North Andes Plate

The North Andes Plate or North Andes Block is a small tectonic plate (microplate) located in the northern Andes. It is squeezed between the faster moving South American Plate and the Nazca Plate to the southwest. Due to the subduction of the Coiba and Malpelo plates, this area is very prone to volcanic and seismic activity, with many historical earthquakes.

North Andes Plate
North Andes Plate (note: outdated Nazca Plate)
Features Colombia
1Relative to the African Plate


The North Andes Plate is bound by (clockwise from north):

  1. Caribbean Plate
  2. South American Plate
  3. Malpelo Plate — considered a part of the Nazca Plate before 2017[1]
  4. Coiba Plate — considered a part of the Nazca Plate before 2016[2]
  5. Panama Plate


Chibcha Terrane is enclosed by the Bucaramanga-Santa Marta Fault (BSF, orange), northernmost Oca Fault (Oca, white), Eastern Frontal Fault System (EFFS, yellow) and Romeral Fault System (RFS, violet)
Tahamí Terrane is enclosed by BSF, OCA and RFS
• Anacona, Arqúia and Quebradagrande Terranes are emplaced by RFS
La Guajira Terrane is enclosed by BSF and northernmost by Oca
Caribe Terrane is enclosed by BSF, RFS and plate boundaries with Coiba (red) and Malpelo plates (purple)
Geological Terranes Map of Colombia

The Colombian part of the North Andes Plate is subdivided into several terranes:[3]

Terranes belonging to the Colombian part of the North Andes Plate
AbbrNameAge rangePaleomapBasinsComplexesRangesDepartmentsCommentsNotes
Eastern Cordillera (Altiplano Cundiboyacense - Bogotá)
Ariarí, Garzón, Floresta, Quetame, SantanderCentral, Eastern, Perijá, SNSM, San Lucas, La MacarenaAntioquia, Arauca, Bogotá, Bolívar, Boyacá, Caquetá, Casanare, Cesar, Cundinamarca, Huila, Magdalena, Meta, Putumayo, Norte de Santander, Santander, TolimaLargest terrane, named after Chibcha[4][5][6]
noneAnaconaCentralAntioquiaTiny terrane
• Cocinetas
AntioquiaCentral, Macuira, SNSMAntioquia, Bolívar, Caldas, Cauca, La Guajira, Magdalena, Nariño, Risaralda, Sucre, Valle del CaucaMost extensive terrane
TARArquíaEarly Cretaceous
noneArquíaCentralAntioquia, Caldas, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío, Risaralda, Valle del CaucaThinly banded terrane[7][8][9]
TQQuebradagrandenoneQuebradagrandeCentralAntioquia, Caldas, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío, Risaralda, Valle del CaucaThinly banded terrane[7][9][10]
TCCaribeLate Cretaceous
Sinú-San Jacinto
Santa Cecilia-La EquisCentral, Western, Darién, Baudó, Montes de MaríaAntioquia, Atlántico, Caldas, Cauca, Chocó, Córdoba, Nariño, Quindío, Risaralda, Sucre, Valle del CaucaEl Totumo
TLGLa GuajiraLa GuajiraEtpana, MacuiraMacuira, SNSMLa Guajira, MagdalenaTayrona, Cabo de la Vela


Subduction of the Coiba Plate underneath the North Andes Plate causes frequent earthquakes in the Bucaramanga Nest, the most seismically active area in the world. The Bucaramanga-Santa Marta Fault stretches along the plate for more than 600 kilometers from north to south. The plate boundary with the South American Plate is most tectonically active along a more than 900 kilometer long megaregional fault system; the Eastern Frontal Fault System.

This fault system, extending into Ecuador and Venezuela all along the northern Andes, separates the terranes from the North Andes Plate from:[3]

South American Plate features bordering the Chibcha Terrane of the North Andes Plate
AbbrNameAge rangeBasinsComplexesRangesDepartmentsCommentsNotes
PRNJRío Negro-Juruena ProvincePaleoproterozoic• Llanos
Mitú, Parguaza, GuaviareChiribiquete, MavecureArauca, Caquetá, Casanare, Guainía, Guaviare, Meta, Putumayo, Vaupés, VichadaPart of Amazonian Craton[14][15]


  1. Zhang et al., 2017
  2. Chiarabba et al., 2016, p.22
  3. Gómez Tapias et al., 2015, p.209
  4. Manosalva Sánchez et al., 2017, p.84
  5. Mantilla Figueroa et al., 2015, p.42
  6. Toro Toro et al., 2014, p.22
  7. Plancha 364
  8. Plancha 365
  9. Plancha 387
  10. Plancha 410
  11. Plancha 411
  12. Plancha 429
  13. Plancha 430
  14. Bonilla et al., 2016, p.19
  15. Arango Mejía et al., 2012, p.25



  • Acosta Garay, Jorge, and Carlos E. Ulloa Melo. 2001. Geología de la Plancha 208 Villeta - 1:100,000, 1–84. INGEOMINAS. Accessed 2017-03-16.
  • Terraza, Roberto; Diana Montoya; Germán Reyes; Giovanni Moreno; Jaime Fúquen; Eliana Torres Jaimes; Myriam López Cardona; Álvaro Nivia Guevara, and Fernando Etayo Serna. 2013. Geología de la Plancha 229 - Gachalá - 1:100,000, 1–296. Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Accessed 2017-08-04.
  • Patiño, Alejandro; Jaime Fuquen; Julián Ramos; Andrea Pedraza; Leonardo Ceballos; Lyda Pinzón; Yadira Jerónimo; Leidy Álvarez, and Andrea Torres. 2011. Cartografía geológica de la Plancha 247 - Cáqueza - 1:100,000. INGEOMINAS. Accessed 2017-08-04.
  • Guerrero Uscátegui, Alberto Lobo. 1992. Geología e Hidrogeología de Santafé de Bogotá y su Sabana, 1–20. Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros.

Further reading

  • Bird, P. (2003) An updated digital model of plate boundaries, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4(3), 1027, doi:10.1029/2001GC000252.
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