Travelogues of Palestine

Travelogues of Palestine are the written descriptions of the region of Palestine by travellers, particularly prior to the 20th century. The works are important sources in the study of the history of Palestine and of Israel. Surveys of the geographical literature on Palestine were published by Edward Robinson in 1841,[1] Titus Tobler in 1867[2] and subsequently by Reinhold Röhricht in 1890.[3] Röhricht catalogued 177 works between 333 – 1300 CE, 19 works in the 14th century, 279 works in the 15th century, 333 works in the 16th century, 390 works in the 17th century, 318 works in the 18th century and 1,915 works in the 19th century.[4]

Biblical Researches in Palestine
Two notable examples of Travelogues of Palestine, almost 1,500 years apart.

In total, there are more than 3,000 books and other materials detailing accounts of the journeys of primarily European and North American travelers to Ottoman Palestine.[5] The number of published travelogues proliferated during the 19th century, and these travelers' impressions of 19th-century Palestine have been often quoted in the history and historiography of the region, although their accuracy and impartiality has been called into question in modern times.[6][5]

List of travelogues

Chronological list by years of travel, also indicating first publication, and/or edition available online.

Until the 18th century

DateAuthorTitle (with link)LanguageEditions
333AnonymousItinerarium BurdigalenseLatin
414–449Eucherius of LyonLetter to FaustusLatin
c. 500AnonymousBreviary of JerusalemLatin
518–530TheodosiusDe Situ Terrae SanctaeLatin
c. 530HieroclesSynecdemusGreek
570sAnonymous pilgrim of PiacenzaLatin
698Arculf (with Adomnán)De locis sanctisLatin
778Willibald (with Hygeburg)HodoeporiconLatinVita Willibaldi episcopi Eichstetensis, Hannover, 1887[7]
800sBernard the PilgrimItinerariumLatin
985al-MaqdisiDescription of SyriaArabic
1003–1077 Nasir Khusraw Safarnama Persian Nāṣer-e Khosraw's book of travels (Safarnāma), 1986. ISBN 0887060676
1108Daniel the TravellerPuteshestive igumena DaniilaRussian
1138Rorgo FretellusDescriptio de locis sanctisLatin
1147John PhokasEkphrasisGreek
1157Níkulás BergssonLeiðarvísir og borgarskipanIcelandic
1160sJohn of WürzburgDescription of the Holy LandLatin
1172TheoderichLibellus de locis sanctisLatin
1173Benjamin of TudelaTravels or ItineraryHebrew
1187?ErnoulChronicle of Ernoul and Bernard the TreasurerErnoul, Bernard le Trésorier; Mas Latrie, Louis (1871). Chronique d'Ernoul et de Bernard le Trésorier / publiée, pour la première ... (in French). Mme Ve J. Renouard.Library of the Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. Vol. 6. Translated by Conder. Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. 1896.
1192Historia de profectione Danorum in HierosolymamLatin
1170s–1180sPetachiah of RegensburgTravels of Rabbi Petachia of RatisbonHebrew
1210Menachem ben Peretz of HebronHebrew
1211–1212Wilbrand of OldenburgItinerarium terrae sanctaeLatinPringle, Denys (2011). Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291. Ashgate Pub. ISBN 978-1-4094-3607-2. OCLC 785151012.

Laurent, J.C.M. (1859). Wilbrands von Oldenburg Reise nach Palaestina und Kleinasien: lateinisch und deutsch mit erklärenden Anmerkungen und einer Biographie des Verfassers. Harvard College Library preservation microfilm program (in German). T.G. Meissner.

1217–18ThietmarIter ad sanctam terramLatinLaurent, J.C.M. (1857). Mag. Thietmari Peregrinatio. Jahresbericht Johanneum Hamburg. Nolte & Köhler.

Tobler, T. (1851). Iter ad sanctam terram anno 1217. Huber.

1249Máel Muire Ó Lachtáinaccount lost
1274–1284Burchard of Mount SionDescriptio Terrae SanctaeLatinLaurent, J. C. M., ed. (1864). Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quatuor (in Latin). Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs.

Laurent, J. C. M., ed. (1873). Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quatuor (in Latin) (2 ed.). Leipzig.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)

The library of the Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. 12. Translated by Aubrey Stewart. Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society. 1896.

Extended text:

Pringle, Denys (2011). Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291. Ashgate Pub. ISBN 978-1-4094-3607-2. OCLC 785151012.

1285–1289Philip of SavonaPringle, Denys (2011). Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291. Ashgate Pub. ISBN 978-1-4094-3607-2. OCLC 785151012.
1289Riccoldo da Monte di CroceLiber PeregrinationisLatinLaurent, J.C.M. (1864). Peregrinatores medii aevi quatuor: Burchardus de Monte Sion, Ricoldus de Monte Crucis, Odoricus ... (in Latin). J.C. Hinrichs. pp. 102ff.

Pringle, Denys (2011). Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, 1187-1291. Ashgate Pub. ISBN 978-1-4094-3607-2. OCLC 785151012.

1320sSymon SemeonisItinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram SanctamLatin
1370sAgrefenyKhozhdenie arkhimandrita Agrefen'ia obiteli preosviatye BogoroditsyRussian
1384–85Leonardo FrescobaldiViaggio di Lionardo di Niccolo Frescobaldi in Egitto e in Terra SantaItalianpublished in 1821 by Guglielmo Manzi
1420Nompar of CaumontVoyaige d'oultremer en JhérusalemFrenchfirst published 1858
1400Al-MaqriziA history of Mamluk sultans of EgyptArabicAl-Maqrizi (1840). Histoire des sultans mamlouks, de l'Égypte, écrite en arabe (in French and Latin). Vol. 1, part 1. Translator: Étienne Marc Quatremère. Paris: Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland.
1433Bertrandon de La BrocquièreTravels of Bertrandon de La Brocq́uièreFrenchBertrandon de La Brocquière, Thomas Johnes, Legrand, Translated by Thomas Johnes, (1807): The Travels of Bertrandon de La Brocq́uière, to Palestine: And His Return from Jerusalem Overland to France, During the Years 1432 & 1433. Extracted and Put Into Modern French from a Manuscript in the National Library at Paris, 336 pages
1458Accounts of the 1458 pilgrimage: Giovanni Matteo Bottigella, Latin; Gabriele Capodilista, Italian Anton Pelchinger, German; Roberto Sanseverino d'Aragona, Italian; William Wey, Latin; an anonymous Dutch accountvariousR. J. Mitchell, The Spring Voyage: The Jerusalem Pilgrimage in 1458 (London: Readers Union, 1965).
1480Santo BrascaItalian
1483Felix FabriLatinPalestine Pilgrims' Text Society, 1893–1896.[8]
1483Bernhard von BreidenbachPeregrinatio in terram sanctam (1486)Latin
1483Paul Walter von Guglingen[9]LatinSollweck, M. Fratris Pauli Waltheri Guglingensis Itinerarium in Terram Sanctam et ad Sanctam Catharinam, 1892.
1486Georges LengherandTravel description of Venice, Rome, Jerusalem, Mount Sinai and CairoFrench
1486Conrad GrünenbergDescription of a pilgrimage from Konstanz to JerusalemAlemannic German**Conrad Grünenberg, Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (1486), ed. J. Goldfriedrich, W. Fränzel (1912, new facsimile edition 2009); ed. K. Aercke (2005); ed. A. Denke (2010)
1486Girolamo da CastiglioneDescription of a pilgrimage to the Holy LandItalian
1486Anonymous pilgrim from Rennes, possibly Guy de Tourestes of SaintesDescription of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Mount SinaiFrench
1480sJoos van GhisteleTvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (1577)Dutch
1586Giovanni ZuallardoDescription of a pilgrimage to JerusalemLatinGiovanni Zuallardo (fr:Jean Zuallart), Dominique Danesi, Jac Demius, Philippe de Mérode (1595): Il devotissimo viaggio di Gierusalemme: fatto, e descritto in sei libri Published by Appresso Domenico Basa, 351 pages
1598Johannes CotovicusItinerarium Hierosolymitanum et SyriacumLatin, 1617; Dutch, 1619.
1608Kryštof HarantJourney from Bohemia to the Holy Land, by way of Venice and the SeaCzech
1615 George Sandys A Relation of a Journey Begun an Dom. 1610 English
1630sFranciscus QuaresmiusHistorica, theologica et moralis terræ sanctæ elucidatio..., 1639.LatinItalian: "Itinerario di Caldea del Rev. P. Francesco Quaresmio e di Fr. Tomaso da Milano suo compagno... l'anno 1629", ed. Marcellino da Civezza, (1895), 597-608.

Cf: OCLC 82859339.

1634 Henry Blount A Voyage Into the Levant English
1652Jean DoubdanLe voyage de la Terre-Sainte...[1657]French1657; 1661; 1666...
1670sEvliya ÇelebiSeyahatnâme ("book of travels")Ottoman Turkish
1665Thevenot, J. deRelation d’un voyage fait au LevantFrench
c. 1653–1697Laurent d'ArvieuxVoyage dans la PalestineFrenchFrench, 1717 etc; English, 1718 etc; English, 1962 (Lewis).
1703Henry MaundrellA Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem At Easter A. D. 1697English
1700sElzear HornIchnographiæ locorum et monumentorum vete-rum Terræ Sanctæ, accurate delineatæ et descriptæLatin

Ottoman period, 18th century

Ottoman period, 19th century

Ottoman period

British period

  • Livingstone, William Pringle (1923): A Galilee Doctor: Being a Sketch of the Career of Dr. D.W. Torrance of Tiberias, Published by Hodder and Stoughton, 295 pages
  • Ludwig Preiss, Paul Rohrbach (1926): Palestine and Transjordania Published by Macmillan, 230 pages

See also


  1. Biblical Researches in Palestine, volume 3, First Appendix, pages 3–28
  2. Bibliographia Geographica Palaestinae. Zunächst Kristiche Übersicht Gedruckter und Ungedruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land ("Geographical Bibliography of Palestine. The First Critical Overview of Printed and Unprinted Descriptions of Travels to the Holy Land"), 1867; note an English version of a prior version of Tobler's list was published as an appendix to William Leonard Gage's 1866 translation of Carl Ritter's Erdkunde: Ritter, C. (1866). "Tobler's resume of works on Palestine". The comparative geographie of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. T. & T. Clark. pp. 391–409.
  3. Reinhold Röhricht Bibliotheca Geographica Palaestinae: Chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf die Geographie des Heiligen Landes bezüglichen Literatur ("Geographical Bibliography of Palestine: Chronological Index of Literature relating to the Geography of the Holy Land"), Berlin: Reuther und Reichard, 1890
  4. Zur Shalev (14 October 2011). Sacred Words and Worlds: Geography, Religion, and Scholarship, 1550–1700. BRILL. p. 79. ISBN 978-90-04-20938-1.
  5. Ilan Pappe (31 July 2006). A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples. Cambridge University Press. pp. 34–35. ISBN 978-0-521-68315-9. The foreign visitors were prolific writers. More than three thousand books and travelogues on Palestine were written by Europeans throughout the nineteenth century, all painting a picture of a primitive Palestine waiting to be redeemed by Europeans... We cannot quantify misery or joy, but Palestinian biographies from a short time later, and subsequent anthropological research, tell us that this picture represents the distorted view of European colonists.
  6. Johann Büssow (11 August 2011). Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872–1908. BRILL. pp. 30–. ISBN 978-90-04-20569-7.
  7. Ritter, Carl (1866). "Appendix III. Tobler's Resumé of Works on Palestine". The comparative geographie of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. T. & T. Clark. p. 391-409.
  8. Fabri, Felix (1896). Felix Fabri (circa 1480–1483 A.D.) vol I, part I.
    Fabri, Felix (1896). Felix Fabri (circa 1480–1483 A.D.) vol I, part II.
    Fabri, Felix (1893). Felix Fabri (circa 1480–1483 A.D.) vol II, part I.
    Fabri, Felix (1893). Felix Fabri (circa 1480–1483 A.D.) vol II, part II., with p. 677: Index
  9. Ritsema van Eck, Marianne P. (2017-07-03). "Encounters with the Levant: the late medieval illustrated Jerusalem Travelogue by Paul Walter von Guglingen". Mediterranean Historical Review. 32 (2): 153–188. doi:10.1080/09518967.2017.1396769. hdl:1887/69486. ISSN 0951-8967. S2CID 220378469.


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