Turóc County

Turóc (Hungarian, historically also spelled Túrócz), Slovak: Turiec, Latin: Thurotzium/comitatus Thurociensis, German: Turz) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is now in north-western Slovakia, where the corresponding Slovak name Turiec is only an informal designation of the corresponding territory.

Turóc County
Comitatus Thurociensis (Latin)
Túróc vármegye (Hungarian)
Komitat Turz (German)
Turčianska župa (Slovak)
County of the Kingdom of Hungary
14th century–1920
Coat of arms of Turóc
Coat of arms

  Coordinates49°4′N 18°55′E
1,123 km2 (434 sq mi)
14th century
 Treaty of Trianon
June 4 1920
Today part ofSlovakia
Martin is the current name of the capital


Map of Túróc county in the Kingdom of Hungary (1891)
Map of Túróc, 1891.

Turóc county shared borders with the counties of Nyitra, Trencsén, Árva, Liptó, Zólyom and Bars, situated between the Lesser Fatra (Kis-Fátra) and Greater Fatra (Nagy-Fátra) Mountains. The river Turóc flowed through the county. Its area was 1123 km2 around 1910.


The capitals of the Turóc county were the Szklabinya Castle and Turócszentmárton (present-day Martin; Slovak name until 1950: Turčiansky Svätý Martin); from 1772 only Turócszentmárton was the capital.


Turóc county as a Hungarian comitatus arose in the 14th century. In the aftermath of World War I, the area of the now defunct Turóc county became part of newly formed Czechoslovakia, as recognized by the concerned states in 1920 by the Treaty of Trianon. The territory of the county is now part of Slovakia.


Ethnic map of the county with data of the 1910 census (see the key in the description).
Population by mother tongue[lower-alpha 1]
CensusTotalSlovakGermanHungarianOther or unknown
1880[1] 45,93333,951 (76.58%)8,988 (20.27%)1,066 (2.40%)330 (0.74%)
1890[2] 49,97937,954 (75.94%)10,180 (20.37%)1,358 (2.72%)487 (0.97%)
1900[3] 51,95638,233 (73.59%)11,039 (21.25%)2,185 (4.21%)499 (0.96%)
1910[4] 55,70338,432 (68.99%)10,993 (19.74%)5,560 (9.98%)718 (1.29%)
Population by religion[lower-alpha 2]
CensusTotalLutheranRoman CatholicJewishOther or unknown
1880 45,93325,279 (55.03%)18,413 (40.09%)2,188 (4.76%)53 (0.12%)
1890 49,97926,834 (53.69%)20,853 (41.72%)2,214 (4.43%)78 (0.16%)
1900 51,95627,075 (52.11%)22,677 (43.65%)2,022 (3.89%)182 (0.35%)
1910 55,70327,651 (49.64%)25,607 (45.97%)1,981 (3.56%)464 (0.83%)


In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Turóc county were:

  • Lower Turóc – its center was Turócszentmárton and the subregion roughly corresponds to the present-day District of Martin
  • Upper Turóc – its center was Stubnyafürdő and the subregion roughly corresponds to the present-day District of Turčianske Teplice
Districts (járás)
  StubnyafürdőStubnyafürdő (now Turčianske Teplice)
  TurócszentmártonTurócszentmárton (now Martin)


  • Michael Reway de Rewa, comes (fl. 1569).[5]
  • Franciscus Revay (fl. 1638).[6]
  • Andrea Czeromanka de Tarno.[7]
  • Petrus de Reva, comes (fl. 1767).[8]


  1. Only linguistic communities > 1% are displayed.
  2. Only religious communities > 1% are displayed.


  1. "Az 1881. év elején végrehajtott népszámlálás főbb eredményei megyék és községek szerint rendezve, II. kötet (1882)". library.hungaricana.hu. Retrieved September 28, 2021.
  2. "A Magyar Korona országainak helységnévtára (1892)". library.hungaricana.hu. Retrieved September 29, 2021.
  3. "A MAGYAR KORONA ORSZÁGAINAK 1900". library.hungaricana.hu. Retrieved September 29, 2021.
  4. "KlimoTheca :: Könyvtár". Kt.lib.pte.hu. Retrieved September 29, 2021.
  5. Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum minores hactenus inediti, synchroni, aut proxime coaevi: 2. Typ. regiae Univers. 1798. pp. 226–.
  6. Okolicsanyi, Paulus (1710). Historia diplomatica de statu religionis evangelicae in Hungaria. p. 23.
  7. Pál Wallaszky (1785). Conspectus reipublicae litterariae in Hungaria ab initiis regni ad nostra usque ad tempora delineatus a Paullo Wallaszky. apud Antonium Loewe, typgraphum et bibliopolam. pp. 258–.
  8. Specimen Prævium Diplomaticum Historico-Criticum De Electione Regis Ejusdem: 1. Typis Joannis Thomæ Nobilis De Trattnern. 1767. pp. 260–.
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