Local government areas of Queensland

This is a list of local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, Australia, sorted by region. For the history and responsibilities of local government in that state, see Local government in Queensland. For former local government areas in Queensland, see List of former local government areas of Queensland.

Map of LGAs as of 2014.

LGAs sorted by region

Name Council
Region Year
Population Notes Map
(2013)[2][3] (2018)[3][1]
City of Brisbane Brisbane South East Queensland 1924 1,343 1,131,996 1,231,605 Capital city of Queensland

Administers the central portion of the South East Queensland agglomeration
The City of Brisbane was created from the 30 October 1924 amalgamation of:

City of Gold Coast Surfers Paradise South East Queensland 1948 1,334 540,687 606,774 The Local Government (Albert, Beaudesert and Gold Coast) Regulation 1994 was gazetted on 16 December 1994, resulting in the amalgamation of the Shire of Albert into City of Gold Coast at the 1995 local government elections.
City of Ipswich Ipswich South East Queensland 1860 1,094 183,688 213,638
Lockyer Valley Region Gatton South East Queensland 2008 2,269 37,682 41,011 The Lockyer Valley Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Gatton
  • the Shire of Laidley
Logan City Logan Central South East Queensland 1978 958 300,545 326,615 On 15 March 2008, Logan City expanded the northern part of the Shire of Beaudesert into its territory
City of Moreton Bay Caboolture South East Queensland 2008 2,042 410,687 459,585 The Moreton Bay Regional Council was created from the amalgamation on 15 March 2008 of Councils for:

On 21 July 2023 the Council officially changed its name to City of Moreton Bay.

Shire of Noosa Tewantin South East Queensland 2014 870 52,360 55,369 Re-established in 2014 after being de-amalgamated from Sunshine Coast Region
Redland City Cleveland South East Queensland 1949 537 147,328 156,863
Scenic Rim Region Beaudesert South East Queensland 2008 4,243 38,732 42,583 The Scenic Rim Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Somerset Region Esk South East Queensland 2008 5,373 23,619 25,887 The Somerset Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Sunshine Coast Region Nambour South East Queensland 2008 2,254 281,969 319,922 The Sunshine Coast Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:

Later, the Shire of Noosa was de-amalgamated from Sunshine Coast Region on 1 January 2014.

Shire of Banana Biloela Wide Bay-Burnett 1879 28,550 14,948 14,291 On 15 March 2008, the Shire of Banana expanded Division 1 of the Shire of Taroom into its territory
Bundaberg Region Bundaberg Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 6,431 93,850 95,302 The Bundaberg Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Aboriginal Shire of Cherbourg Cherbourg Wide Bay-Burnett 1986 32 1,292 1,315
Fraser Coast Region Hervey Bay Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 7,105 100,290 105,463 The Fraser Coast Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Gympie Region Gympie Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 6,884 48,491 51,586 The Gympie Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
North Burnett Region Gayndah Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 19,670 10,487 10,628 The North Burnett Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Biggenden
  • the Shire of Eidsvold
  • the Shire of Gayndah
  • the Shire of Monto
  • the Shire of Mundubbera
  • the Shire of Perry
South Burnett Region Kingaroy Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 8,382 32,647 32,555 The South Burnett Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Kingaroy
  • the Shire of Nanango
  • the Shire of Murgon
  • the Shire of Wondai
Goondiwindi Region Goondiwindi Darling Downs 2008 19,258 10,952 10,728 The Goondiwindi Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Southern Downs Region Warwick Darling Downs 2008 7,108 35,501 35,601 The Southern Downs Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Warwick
  • the Shire of Stanthorpe
Toowoomba Region Toowoomba Darling Downs 2008 12,957 159,916 167,657 The Toowoomba Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the City of Toowoomba
  • the Shire of Cambooya
  • the Shire of Clifton
  • the Shire of Crows Nest
  • the Shire of Jondaryan
  • the Shire of Millmerran
  • the Shire of Pittsworth
  • the Shire of Rosalie
Western Downs Region Dalby Darling Downs 2008 37,937 33,415 34,467 The Dalby Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Town of Dalby
  • the Shire of Chinchilla
  • the Shire of Murilla
  • the Shire of Tara
  • the Shire of Wambo
  • Division 2 of the Shire of Taroom

Later it was renamed Western Downs Region in August 2009.

Central Highlands Region Emerald Central Queensland 2008 59,835 29,782 28,645 The Central Highlands Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Gladstone Region Gladstone Central Queensland 2008 10,484 62,158 62,979 The Gladstone Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the City of Gladstone
  • the Shire of Calliope
  • the Shire of Miriam Vale
Isaac Region Moranbah Central Queensland 2008 58,708 23,284 20,934 The Isaac Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Livingstone Yeppoon Central Queensland 2014 11,758 35,279 37,638 Re-established in 2014 after being de-amalgamated from Rockhampton Region
Rockhampton Region Rockhampton Central Queensland 2008 6,570 81,745 81,067 The Rockhampton Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:

Later, the Shire of Livingstone was being de-amalgamated from Rockhampton Region on 1 January 2014.

Aboriginal Shire of Woorabinda Woorabinda Central Queensland 1986 391 994 1,005
Shire of Burdekin Ayr North Queensland 1888 5,044 17,754 17,077
Charters Towers Region Charters Towers North Queensland 2008 68,382 12,391 11,850 The Charters Towers Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Hinchinbrook Ingham North Queensland 1879 2,807 11,613 10,805
Mackay Region Mackay North Queensland 2008 7,613 118,878 116,539 The Mackay Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Aboriginal Shire of Palm Island Palm Island North Queensland 1986 72 2,529 2,637
City of Townsville Townsville North Queensland 2008 3,731 186,519 194,072 The new City of Townsville was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Whitsunday Region Bowen North Queensland 2008 23,819 34,119 35,050 The Whitsunday Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Aurukun Aurukun Far North Queensland 1978 7,424 1,350 1,382
Cairns Region Cairns Far North Queensland 2008 1,689 156,764 165,525 The Cairns Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:

Later, the Shire of Douglas was being de-amalgamated from Cairns Region on 1 January 2014.

Cassowary Coast Region Innisfail Far North Queensland 2008 4,688 28,950 29,689 The Cassowary Coast Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Cook Cooktown Far North Queensland 1919 105,719 4,222 4,445
Shire of Douglas Mossman Far North Queensland 2014 2,428 11,585 12,257 Re-established in 2014 after being de-amalgamated from Cairns Region
Aboriginal Shire of Hope Vale Hope Vale Far North Queensland 1986 1,112 1,043 1,081
Aboriginal Shire of Kowanyama Kowanyama Far North Queensland 1987 2,555 1,042 977
Aboriginal Shire of Lockhart River Lockhart River Far North Queensland 1987 3,576 626 782
Aboriginal Shire of Mapoon Mapoon Far North Queensland 2002 537 293 325
Shire of Mareeba Mareeba Far North Queensland 2014 53,491 21,379 22,517 Re-established in 2014 after being de-amalgamated from Tablelands Region
Aboriginal Shire of Napranum Napranum Far North Queensland 1989 2,004 922 1,048
Northern Peninsula Area Region Bamaga Far North Queensland 2008 1,052 2,620 3,069
Aboriginal Shire of Pormpuraaw Pormpuraaw Far North Queensland 1987 4,395 737 833
Tablelands Region Malanda Far North Queensland 2008 11,293 24,827 25,541 The Tablelands Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Atherton
  • the Shire of Eacham
  • the Shire of Herberton
  • and the Shire of Mareeba

Later, the Shire of Mareeba was being de-amalgamated from Tablelands Region on 1 January 2014.

Shire of Torres Thursday Island Far North Queensland 1974 884 3,647 3,848
Torres Strait Island Region Thursday Island Far North Queensland 2008 490 4,614 4,994
Weipa Town Weipa Far North Queensland 1963 10.8 3,811 4,240 Administered under own Act by Rio Tinto Group
Aboriginal Shire of Wujal Wujal Wujal Wujal Far North Queensland 1987 12 289 306
Aboriginal Shire of Yarrabah Yarrabah Far North Queensland 1986 159 2,686 2,848
Shire of Burke Burketown North West Queensland 1885 39,684 506 352
Shire of Carpentaria Normanton North West Queensland 1883 64,121 2,146 1,974
Shire of Cloncurry Cloncurry North West Queensland 1884 47,971 3,327 3,091
Shire of Croydon Croydon North West Queensland 1887 29,498 308 288
Aboriginal Shire of Doomadgee Doomadgee North West Queensland 1987 1,828 1,400 1,507
Shire of Etheridge Georgetown North West Queensland 1882 39,199 864 804
Shire of Flinders Hughenden North West Queensland 1882 41,200 1,754 1,499
Shire of Mckinlay Julia Creek North West Queensland 1891 40,737 992 814
Shire of Mornington Gununa North West Queensland 1978 1,248 1,206 1,218
City of Mount Isa Mount Isa North West Queensland 1914 43,713 21,822 18,878
Shire of Richmond Richmond North West Queensland 1910 26,581 839 806
Barcaldine Region Barcaldine Central West Queensland 2008 53,383 3,232 2,852 The Barcaldine Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Barcoo Jundah Central West Queensland 1885 61,830 333 267
Blackall-Tambo Region Blackall Central West Queensland 2008 30,537 2,214 1,863 The Blackall-Tambo Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
Shire of Boulia Boulia Central West Queensland 1887 60,906 481 425
Shire of Diamantina Bedourie Central West Queensland 1879 94,731 299 292
Longreach Region Longreach Central West Queensland 2008 40,572 4,104 3,530 The Longreach Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Shire of Longreach
  • the Shire of Ilfracombe
  • the Shire of Isisford
Shire of Winton Winton Central West Queensland 1886 53,814 1,312 1,157
Shire of Balonne St George South West Queensland 1883 31,104 4,776 4,334
Shire of Bulloo Thargomindah South West Queensland 1880 73,724 396 330
Maranoa Region Roma South West Queensland 2008 58,705 13,515 12,791 The Roma Region was created from the 15 March 2008 amalgamation of:
  • the Town of Roma
  • the Shire of Bendemere
  • the Shire of Booringa
  • the Shire of Bungil
  • the Shire of Warroo

Later it was renamed Maranoa Region in June 2009.

Shire of Murweh Charleville South West Queensland 1879 40,700 4,685 4,318
Shire of Paroo Cunnamulla South West Queensland 1879 47,613 1,849 1,586
Shire of Quilpie Quilpie South West Queensland 1930 67,415 944 790

See also

  • List of former local government areas of Queensland
  • List of places in Queensland by population


  1. "3218.0 – Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2017-18: Population Estimates by Local Government Area (ASGS 2018), 2017 to 2018". Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 27 March 2019. Retrieved 25 October 2019. Estimated resident population, 30 June 2018.
  2. "3218.0 – Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2016–17". Australian Bureau of Statistics. 24 April 2018. Archived from the original on 26 April 2018. Retrieved 10 July 2018.
  3. "People: Population: ERP by LGA (ASGS 2018), 2001 to 2018". ABS.Stat. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 27 March 2019. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  4. "Agency ID 11054, Gympie Regional Council". Queensland State Archives. Retrieved 9 September 2013.
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