Open Yale Courses

Open Yale Courses is a project of Yale University to share full video and course materials from its undergraduate courses.

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Open Yale Courses provides free access to a selection of introductory courses, and uses a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.

Open Yale Courses launched in December 2007 with seven courses from various departments. The project now includes 42 courses from a broad range of introductory courses taught at Yale college.[1] The initiative was funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,[2] which has supported other universities' OpenCourseWare projects.[3] As of August 2014, some of Yale's Open Courses are delivered by the European MooC platform Eliademy.[4]


DepartmentCourse numberCourse titleProfessor nameDate
African American StudiesAFAM 162African American History: From Emancipation to the PresentJonathan HollowaySpring 2010
American StudiesAMST 246Hemingway, Fitzgerald, FaulknerWai Chee DimockFall 2011
AstronomyASTR 160Frontiers and Controversies in AstrophysicsCharles BailynSpring 2007
Biomedical EngineeringBENG 100Frontiers of Biomedical EngineeringW. Mark SaltzmanSpring 2008
ChemistryCHEM 125aFreshman Organic Chemistry IJ. Michael McBrideFall 2008
ChemistryCHEM 125bFreshman Organic Chemistry IIJ. Michael McBrideSpring 2011
ClassicsCLCV 205Introduction to Ancient Greek HistoryDonald KaganFall 2007
Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyEEB 122Principles of Evolution, Ecology and BehaviourStephen C. StearnsSpring 2009
EconomicsECON 159Game TheoryBen PolakFall 2007
EconomicsECON 251Financial TheoryJohn GeanakoplosFall 2009
EconomicsECON 252Financial Markets (2008)Robert ShillerSpring 2008
EconomicsECON 252Financial Markets (2011)Robert ShillerSpring 2011
EnglishENGL 220MiltonJohn RogersFall 2007
EnglishENGL 291The American Novel Since 1945Amy HungerfordSpring 2008
EnglishENGL 300Introduction to Theory of LiteraturePaul H. FrySpring 2009
EnglishENGL 310Modern PoetryLangdon HammerSpring 2007
Environmental StudiesEVST 255Environmental Politics and LawJohn WargoSpring 2010
Geology and GeophysicsGG 140The Atmosphere, the Ocean, and Environmental changeRonald B. SmithFall 2011
HistoryHIST 116The American RevolutionJoanne B. FreemanSpring 2010
HistoryHIST 119The American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845–1877David BlightSpring 2008
HistoryHIST 202European Civilization, 1648–1945John MerrimanFall 2008
HistoryHIST 210The Early Middle Ages, 284–1000Paul FreedmanFall 2011
HistoryHIST 234Epidemics and Western Society Since 1600Frank SnowdenSpring 2010
HistoryHIST 251Early Modern England: Politics, Religion and Society under the Tudors and StuartsKeith WrightsonFall 2009
HistoryHIST 276France Since 1871John MerrimanFall 2007
History of ArtHSAR 252Roman ArchitectureDiana E. E. Kleiner[5]Spring 2009
Italian Language and LiteratureITAL 310Dante in TranslationGiuseppe MazzottaFall 2008
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental BiologyMCDB 150Global Problems of Population GrowthRobert WymanSpring 2009
MusicMUSI 112Listening to MusicCraig WrightFall 2008
PhilosophyPHIL 176DeathShelly KaganSpring 2007
PhilosophyPHIL 181Philosophy and the Science of Human NatureTamar GendlerSpring 2011
PhysicsPHYS 200Fundamentals of Physics IRamamurti ShankarFall 2006
PhysicsPHYS 201Fundamentals of Physics IIRamamurti ShankarSpring 2010
Political SciencePLSC 114Introduction to Political PhilosophySteven SmithFall 2006
Political SciencePLSC 118Moral Foundations of PoliticsIan ShapiroSpring 2010
Political SciencePLSC 270Capitalism: Success, Crisis, and ReformDouglas W. RaeFall 2009
PsychologyPSYC 110Introduction to PsychologyPaul BloomSpring 2007
PsychologyPSYC 123The Psychology, Biology and Politics of FoodKelly D. BrownellFall 2008
Religious StudiesRLST 145Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)Christine HayesFall 2006
Religious StudiesRLST 152Introduction to New Testament History and LiteratureDale B. MartinSpring 2009
SociologySOCY 151Foundations of Modern Social TheoryIván SzelényiFall 2009
Spanish and PortugueseSPAN 300Cervantes' Don QuixoteRoberto González EchevarríaFall 2009


  1. "About Open Yale Courses (#13)". Retrieved 2008-11-02.
  2. "About Open Yale Courses (#12)". Retrieved 2008-11-02.
  3. "About Open Yale Courses (#15)". Retrieved 2008-11-02.
  4. "Search results for: 'yale'". Eliademy. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  5. Diana E. E. Kleiner. Ara Pacis Augustae (Multimedia presentation). Yale University. See link: "Open Yale courses – Roman Architecture".
This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.