Traditional colors of Japan
The traditional colors of Japan are a collection of colors traditionally used in Japanese art, literature, textiles such as kimono, and other Japanese arts and crafts.
The traditional colors of Japan trace their historical origins to the Twelve Level Cap and Rank System which was established in 603 by Prince Shōtoku and based on the five Chinese elements. In this system, rank and social hierarchy were displayed and determined by certain colors. Colors known as kinjiki (禁色, "forbidden colors") were strictly reserved for the robes of the Imperial family and highest ranking court officials; for example, the color ōtan (orange) was used as the color for the robes of the Crown Prince and use by anyone else was prohibited. Colors known as yurushiiro (許し色, "permissible colors") were permitted for use by the common people.
Most names of colors originate from the names of plants, flowers, and animals that bore or resembled them. Certain colors and dyeing techniques have been used since the Asuka period, while others had been developed as late as the Meiji period when synthetic dyes became common. Due to the long history of use of this color system, some variations in color and names exist.
Red/violet series
Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet |
一斤染 | Ikkonzome | One kin (0.6 kg (1.3 lb)) dye | 240,143,144 | #F08F90 | 桃色 | Momo-iro | Peach-colored | 244,121,131 | #F47983 |
紅梅色 | Kōbai-iro | Red plum colored | 219,90,107 | #DB5A6B | 中紅 | Nakabeni | Medium crimson (dye) | 201,55,86 | #C93756 |
桜色 | Sakura-iro | Cherry blossom color | 252,201,185 | #FCC9B9 | 退紅 | Arazome | Washed-out crimson (dye) | 255,179,167 | #FFB3A7 |
薄紅 | Usubeni | Pale crimson (dye) | 242,102,108 | #F2666C |
Red series
Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet |
鴇羽色 | Tokiha-iro | Ibis wing color | 245,143,132 | #F58F84 | 桜鼠 | Sakuranezumi | Cherry blossom mouse grey | 172,129,118 | #AC8181 |
長春色 | Chōshun-iro | Long spring (season) color | 185,87,84 | #B95754 | 唐紅/韓紅 | Karakurenai | Foreign crimson[lower-alpha 1] | 201,31,55 | #C91F37 |
臙脂色 | Enji-iro | Cochineal red/rouge | 157,41,51 | #9D2933 | 深緋 | Kokiake | Deep scarlet | 123,59,58 | #7B3B3A |
甚三紅 | Jinzamomi | Thrice-dyed crimson | 247,102,90 | #F7665A | 水がき | Mizugaki | Water persimmon | 181,108,96 | #B56C60 |
梅鼠 | Umenezumi | Plum-blossom mouse grey | 151,100,90 | #97645A | 蘇芳香 | Su'ōkō | Sappanwood incense | 162,79,70 | #A24F46 |
赤紅 | Akabeni | Pure crimson (dye) | 195,39,43 | #C3272B | 真朱 | Shinshu | True red | 143,29,33 | #8F1D21 |
小豆色 | Azuki-iro | Azuki bean color | 103,36,34 | #672422 | 銀朱 | Ginshu | Greyed red (lit. silvered red) | 188,45,41 | #BC2D29 |
海老茶 | Ebicha | Maroon (shrimp brown) | 94,40,36 | #5E2824 | 栗梅 | Kiriume | Red-brown (lit. chestnut-plum) | 139,53,45 | #8B352D |
曙色 | Akebono-iro | Dawn-color | 250,123,98 | #FA7B62 | 珊瑚色 | Sango-iro | Coral color | 248,103,79 | #F8674F |
猩々緋 | Shōjōhi | Red-orange (lit. orangutan-colored) | 220,48,35 | #DC3023 | 芝翫茶 | Shikancha | Wilted brown (lit. wilted lawn-clippings) | 171,76,61 | #AB4C3D |
柿渋色 | Kakishibu-iro | Persimmon-juice color | 147,67,55 | #934337 | 紅樺 | Benikaba | Red birch | 157,43,34 | #9D2B22 |
紅鳶 | Benitobi | Red kite (bird species) | 145,50,40 | #913228 | 紅檜皮 | Benihibata | Cypress bark red | 111,48,40 | #6F3028 |
黒鳶 | Kurotobi | Black kite (bird species) | 53,30,28 | #351E1C | 紅緋 | Benihi | Blood red | 243,83,54 | #F35336 |
照柿 | Terigaki | Glazed persimmon | 211,78,54 | #D34E36 | 緋 | Ake | Scarlet (blood) | 207,58,36 | #CF3A24 |
江戸茶 | Edocha | Red-brown (Edo brown) | 161,61,45 | #A13D2D | 紅柄色 | Bengara-iro | Dyestalk red (lit. the color from dying with the stalk of the beni (safflower) plant) | 145,50,37 | #913225 |
檜皮色 | Hihada-iro | Cypress bark color | 117,46,35 | #752E23 | 宍色 | Shishi-iro | Meat-color | 249,144,111 | #F9906F |
洗朱 | Araishu | Rinsed-out red | 255,121,82 | #FF7952 | 赤香色 | Akakō-iro | Red incense-colored | 240,127,94 | #F07F5E |
ときがら茶 | Tokigaracha | Brewed mustard-brown | 230,131,100 | #E68364 | 黄丹 | Ōtan | Ochre (earthen yellow-red-brown) | 255,78,32 | #FF4E20 |
蘇比 | Sohi | Overdyed/refreshed red-brown | 227,92,56 | #E35C38 | 遠州茶 | Enshūcha | Muddy brown (lit. the brown of a distant river) | 203,102,73 | #CB6649 |
唐茶 | Karacha | Spicy red-brown (Chinese tea brown) | 179,92,68 | #B35C44 | 樺茶 | Kabacha | Birch brown | 177,74,48 | #B14A30 |
宗傳唐茶 | Sōdenkaracha | Faded spicy red-brown | 155,83,63 | #9B533F | 雀茶 | Suzumecha | Sparrow-brown | 140,71,54 | #8C4736 |
栗皮茶 | Kurikawacha | Chestnut-leather brown | 96,40,30 | #60281E | 百塩茶 | Momoshiocha | Boiled red bean brown | 84,45,36 | #542D24 |
鳶色 | Tobi-iro | Ibis-color | 76,34,27 | #4C221B | |||||
朱色 | Shu-iro | Cinnabar-color | 255,53,0 | #ff3500 |
Yellow/red series
Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English translation | RGB | Hex triplet |
胡桃染 | Kurumizome | Walnut-dyed | 159,116,98 | #9F7462 | 蒲色 | Kaba-iro | Cattail color | 182,73,37 | #B64925 |
黄櫨染 | Kōrozen | Sumac-dyed | 89,43,31 | #592B1F | 焦茶 | Kogecha | Scorched brown | 53,31,25 | #351F19 |
深支子 | Kokikuchinashi | Rich gardenia | 245,127,79 | #F57F4F | 洗柿 | Araigaki | Washed-out persimmon | 236,130,84 | #EC8254 |
代赭色 | Taisha-iro | Red ochre color | 159,82,51 | #9F5233 | 赤白橡 | Akashirotsurubami | Sawtooth oak | 236,149,108 | #EC956C |
礪茶 | Tonocha | Polished brown | 152,85,56 | #985538 | 煎茶色 | Sencha-iro | Green tea-colored | 130,75,53 | #824B35 |
洒落柿 | Sharegaki | Stylish persimmon | 255,162,107 | #FFA26B | 薄柿 | Usugaki | Pale persimmon | 252,164,116 | #FCA474 |
萱草色 | Kanzō-iro | Daylily-colored | 255,137,54 | #FF8936 | 梅染 | Umezome | Plum-dyed | 250,146,88 | #FA9258 |
紅鬱金 | Beni'ukon | Red-bronze (lit. red dye and turmeric) | 251,129,54 | #FB8136 | 丁子茶 | Chōjicha | Clove-brown | 143,88,60 | #8F583C |
憲法染 | Kenpōzome | Legal dye (from when color use was regulated by class) | 46,33,27 | #2E211B | 枇杷茶 | Biwacha | Loquat tree-brown | 171,97,52 | #AB6134 |
琥珀色 | Kohaku-iro | Amber color | 202,105,36 | #CA6924 | 淡香 | Usukō | Pale incense | 255,165,101 | #FFA565 |
朽葉色 | Kuchiba-iro | Decaying leaves color | 213,120,53 | #D57835 | 金茶 | Kincha | Golden brown | 198,107,39 | #C66B27 |
丁子染 | Chōjizome | Clove-dyed | 169,98,50 | #A96232 | 狐色 | Kitsune-iro | Fox-color | 152,86,41 | #985629 |
柴染 | Fushizome | Brushwood-dyed | 140,89,57 | #8C5939 | 伽羅色 | Kyara-iro | Aloewood-color | 106,67,45 | #6A432D |
煤竹色 | Susutake-iro | Weathered bamboo (lit. "sooty") | 89,58,39 | #593A27 | 白茶 | Shiracha | White tea-colored | 196,142,105 | #C48E69 |
黄土色 | Ōdo-iro | Ochre (lit. earthen yellow) | 190,127,81 | #BE7F51 | 銀煤竹 | Kinsusutake | Golden-grey bamboo (dried and weathered) | 125,78,45 | #7D4E2D |
黄唐茶 | Kigaracha | Chinese yellow tea-colored | 183,112,45 | #B7702D | 媚茶 | Kobicha | Kobi tea | 107,68,35 | #6B4423 |
赤朽葉 | Akakuchiba | Red fallen leaves | 219,132,73 | #DB8449 | |||||
Yellow series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
浅黄 | Asagi | Light yellow | 247,187,125 | #F7BB7D | 山吹色 | Yamabuki-iro | Golden yellow (Kerria japonica) | 255,164,0 | #FFA400 |
玉子色 | Tamago-iro | Egg-colored | 255,166,49 | #FFA631 | 櫨染 | Hajizome | Sumac-dyed | 224,138,30 | #E08A1E |
山吹茶 | Yamabukicha | Gold-brown | 203,126,31 | #CB7E1F | 桑染 | Kuwazome | Mulberry-dyed | 197,127,46 | #C57F2E |
生壁色 | Namakabe-iro | The color of undried plaster | 120,94,73 | #785E49 | 梔子 | Kuchinashi | Cape jasmine or gardenia | 255,185,90 | #FFB95A |
玉蜀黍色 | Tōmorokoshi-iro | Corn-colored | 250,169,69 | #FAA945 | 白橡 | Shirotsurubami | White oak | 206,159,111 | #CE9F6F |
黄橡 | Kitsurubami | Golden oak | 187,129,65 | #BB8141 | 藤黄 | Tō'ō | Gamboge | 255,182,30 | #FFB61E |
花葉色 | Hanaba-iro or kayou-iro | Floral leaf-colored | 255,185,78 | #FFB94E | 鳥の子色 | Torinoko-iro | Eggshell paper-colored | 226,190,159 | #E2BE9F |
鬱金色 | Ukon-iro | Turmeric-colored | 230,155,58 | #E69B3A | 黄朽葉 | Kikuchiba | Golden fallen leaves | 226,156,69 | #E29C45 |
利休白茶 | Rikyūshiracha | Faded Sen no Rikyū's tea | 176,146,122 | #B0927A | 利休茶 | Rikyūcha | Sen no Rikyū's tea | 130,107,88 | #826B58 |
灰汁色 | Aku-iro | Lye-colored | 127,107,93 | #7F6B5D | 肥後煤竹 | Higosusutake | Japanese iris and sooty bamboo | 127,93,59 | #7F5D3B |
路考茶 | Rokōcha | Contemplation in a tea garden | 102,83,67 | #665343 | 海松茶 | Mirucha | Simmered seaweed | 76,61,48 | #4C3D30 |
菜種油色 | Nataneyu-iro | Rapeseed oil-colored | 161,121,23 | #A17917 | 黄海松茶 | Kimirucha | Yellow Sea pine-brown | 137,108,57 | #896C39 |
鶯茶 | Uguisucha | Japanese bush warbler-brown (greenish brown) | 92,72,39 | #5C4827 | 菜の花色 | Nanohanacha | Rape-blossom brown | 227,177,48 | #E3B130 |
苅萱 | Kariyasu | Japanese triandra grass (Themeda japonica) | 226,177,60 | #E2B13C | 黄蘗 | Kihada | Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) | 243,193,58 | #F3C13A |
蒸栗色 | Mushikuri-iro | Steamed chestnut color | 211,177,125 | #D3B17D | 青朽葉 | Aokuchiba | Pale fallen leaves | 170,135,54 | #AA8736 |
鶸茶 | Hiwacha | Finch-brown (Cardueline finch) | 149,123,56 | #957B38 | 女郎花 | Ominaeshi | Patrinia flowers (Patrinia scabiosaefolia) | 217,182,17 | #D9B611 |
鶯色 | Uguisu-iro | Japanese bush warbler-colored | 100,85,48 | #645530 |
Yellow/green series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
鶸色 | Hiwa-iro | Greenfinch color | 189,169,40 | #BDA928 | 青白橡 | Aoshirotsurubami | Pale oak | 187,164,109 | #BBA46D |
柳茶 | Yanagicha | Willow tea | 156,138,77 | #9C8A4D | 璃寛茶 | Rikancha | Rikan brown | 83,74,50 | #534A32 |
藍媚茶 | Aikobicha | Indigo tea | 71,63,45 | #473F2D | 苔色 | Koke-iro | Moss color | 139,125,58 | #8B7D3A |
海松色 | Miru-iro | Codium fragile seaweed color | 82,75,42 | #524B2A | 千歳茶 | Sensaicha | Thousand year old brown | 59,52,41 | #3B3429 |
梅幸茶 | Baikōcha | Baiko brown | 133,124,85 | #857C55 | 岩井茶 | Iwaicha | Iwai brown[2] | 94,85,69 | #5E5545 |
鶸萌黄 | Hiwamo'egi | Siskin sprout yellow | 122,148,46 | #7A942E | 柳煤竹 | Yanagisusutake | Sooty willow bamboo | 77,75,58 | #4D4B3A |
裏柳 | Urahayanagi | Underside of willow leaves | 188,181,140 | #BCB58C | 淡萌黄 | Usumo'egi | Pale young green onion | 141,178,85 | #8DB255 |
柳染 | Yanagizome | Willow-dyed | 140,158,94 | #8C9E5E | 萌黄 | Mo'egi | Fresh onion | 91,137,48 | #5B8930 |
青丹 | Aoni | Blue-black clay[3] | 82,89,59 | #52593B | 松葉色 | Matsuba-iro | Pine needle color | 69,77,50 | #454D32 |
Green/blue green series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
薄青 | Usu'ao | Pale blue | 140,156,118 | #8C9C76 | 若竹色 | Wakatake-iro | Young bamboo color | 107,147,98 | #6B9362 |
柳鼠 | Yanaginezumi | Willow grey | 129,123,105 | #817B69 | 老竹色 | Oitake-iro | Old bamboo color | 94,100,79 | #5E644F |
千歳緑 | Chitosemidori | Thousand year old green | 55,66,49 | #374231 | 緑 | Midori | Green | 42,96,59 | #2A603B |
白緑 | Byakuroku | Whitish green | 165,186,147 | #A5BA93 | 錆青磁 | Sabiseiji | Rusty celadon | 137,138,116 | #898A74 |
緑青 | Rokushō | Patina | 64,122,82 | #407A52 | 木賊色 | Tokusa-iro | Horsetail color | 61,93,66 | #3D5D42 |
御納戸茶 | Onandocha | Storeroom brown | 61,64,53 | #3D4035 | 青竹色 | Aotake-iro | Green bamboo color | 0,100,66 | #006442 |
利休鼠 | Rikyūnezumi | Greyish dark green | 101,98,85 | #656255 | びろうど | Birōdo | Velvet | 34,70,52 | #224634 |
虫襖 | Mushi'ao | Insect screen | 45,68,54 | #2D4436 | 藍海松茶 | Aimirucha | Indigo Codium fragile seaweed brown | 46,55,46 | #2E372E |
沈香茶 | Tonocha | Aloeswood brown | 90,100,87 | #5A6457 | 水浅葱 | Mizu'asagi | Pale green onion | 116,159,141 | #749F8D |
青磁色 | Seiji-iro | Celadon color | 129,156,139 | #819C8B | 青碧 | Seiheki | Blue-green | 58,105,96 | #3A6960 |
錆鉄御納戸 | Sabitetsuonando | Rusty storeroom | 58,64,59 | #3A403B | 鉄色 | Tetsu-iro | Iron color | 43,55,51 | #2B3733 |
御召茶 | Omeshicha | Silk crepe brown | 53,78,75 | #354E4B | 高麗納戸 | Kōrainando | Goryeo storeroom | 32,56,56 | #203838 |
Blue/blue violet series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
湊鼠 | Minatonezumi | Harbor rat | 117,125,117 | #757D75 | 青鈍 | Aonibi | Dull blue | 79,73,68 | #4F4944 |
鉄御納戸 | Tetsuonando | Iron storage | 43,55,54 | #2B3736 | 水色 | Mizu-iro | Aqua Blue color | 134,171,165 | #86ABA5 |
錆浅葱 | Sabi'asagi | Rusted light-blue | 106,127,122 | #6A7F7A | 瓶覗 | Kamenozoki | Inside of a bottle | 198,194,182 | #C6C2B6 |
浅葱色 | Asagi-iro | Light blue color | 72,146,155 | #48929B | 新橋色 | Shinbashi-iro | "New Bridge" color | 0,108,127 | #006C7F |
錆御納戸 | Sabi'onando | Rusty storage | 69,88,89 | #455859 | 藍鼠 | Ainezumi | Mousy indigo | 92,84,78 | #5C544E |
藍色 | Ai-iro | Indigo color | 38,67,72 | #264348 | 御納戸色 | Onando-iro | Onando color | 54,65,65 | #364141 |
花浅葱 | Hana'asagi | Light blue flower | 29,105,124 | #1D697C | 千草色 | Chigusa-iro | Thousand herb color | 49,117,137 | #317589 |
舛花色 | Masuhana-iro | Opposite flower color | 77,100,108 | #4D646C | 縹 | Hanada | Light blue silk | 4,79,103 | #044F67 |
熨斗目花色 | Noshimehana-iro | Iron head flower color | 52,77,86 | #344D56 | 御召御納戸 | Omeshi'onando | Kimono storage | 61,76,81 | #3D4C51 |
空色 | Sora-iro | Sky Blue color | 77,143,172 | #4D8FAC | 黒橡 | Kurotsurubami | Black chestnut oak | 37,35,33 | #252321 |
群青色 | Gunjō-iro | Ultramarine color | 93,140,174 | #5D8CAE | 紺 | Kon | Dark blue | 25,34,54 | #192236 |
褐色 | Kachi-iro | Coarse wool color | 24,27,38 | #181B26 | 瑠璃色 | Ruri-iro | Lapis lazuli color | 31,71,136 | #1F4788 |
紺青色 | Konjō-iro | Prussian blue color | 0,49,113 | #003171 | 瑠璃紺 | Rurikon | Dark blue lapis lazuli | 27,41,75 | #1B294B |
紅碧 | Benimidori | Stained red | 120,119,155 | #78779B | 紺桔梗 | Konkikyō | Navy blue bellflower | 25,31,69 | #191F45 |
藤鼠 | Fujinezumi | Mousy wisteria | 118,105,128 | #766980 | 紅掛花色 | Benikakehana-iro | Safflower color | 90,79,116 | #5A4F74 |
藤色 | Fuji-iro | Wisteria color | 137,114,158 | #89729E | 二藍 | Futa'ai | Dark indigo | 97,78,110 | #614E6E |
Violet series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
藤紫 | Fujimurasaki | Wisteria purple | 135,95,154 | #875F9A | 桔梗色 | Kikyō-iro | Bellflower color | 93,63,106 | #5D3F6A |
紫苑色 | Shi'on-iro | Tatarian aster color | 151,110,154 | #976E9A | 滅紫 | Messhi | Disappearing purple | 63,49,58 | #3F313A |
紫紺 | Shikon | Blue-violet | 43,32,40 | #2B2028 | 深紫 | Kokimurasaki | Deep purple | 58,36,59 | #3A243B |
薄色 | Usu-iro | Thin color | 168,124,160 | #A87CA0 | 半色 | Hashita-iro | Half color | 141,96,140 | #8D608C |
菫色 | Sumire-iro | Violet color | 91,50,86 | #5B3256 | 紫 | Murasaki | Purple | 79,40,75 | #4F284B |
黒紅 | Kurobeni | Dark red | 35,25,30 | #23191E | 菖蒲色 | Ayame-iro | Iris color | 118,53,104 | #763568 |
紅藤 | Benifuji | Red wisteria | 187,119,150 | #BB7796 | 杜若 | Kakitsubata | Rabbit-ear iris | 73,30,60 | #491E3C |
鳩羽鼠 | Hatobanezumi | Dove feather grey | 117,93,91 | #755D5B | 葡萄鼠 | Budōnezumi | Grape mouse | 99,66,75 | #63424B |
蒲萄 | Ebizome | Vine grape | 109,43,80 | #6D2B50 | 藤煤竹 | Fujisusutake | Wisteria and burnt-bamboo | 77,59,60 | #4D3B3C |
牡丹 | Bōtan | Tree peony | 164,52,93 | #A4345D | 梅紫 | Umemurasaki | Plum purple | 143,65,85 | #8F4155 |
似せ紫 | Nisemurasaki | Fake purple | 67,36,42 | #43242A | 紫鳶 | Murasakitobi | Purple kite | 81,44,49 | #512C31 |
蘇芳 | Su'ō | Sappanwood | 126,38,57 | #7E2639 | 桑染 | Kuwazome | Mulberry dye | 89,41,44 | #59292C |
紅消鼠 | Benikeshinezumi | Vanishing red mouse | 68,49,46 | #44312E |
Achromatic series
Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet | Name | Romanized | English | RGB | Hex triplet |
白練 | Shironeri | Unbleached silk | 255,221,202 | #FFDDCA | 白鼠 | Shironezumi | White mouse | 185,161,147 | #B9A193 |
銀鼠 | Ginnezumi | Silver-grey | 151,134,124 | #97867C | 素鼠 | Sunezumi | Plain mouse | 110,95,87 | #6E5F57 |
丼鼠 | Dobunezumi | Brown rat grey | 75,60,57 | #4B3C39 | 藍墨茶 | Aisumicha | Indigo ink brown | 57,52,50 | #393432 |
檳榔子染 | Binrōjizome | Betel nut-dyed | 53,41,37 | #352925 | 墨色 | Sumi-iro | Ink color | 39,34,31 | #27221F |
黒色 | Kokushoku | Black | 23,20,18 | #171412 | 藍白 | Aijiro | Indigo white | 235, 246, 247 | #EBF6F7 |
- "Since magenta, an imported artificial color, also resembled Kara-kurenai (here also Kara means Korea; kurenai means red), people started to call the deep red formerly known as kara-ai by the new designation Kara-kurenai (here, however, "Kara" means China)."[1]: 37
- Yumioka, Katsumi (2006). 着と日本の色・夏篇・夏着物で綴る日本の文様と伝統色 [Summer Kimonos and the Colors of Japan・Kimono Collection of Katsumi Yumioka] (in Japanese and English). Tokyo: PIE Books. ISBN 978-4894445314.
- Hibi & Fukuda 2000, p. 44.After the kabuki actor Iwai Hanshiro IV.
- Marra, Michael (October 15, 2010). Essays on Japan: Between Aesthetics and Literature. BRILL. ISBN 978-90-04-19594-3.
- Hibi, Sadao; Fukuda, Kunio (2000). The Colors of Japan. Kodansha International. ISBN 978-4-7700-2536-4.
- Nagasaki, Seiki (2001). Nihon no dentoshoku: Sono shikimei to shikicho (in Japanese). Seigensha. ISBN 4-916094-53-0.
- Nihon Shikisai Gakkai (1985). Shinpen shikisai kagaku handobukku (in Japanese). Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai. ISBN 4-13-061000-7.
External links
- Japanese traditional color Names (in Japanese)
- Japanese traditional colors (archived)
- The traditional colors of Nippon (Japan)