
Tegut (styled tegut…) is a Swiss-owned supermarket chain based in Fulda, Germany, which operates 275 stores[1] across seven of Germany's Bundesländer, namely in Hesse, Thuringia, Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemberg. In early January 2013 it was bought by Migros.[2]

Tegut Gutberlet Stiftung & Co. KG
Company typeStiftung
Founded1947 (1947)
FounderTheo Gutberlet
Key people
Thomas Gutberlet (CEO)
RevenueIncrease  1.16 billion (2011)
OwnerFederation of Migros Cooperatives
Number of employees
7,700 (2021)


The company was founded in 1947[3] by Theo Gutberlet under the name Thegu, derived from the first letters of his first and surname, which was later renamed in 1955 to Tegut. From 1961, the bigger supermarkets were called HaWeGe (an acronym for HandelsWarenGesellschaft) and from 1973, the smaller stores Okay! In 1972, Tegut established a subsidiary called kff Kurhessische Fleischwaren GmbH (KFF) which still produces Tegut's meat products. In 1973, Wolfgang Gutberlet, the son of the company founder, took over management.[4] In 1989 the company was transferred to a foundation whose supervisory board appoints the managing directors.[5] It was in 1998 that the company changed its name again, to its presently-stylised "tegut…". In August 2009, when he took over from his father Wolfgang, Thomas Gutberlet became the third generation CEO in the company.[6] The company also processes their own sausage and meat and founded the herzberger Bäckerei (Herzberger Bakery) in 1996 as a subsidiary.[7] In 1997, Tegut was the first grocer in Germany to accept credit card payments.[8] In 1998 the company was renamed tegut…. They also operate the markets under this name. With the “Lädchen für alles” (small shop for everything) concept, Tegut took up the concept of the corner shop in 2010 and set up smaller shops in the countryside and in urban districts in order to provide local supplies even in smaller communities.[9][10]

On 11 October 2012, the Swiss retail company Genossenschaft Migros Zürich (Migros Zurich cooperative), which is one of the ten shareholder of the Migros Cooperative Association, announced the takeover of Tegut's trading division consisting of six individual companies.[11][12][13] The transaction became effective in January 2013 after the approval of the antitrust authorities and the administration of the Migros Cooperative Federation.[14] The Migros Zurich Cooperative (GMZ) then took over the trading division of the former "tegut… Gutberlet Stiftung & Co. KG". Other businesses of the company, such as the Herzberger bakery, KFF as well as the agricultural businesses, became part of the new "W–E–G Stiftung & Co. KG".[15][16] After Migros took over, the Gutberlet Foundation's shares in KFF were threatened due to the loss of its main customer Tegut and were sold at the end of 2016 to pet food manufacturer Deuerer from Bretten.[17] In May 2017, the Herzberger bakery was reintegrated into the Tegut Group.[15] At the end of April 2021, the company suffered a cyberattack, which caused stores to have empty shelves because of failures in the inventory management software.[18] The hackers published a database containing personal data of customer card holders on the dark web.[19][20]

In July 2019, Tegut began offering 144 foods without packaging in a branch in Fulda.[21] In November 2020, the first tegut...teo was opened in Fulda with a different store concept. The store offered a total of 950 products for everyday use in a 50 square metre self-service area, open 24 hours a day.[22] There were 27 of these teo markets in 2023.[23][24] Due to a reassessment of the legal situation, these stores are no longer allowed to open on Sundays and public holidays despite the absence of sales staff.[25] In October 2022, Migros launched the concept in Switzerland with the opening of the first Migros teo, which is also open on weekends.[26] In 2024, the Smart Retail Solutions GmbH was established in Germany to operate Teo Stores as a franchise.[27]

In April 2023 it was announced that Tegut would take over organic supermarket chain Basic AG retroactively from the beginning of the year.[28]


The over 300 branches are located relatively close to the company headquarters in Fulda in eastern Hesse, and, since the new expansion policy from Migros started, also in the Stuttgart and Munich area.[29][30][31][32] These are supplied from the central warehouse in Fulda and from Seebergen in Thuringia. Tegut is widely represented in most of Hesse, Thuringia and western Franconia.[33] There are also a few branches in Mainz in Rhineland-Palatinate and in the Göttingen area in southern Lower Saxony. In 2014, the first market outside the previous distribution area was opened in Stuttgart.[34] In some stores there were bakery counters belonging to the subsidiary Herzberger in the checkout area. In 2012, Tegut announced that it would give up these self-operated market cafés, occupy the space with regional bakeries and only sell Herzberger baked goods in the self-service area of the markets.[35]

Tegut also operates approximately 30 „tegut… Lädchen für alles“ (tegut… small shop for everything), which have a relatively small sales area and are designed for local supplies in rural areas.[36]

Organic food

A Tegut store in Bad Kissingen, Bavaria
Post in Tann (Rhön)

Since 1982, Tegut has been involved in the cultivation and marketing of organic food. As of 2008, almost 20% of Tegut's revenue was made from their own-produced organic food, mostly grown in eastern Hesse.[37] According to Tegut, organic products made up 28.4% of the revenue in 2022.[38]

Meat production

Tegut has an unusual way of creating their meat products – to promote the ripening process, their cold cuts are subjected to classical music by a string quartet.[39]


Tegut and Amazon started a collaboration in 2017, where it was possible to order Tegut products trough Amazon.[40] In 2022 Tegut started a collaboration with Lieferando in Darmstadt with around 1,000 products available.[41]


  • 2007: Entrepreneur of the Year for Wolfgang Gutberlet (Trade category)[42]
  • 2008: National German Sustainability Award: "Special Prize for the Most Sustainable Strategy"[43]
  • 2008: Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for Wolfgang Gutberlet for the high training rate, creation of new jobs and his commitment to high food quality by the Hessian Prime Minister Roland Koch[44]


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