U.S. standard clothing size

U.S. standard clothing sizes for women were originally developed from statistical data in the 1940s and 1950s. At that time, they were similar in concept to the EN 13402 European clothing size standard, although individual manufacturers have always deviated from them, sometimes significantly.

However, as a result of various cultural pressures, most notably vanity sizing, North American clothing sizes have drifted substantially away from this standard over time, and now have very little connection to it. Instead, they now follow the more loosely defined standards known as U.S. catalog sizes.

Body measurements below are given in inches.


Men's standard sizes were probably developed first during the American Revolutionary War, and they were in regular use by the American army during the War of 1812 for ready-made uniforms.[1] These were based on the chest measurement, with other measurements being assumed to be either proportional (the circumference of the neck, waist, hips, and thighs) or easily altered (length of the inseam).[2]

As this was largely successful in men, the same approach was attempted in the early 20th century for women using the bust as the sole measurement.[3] However, this proved unsuccessful because women's bodies have far more variety in shape. The hourglass figure is frequently used as an industry standard, but only 8% of women have this body shape.[4] A woman with an hourglass figure and a woman with an apple-shaped figure who have the same bust size will not have the same waist or hip sizes.

This was a significant problem for mail-order companies, and several attempts at predictable, standard sizing were made.[5] In the 1940s, the statisticians Ruth O'Brien and William Shelton received a Works Progress Administration grant to conduct the most ambitious effort to solve this problem. Their team measured almost 15,000 women across the US. After discovering the complex diversity of women's actual sizes, which produced five to seven body shapes, they proposed a three-part sizing system. Each size would be the combination of a single number, representing an upper body measurement, plus an indicator for height (short, regular, and long) and an indication for girth (slim, regular, and stout). The various combinations of height and girth resulted in nine sizes for each numerical upper-body measurement, which was highly impractical for manufacturing.[6]

As a result, O'Brien and Shelton's work was rejected. In 1958, the National Bureau of Standards invented a new sizing system, based on the hourglass figure and using only the bust size to create an arbitrary standard of sizes ranging from 8 to 38, with an indication for height (short, regular, and tall) and lower-body girth (plus or minus). The resulting commercial standard was not widely popular, and was declared voluntary in 1970 and withdrawn entirely in 1983. In 1995, ASTM International published its own voluntary standard, which has been revised since then.[7] It has not been widely adopted.

Women's sizes

Women's sizes are divided into various types, depending on height. These charts give an indication of size only and are by no means exact as they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, sometimes by a full inch up and down.


There are multiple size types, designed to fit somewhat different body shapes. Variations include the height of the person's torso (known as back length), whether the bust, waist, and hips are straighter (characteristic of teenagers) or curvier (like many adult women), and whether the bust is higher or lower (characteristic of younger and older women, respectively). These categories include:

Misses sizes
The most common size category. For women of about average height (5 ft 4 in) with an average bust height and an hourglass figure. Dress sizes may be given as girth at the bust in inches (e.g., 36), but even-numbered sizes from 2 to 16 are more common. Categorical sizes range from XS (extra-small) to XL (extra-large).
Junior sizes
For short women with higher busts and fairly straight bodies. Junior sizes are commonly given as odd-numbered sizes from 1 to 15, which correspond to the next number up in misses' sizes.
Women's sizes or plus sizes
For larger women of average height, sometimes with lower bust lines. Like misses' sizes, the sizes may be given as a dress size based on the bust measurement, but they are usually given as even-numbered sizes from 18 up. Categorical sizes usually range from 1X (similar to extra-large, but with slightly different proportions compared to the misses' size) up.
Misses petite
Made For short women (Usually under 5 ft 4 in) with average busts and the same shaping characteristics as Regular Misses. Sizes follow the misses' standard and are marked with a P, as in 10P.
Junior petite
For very short women with average busts and fairly straight bodies. Size may be denoted as "5JP" or as "5P".
Women's petite
For larger, shorter women, sometimes with lower bust lines. Sizes are marked the same as women's with a P, as in 20P.
Young junior
For short women with high busts and fairly straight bodies.
Tall sizes
For taller women (usually 5 ft 8 in or above), usually with a proportionately average bust height and an hourglass figure. Sizes are usually written with the corresponding misses' size and a T to indicate tall, as in "10T".
Half sizes
For short women with lower busts and more hourglass body shapes. Sizes are written with a 12, as in "10+12".


Please compare to your favorite fit charts. These measurements conflict with many other size charts. These charts are significantly smaller than many current US clothing companies.

Pattern sizes - DuBarry / Woolworth (1931–1955)[8]
5 ft 3 in–5 ft 6 in tall, average: bust (3 in < hips), waist (9 in < hips)
Dimension/size 10111213141516182022
Bust 28293031323334363840
Waist 2323.52425262728303234
Hip 31323334353637394143
Misses' sizes (PS 42-70)[9] (1971)
5'2+12"–5'6+12" tall, average bust, average back
Dimension/size 6810121416182022
Bust 31+1232+1233+123536+1238404244
Waist 22+1223+1224+122627+1229313335
Hip 33+1234+1235+123738+1240424446
Back-waist length 14+121515+1415+1215+341616+1416+1216+34
Misses' sizes (ASTM D5585 95 (R2001)) (1995, revised 2001)
5'3+12" - 5 ft 8 in tall
Dimension/size 2468101214161820
Bust 323334353637+123940+1242+1244+12
Waist 242526272829+123132+1234+1236+12
Hip 34+1235+1236+1237+1238+124041+12434547
Misses' sizes (ASTM D5585 11e1)[10] (2011)
5'5+12" tall
Dimension/size 0002468101214161820
Bust 31+1831+343334+1835+1436+1437+1438+3440+3842+184446
Waist (Straight) 25+3826+1826+7827+5828+1229+1230+1232+14343638+1440+12
Waist (Curvy) 23+7824+5825+3826+1827282930+3432+1234+1236+3439
Hip (Straight) 33+1433+7835+1836+3837+1238+1239+124142+1244+144648
Hip (Curvy) 3434+5835+7837+1838+1439+1440+1441+3443+144546+3448+34
Misses' sizes
5 ft 5 in–5 ft 9 in (165–175 cm) tall, average bust, average back
Dimension/size 46810121416
Bust 32-343435+1236+123839+1241
Waist 22-24+1225+1227+12293031+1233
Hip 33-35+1236+1238394142+1244
Back-waist length 14+1214+3415+341616+1416+1216+34


Miss petite sizes
5 ft 1 in–5 ft 3 in (157.5–160 cm) tall, average bust, shorter back
Dimension/size 4mp6mp8mp10mp12mp14mp16mp
Bust 32-3434353637+123940+12
Waist 21-23+1224+1226+1227+122930+1232
Hip 34-35+1236+1238+1239+124142+1244
Back-waist length 1414+1214+341515+1415+1215+34

Junior sizes
5 ft 4 in–5 ft 5 in (162.5–165 cm) tall, higher bust, shorter back
Dimension/size 35791113151719
Bust 303132333435363738
Waist 222324252627282930
Hips 323334353637383940
Back-waist length 13.751414.2514.514.751515.2515.515.75

Junior petite sizes
5 ft 1 in (155 cm) tall, average bust, shorter back
Dimension/size 3jp5jp7jp9jp11jp13jp
Bust 30.53132333435
Waist 22.52324252627
Hip 31.53233343536
Back-waist length 1414.2514.514.751515.25

Young junior sizes
5 ft 1 in–5 ft 3 in (155–160 cm) tall, higher bust, shorter back
Dimension/size 5/67/89/1011/1213/1415/16
Bust 282930.53233.535
Waist 222324252627
Hip 313233.53536.538
Back-waist length 13.51414.51515.516

Women's sizes
5 ft 5 in–5 ft 6 in (165–168 cm) tall, average bust, average back
Dimension/size 343638404244464850
Bust 384042444648505254
Waist 30323435.537.539.541.543.545.5
Hip 394143464850525456
Back-waist length 17+1417+3817+1217+5817+3417+7818

5 ft 2 in–5 ft 3 in (157.5–160 cm) tall, lower bust, shorter back
Dimension/size 10+1212+1214+1216+1218+1220+1222+1224+12
Bust 3335373941434547
Waist 272931333537+124042+12
Hip 353739414345+124850+12
Back-waist length 1515+1415+1215+3415+781616+1816+14

Girls' sizes

Girls' sizes
Chest 25.52628303234
Waist 22.52324252627
Hip 26.52729313335
Height 525457606467

Boys' sizes

Boys' sizes
Chest 262728303233+123540
Waist 2324252627282930
Hip 272829+123132+123435+1237
Neckband 11+341212+121313+121414+1215
Height 4850545861646668

Children's sizes

Children's sizes
Chest 18.52020.521.52223
Waist 1718.5192020.52121.5
Hip 19202122232424+12
Height 31343740434648
Back-waist length 8+148+1299+121010+1210+34
Finished dress length 17181920222425

Baby sizes

Infant sizes
Dimension/sizeNB0-3 mo3-6 mo6-9 mo9-12 mo18 mo24 mo
Weight 5–8 lb8–12+12 lb12+1216+12 lb16+12-20+1220+1224+12 lb24+1227+12 lb27+12–30 lb
Height less than 21+12 in21+12–24 in24–26+12 in26+1228+12 in28+1230+12 in30+1232+12 in32+12–34 in.

Toddlers' sizes
Chest 18.51919.52020.5
Waist 1717.51819.520
Height 2831343740
Finished dress length 1415161718

Conversion from catalog sizes

Companies who publish catalogs may provide the measurements for their sizes, which may vary even among different styles of the same type of garment. The sizes seen in catalogs generally have roughly the following measurements:

Catalog misses' sizes: 5 ft 5 in-5 ft 6 in (165–168 cm) tall, average bust, average back
Closest standard size 10121416182022
Est. height 5 ft 4 in (162.5 cm)5 ft 4 in (162.5 cm)5 ft 4.5 in (164 cm)5 ft 5 in (165 cm)5 ft 4 in (162.5 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)5 ft 6 in (168 cm)5 ft 6 in (168 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)
Est. weight lb (kg) 115 (52)125 (57)135 (61)145 (66)155 (70)165 (75)175 (79)180 (81.5)195 (88.5)
Bust 3435363738.54041.54344.5
Waist 2526272829.53132.53435.5
Hip 35.536.537.538.54041.54344.546

Catalog women's petite (half-sizes): 5 ft 12 in-5 ft 4 in (153-162.5 cm) tall, lower bust, shorter back
Closest standard size 12+1214+1216+1218+1220+1222+1224+1226+1228+12
Est. height 5 ft 12 in (153 cm)5 ft 1 in (155 cm)5 ft 1.5 in (156 cm)5 ft 2 in (157.5 cm)5 ft 2.5 in (159 cm)5 ft 3 in (160 cm)5 ft 3 in (160 cm)5 ft 3.5 in (161 cm)5 ft 4 in (162.5 cm)
Est. weight lb (kg) 125 (57)140 (63.5)155 (70)170 (77)180 (81.5)190 (86)215 (97.5)225 (102)235 (106.5)
Bust 3638404243.545.547.549.551.5
Waist 283032343537394143
Hip 3840424445.547.549.55253.5

Catalog women's sizes: 5 ft 5 in-5 ft 6.5 in (165–169 cm) tall, average bust, average back
Closest standard size 24681012141618
Est. height 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)5 ft 5.5 in (166 cm)5 ft 6 in (168 cm)5 ft 6 in (168 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)5 ft 6.5 in (169 cm)
Est. weight lb (kg) 145 (66)160 (72.5)175 (79)190 (86)205 (93)220 (100)235 (106.5)250 (113)265 (120)
Bust 384042444648505254
Waist 30323435.537.539.541.543.545.5
Hip 394143464850525456

With the average American woman's height (20 years and older) at about 5 ft 4 in (162.1 cm) (Department of Health 2012), both standard and catalog size ranges attempt to address a variety of weights or builds as well as providing for the "shorter-than-average" height woman with "petite" and "half-sizes". However "taller-than-average" women may find their size-height addressed by manufacturers less frequently, and may often find themselves facing issues of slightly too short pant legs and sleeve cuffs, as well as waist lengths.


Current and former national standards:

  • ASTM D5585-95, 2001, Standard Table of Body Measurements for Adult Female[12]
  • ASTM D6829-02, 2008, Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Juniors
  • ASTM D5585-11, 2011, Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Figure Type, Size Range 00–20
  • ASTM D6240-98, 2006, ASTM D6240-98 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Men Sizes Thirty-Four to Sixty (34 to 60)
  • ASTM D6458-99, 2006, Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Boys, Sizes 8 to 14 Slim and 8 to 20 Regular
  • ASTM D6960-04, 2004, Standard Table of Body Measurements Relating to Women's Plus Size Figure Type, Sizes 14W-32W
  • CS-151-50 - Infants', Babies', Toddlers' and Children's clothing
  • CS-215-58, 1958 - Body measurements for the sizing of Women's patterns and apparel
  • PS 42-70, 1971 - Women's Clothing[9]
  • PS 36-70 - Boys' Clothing
  • PS 45-71 - Young Men's clothing
  • PS 54-72 - Girls' Clothing

See also


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