Mayor of Taipei

The Mayor of Taipei is the head of the Taipei City Government and is elected to a four-year term. Until the election of Tsai Ing-wen, the office was seen as a stepping stone to the presidency: presidents Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou have all held this position prior to being elected president.

Mayor of the City of Taipei
Emblem of the City of Taipei
Chiang Wan-an
since 25 December 2022
Term lengthfour years; may serve 1 consecutive terms
Inaugural holderMutō Shingorō
WebsiteOffice of the Mayor

Taipei was elevated as a special municipality from 1967. The mayor was a position appointed by the central government from 1967 to 1994, and the first public election for Mayor of Taipei was held in 1994.

The incumbent mayor is Chiang Wan-an.

Titles of the Mayor

Oct 1920–Oct 1940Mayor of Taihoku臺北市市尹Taihoku-shi ShiinTâi-pak-chhī Chhī-únThòi-pet-sṳ Sṳ-yún
Oct 1940–Oct 1945臺北市市長Taihoku-shi ShichōTâi-pak-chhī Chhī-tiúⁿThòi-pet-sṳ Sṳ-chhòng
Oct 1945–presentMayor of Taipei臺北市市長Táiběi Shì Shìzhǎng

List of Mayors

Non-Kuomintang Taiwanese politician Wu San-lien (2L) celebrated his landslide victory (65.5%) in the first-time Taipei city mayoral election in January 1951 with his supporters. Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China (Taiwan) since December 1949.

  Kuomintang   Independent   Democratic Progressive   Taiwan People's

Prefectural city era (appointed mayors)

NameTerm of Office
1Mutō Shingorō1 September 192023 December 1924
2Ōta Goichi23 December 192427 July 1927
3Tabata Kōzaburō27 July 192720 April 1929
4Masuda Hidekichi20 April 192916 May 1931
5Utsumi Chuji16 May 193115 March 1932
6Nishizawa Gichō15 March 19324 August 1933
7Matsuoka Kazue4 August 193316 October 1936
8Tatsui Ishi16 October 193627 December 1939
9Kihara Enji27 December 193914 May 1941
10Fujimura Kanta14 May 194129 March 1942
11Hirotani Chiin29 March 194231 March 1944
12Doi Mimitsu31 March 194431 October 1945

Provincial city era (appointed mayors)

Portrait Name
Term of Office Political Party
1 Huang Chao-chin
Huáng Cháoqín (Mandarin)
Vòng Chêu-khìm (Hakka)
1 November 19451 March 1946 Kuomintang
2 Yu Mi-hsien
Yóu Míjiān (Mandarin)
Yù Mì-kiên (Hakka)
1 March 19466 February 1950 Kuomintang
3 Wu San-lien
Wú Sānlián (Mandarin)
Ǹg Sâm-lièn (Hakka)
6 February 19501 November 1950 Independent
- Hsiang Chang-chuan [1][2]
Xiàng Chāngquán (Mandarin)
Hong Chhông-khièn (Hakka)
1 November 19501 February 1951 Independent

Provincial city era (directly elected mayors)

Portrait Name
Term of Office Term Political Party
4 Wu San-lien
Wú Sānlián (Mandarin)
Ǹg Sâm-lièn (Hakka)
1 February 19512 June 1954 1 Independent[3]
5 Henry Kao
Kao Yu-shu
Gaō Yǜshù (Mandarin)
Kô Ngiu̍k-su (Hakka)
2 June 19542 June 1957 2 Independent[3]
6 Huang Chi-jui
Huáng Qǐruì (Mandarin)
Vòng Khí-sui (Hakka)
2 June 1957
2 June 1960
2 June 1960
August 1961[4]
- Chou Pai-lien[1][5]
Zhōu Bǎiliàn (Mandarin)
Chû Pak-lien (Hakka)
August 196114 December 1963 4 Kuomintang
6 Huang Chi-jui
Huáng Qǐruì (Mandarin)
Vòng Khí-sui (Hakka)
14 December 1963[6]2 June 1964[7] 4 Kuomintang
7 Henry Kao
Kao Yu-shu
Gāo Yùshù (Mandarin)
Kô Ngiu̍k-su (Hakka)
2 June 196430 June 1967 5 Independent

Special municipality era (appointed mayors)

Portrait Name
Term of Office Political Party
1 Henry Kao
Kao Yu-shu
Gaō Yǜshù (Mandarin)
Kô Ngiu̍k-su (Hakka)
1 July 196710 June 1972 Independent
2 Chang Feng-hsu
Zhāng Fēngxù (Mandarin)
Chông Fûng-si (Hakka)
10 June 197211 June 1976 Kuomintang
3 Lin Yang-kang
Lín Yánggǎng (Mandarin)
Lìm Yòng-kóng (Hakka)
11 June 19769 June 1978 Kuomintang
4 Lee Teng-hui
Lǐ Dēnghuī (Mandarin)
Lí Tên-fî (Hakka)
9 June 19785 December 1981 Kuomintang
5 Shao En-hsin
Shaò Ēnxīn (Mandarin)
Seu Ên-sîn (Hakka)
5 December 198119 April 1982 Kuomintang
6 Yang Chin-tsung
Yáng Jīncóng (Mandarin)
Yòng Kîm-chhùng (Hakka)
19 April 198230 May 1985 Kuomintang
7 Hsu Shui-teh
Xǚ Shuǐdé (Mandarin)
Hí Súi-tet (Hakka)
30 May 198525 July 1988 Kuomintang
8 Wu Po-hsiung
Wú Bóxióng (Mandarin)
Ǹg Pak-hiùng (Hakka)
(1939- )
25 July 19882 June 1990 Kuomintang
9 Huang Ta-chou
Thomas Huang[1][8]
Huáng Dàzhōu (Mandarin)
Vòng Thai-chû (Hakka)
(1936- )
2 June 1990
15 October 1990
14 October 1990
25 December 1994

Special municipality era (directly elected mayors)

Portrait Name
Term of Office Term Political Party
10 Chen Shui-bian
Chén Shuǐbiǎn (Mandarin)
Chhṳ̀n Súi-pién (Hakka)
25 December 199425 December 1998 1 Democratic Progressive Party[9]
11 Ma Ying-jeou
Mǎ Yīngjiǔ (Mandarin)
Mâ Yîn-kiú (Hakka)
25 December 1998
25 December 2002
25 December 2002
25 December 2006
12 Hau Lung-pin
Hǎo Lóngbīn (Mandarin)
Khok Liùng-pîn (Hakka)
25 December 2006
25 December 2010
25 December 2010
25 December 2014
13 Ko Wen-je
Kē Wénzhé (Mandarin)
Khóa Vùn-chet (Hakka)
25 December 2014
25 December 2018
25 December 2018
25 December 2022
Taiwan People's Party[10]
14 Chiang Wan-an
Jiǎng Wàn'ān (Mandarin)
25 December 2022 Incumbent 8 Kuomintang


Chiang Wan-anKo Wen-jeHau Lung-pinMa Ying-jeouChen Shui-bianWu Po-hsiungLee Teng-huiLin Yang-kang

Electoral history

Taipei Mayoral Election, 1994

Taipei Mayoral Election, 1994
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 3 Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) 615,090 43.67%
New Party 2 Jaw Shaw-kong (趙少康) 424,905 30.17%
Kuomintang (KMT) 4 Huang Ta-chou (黃大洲) 364,618 25.89%
Independent 1 Ji Rong-zhi (紀榮治) 3,941 0.28%
Total 1,408,554 100.00%
Voter turnout 78.53%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 1998

Taipei Mayoral Election, 1998
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Kuomintang (KMT) 2 Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) 766,377 51.13%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 1 Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) 688,072 45.91%
New Party 3 Wang Chien-shien (王建煊) 44,452 2.97%
Total 1,498,901 100.00%
Voter turnout 80.89%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2002

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2002
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Kuomintang (KMT) 2 Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) 873,102 64.11%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 1 Lee Ying-yuan (李應元) 488,811 35.89%
Total 1,361,913 100.00%
Voter turnout 70.61%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2006

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2006
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Kuomintang (KMT) 5 Hau Lung-pin (郝龍斌) 692,085 53.81%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 3 Frank Hsieh (謝長廷) 525,869 40.89%
Independent 4 James Soong (宋楚瑜) 53,281 4.14%
Independent 1 Li Ao (李敖) 7,795 0.61%
Independent 6 Ke Tsi-hai (柯賜海) 3,687 0.29%
Taiwan Solidarity Union 2 Clara Chou (周玉蔻) 1,832 0.13%
Total 1,284,549 100.00%
Voter turnout

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2010

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2010
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Kuomintang (KMT) 2 Hau Lung-pin (郝龍斌) 797,865 55.65%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 5 Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) 628,129 43.81%
Independent 4 Francis Wu (吳武明) 3,672 0.26%
Independent 3 Helen Hsiao (蕭淑華) 2,238 0.16%
Independent 1 Wu Yen-cheng (吳炎成) 1,832 0.13%
Total 1,433,736 100.00%
Voter turnout 70.65%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2014

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2014
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Independent [11] 7 Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) 853,983 57.16%
Kuomintang (KMT) 6 Sean Lien (連勝文) 609,932 40.82%
Independent 2 Zhao Yan-qing (趙衍慶) 15,898 1.06%
Independent 5 Neil Peng (馮光遠) 8,080 0.54%
Independent 3 Li Hong-xin (李宏信) 2,621 0.18%
Independent 4 Chen Yong-chang (陳永昌) 1,908 0.13%
三等國民公義人權自救黨 1 Chen Ru-bin (陳汝斌) 1,624 0.11%
Total 1,494,046 100.00%
Voter turnout 70.46%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2018

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2018[12]
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Independent 4 Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) 580,663 41.06%
Kuomintang (KMT) 2 Ting Shou-chung (丁守中) 577,096 40.81%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 3 Pasuya Yao (姚文智) 244,342 17.28%
Independent 5 Lee Si-kuen (李錫錕) 6,158 0.43%
Independent 1 Wu E-yang (吳蕚洋) 5,611 0.39%
Total 1,413,870 100.00%
Voter turnout 65.33%

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2022

Taipei Mayoral Election, 2022[13]
Party # Candidate Votes Percentage
Kuomintang (KMT) 6 Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) 575,590 42.29%
Democratic Progressive (DPP) 12 Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) 434,558 31.93%
Independent[14] 8 Huang Shan-shan (黃珊珊) 342,141 25.14%
Others 8,662 0.64%
Total 1,360,951 100.00%
Voter turnout 67.70%

See also


  1. As acting.
  2. Deputy commissioner, Taiwan province civil affairs department.
  3. China Democratic Socialist Party member; ran as independent.
  4. Removed from office due to corruption charges.
  5. Provincial council member.
  6. Reinstated.
  7. Term extended to 4 years.
  8. Secretary general of the Taipei City Government.
  9. First elected non-Kuomintang mayor of a special municipality.
  10. Founded 6 August 2019.
  11. Supported by the Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan Solidarity Union, People First Party and other parties.
  12. "中選會選舉資料庫網站".
  13. "Chiang Wan-an wins Taipei for KMT in tight three-way mayoral race". 26 November 2022.
  14. Supported by the Taiwan People's Party and People First Party


  • Numazaki, Ichiro (1996). "The role of personal networks in the making of Taiwan's guanxiqiye (related enterprises)". In Brown, Rajeswary Ampalavanar (ed.). Chinese Business Enterprise: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management. Vol. 2. London: Routledge. pp. 409–423. ISBN 9780415132398.
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