State Anthem of Uzbekistan

The State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbek: Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi / Ўзбекистон Республикасининг Давлат Мадҳияси) uses the same melody as the anthem of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, composed by Mutal Burhonov in 1947, when the country was a republic of the Soviet Union. After Uzbekistan gained independence from the Soviet Union, new lyrics by Uzbek poet Abdulla Oripov were adopted.[1]

Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi
English: State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan[1]

National anthem of  Uzbekistan
LyricsAbdulla Oripov, 1992
MusicMutal Burhonov, 1947 Daria Sabbaghi, 1947
Audio sample
U.S. Navy Band instrumental version
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Latin script
Uzbek Cyrillic script IPA transcription[lower-alpha 1] Official English translation[3]

Serquyosh, hur oʻlkam, elga baxt, najot,
Sen oʻzing doʻstlarga yoʻldosh, mehribon – mehribon!
Yashnagay to abad ilmu fan, ijod,
shuhrating porlasin toki bor jahon!

Oltin bu vodiylar — jon Oʻzbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulugʻ xalq qudrati joʻsh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!

Bagʻri keng oʻzbekning oʻchmas iymoni,
Erkin, yosh avlodlar senga zoʻr qanot, zoʻr qanot!
Istiqlol mashali, tinchlik posboni,
Haqsevar, ona yurt, mangu boʻl obod!


Серқуёш, ҳур ўлкам, элга бахт, нажот,
Сен ўзинг дўстларга йўлдош, меҳрибон, меҳрибон!
Яшнагай то абад илму фан, ижод,
Шуҳратинг порласин токи бор жаҳон!

Олтин бу водийлар — жон Ўзбекистон,
Аждодлар мардона руҳи сенга ёр!
Улуғ халқ қудрати жўш урган замон,
Оламни маҳлиё айлаган диёр!

Бағри кенг ўзбекнинг ўчмас иймони,
Эркин, ёш авлодлар сенга зўр қанот, зўр қанот!
Истиқлол машъали, тинчлик посбони,
Ҳақсевар, она юрт, мангу бўл обод!


[ser.qu.ˈjɒʃ | hur ol.ˈkʲæm | el.ˈgʲæ | baχ næ.ˈd͡ʒɒt |]
[sen o.ˈziŋ dos.lær.ˈgʲæ jol.ˈdɒʃ | meh.rɨ.ˈbɒn | meh.rɨ.ˈbɒn ‖]
[jæʃ.næ.ˈgʲæj tɒ æ.ˈbæt il.ˈmu ɸæn i.ˈd͡ʒɒt |]
[ʃuh.ræ.ˈtiŋ pɒr.læ.ˈsɨn tɒ.ˈki bɒr d͡ʒæ.ˈhɒn ‖]

[ɒl.ˈtɨn bu ʋɒ.dij.ˈlær | d͡ʒɒn ɵɨs.ˈtɒn |]
[æʒ.dɒd.ˈlær mær.dɒ.ˈnæ ru.ˈhɨ seŋ.ˈgʲæ jɒr ‖]
[u.ˈluʁ χalq qud.ra.ˈtɨ d͡ʒɵʃ ʉr.ˈgʲæn zæ.ˈmɒn |]
[ɒ.læm.ˈnɨ mæˈjɒ æj.læ.ˈgʲæn | di.ˈjɒr ‖]

[baʁ.ˈrɨ keŋ | ɵz.bek.ˈniŋ | ot͡ʃ.ˈmas | ij.mɒ.ˈnɨ |]
[er.ˈkɪn jɒʃ æʋ.lɒd.ˈlær seŋ.ˈgʲæ | zor qa.ˈnɒt | zor qa.ˈnɒt ‖]
[ɪs.tɨq.ˈlɒl mæʃ.ʔæ.ˈlɨ tɪnt͡ʃ.ˈlɪk pɒs.bɒ.ˈnɨ |]
[ˈʋær ɒ.ˈnæ jur | mæŋ.ˈgʲʉ bol ɒ.ˈbɒt ‖]


My country, sunny and free, salvation to your people,
You are a warmhearted companion to the friends
Flourish eternally with knowledge and invention,
May your fame shine as long as the world exists!

These golden valleys – dear Uzbekistan,
Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you!
When the great power of people became exuberant
You are the country that amazes the world!

Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out,
Free, young children are a strong wing for you!
The torch of independence, guardian of peace,
Just motherland be eternally prosperous!



  1. See Help:IPA/Uzbek and Uzbek phonology.


  1. "10 December is day of adoption of State Anthem of Uzbekistan". The governmental portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Republic of Uzbekistan. 2011-10-12. Archived from the original on 2014-04-07. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  2. "State Symbols". Samarkand Regional Government. Archived from the original on 2013-12-31. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  3. "State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan". Oliy Majlis. Retrieved 20 April 2022.
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