Northeastern Iberian script

The northeastern Iberian script, also known as Levantine Iberian or Iberian, is a member of the epigraphic family of paleohispanic scripts located roughly in eastern Spain, concentrated in the northeast, and in Aquitaine of southern France. The term Levantine comes from an informal geographic designation, Levante, Spain, meaning generally the east of Spain, just as Levant means the east of the Mediterranean. The script is a type of writing, or graphemic representation, not a type of language. Linguistics does not apply except only incidentally.

Northeastern Iberian script
Barkeno, Iberian for Barcelona
Script type
Some of the characters stand for letters, which are linguistic phonemes. Other characters stand for syllables, which are linguistic morphemes. The list of signs, either alphabetic or syllabic, is called a signary.[1]
DirectionLeft-to-right Edit this on Wikidata
LanguagesIberian, Basque
Related scripts
Parent systems
Child systems
Northeastern standard dual, extended dual, and non-dual Iberian signaries[3]
Sister systems
Celtiberian script
Northeastern Iberian script in the context of paleohispanic scripts

A classification similar to that of a language family is used analogously for epigraphy, but the branches and stems are not languages. The same writing type might be used for more than one language, and the same language might be written in multiple writing types. This distinction appears in the modern concept of different fonts for the same text.

The name of the script reflects an earlier overuse of the term Iberian, which seemed to appear everywhere and have to do with everything on the Iberian Peninsula. In the areas of languages and scripts contradictory usages began to develop. Iberian at first meant having to do with the Iberian Peninsula. With this understanding linguists named the unknown language of northeastern Spain, inferred from a number of sources, Iberian. Some would equivocate that Iberia does include a small section of southern France on the east. The distribution of the script, however, settles the question. There is no way the country of Aquitaine north of the Pyrenees can ever be considered Iberia, and yet the script is there, minimally.

The two classic names for the peninsula are quite ancient, or pre-Roman (as the scholars say): Iberia and Hispania. The Greek sources liked Iberia, which, they asserted, was one country with one population, the Iberians. Whether they were inventing a population as a figure of speech to suit the geography or were just uninformed is a question for Greek geography.

The figure of speech is perhaps truer, as they also believed that Iberian derived from the Ebro River of northeastern Spain. The river began in the region of the Celtiberian script and flowed down through the country of the northeastern Iberian script to what the geographers called the inner sea along what vacation-minded moderns call the Azure Coast. Celtiberian is an ancient Greek name intended distinguish the Celtic-speaking population from the Iberian-speaking inhabitants of the lower river. The Romans, on the other hand, though admirers of Greek geography, preferred the native name they had encountered on occupation, Hispania, the source of Spain and Spanish.

Development of the field

Humboldt and Hübner

Humboldt, a great scholar, author of the Vasco-Iberian Hypothesis, but, like any other human, not always right.

The modern scholars, about to found a new field that would comprise the study of scripts evidenced in the thousands of inscriptions that had been accumulating, whether on coins, on stones, on pottery or on some other media, were thus presented with two best names: Iberian or Hispanic. An opportunity presented itself when Emil Hübner undertook to catalog the Latin inscriptions of Spain according to the internationally agreed-upon format; that is, a volume of numbered inscriptions for each nation. His initial work, published in 1869 as Inscriptiones Hispaniae Latinae, "Latin Inscriptions of Spain," with a supplement in 1892, was followed by a work on the Christian inscriptions in 1871 with a supplement in 1900.

Hübner was fortuitously in the right place at the right time with the right interests and credentials, to view and study the inscriptions considered pre-Roman simultaneously with the Roman. His parallel volume on that topic, Monumenta Linguae Ibericae, "Inscriptions of the Iberian Language," was published in 1893. By lingua Iberica Hübner meant, as he explained in the Praefatio, monumenta antiqua paeninsulae ibericae, "ancient inscriptions of the Iberian Peninsula."[4]

The modern field was thus launched under the name of the peninsula. Iberian also was thus the name of the language spoken on the peninsula. Hübner had accepted the Vasco-Iberian Hypothesis proposed earlier by Wilhelm von Humboldt, that the pre-Roman inscriptions on the Iberian Peninsula all represented the same language, Basque, so that the Iberian language was really Basque.[5] In this model the Basques inhabit and rule Iberia up until the arrival of the Romans. Subsequent historical summarizers, carried away by the tendency to make convenient summaries, supposed that they could give rough convenient dates when these supposed events should have occured: Basque up until, for example, 200 AD and suddenly Roman thereafter.

Gómez-Moreno Martínez

The young Manuel, dogged advocate of a theory he knew to be right.

The next major contributor was Manuel Gómez-Moreno Martínez.[6] An avid linguist, script enthusiast, as were his parents, prolific writer (300 books), he turned his attention to the scripts, and discovered many of its secrets, which many consider decipherment. The key to the spelling of the script was found on the coin legends. Hübner had assumed with others an alphabetic spelling. There is not very much room on coins for legends, however, perhaps a few syllables. Roman and Greek coins generally depend on abbreviation. Martinez proferred another solution. He guessed that some characters were syllables rather than letters, after an eastern model. Some eastern languages, such as Hebrew, have signs only for the consonants, with vowels implied. Only these consonant signs are written. The reader must know what vowels a written word implies. To make things easier and less equivocal, formal Hebrew places a sequence of dots under the consonants, which indicate the vowel, which is called pointing.

There is no pointing in Iberian, but Martinez reconstructed a number of syllablic signs representing a stop and a vowel. Otherwise a sign can be assumed to represent a letter. This interpretation worked. Martinez found himself reading names, which he cross-compared to Latin names in Latin inscriptions. He called his newly discovered system a semi-syllabary, his own innovation. None had previously been reported. In the early days of phonetic writing the Phoenician alphabet was applied innovatively to many languages. This application was good for several hundred years until it was totally replaced by Latin. Martinez presented his conclusions in a small group of books between 1922[7] and the mid-20th century while surviving a civil war and a world war.

Martinez' theses, which he developed and presented roughly mid-century, were more or less at odds with Humboldt and Hübner. In that sense Martinez is regarded as the founder of the field. The data he used, however, had been collected over centuries. The public was in a mood for script decipherments. In the 1950's Michael Ventris had deciphered Linear B, a script for writing the Greek language. In that case the language was known. Once the values of the syllables were known, immediate strides were made in decipherment.

For the Northeast Iberian script Martinez perceived that although instances in Basque country could be tied to Basque, the others could not. The then unknown language remains unknown. Martinez retained the name Iberian although it had been shown to represent neither all nor only the peninsula. Linguists began to try to avoid the concomitant use of Iberia and Iberian. Iberia the peninsula became just the peninsula or the Hispanic peninsula. The most important change that Martinez effected was the distinction between scripts and languages. Each type needed its own classification. There was sufficient confusion about the terminology to warrant the calling of international colloquia to resolve the problems in a standard way, similar to the colloquia held for Linear B.

The colloquia: prerromanas versus paleohispanicas

The Roman provinces of Spain during the Roman Republic. Note their correspondance to the Northeastern Iberian and Southeastern Iberian script ranges. Those regions certainly cannot be termed pre-Roman, as their latest period, the late Iberian, a great floruit of the scripts, occured under Roman rule.
Augustan Spain, with a provincialization approximating the script ranges. Presumably, script usage was not random, but was prescribed by law, suggesting its use was mandated in an area under some sort of government. As the Romans took it over piecemeal, their provincial structure may have followed the previous geopolitical structure.
The final Roman Spain, long after the scripts were not in use.

In 1974 the colloquia or congresses began. These were sponsored at irregular intervals by universities, the first being the University of Salamanca. The format of a colloquium is pretty much the same as it has always been for all the other fields: check-in, meetings and discussions between professionals, presentation of pre-scheduled papers, and within a few years after, publication of the papers in some sort of dedicated volume or volumes. In this case the volumes were identified by a formulaic series name: Actas del n Coloquio sobre Lenguas y Culturas Prerromanas de la Península Ibérica date.

Antonio Tovar, a leading philologist, author of the first chapter of the report on the first colloquium in 1974 described himself as being in the role of initiator of a new act. With all due respect, the new act would replace the old-fashioned approach of Hübner with the discoveries of Martinez. He viewed the congress as an opportunity "to meet with friends and colleagues interested in the same problems of epigraphy and languages of ancient Hispania, to take stock of results and to encourage us to continue working...."[8]

The keynote for the future is expressed cryptically in the phraseology of the first paragraph: problemas de epigrafía y lenguas de la Hispania antigua. There is not a word in this definition about Iberia or the Iberian Peninsula. The topic of "antique Spain" comes up again in the speech: "Our German colleagues already use, with the advantage that their language gives them to form compounds, a term for this specialty: Althispanistik." Apparently his antigua comes from German alt, "old," but the new school has not yet finished developing this term, which it contrasts to Iberian.[9]

Something like a polite war of the words ensued. Another colloquium, Actas II, is held in Tübingen in 1976 under the same formulaic series title professing to cover the Lenguas y Culturas Prérromanas de la Peninsula iberica. Actas III in Lisbon in 1980 replaces Prérromanas with Paleohispanicas, as does Actas IV in Victoria in 1985. The next four: Colonia in 1989, Coimbra in 1994, Zaragoza in 1997, and Salamanca in 2001, are back to Prérromanas, but Paleohispanicas recaptures the title of IX in 2004 at Barcelona and from then on keeps it.[10]

As if to clinch the victory the winning colloquium editors start a new journal, Palaeohispanica, Revista sobre Lenguas y Culturas de las Hispania Antigua, in which "antique Spain" returns to the stage. By then the paleo- prefix is becoming widespread for languages known to have existed but beyond the pale of general comprehension; that is, known partly through some inscriptions or through place or personal names, such as paleo-Balkan. Evidence exists for quite a few of these.

Previously many scripts were brought under the prefix proto-, but proto now refers primarily to the reconstructed ancestor languages of historical linguistics. Proto- with reference to the scripts acquires its meaning by inference from proto-history: proto-language for proto-history. It is logically here that the advocates of paleohispanic put forward their main objection to pre-Roman: "Now, it is precisely after the Roman conquest when the information about Hispania thickens and diversifies, literary texts multiply, Hispanic cities begin to mint currency, the use of writing intensifies on the Mediterranean coast and spreads inland, and the interior and northwest of the peninsula progressively emerge from Prehistory."[11]

The Romans unified the country under their own language, which became Spanish, obliterating both the local languages and the local scripts, but they did not do so intentionally, with drastic suddenness. There are many instances of conquered peoples being required to give up their native languages overnight, but not from Romans. The Romans established colonial administrations, which functioned in Latin. Eventually the native language succumbed to the language of national power, as it did in Gaul, but sometimes not, as in Greece. In Greece the Romans learned Greek instead. In Spain the assumed pre-Roman languages went on for some time. Basque continued to go on; the others eventually did not.

Hesperia database

The 21st century has seen the introduction of electronic data processing methods to scholarship that have already transformed the entire field and may yet have immeasurable additional benefit. Invented by a British code-breaking unit in WWII, when it was one of the most highly guarded secrets, the computer was slow to be exploited by business, and not at all by scholarship. Business kept paper records maintained by armies of clerks. At last however all the armies were gone and all the records were transcribed in analogous electronic databases.

Meanwhile the volume of tomes of scholarship was becoming immense. Most of this was unavailable to the public. Research required many trips to the specialized libraries, where the paper volumes sat, unavailable to all but the few who could demonstrate academic credibility. The mechanical effort required to research anything insured that, as in geometry, there would be no royal road to scholarship, but the time was wasted on low-level mechanical procedures.

The direction of future development was manifest to the academic world long before any resources were available to implement it. On-line sources would be many times more effective and easier to use than having to look things up in a book that chances are was not available anyway except at great expense. One of the earliest to pursue this line of entoolment, if not the first, was a new PhD in classical philology from Harvard in 1985, Gregory Crane, in the very year of his degree.[12] His first effort was a CD-ROM on which Greek sources were encoded, which he developed at Yale using money from the Annenberg Foundation. This Version 1.0 of the Perseus Digital Library came out in 1992 for use on an Apple computer.

In 1993 Tufts acquired the man and the project. Version 2 came out in 1996, but meanwhile in 1995 he had developed a website for real-time lookup of Greek, Latin, and other resources, on which he loaded Perseus 2.0. Perseus today is an invaluable source of on-line texts, encyclopedias, and dictionaries, all open access, like Wikipedia. The entire field of classics is geared to it.

The last classical topic to arrive on-line is archaeology. The number of sites alone far exceeds the ability of paper sources to keep up with them; in fact, the accidental loss of archaeological data before publication is a serious problem, wasting time, resources, and expending expendable sites without any gain of knowledge. Starting in this century a number of trial on-line databases of sites and artifacts have come into existence. In the case of paleohispanic scripts, a database was placed on-line in 2005, after having been developed at Madrid under the direction of Javier de Hoz, a strong historical linguist, since 1997: Hesperia: Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispanicas.[13] It is maintained by experts from several universities in Spain, and is kept at the Complutense University of Madrid. The cost is footed by the government of Spain, Ministry of Science and Research.

The database covers a number of topics, such as coin legends and names of all sorts, but the main content is the instances of paleohispanic epigraphy. Maps are made available showing their distribution. The database is an on-going work. Currently the epigraphy is so far along because De Hoz chose to begin by putting the latest compendium of paleohispanic inscriptions on-line, a massive collection in 6 volumes.[14]

Untermann had divided the total range of the inscriptions into smaller, more manageable geographic regions, each named with a capital letter: B, C, D, E, F, G. These regions contain the major script, the Northeastern Iberian. There are some others. K covers the Celtiberian script. A refers to the coin distribution. De Hoz retained this regional scheme as a convenient method of presenting such a large project. It does not always exactly fit, as the topic has changed even since Untermann. Thus De Hoz makes a distinction between Untermann's regions and Hesperia regions.

Distribution of the script

Distribution means to place at different locations over a defined surface, here geodetic, represented by an on-line map of Spain and France. The distribution was made by historical populations living their lives. One location is considered to be the find site of the item being plotted on the map. Thus most locations are associated with an archaeological site and the artifact is stored in a museum with an acquisition number. The database is a catalogue of electronic records, each describing one item in a standard format. Included is the find location; however, this is concealed by a database code. It is the universal custom of archaeologists today not to reveal the coordinates of a site for security purposes; i.e., to protect the site from non-professonal intrusion where possible. The locations of many sites are known anyway, of course.

From the catalog can be constructed an on-line map by electronic request. The locations on the maps are marked by a colored geometric figure, such as a purple circle or a yellow square. The meanings of these symbols are stated in a leyenda, or "legend." The maps are expandable by zooming to allow considerable detail. Usually a choice of map type is available. Each site is marked with a map number, under which is it listed in the catalogue. The location is usually no more precise than the name of a town. The catalog is an on-going work as new locations are added. Thus certain parts of the catalogue or its information may be inaccessible. The rest is open access. A view of the site is available for many artifacts, accessible through a pop-up photograph.

The proper understanding of these maps depends on knowing clearly what is distributed. Confusion about it is widespeard on the Internet, with a resultant inappropriate vocabulary. It may help to emphasize what the scripts are not. There are no ethnic groups being shown There is no northeast Iberian people who used the northeast Iberian script, nor any Celtiberian people who used the Celtiberian script, etc. No languages are shown either, such as an Iberian language spoken by an Iberian people or a Celtiberian language. There may be plenty of speculations that such languages and ethnic groups may have existed, but the distribution of inscriptions does not address those speculations. Their existence must be proved using additional evidence. The scripts are only a starting point for such inferences. The failure to distingish between conclusion and initial hypothesis is where Humboldt went wrong.

Perhaps the major myth of modern times about these maps is that they represent pre-Roman peoples and languages. The single instance of the Basque people explodes this myth. They are not only pre-Roman but also Roman and post-Roman in date. According the pre-Roman standard the Romans may as well have been pre-Basque. Pre-Roman implies a sequence that could not have existed: a time of early tribes without Romans followed by a time of Romans without early tribes. The coexistence of tribes and Romans is too long-lasting and important to the culture to be ignored, as is described above.

Hesperia makes available a general map plotting the locations of all the scripts in the database.[15] The description of Map 1 is "all the places in which inscriptions in a language other than Latin have appeared, both those in Palaeohispanic languages and in Greek and Phoenician."[16] This "pre-Latin" term is a remnant of the pre-Roman phase of nomenclature, undoubtedly coming from Untermann, as the database does not otherwise use it. The lame cover-up, "other than Latin," is not logically sound, as explained above in the case of Basque, which is non-Latin and yet post-Latin. The map indicates Northeastern Iberian Script sites with light blue circles. Assigned to each circle is a location number, again Untermann's. Some of these appear to be in the ocean, but expansion reveals a dark line joining the circle and the site number. This map shows the location of the NE Iberian range relative to the other scripts.

The inscriptions that use the northeastern Iberian script have been found mainly in the northeastern quadrant of the Iberian Peninsula: largely along the coast from Roussillon to Alicante, but also with a deep penetration in the Ebro Valley. The northeastern Iberian inscriptions have been found on different object types (silver and bronze coins, silver and ceramic recipients, lead plaques, mosaics, amphores, stones (steles), spindle-whorls etc.), representing 95% of the total finds (over 2000 items), and nearly all the scripts were written from left to right. The oldest northeastern Iberian script date to the 4th or maybe the 5th century BCE. The modern ones date from the end of the 1st century BCE or maybe the beginning of the 1st century CE.

Languages written in the script

The northeastern Iberian script, also known as Levantine Iberian or Iberian, was the main means of written expression of the Iberian language, but has also been used to write Proto-Basque as seen in the Hand of Irulegi.[17] The Iberian language is also expressed by the southeastern Iberian script and the Greco-Iberian alphabet.

Typology and variants

Description of the type

A northeastern dual Iberian signary (Based on Ferrer i Jané 2005)
A northeastern non-dual Iberian signary.
Lead plaque from Ullastret using the northeastern dual signary.
Lead plaque from Penya del Moro mountain (Sant Just Desvern) using the northeastern dual signary
Iberian Coin, probably from Navarra with the legend benkota/baskunes using the northeastern non-dual signary

The northeastern script was very nearly deciphered in 1922 by Manuel Gómez-Moreno Martínez, who systematically linked the syllabic signs with the occlusive values. The decipherment was based on the existence of a large number of coin legends (some of them bearing Latin inscriptions) that could easily be linked to ancient place names known from Roman and Greek sources.

Shared retentions

To understand the relationship between northeastern Iberian and southeastern Iberian scripts, one should point out that they are two different scripts with different values for the same signs. However, it is clear they have a common origin and the most accepted hypothesis is that northeastern Iberian script was derived from the southeastern Iberian script. Some researchers have concluded that it is linked to the Phoenician alphabet alone, but others believe the Greek alphabet also had a role.

All the paleohispanic scripts, with the exception of the Greco-Iberian alphabet, share a common distinctive typological characteristic: they represent syllabic value for the occlusives, and monophonemic value for the rest of the consonants and vowels. In a writing system they are neither alphabets nor syllabaries, but are rather mixed scripts that are normally identified as semi-syllabaries. The basic signary contains 28 signs: 5 vowels, 15 syllabic and 8 consonantic (one lateral, two sibilants, two rhotic and three nasals).

Shared innovations

There are two variants of the northeastern Iberian script: the dual variant is almost exclusive to the ancient inscriptions from the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE and its distinctive characteristic is the use of the dual system. This system was discovered by Joan Maluquer de Motes in 1968 and allows differentiation of the occlusive signs (dentals and velars) between voiced and unvoiced by the use of an additional stroke. The simple sign represents the voiced value whilst the complex sign represents the unvoiced value. The non-dual variant is almost exclusive of the modern inscriptions from the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE.

Notable instances

In recent years four northeastern Iberian abecedaries or signaries have been published: the Castellet de Bernabé signary, the Tos Pelat signary, the Ger signary and the Bolvir signary, all of them belonging to the dual variant of the script.

See also


  1. Ruiz Darasse 2019, p. 197
  2. Ferrer i Jané 2017, p. 1
  3. Ferrer i Jané 2017, p. 2
  4. Hübner, Ernst Willibald Emil (1893). "Praefatio". Monumenta linguae Ibericae (in Latin). Berlin: Reimer.
  5. Hoz Bravo 2019, p. 8
  6. Hoz Bravo 2019, p. 9
  7. Gomez Moreno Martinez 1922
  8. Tovar 1976, p. 1
  9. Tovar 1976, p. 7
  10. "Summary of Bibliography". Hesperia. 2024.
  11. Beltrán Lloris, Francisco (2001). "Presentación". Palaeohispamica (1): 7.
  12. "Gregory Crane". Tufts University. 2024.
  13. "Description of the project". Hesperia: Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispanicas. 2024.
  14. Untermann, J. (2019). Monumenta Linguarum hispanicarum (MLH). Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag.
  15. De Hoz, Javier; Romero, Daniel. "Map 1, General Map of Pre-Latin Inscriptions". Hesperia. Retrieved 7 May 2024.
  16. "Maps of Inscriptions".
  17. Jones, Sam (2022-11-15). "Hand of Irulegi: ancient bronze artefact could help trace origins of Basque language". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2023-06-18.

Reference bibliography

  • Correa, José Antonio (1992): «Representación gráfica de la oposición de sonoridad en las oclusivas ibéricas (semisilabario levantino)», AION 14, pp. 253–292.
  • Ferrer i Jané, Joan (2005): Novetats sobre el sistema dual de diferenciació gràfica de les oclusives sordes i sonores, Palaeohispanica 5, pp. 957–982.
  • Ferrer i Jane Joan (2013): «Els sistemes duals de les escriptures ibèriques», Palaeohispanica 13, pp. 451-479.
  • Ferrer i Jané, Joan; et al. (2017). Proposal to encode the Palaeohispanic script (PDF) (Report). L2/17-129. Retrieved 12 April 2024.
  • Gómez Moreno Martínez, Manuel (1922). "De Epigrafia ibérica: el plomo de Alcoy". Revista de filología española. 9 (4): 34–66.
  • Hoz, Javier de (1985): «El nuevo plomo inscrito de Castell y el problema de las oposiciones de sonoridad en ibérico», Symbolae Ludouico Mitxelena septuagenario oblatae, pp. 443–453.
  • Hoz Bravo, Javier de (2019). "1. Method and Methods: Studying Palaeohispanic languages as a Discipline". In Sinner, Alejandro G.; Velaza, Javier (eds.). Palaeohispanic Languages and Epigraphies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Maluquer de Motes, Joan (1968): Epigrafía prelatina de la península ibérica, Barcelona.
  • Quintanilla, Alberto (1993): «Sobre la notación en la escritura ibérica del modo de articulación de las consonantes oclusivas», Studia Palaeohispanica et Indogermánica J. Untermann ab Amicis Hispanicis Oblata, pp. 239–250.
  • Rodríguez Ramos, Jesús (2004): Análisis de epigrafía íbera, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
  • Ruiz Darasse, Coline (2019). "Chapter 11 Writings in network? The case of Palaeohispanic scripts". In Boyes, Philip J.; Steele, Philippa M. (eds.). Understanding Relations Between Scripts II Early Alphabets (Offprint, HAL Id: halshs-02388482 ed.). Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
  • Tovar, Antonio (1976). "Discuro inaugural". Actas del I Coloquio sobre Lenguas y culturas prerromanas de la Península Ibérica. Salamanca, 27-31 mayo 1974 (in Spanish) (Digital ed.). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
  • Untermann, Jürgen (1990): Monumenta Linguarum Hispanicarum. III Die iberischen Inschriften aus Spanien, Wiesbaden.
  • Velaza, Javier (1996): Epigrafía y lengua ibéricas, Barcelona.
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