S&P/ASX 20

The S&P/ASX 20 index is a stock market index of stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange from Standard & Poor's. While the "ASX 20" often simply refers to the 20 largest companies by market capitalisation, the S&P/ASX 20 Index is calculated by using the S&P Dow Jones Indices market capitalization weighted and float-adjusted methodologies.[1][2] All 20 companies also feature in the S&P/ASX 50.

The S&P/ASX20 companies are headquartered in four Australian cities with nine headquartered in Melbourne, six headquartered in Sydney, four headquartered in Perth and one headquartered in Adelaide. There are no ASX20 companies headquartered in Australia's third largest city of Brisbane.

Constituent companies

As of May 2022, the constituent stocks of the ASX 20 in alphabetical order by symbol are:[3][4][5][6]

Symbol Company GICS sector Headquarters
Code Name
ALLAristocrat Leisure25Consumer DiscretionaryAustralia Sydney
ANZANZ Bank40FinancialsAustralia Melbourne
BHPBHP15MaterialsAustralia Melbourne / United Kingdom London
CBACommonwealth Bank40FinancialsAustralia Sydney
COLColes Group30Consumer StaplesAustralia Melbourne
CSLCSL35Health CareAustralia Melbourne
FMGFortescue Metals Group15MaterialsAustralia Perth
GMGGoodman Group60Real EstateAustralia Sydney
MQGMacquarie Group40FinancialsAustralia Sydney
NABNational Australia Bank40FinancialsAustralia Melbourne
NCMNewcrest Mining15MaterialsAustralia Melbourne
RIORio Tinto15MaterialsAustralia Melbourne / United Kingdom London
S32South3215MaterialsAustralia Perth
STOSantos Limited10EnergyAustralia Adelaide
TCLTransurban20IndustrialsAustralia Melbourne
TLSTelstra50Telecommunication ServicesAustralia Melbourne
WBCWestpac40FinancialsAustralia Sydney
WDSWoodside Energy10EnergyAustralia Perth
WESWesfarmers30Consumer StaplesAustralia Perth
WOWWoolworths30Consumer StaplesAustralia Sydney

See also


  1. "Index Mathematics Methodology" (PDF). S&P Dow Jones Indices. May 2021.
  2. "S&P/ASX Australian Indices Methodology" (PDF). S&P Dow Jones Indices. April 2021.
  3. "S&P AUST INDEX ASX 20 INDEX, XTL:ASX Constituents - FT.com". markets.ft.com. Retrieved 2021-05-28.
  4. "S&P/ASX 20 - S&P Dow Jones Indices". www.spglobal.com. Retrieved 2021-05-28.
  5. "S&P/ASX 20 (LIVE DATA): Share Prices & Charts - Market Index". MarketIndex.com.au. Retrieved 2021-05-28.
  6. "ASX listed companies" (CSV). asx.com.au.
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