Norse texts.[11] Later Icelandic poetry includes the Passion Hymns by Hallgrímur Pétursson, a collection of Christian religious poetry published in 1666.[12] Modern poets include Einar Benediktsson, a neo-Romantic poet who was an important figure in Iceland's nationalistic literary revival during the 19th century,[13] and 20th-century poets such as Tómas Guðmundsson and Davíð Stefánsson.

Halldór Laxness is the only Icelander to have been awarded the Nobel Prize.[14] Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955, he is recognized as one of Iceland's greatest literary figures. He wrote poetry, newspaper articles, plays, travelogues, short stories, and novels.[15] Icelandic authors have won the Nordic Council's Literature Prize nine times.[16]

In the modern period many Icelandic authors have been successful writing in languages other than Icelandic. Others have their work translated into other languages and are known internationally. The Detective Erlendur series by crime fiction author Arnaldur Indriðason is translated into at least 24 languages, including English.[17]

Following is a list of notable Icelandic writers.[lower-alpha 1] This list includes authors of Icelandic literature, as well as writers in other literary disciplines; such as authors of fiction and non-fiction works, poets and skalds, playwrights, screenwriters, songwriters and composers, scholars, scribes, journalists,[lower-alpha 2] translators, and editors of newspapers and magazines. All the people listed here are or were Icelandic citizens, or writers with a strong connection to Iceland, for example by writing in the Icelandic language.[lower-alpha 3] People listed are from a wide range of time periods, ranging from the early Viking-age chroniclers, to modern day novelists. To help sort the writers by period, they are sorted according to the time period they lived. Although many more precise periods can be used, this list uses Contemporary for living writers, Modern for writers since the 16th century, and Medieval for the period from the 5th to the 15th century. In keeping with Icelandic naming conventions, the list is alphabetical by given name, as that is how Icelandic names are sorted.


Arngrímur Jónsson the Learned, an Icelandic scholar who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries[18]
Given names beginning with "A"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Andri Snær MagnasonMaleContemporary1973LivingChildren's book authorThe Story of the Blue Planet[19][20]
Anna Mjöll ÓlafsdóttirFemaleContemporary1970LivingJazz songwriterSjúbídú[21][22]
Anna Svanhildur BjörnsdóttirFemaleContemporary1948LivingPoetÖrugglega ég[23][24][25]
Ari JósefssonMaleModern19391964PoetNei[26][27]
Ari Trausti GuðmundssonMaleContemporary1948LivingNon-fiction authorVegalínur[28][29]
Ari ÞorgilssonMaleMedieval10671148Medieval chroniclerÍslendingabók[30][31]
Arnaldur IndriðasonMaleContemporary1961LivingCrime fiction authorDetective Erlendur series[32][33][34]
Arndís ÞórarinsdóttirFemaleContemporary1982LivingChildren's books author[35]
Arngrímr BrandssonMaleMedieval1325136114th century authorGuðmundar saga D[36]
Arngrímur JónssonMaleMedieval1568164816th century scholarBrevis commentarius de Islandia[37][38]
Arnórr JarlaskáldMaleMedieval10121070Skald[39][40]
Arnthor BirgissonMaleContemporary1976LivingDance music songwriter
Auður Ava ÓlafsdóttirFemaleContemporary1958LivingNovelistButterflies in November[41][42]
Auður JónsdóttirFemaleContemporary1973LivingNovelistSecretaries to the Spirits[43]
Auður LaxnessFemaleModern19182012AuthorMelkorka[44]


Given names beginning with "Á"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Álfrún GunnlaugsdóttirFemaleContemporary1938LivingNovelistÞel[45][46]
Ágústína JónsdóttirFemaleContemporary1949LivingPoetAð baki mánans[47][48]
Árni BergmannMaleContemporary1935LivingNovelistThorvald the Widely-Travelled[49]
Árni BöðvarssonMaleModern19241992Dictionary editor[50][51]
Árni LárentíussonMaleMedieval13041337Medieval prose writerDunstanus saga
Árni ÞórarinssonMaleContemporary1950LivingCrime writer and journalist[52]
Áslaug JónsdóttirFemaleContemporary1963LivingChildren's book authorSkrímsli í vanda[53]


Given names beginning with "B"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Baldur RagnarssonMaleContemporary19302018Poet[54]
Barði JóhannssonMaleContemporary1975LivingMusic writer
Bergljót ArnaldsFemaleContemporary1968LivingChildren's book author[55]
Bergr SokkasonMaleMedieval1316135014th century scholarMicheals Saga[56]
Bergþóra ÁrnadóttirFemaleModern19482007Folk songwriter[57]
Bersi SkáldtorfusonMaleMedieval980103011th century skald[58]
Birgir SigurðssonMaleContemporary19372019Drama writer
Birgitta JónsdóttirFemaleContemporary1967LivingPoet[59][60]
Birgitta SifFemaleContemporary1981LivingChildren's book author[61]
Bjarki KarlssonMaleContemporary1965LivingPoetÁrleysi alda[62][63]
Bjarni BjarnasonMaleContemporary1965LivingNovelistEndurkoma Maríu
Bjarni HarðarsonMaleContemporary1961LivingNovelist[64][65]
Bjarni ThorarensenMaleModern17861841Poet[66][67]
Björgvin Franz GíslasonMaleContemporary1977LivingChildren's book author[68]
Björk GuðmundsdóttirFemaleContemporary1965LivingSongwriterDebut, Post, Vulnicura, Fossora[69]
Björn Th. BjörnssonMaleModern19222007Novelist[70][71]
Böðvar GuðmundssonMaleContemporary1939LivingNovelist[72]
Bogi ÁgústssonMaleContemporary1952LivingJournalist[73]
Bragi BoddasonMaleMedieval8008509th century poet
Bryndís BjörgvinsdóttirFemaleContemporary1982LivingChildren's book author[74]
Brynhildur ÞórarinsdóttirFemaleContemporary1970LivingChildren's book author
Brynjar LeifssonMaleContemporary1990LivingSongwriter
Brynjólfur PéturssonMaleModern18101851Magazine editorFjölnismenn[75][76]


Given names beginning with "D"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Davíð OddssonMaleContemporary1948LivingNewspaper editorEditor of Morgunblaðið[77][78]
Davíð StefánssonMaleModern18951964Poet[79][80]
Drífa ViðarFemaleModern19201971NovelistFjalldalslilja[81][82][83]


Given names beginning with "E"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Eggert ÓlafssonMaleModern17261768PoetReise igiennem Island[84]
Egill HelgasonMaleContemporary1959LivingJournalist[85]
Egill SkallagrímssonMaleMedieval904995Viking-Age poetHöfuðlausn[86]
Eilífr GoðrúnarsonMaleMedievalUnknown10th-century skaldÞórsdrápa[87]
Eilífr kúlnasveinnMaleMedievalUnknown12th or 13th century skald[88]
Einar BenediktssonMaleModern18641940Poet[89]
Einar BragiMaleModern19212005Poet[90]
Einar Hjörleifsson KvaranMaleModern18591938Newspaper editor, et al[91]
Einar KárasonMaleContemporary1955LivingNovelist[92][93]
Einar Már GuðmundsonMaleContemporary1954LivingNovelist[94]
Einar Ragnarsson KvaranMaleModern19202012Genealogist[95]
Einarr GilssonMaleMedievalUnknown14th century poet[96]
Einarr HafliðasonMaleMedieval1307139314th century chronicler[97]
Einarr HelgasonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald[98][99]
Einarr SkúlasonMaleMedieval1100115912th century skald[100]
Eiríkur BergmannMaleContemporary1969LivingScholarly author & novelistSamsærið[101][102]
Eiríkur Örn NorðdahlMaleContemporary1978LivingPoetllska[103]
Eiríkur RögnvaldssonMaleContemporary1955LivingScholarly author[104]
Elín BriemFemaleModern18561937Cookbook author[105]
Elín Ebba GunnarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1953LivingShort fiction author[106]
Elísabet JökulsdóttirFemaleContemporary1958LivingJournalist and poet[107]
Elsa G. VilmundardóttirFemaleModern19322008Non-fiction author[108]
Emil ThoroddsenMaleModern18981944Songwriter[109]
Erla StefánsdóttirFemaleContemporary19352015Seer[110]
Ernir Kristján SnorrasonMaleModern19442012Novelist[111]
Eyjólfr DáðaskáldMaleMedievalUnknownSkald[112]
Eysteinn ÁsgrímssonMaleMedieval13101360Poet[113]
Eysteinn BjörnssonMaleContemporary1942LivingAuthor[114]
Eysteinn ValdasonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald[115]
Eyvindur P. EiríkssonMaleContemporary1935LivingPoet[116]


Given names beginning with "F"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Finnur JónssonMaleModern18581934ScholarHistoria Ecclesiastica Islandiæ[117]
Finnur MagnússonMaleModern17811847Scholarly author
Fríða Á. SigurðardóttirFemaleModern19402010Novelist[118][119][120]


Poet and children's author Gerður Kristný
Given names beginning with "G"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Gamli GnævaðarskáldMaleMedievalUnknownSkald
Gerður KristnýFemaleContemporary1970LivingPoet
Gísli Örn GarðarssonMaleContemporary1973LivingScreenwriter
Gísli Rúnar JónssonMaleContemporary19532020Screenwriter
Glúmr GeirasonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald
Gottskálk grimmi NikulássonMaleMedieval14691520Author of Rauðskinna
Grímur HákonarsonMaleContemporary1977LivingScreenwriter
Grímur ThomsenMaleModern18201896Poet
Guðbergur BergssonMaleContemporary1932LivingAuthor
Guðmundur Andri ThorssonMaleContemporary1957LivingNovelist
Guðmundur G. HagalínMaleModern18981985Short story author
Guðmundur KambanMaleModern18881945Novelist
Guðmundur SteingrímssonMaleContemporary1972Living
Guðni Th. JóhannessonMaleContemporary1968LivingNon-fiction writer
Guðný HalldórsdóttirFemaleContemporary1954LivingScreenwriter
Guðrún Eva MínervudóttirFemaleContemporary1976LivingNovelist
Guðrún frá LundiFemaleModern18871975Novelist
Guðrún HelgadóttirFemaleContemporary1935LivingChildren's book author
Guðrún Kristín MagnúsdóttirFemaleContemporary1939LivingAuthor
Guðrún LárusdóttirFemaleModern18801938Writer
Gunnar GunnarssonMaleModern18891975Novelist
Gunnlaugr LeifssonMaleMedieval11901218Poet
Gunnlaugr OrmstungaMaleMedieval9831008Poet
Gyrðir ElíassonMaleContemporary1961LivingPoet


Hera Hjartardóttir
Given names beginning with "H"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Halla GunnarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1981LivingJournalist
Hallar-SteinnMaleMedievalUnknown13th century poet
Halldór GuðmundssonMaleContemporary1956LivingBiographer
Halldór LaxnessMaleModern19021998Iceland's Nobel laureate
Halldóra K. ThoroddsenMaleContemporary19502020Novelist
Halldórr skvaldriMaleMedievalUnknownSkald
Hallfreðr vandræðaskáldMaleMedieval9651007Skald
Hallgerður GísladóttirFemaleModern19522007Poet
Hallgrímur HelgasonMaleContemporary1959LivingNovelist
Hallgrímur PéturssonMaleModern16141674Poet
Hannes HafsteinMaleModern18611922Poet
Hannes PéturssonMaleContemporary1931LivingPoet
Hannes SigfússonMaleModern19221997Poet
Haukr ErlendssonMaleModern12651334Scholar[121]
Helgi PjeturssFemaleModern18721949Scientific writer
Hera HjartardóttirFemaleContemporary1983LivingSongwriter
Hermann PálssonMaleModern19212002Scholar
Hermann StefánssonMaleContemporary1968LivingAuthor
Hilmar Örn HilmarssonMaleModern1958LivingMusic writer
Hitesh CeonMaleContemporary1974LivingSongwriter
Hjálmar JónssonMaleModern17961875Poet
Hrafnhildur HagalínMaleContemporary1965LivingPlaywright


Given names beginning with "I"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Ilmur KristjánsdóttirFemaleContemporary1978LivingScreenwriterÁstríður[122]
Indriði G. ÞorsteinssonMaleModern19262000Novelist79 af stöðinni[123]
Ingibjörg HaraldsdóttirFemaleModern19422016PoetKona[124][125][126][127]
Ingólfur MargeirssonMaleModern19482011Newspaper editorLífsjátning[128][129]


Given names beginning with "Í"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Íeda HermanMaleContemporary19252019AuthorViking Kids Don't Cry[130]
Ísak HarðarsonMaleContemporary1956LivingPoet[131]


Playwright and poet Jóhann Sigurjónsson
Given names beginning with "J"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Jakobína SigurðardóttirFemaleModern19181994Modernist writer
Jófríður ÁkadóttirFemaleContemporary1994LivingSongwriter
Jóhann Gunnar SigurðssonMaleModern18821906Poet
Jóhann SigurjónssonMaleModern18801919Poet
Jóhannes úr KötlumMaleModern18991972Poet
Jón ÁrnasonMaleModern18191888Folklorist
Jón Atli JónassonMaleContemporary1972LivingPlaywright
Jón HelgasonMaleModern18991986Poet
Jón Hnefill AðalsteinssonMaleModern19272010Folklorist
Jón Kalman StefánssonMaleContemporary1963LivingNovelist
Jón lærði GuðmundssonMaleModern15741651Sorcerer and poet
Jón LeifsMaleModern18991968Music writer
Jón MagnússonMaleModern16101696Author of the Píslarsaga
Jón Oddsson HjaltalínMaleModern17491835Religious writer
Jón ÓlafssonMaleModern18501916Journalist
Jón Ólafsson[lower-alpha 4]MaleModern15941679Explorer and autobiographer
Jón Örn LoðmfjörðMaleContemporary1983LivingExperimental poet
Jón ÓskarMaleModern19211998Poet
Jón frá PálmholtiMaleModern19302004Poet
Jón SveinssonMaleModern18571944Children's book writer
Jón Thoroddsen elderMaleModern18181868Poet and novelist
Jón Thoroddsen juniorMaleModern18981924Author
Jón Trausti SigurðarsonMaleContemporary1982LivingNewspaper editor
Jón úr VörMaleModern19172000Poet
Jónas HallgrímssonMaleModern18071845Magazine editor
Jónas KristjánssonMaleModern19242014Novelist
Jónína LeósdóttirFemaleContemporary1954LivingAuthor
Jórunn skáldmærFemaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald


Children's writer Kristín Helga Gunnarsdóttir
Given names beginning with "K"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Karl JónssonMaleMedieval11351213Poet
Kolbeinn TumasonMaleMedieval11731207Poet
Konráð GíslasonMaleModern18081891Grammarian
Kormákr ÖgmundarsonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald
Kristín EiríksdóttirFemaleContemporary1981LivingPoet[132]
Kristín Helga GunnarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1963LivingChildren's book writer
Kristín Marja BaldursdóttirFemaleContemporary1949LivingNovelist
Kristín ÓmarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1962LivingAuthor
Kristín SteinsdóttirFemaleContemporary1946LivingChildren's book writer
Kristinn ÁrmannssonMaleModern18951966Author of Latin Grammar
Kristinn HrafnssonMaleContemporary1962LivingInvestigative journalist
Kristján B. JónassonMaleContemporary1967LivingBiographer
Kristján KarlssonMaleModern19222014Poet
Kristjan Niels JuliusMaleModern18601936Poet
Kristmann GuðmundssonMaleModern19011983Novelist


Given names beginning with "L"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Lilja SigurðardóttirFemaleContemporary1972LivingCrime fiction writerSnare[133]
Linda VilhjálmsdóttirFemaleContemporary1958LivingPoet[134]


Poet Matthías Jochumsson
Given names beginning with "M"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Magnús EiríkssonMaleModern18061881Theologian[135]
Magnús JónssonMaleModern15301591Poet
Magnús Jónsson í TjaldanesiMaleModern18351922Scribe[136][137]
Magnús KjartanssonMaleModern19191981Newspaper editor[138]
Magnus MagnussonMaleModern19292007Journalist[139][140][141]
Magnús Þór JónssonMaleContemporary1945LivingSongwriter
María Lilja ÞrastardóttirFemaleContemporary1986LivingAuthor
Marta María StephensenMaleModern17701805Pioneering author
Matthías JochumssonMaleModern18351920Author of Lofsöngur
Mikael TorfasonMaleContemporary1974LivingNovelistSyndafallið[142][143]


Given names beginning with "N"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Nanna Bryndís HilmarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1989LivingSongwriter
Nína Björk ÁrnadóttirFemaleModern19412000Novelist[144][145]


Given names beginning with "O"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Oddný EirFemaleContemporary1972LivingAutobiographer[146]
Oddr SnorrasonMaleMedievalUnknownMedieval chroniclerThe Saga of Olaf Tryggvason[147][148][149]
Olvir HnufaMaleMedievalUnknownSkald[150]


Given names beginning with "Ó"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Ófeigur SigurðssonMaleContemporary1975LivingPoet[151]
Óláfr LeggssonMaleMedievalUnknown13th century skald
Óláfr ÞórðarsonMaleMedieval12101259Skald[152]
Ólafur EgilssonMaleModern15641639AutobiographerReisubók séra Ólafs Egilssonar[153]
Ólafur GunnarssonMaleContemporary1948LivingAuthor[154]
Ólafur Haukur SímonarsonMaleContemporary1947LivingPlaywright[155][156][157]
Ólafur Jóhann ÓlafssonMaleContemporary1962LivingNovelist[158]
Ólafur Jóhann SigurðssonMaleContemporary19181988Novelist[159]
Ólafur JóhannessonMaleContemporary1975LivingScreenwriter[160]
Ólína ÞorvarðardóttirFemaleContemporary1958LivingScholar[161][162]
Óskar HalldórssonMaleModern19211983Scholar[163]
Óskar JónassonMaleContemporary1963LivingScreenwriter[164]
Óttar M. NorðfjörðMaleContemporary1980LivingCrime fiction writer[165]
Óttarr svartiMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[166]


Given names beginning with "Ö"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Örn ÁrnasonMaleContemporary1959LivingScreenwriter[167]
Örvar Þóreyjarson SmárasonMaleContemporary1977LivingPoet[168]


Given names beginning with "P"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Páll ÓlafssonMaleModern18271905Poet[169]
Paul OscarMaleContemporary1970LivingSongwriterMinn hinsti dans[170]
Pétur GunnarssonMaleContemporary1947LivingAuthor[171]
Pétur ÞorsteinssonMaleContemporary1955LivingDictionary editorPétrísk-Íslensk Orðabók[172]


Given names beginning with "R"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Ragna SigurðardóttirFemaleContemporary1962LivingAuthorBorg (City)[173]
Ragnar JónassonMaleContemporary1976LivingCrime writerDark Iceland series[174][175]
Ragnar ÞórhallssonMaleContemporary1987LivingSongwriter
Ragnheiður GestsdóttirFemaleContemporary1953LivingChildren's author[176]
Róbert Ingi DouglasMaleContemporary1973LivingScreenwriter
Rósa GuðmundsdóttirFemaleModern17951855Poet[177][178]
Rúnar RúnarssonMaleContemporary1977LivingScreenwriter[179]


Given names beginning with "S"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Sæmundr fróðiMaleMedieval1056113311th century scholar
Sigfús DaðasonMaleModern19281996Poet
Sighvatr SturlusonMaleMedieval11701238Poet
Sigrún DavíðsdóttirFemaleContemporary1955LivingJournalist
Sigrún Edda BjörnsdóttirFemaleContemporary1958LivingAuthor
Sigurbjörg ÞrastardóttirFemaleContemporary1973LivingPoet
Sigurður BreiðfjörðMaleModern17981846Poet
Sigurður NordalMaleModern18861974Scholar
Sigurður PálssonMaleModern19482017Poet
Sigurður SigurjónssonMaleContemporary1955LivingScreenwriter
Sigurlaug GísladóttirFemaleContemporary1984LivingSongwriter
Sigurlaugur ElíassonMaleContemporary1957LivingPoet
Sigvatr ÞórðarsonMaleMedieval9951045Skald
Sindri FreyssonMaleContemporary1970LivingNovelist
Sindri SindrasonMaleContemporaryUnknownJournalist
Sigurjón Birgir SigurðssonMaleContemporary1962LivingPoet
Skapti ÞóroddssonMaleMedieval ?1030Skald
Skúli ÞórsteinssonMaleMedievalUnknownPoet
Snorri Hergill KristjánssonMaleContemporary1974LivingAuthor
Snorri HjartarsonMaleModern19061986Poet
Snorri SturlusonMaleMedieval11791241Poet
Sóley StefánsdóttirFemaleContemporary1986LivingSongwriter
Sólveig AnspachMaleModern19602015Screenwriter
Sölvi FannarMaleContemporary1971Living
Stefán EinarssonMaleModern18971972Literary historian
Stefán frá HvítadalMaleModern18871933Poet
Stefán Hörður GrímssonMaleModern19192002Poet
Stefán Jón HafsteinMaleContemporary1955LivingAuthor
Stefán SigurðssonMaleModern18871933Poet
Steinar BragiMaleContemporary1975LivingAuthor
Steingrímur ThorsteinssonMaleModern18311913Translator
Steinn SteinarrMaleModern19081958Poet
Steinunn FinnsdóttirFemaleModern16401710Poet
Steinunn RefsdóttirFemaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald
Steinunn SigurðardóttirFemaleContemporary1950LivingNovelist
Steinvör SighvatsdóttirFemaleMedieval12101271Poet
Stefán Guðmundur GuðmundssonMaleModern18531927Poet
Sturla ÞórðarsonMaleMedieval12141284Skald
Svala BjörgvinsdóttirFemaleContemporary1977LivingSongwriter
Svava JakobsdóttirFemaleModern19302004Author
Svavar Knútur KristinssonMaleMedievalUnknownSongwriter
Sveinbjörn EgilssonMaleModern17911852Theologian


Icelandic historian Thormodus Torfæus
Given names beginning with "T"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Thor VilhjálmssonMaleModern19252011Writer
Thorarinn LeifssonMaleContemporary1966LivingAuthor
Thordis ElvaMaleContemporary1980LivingAutobiographer
Thormodus TorfæusMaleModern16361719Historian
Tindr HallkelssonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald
Tómas GuðmundssonMaleModern19011983Poet
Tómas SæmundssonMaleModern18071841Fjölnismenn
Tony JonssonMaleModern19212001Autobiographer
Torfhildur ÞorsteinsdóttirFemaleModern18451918Iceland's first woman novelist
Tyrfingur TyrfingssonMaleContemporary1987LivingPlaywright


Given names beginning with "Þ"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Þjóðólfr ArnórssonMaleMedieval1010106611th century skald[180]
Þór WhiteheadMaleContemporary1943LivingHistorian[181]
Þórarinn EldjárnMaleContemporary1949LivingAuthor[182]
Þórarinn loftungaMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[183]
Þórarinn SkeggjasonMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[184]
Þórbergur ÞórðarsonMaleModern18891974Author[185][186]
Þorbjörn dísarskáldMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[187][188]
Þórdís GísladóttirFemaleContemporary1965LivingChildren's book author[189][190]
Þórðr KolbeinssonMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[191]
Þórðr SjárekssonMaleMedievalUnknown11th century skald[192]
Þórður HelgasonMaleContemporary1947LivingAuthor[193]
Þorgils gjallandiMaleModern18511915Author[194]
Þorgrímur ÞráinssonMaleContemporary1959LivingWriter[195][196]
Þórhildur Sunna ÆvarsdóttirFemaleContemporary1987LivingJournalist[197]
Þórir Jökull SteinfinnssonMaleMedieval ?1238Skald
Þorleifr jarlsskáldMaleMedievalUnknownSkald
Þorleifur ReppMaleModern17941857Newspaper editor
Þorsteinn ErlingssonMaleModern18581914Poet
Þorsteinn frá HamriMaleModern19382018Poet
Þorsteinn GylfasonMaleModern19422005Philosopher
Þórunn Elfa MagnúsdóttirFemaleModern19101995Novelist
Þórunn Erna ClausenMaleContemporary1975LivingSongwriter
Þórvaldr HjaltasonMaleMedievalUnknownSkald
Þorvaldr veiliMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald
Þráinn BertelssonMaleContemporary1944LivingAuthor


Given names beginning with "U"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Úlfr UggasonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skaldHúsdrápa[198]
Unnar Gísli SigurmundssonMaleContemporaryUnknownSongwriterColor Decay[199]


Given names beginning with "V"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Valgerður ÞóroddsdóttirFemaleContemporary1989LivingAuthor[200]
Vetrliði SumarliðasonMaleMedievalUnknown10th century skald[201]
Vigdís GrímsdóttirFemaleContemporary1953LivingPoet[202][203]
Vigfúss Víga-GlúmssonMaleMedievalUnknownSkald[204]
Viktor Arnar IngólfssonMaleContemporary1955LivingCrime fiction writerAfturelding[205]
Vilborg DagbjartsdóttirFemaleContemporary19302021Poet[206]
Vilborg DavíðsdóttirFemaleContemporary1965LivingNovelist[207]
Vilmundur GylfasonMaleModern19481983Poet[208]


Given names beginning with "Y"
NameGenderPeriodBornDiedGenre/TypeNotable workCitations
Yrsa SigurðardóttirFemaleContemporary1963LivingCrime fiction writerBiobörn[209]
Yvonne K. FulbrightFemaleContemporary?LivingSexologist[210]

See also



  1. One in ten Icelanders is a published author, therefore to qualify for inclusion in the list, they must have an existing Wikipedia article as evidence of notability.
  2. Journalists should be known to write their own news articles to count as a writer.
  3. Writing in Icelandic is not on its own evidence of being Icelandic. Conversely, many Icelandic writers are known for their works in other languages.
  4. The traveller


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