Proto-Malayo-Polynesian language
Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (PMP) is the reconstructed ancestor of the Malayo-Polynesian languages, which is by far the largest branch (by current speakers) of the Austronesian language family. Proto-Malayo-Polynesian is ancestral to all Austronesian languages spoken outside Taiwan, as well as the Yami language on Taiwan's Orchid Island. The first systematic reconstruction of Proto-Austronesian ("Uraustronesisch") by Otto Dempwolff was based on evidence from languages outside of Taiwan, and was therefore actually the first reconstruction of what is now known as Proto-Malayo-Polynesian.[1]
Proto-Malayo-Polynesian | |
PMP | |
Reconstruction of | Malayo-Polynesian |
Region | Luzon Strait? |
Reconstructed ancestor | |
Lower-order reconstructions |
The following consonants can be reconstructed for Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (Blust 2009):[2]
Labial | Alveolar | Palatal | Retroflex | Palatalized velar |
Velar | Uvular | Glottal | |
Voiceless obstruent | *p | *t | *c /c͡ç/ | *k | *q | |||
Voiced obstruent | *b | *d | *z /ɟ͡ʝ/ | *D /ɖ/ | *j /ɡʲ/ | *g | ||
Nasal | *m | *n | *ñ /ɲ/ | *ŋ | ||||
Fricative | *s | *h | ||||||
Lateral | *l | |||||||
Tap or trill | *r | *R /ʀ/ | ||||||
Approximant | *w | *y /j/ |
The phonetic value of the reconstructed sounds *p, *b, *w, *m, *t, *d, *n, *s, *l, *r, *k, *g, *ŋ, *q, *h was as indicated by the spelling. The symbols *ñ, *y, *z, *D, *j, *R are orthographic conventions first introduced by Dyen (1947).[3] The assumed phonetic values are given in the table.
This consonant system is quite similar to the ancestral Proto-Austronesian (PAN) system, but is characterized by three mergers:
- PAN *t/*C > PMP *t
- PAN *l/*N > PMP *l
- PAN *h/*S > PMP *h
The Proto-Austronesian vowels *a, *i, *u, *e (*e representing /ə/) and final diphthongs *ay, *aw, *uy, *iw remained unchanged.[2]
Alternative views
In a study from 2016, Roger Blench[4] has raised doubts that there was actually a single unitary Proto-Malayo-Polynesian language. Rather, Malayo-Polynesian expansion across the Luzon Strait consisted of multi-ethnic crews rapidly settling across various locations in maritime Southeast Asia, as suggested by both archaeological and linguistic evidence. There was also a Malayo-Polynesian migration to Hainan; Blench (2016) notes that both Hlai and Austronesian peoples use the foot-braced backstrap loom as well.
Below are selected animal and plant names in Proto-Malayo-Polynesian from the Austronesian Comparative Dictionary.[5]
Animal names
No. | Reconstruction levels | Common name | Scientific name | Proto-Malayo-Polynesian |
710 | PMP | a dove | Ducula spp.? | *baluj |
2201 | PMP | a fish | Scomberoides sp. | *daRi |
9215 | PMP | a fish, the fusilier | Caesionidae sp. | *sulig |
8519 | PMP | a fish, the sea perch, giant rockcod, giant grouper | Epinephelus spp. | *kuRapu |
4366 | PMP | a fish: the big-eyed scad | Trachiurops crumenophthalmus | *qatulay |
251 | PMP | a fruit-bearing plant | Pisonia umbellifera | *añuliŋ |
1532 | PMP | a white fish, the tarpon | Megalops cyprinoides | *bulan-bulan₁ |
1636 | PMP | batfish | Platax spp. | *buna |
1635 | PMP | batfish | Platax spp. | *bunaR |
4379 | PMP | fish sp.: mullet sp. | Neomyxus chaptalli | *qawas |
4380 | PMP | fish sp.: the milkfish | Chanos chanos | *qawa₁ |
4378 | PMP | fish sp.: the milkfish | Chanos chanos | *qawan |
2095 | PMP | goatfish | Mullidae | *tiqaw₂ |
9513 | PMP | green jobfish | Aprion virescens | *qutun |
3187 | PMP | kind of striped or spotted marine fish, grouper | Epinephelus spp. | *keRteŋ |
9509 | PMP | needlefish | Istiophorus spp. | *saku₂ |
5519 | PMP | porcupine fish, puffer fish | Diodon sp. | *taRutuŋ |
9141 | PMP | Spanish mackerel, kingfish | Scomberomorini spp. | *taŋiRi |
5516 | PMP | squirrelfish | Holocentrus spp. | *taRaqan |
3168 | PMP | suckerfish, remora; hold on by biting | Echeneis naucrates | *kemi |
2492 | PMP | suckerfish, remora; hold on by biting | Echeneis naucrates | *gemi |
11354 | PMP | surgeonfish | Acanthurus spp. | *qapaliR |
11354 | PMP | surgeonfish | Acanthurus spp. | *qapaliR |
10662 | PMP | unicorn fish | Acanthurus unicornis | *taRaq₂ |
4703 | PMP | unicorn fish | Naso spp. | *qumi |
4699 | PMP | unicorn fish | Naso spp. | *qumay |
No. | Reconstruction levels | Common name | Scientific name | Proto-Malayo-Polynesian |
7001 | PMP | the green turtle | Chelonia mydas | *peñu |
9539 | PMP | kingfisher | Halcyon spp. | *sikek |
6845 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | the Formosan rock monkey | Macaca cyclopis | *luCuŋ |
3809 | PMP | fruit bat, flying fox | Pteropus spp. | *paniki |
9052 | PMP | civet cat and similar small predatory mammals of the family Viverridae | Viverridae | *musaŋ |
7811 | PMP | giant clam | Tridacna gigas | *kima |
4842 | PMP | the spider conch | Lambis lambis | *Raŋa |
8637 | PMP | the spider conch | Lambis lambis | *Raŋak |
8638 | PMP | the spider conch | Lambis lambis | *RaŋaR |
4390 | PMP | coconut crab | Birgus latro | *qayuyu |
4224 | PMP | a small bee | Apis indica | *qani-Ruan |
4283 | PMP | a small bee | Apis indica | *qari-ñuan |
6861 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | jungle leech | Haemadipsa spp. | *-matek |
6864 | PMP | jungle leech | Haemadipsa spp. | *qala-matek |
1726 | PMP | ringworm | Tinea imbricata | *buqeni |
3800 | PMP | fungus infection which produces light patches on the skin | Tinea flava or Pityriasis | *panaw₁ |
Plant names
No. | Reconstruction levels | Common name | Scientific name | Proto-Malayo-Polynesian |
8724 | PMP | a cereal grass with edible seeds that are also used as beads, Job's tears | Coix lacryma-jobi | *zelay |
4343 | PMP | a climbing plant | Wedelia biflora | *qatay qatay₁ |
11282 | PMP | a cycad | Cycas rumphii | *patuRu |
3686 | PMP | a fern | Lygodium spp. | *nituq |
7071 | PMP | a hairy vine | Pueraria hirsuta | *bahay |
4562 | PMP | a hardwood tree | Intsia bijuga, Afzelia bijuga | *qipil |
484 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | a lily-like plant | Crinum asiaticum | *bakuŋ₁ |
4206 | PMP | a palm | Oncosperma sp.? | *qanibuŋ |
8448 | PMP | a plant | Leea spp. | *mali |
3566 | PMP | a plant | Leea spp. | *mali-mali |
7082 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | a plant | Phragmites spp. | *qaReNu |
71 | PMP | a plant | Pipturus argenteus | *adamay |
11885 | PMP | a plant | Solanum nigrum | *hameti |
4039 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | a plant | Urena lobata | *puluC |
11265 | PMP | a plant used to stun fish | Derris elliptica | *bunat |
8455 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP, PEMP, POC | a plant with roots that are pounded and put in rivers to stun fish | Derris elliptica | *tuba |
590 | PMP | a plant yielding useful fibers | Thespesia populnea | *balu₁ |
1832 | PMP | a shore tree | Barringtonia spp. | *butun |
1275 | PMP | a shore tree | Calophyllum inophyllum | *bitaquR |
301 | PMP | a shore tree | Casuarina equisetifolia | *aRuhu |
4290 | PMP | a shore tree | Casuarina equisetifolia | *qaRuhu |
10441 | PMP | a shore tree with edible nuts | Terminalia catappa | *talisay |
5317 | PMP | a shrub | Cordyline, Dracaena | *siRi |
717 | PMP | a small shore tree | Hibiscus tiliaceus | *baRu |
12684 | PMP | a small tree bearing round, green fruit | Ehretia spp. | *kanawah |
8398 | PMP | a swamp palm | Nipa fruticans | *nipaq |
10824 | PMP | a tall forest tree which emits an unpleasant odor | Sterculia foetida | *bubuR₃ |
5189 | PMP | a thorny tree | Caesalpinia spp. | *sepaŋ |
612 | PMP | a thorny vine | Smilax spp. | *banaR₁ |
620 | PMP | a thorny vine | Smilax spp. | *banaw |
2257 | PMP | a tree | Alstonia scholaris | *ditaq |
3274 | PMP | a tree | Artocarpus sp. | *kulu₁ |
12727 | PMP | a tree | Bischofia javanica | *tuquR₂ |
2574 | PMP | a tree | Cordia dichotoma | *hanunaŋ |
4243 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | a tree | Cordia dichotoma | *qaNuNaŋ |
3103 | PMP | a tree | Cordia spp. | *kanawa |
10144 | PMP | a tree | Cordia spp. | *kendal |
6886 | PMP | a tree | Cynometra spp. | *namut-namut |
5661 | PMP | a tree | Dolichandrone spathacea | *tui₁ |
2198 | PMP | a tree | Dracontomelon edule | *daqu₁ |
2218 | PMP | a tree | Erythrina spp. | *dedap |
4279 | PMP | a tree | Ficus spp. | *qaRa₁ |
5384 | PMP | a tree | Gnetum gnemon | *suka₁ |
4220 | PMP | a tree | Grewia spp. | *qanilaw |
8451 | PMP | a tree | Inocarpus spp., possibly the Tahitian chestnut: Inocarpus edulis | *gayam |
3097 | PMP | a tree | Murraya sp. | *kamuniŋ |
782 | PMP | a tree | Nauclea sp. | *baŋkal |
3884 | PMP | a tree | Ochrosia oppositifolia | *pauq |
3649 | PMP | a tree | Pterocarpus indica | *nara |
3648 | PMP | a tree | Pterocarpus indica | *naRah |
738 | PMP | a tree | Pterospermum sp. | *bayuR |
3126 | PMP | a tree | Schleichera trijuga | *kasambiʔ |
3086 | PMP | a tree | Sterculia foetida | *kalumpaŋ |
2239 | PMP | a tree | Trema orientalis | *deRuŋ₂ |
3903 | PMP | a tree | Vitex pubescens | *pa(m)pa |
7098 | PMP | a tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree | Erythrina indica | *dapdap₁ |
9114 | PMP | a tree with edible fruit, and medicinal uses | Buchanania arborescens? | *balunuR |
3104 | PMP | a tree with fragrant flowers | Cananga odorata | *kanaŋa |
12774 | PMP | a tree, the Chinese mahogany or Philippine mahogany | Shorea albus | *bulah |
2719 | PMP | a vine | Flagellaria indica | *huaR |
11109 | PMP | an evergreen tree with decorative flowers | Cynometra ramiflora | *namut |
1046 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP, PEMP, POC | bamboo of very large diameter | Dendrocalamus sp.? | *betuŋ₁ |
9776 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | bamboo spp. | Bambusa spinosa? | *kawayan |
11263 | PMP | betel pepper | Piper betle | *bu-bulu |
8466 | PMP | bracket fungus | Polyporus spp. | *kulat₂ |
1146 | PMP | calabash tree | Crescentia spp. | *bila₁ |
1223 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | cane grass | Miscanthus sp. | *biRaSu |
10249 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | castor bean | Ricinus communis | *katawa |
1582 | PMP | cowrie shell | Cypraea mauritiana | *buliq₁ |
4358 | PMP | cucumber | Cucumis sativus | *qatimun |
10768 | PMP | elephant grass, miscanthus grass | Themeda gigantea | *taŋelaj |
1255 | PMP | fan palm | Licuala rumphii | *biRu |
7972 | PMP | hardwood tree with edible fruit and valuable timber | Palaquium spp. | *ñatuq |
7996 | PMP | indigo plant and dye | Indigofera suffruticosa and Indigofera tinctoria | *taRum |
7083 | PMP | kind of fruit tree | Pometia pinnata | *tawan |
6542 | PMP | kind of mangrove, with bark used for dyeing | Ceriops spp. | *teŋeR |
11007 | PMP | mango tree and its fruit | Mangifera altissima? | *pahuq₁ |
8750 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | millet sp. | Setaria italica (?) | *zawa₂ |
1033 | PMP | millet sp., probably foxtail millet | Setaria italica | *betem |
812 | PMP | millet sp., probably foxtail millet | Setaria italica | *beteŋ₁ |
7254 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | mulberry tree and fruit | Morus formosensis | *taNiud |
11844 | PMP | new shoots of cogon grass | Imperata cylindrica | *mimis₁ |
1763 | PMP | palm sp. | Corypha elata | *buri₁ |
3089 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | plant sp. | Diospyros discolor | *kamaya |
3671 | PMP | plant sp. | Donax canniformis, used as material for making baskets | *niniq₁ |
4614 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP, PEMP, PSHWNG, POC | rattan | Calamus sp. | *quay |
7169 | PMP | stinging nettle | Laportea spp. | *la-lateŋ |
7167 | PMP | stinging nettle | Laportea spp. | *lateŋ |
7183 | PMP | stinging nettle | Laportea spp. | *zalateŋ |
7185 | PMP | stinging nettle | Laportea spp. | *zilateŋ |
4204 | PMP | sugar palm | Arenga spp. | *qanahaw |
7953 | PMP | sugarcane | Saccharum officinarum | *tebuh₁ |
2055 | PMP | sugarcane | Saccharum officinarum | *tebuh₂ |
2399 | PMP | sword grass | Imperata cylindrica | *eRiq |
10161 | PMP | sword grass | Imperata cylindrica | *guRun |
12663 | PMP | sword grass | Imperata cylindrica | *keRiq |
4900 | PAN, PMP, PWMP | sword grass | Imperata cylindrica | *Riaq |
7486 | PMP | taro | Colocasia esculenta | *tales |
9775 | PMP | the candlenut tree | Aleurites moluccanus | *kamiri |
9775 | PMP | the candlenut tree | Aleurites moluccanus | *kamiri |
12248 | PMP | the Indian cork tree | Millingtonia hortensis | *taŋga₂ |
11262 | PMP | the Indian tulip tree | Thespesia populnea | *banaRu |
3066 | PMP | the kapok tree | Bombax ceiba | *kabu-kabu |
3263 | PMP | tree sp. | Schoutenia ovata | *kukun |
5653 | PMP | tree sp. | Sesbania grandiflora | *tudiq |
8882 | PMP | tree with dense clusters of red flowers, the Indian coral tree | Erythrina indica | *depdep |
9942 | PMP | tree with edible nut, the Canarium almond (or the galip or ngari nut) | Canarium indicum[lower-alpha 1] | *kanari |
4260 | PMP | tree with leaves like sandpaper | Ficus spp. | *qa(m)pelas |
3332 | PMP | tree with poisonous sap | Antiaris toxicaria? | *laji₁ |
4722 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP | tree with sticky fruits | Cordia spp. | *quNuNaŋ |
10888 | PMP | tree spp. | Barringtonia spp. | *putat |
7652 | PMP | turmeric | Curcuma longa | *kunij |
1601 | PAN, PMP, PWMP, PCEMP, PCMP, PEMP, PSHWNG, POC | type of slender bamboo | Schizostachyum spp. | *buluq₂ |
1219 | PMP | wild taro, elephant's ear or itching taro; sexual itch | Alocasia spp. | *biRaq₁ |
1219 | PMP | wild taro, elephant's ear or itching taro; sexual itch | Alocasia spp. | *biRaq₁ |
4625 | PMP | yam | Dioscorea alata | *qubi |
See also
- Dempwolff, Otto (1934–37). Vergleichende Lautlehre des austronesischen Wortschatzes. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 15;17;19). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer. (3 vols.)
- Blust, Robert (2009). The Austronesian languages. Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University. ISBN 978-0-85883-602-0.
- Dyen, Isidore. (1951). Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *Z. Language, 27(4), 534–540.
- Blench, Roger. 2016. The boiling pot: 4000 years ago in the Luzon straits.
- Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen (April 25, 2020). "Austronesian Comparative Dictionary, web edition". Retrieved May 1, 2020.
- Kew Science. "Canarium commune L." Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 27 January 2022.
- Kew Science. "Canarium indicum L." Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 27 January 2022.
Further reading
- Blust, Robert (1979). "Proto-Western Malayo-Polynesian vocatives". Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 135 (2): 205–251. doi:10.1163/22134379-90002556. JSTOR 27863237. Accessed: 27 Dec. 2022.
- Blust, Robert (2017). "The Challenge of Semantic Reconstruction: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *suku 'Lineage; Quarter'?". Oceanic Linguistics. 56 (1): 247–56. doi:10.1353/ol.2017.0010. JSTOR 26408531. Accessed 26 Dec. 2022.
- Blust, Robert (2018). "The Challenge of Semantic Reconstruction 2: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *kamaliR 'Men's House'". Oceanic Linguistics. 57 (2): 335–358. doi:10.1353/ol.2018.0015. JSTOR 26779837. Accessed 26 Dec. 2022.
- Blust, Robert (2021). "The Challenge of Semantic Reconstruction 3: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *guntiŋ 'scissors'?". Oceanic Linguistics. 61 (1). doi:10.1353/ol.2021.0024.
- DYEN, ISIDORE (1953). The Proto-Malayo-Polynesian Laryngeals. Linguistic Society of America. doi:10.2307/j.ctt1x76d60. Accessed 27 Dec. 2022.
- Haudricourt, André-G. (1954). "Origines asiatiques des langues malayo-polynésiennes". Journal de la Société des océanistes (in French). 10 (10): 180–183. doi:10.3406/jso.1954.1831.
- Reid, Lawrence. "The Reconstruction of a Dual Pronoun to Proto Malayo-Polynesian". In: Discovering History Through Language. Papers in Honour of Malcolm Ross. edited by Bethwyn Evans. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2009. pp. 461–477.