Neural Designer

Neural Designer is a software tool for machine learning based on neural networks, a main area of artificial intelligence research, and contains a graphical user interface which simplifies data entry and interpretation of results.

Neural Designer
Written inC++
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, OS X, Linux
TypeData mining, machine learning, predictive analytics
LicenseProprietary software

In 2015, Neural Designer was chosen by the European Commission, within the Horizon 2020 program, as a disruptive technology in the ICT field.[1]


Neural Designer performs descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive data analytics. It implements deep architectures with multiple non-linear layers and contains utilities to solve function regression, pattern recognition, time series and autoencoding problems.

The input to Neural Designer is a data set, and its output is a predictive model. That result takes the form of an explicit mathematical expression, which can be exported to any computer language or system.

See also


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