States headed by Serer Lamanes

This is a list of states headed by the Serer Lamanes. The Lamanes (or Lamans) have a historical, economic and religious significance in Serer countries.[1] The following pre-colonial kingdoms and new states (post-independence) were for a long time dominated by the Serer Lamanic class :


  1. Galvan, p 42
  2. Gravrand, Henry, "La Civilisation Sereer - Cosaan : Les origines", vol.1, pp 263- 295, 303, Nouvelles Editions africaines, 1983, ISBN 2-7236-0877-8
  3. For more on the Lamanes' religious significance, see also : Gravrand, Henry, "La civilisation Sereer, Pangool, Dakar, Nouvelles Editions Africaines (1990)
  4. Diop, Cheikh Anta, "Towards the African Renaissance: Essays in African Culture & Development, 1946-1960." Translated by Egbuna P. Modum. Karnak House (1996), pp. 29-30, ISBN 9780907015857
  5. Boulègue, Jean. "Le Grand Jolof, (XVIIIe – XVIe Siècle)", (Paris, Edition Façades), Karthala (1987), p 30
  6. Dyao, Yoro, "Légendes et coutumes sénégalaises", Cahiers de Yoro Dyao: publiés et commentés par Henri Gaden. p 12. (E. Leroux, 1912)
  7. Gravrand, Cosaan, pp 62-87


  • Gravrand, Henry, "La Civilisation Sereer - Cosaan : Les origines", vol. 1, Nouvelles Editions africaines, 1983, ISBN 2-7236-0877-8
  • Gravrand, Henry, "La civilisation Sereer, Pangool, Dakar, Nouvelles Editions Africaines (1990), ISBN 2-7236-1055-1
  • Becker, Charles: Vestiges historiques, trémoins matériels du passé clans les pays sereer, Dakar. 1993. CNRS – ORS TO M
  • Sarr, Alioune, "Histoire du Sine-Saloum", Introduction, bibliographie et Notes par Charles Becker, BIFAN, Tome 46, Serie B, n° 3–4, 1986–1987, p21
  • Boulègue, Jean. "Le Grand Jolof, (XVIIIe – XVIe Siècle)", (Paris, Edition Façades), Karthala (1987),
  • Dyao, Yoro, "Légendes et coutumes sénégalaises", Cahiers de Yoro Dyao: publiés et commentés par Henri Gaden. (E. Leroux, 1912)
  • Galvan, Dennis Charles, "The State Must Be Our Master of Fire" : How Peasants Craft Culturally Sustainable Development in Senegal" Berkeley, University of California Press, 2004, ISBN 0-520-23591-6
  • Diop, Cheikh Anta, "Towards the African Renaissance: Essays in African Culture & Development, 1946-1960." Translated by Egbuna P. Modum. Karnak House (1996), pp. 29-30, ISBN 9780907015857
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