Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov (Russian: Вячеслав Васильевич Тихонов; 8 February 1928 – 4 December 2009) was a Soviet and Russian actor whose best known role was as Soviet spy Stierlitz in the television series Seventeen Moments of Spring. He was a recipient of numerous state awards, including the titles of People's Artist of the USSR (1974) and Hero of Socialist Labour (1982).[1]

Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Вячеслав Тихонов
Tikhonov in 1998
Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov

(1928-02-08)8 February 1928
Died4 December 2009(2009-12-04) (aged 81)
Resting placeNovodevichy Cemetery, Moscow
Years active1948–2009
  • Nonna Mordyukova
    (m. 1948; div. 1963)
  • Tamara Tikhonova
    (m. 1968)
Vyacheslav Tikhonov (front row, seated between Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova) appears on a Soviet New Year TV show in 1963.
Vyacheslav Tikhonov's grave


Tikhonov was born in Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. His mother was a kindergarten teacher and his father an engineer in the local textile factory.[2] Vyacheslav dreamed of acting but his parents envisioned a different career, and during the war he worked in a munitions factory.[2] After employment as a metal worker, he began [training for an] acting career in 1945 by entering, not without difficulty, the Actors’ Faculty of VGIK. After graduating VGIK with honours in 1950, he began his acting career on stage of Theatre Studio of Film Actor, where he worked for six years.

In 1948, he married Nonna Mordyukova, a popular actress at the time. The couple had one son, Vladimir,[3] also an actor, who died in 1990. The marriage was dissolved in 1963.[4] Later, Tikhonov married a second time to Tamara Ivanovna Tikhonova and had one child with her, Anna Tikhonova,[5] also an actor, in 1969.[6]

He died on 4 December 2009 in Moscow, Russia. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressed his condolences to Tikhonov's family.


Tikhonov made his film debut in 1948. For the next few years, he appeared in relatively low-profile films and at the Film Actors' Studio Theatre in Smolensk.[2]

Tikhonov became more well known with the release of the rural family drama It Happened in Penkovo (1958), which was followed by several wartime dramas: May Stars (1959), set in Prague, and On the Seven Winds (1962), on the Western front.[2] In Yevgeny Tashkov's Thirst (1959), based on real events, Tikhonov, in the first of his spy roles, portrays a scout in an operation to free an Odessa water plant from the Nazis.[2]

In Two Lives (1961) Tikhonov plays the less fortunate of two men who unwittingly meet in France, 40-odd years after fighting on opposite sides of the 1917 Revolution.[2] Rostotsky's We'll Live Till Monday (1968), in which a history teacher plans to defend a student at a disciplinary meeting, earned Tikhonov a state prize.[2] In 1979 Rostotsky made a documentary about his friend, called Profession: Film Actor."[2]

Tikhonov also played Prince Andrei Bolkonski in the Oscar-winning adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace (1968) by Sergei Bondarchuk (who played Bezukhov). But Tikhonov reportedly got the role only at the suggestion of the Minister of Culture when Innokenty Smoktunovsky opted for Kozintsev's Hamlet and Oleg Strizhenov was also unavailable.[2]

In 1973, Tikhonov starred in the role for which he is most known for in the former Soviet republics, when director Tatiana Lioznova chose him over Smoktunovsky to star in an adaptation of Yulian Semyonov's novel Seventeen Moments of Spring[2] as Standartenführer Stierlitz. The 17 moments are 17 days in the spring of 1945 just before the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II and centers around attempts by some of the Soviet Union's men in Germany to thwart secret peace talks between the Nazis and the U.S. and Britain. The film enjoyed enormous popularity among Russian viewers of several generations. Prior to that, however, it had faced the risk of remaining unknown: Mikhail Suslov had opposed the film to go on general release. He had claimed that the film was not showing the feat of the Soviet people in the war. Fortunately, the decision to release the would-be classic film was supported by KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov.[2] Although several of Semyonov's Stierlitz novels were adapted for the screen, Tikhonov did not return, perhaps feeling that the original series was definitive.[2] The role won him the title People's Artist of the USSR, one of a number of awards.[2]

In 1976, Tikhonov rejoined Bondarchuk in an adaptation of Mikhail Sholokhov's They Fought for Their Country.[2] It suited Tikhonov by concentrating on character rather than histrionics and won him another state prize in the year that he finally joined the Communist Party.[2] 1977 saw a change of pace with Rostotsky's Oscar-nominated White Bim the Black Ear, in which Tikhonov played a middle-aged writer who is "adopted" by a non-pedigree setter puppy.[2]

Though he was often typecast as militiamen or spies, there were good roles among them, such as the KGB general in the cold-war thriller TaSS is authorised to announce (1984), another television series based on a Semyonov novel.[2] In later years he was able to display a wider range, including the bishop in Besy, a film version of Dostoyevsky's The Devils (1992) and Charlemagne, in the Ubit Drakona, (To Kill a Dragon, 1998) after Evgeny Shvarts's wartime satire.[2] Shvarts was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen, and Tikhonov appeared in Eldar Ryazanov's fantasy-biography of the Danish fabulist, Andersen: Life Without Love (2006), playing God.[2] On 8 February 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, third degree, to Tikhonov.[7]

Tikhonov appeared in Nikita Mikhalkov's Oscar-winning Burnt By the Sun (1994) and also appeared in the 2010 sequel, which finished shooting before his death.



Year Title Russian Title Role Notes
1948The Young GuardМолодая гвардияVolodya OsmukhinDirected by Sergei Gerasimov
Won the Stalin Prize in 1949
1951In Peaceful TimeВ мирные дниsailor Volodya Grinevsky, torpedoman
1951Taras ShevchenkoТарас ШевченкоRepresentative of the St Petersburg youth
1952MaximkaМаксимкаLieutenant Goreilov
1954This Should Never Be ForgottenОб этом забывать нельзяstudent Rostaslav Danchenko
1955Stars On the Wings of an AirplaneЗвёзды на крыльяхpilot Olexa Lavrinets
1956The Heart is Beating AgainСердце бьётся вновьLeonid V. Golubev
1958It Happened in PenkovoДело было в ПеньковеMatvey Morozov
1958E.A. — Extraordinary AccidentЧП. Чрезвычайное происшествиеa sailor Viktor Raisky
1959May StarsМайские звёздыlieutenant Andrew Rukavichkin
1959ThirstЖаждаlieutenant Oleg Bezborodko
1960Midshipman PaninМичман ПанинMidshipman Basil Panin
1961Two LivesДве жизниDuke Sergei Nashchekin
1962Seven WindsНа семи ветрахCaptain Vyacheslav Suzdalev
1963Optimistic TragedyОптимистическая трагедияAlexei, anarchist-sailor
1965A Hero of Our TimeГерой нашего времениGrigory Alexandrovich PechorinVoice
1965–1967War and PeaceВойна и мирAndrei Nikolayevich Bolkonskypart 1–5
1968We'll Live Till MondayДоживём до понедельникаIlya Semyonovich Melnikov – History Teacher
1969Family HappinessСемейное счастьеNikolai Andreyevich Kapitonov, notary
1970The RoundaboutКарусельmaster of the house
1970One of usОдин из насspy KellerVoice
1971Hold on to the cloudsДержись за облакаVladimir SevastiyanovVoice
1972The Man from the Other SideЧеловек с другой стороныVictor Krimov
1971Yegor Bulychov and OthersЕгор Булычов и другиеparson Pavlin
1974Pyotr Martynovich and the Years of Great Life'Пётр Мартынович и годы большой жизниcameo
1975Front Without FlanksФронт без фланговMajor Ivan Petrovich Mlinsky
1975They Fought for Their CountryОни сражались за РодинуNikolay Strel'tsov
1975Story of a Human HeartПовесть о человеческом сердце(author's text)
1976...And Other Officials... И другие официальные лицаKostantin Pavlovich Ivanov
1977White Bim Black EarБелый Бим Черное ухоIvan Ivanovich (Master)
1977Front Beyond the Front LineФронт за линией фронтаColonel Ivan Petrovich Mlinsky
1977DialogueДиалогAlexander Yershov
1977Drove through the streets of bureauПо улицам комод водилиmaster of bureau
1979Ballad of Tree and RosePísen o stromu a ruziVladimir Kuznetsov
1981Unpaid VacationОтпуск за свой счётNarration
1982The Rear FrontФронт в тылу врагаColonel Ivan Petrovich Mlinsky
1984European StoryЕвропейская историяPeter Losser, political commentator
1986Approaching the АutureПриближение к будущемуLunin
1987The AppealАпелляцияDmitry V. Plotnikov
1987Soul ImpatienceНетерпение душиPanteleymon Lepeshinskiy
1988To Kill a DragonУбить драконаCharlemagne
1989Love and PrivilegesЛюбовь с привилегиямиKonstantin Gavrilovic Kozhemjakin
1991MoscowNotti di pauraPyotr
1991The Ghosts of the Green RoomПризраки зелёной комнатыMartin Chiverel
1992The PossessedБесыTikhon, Bishop retired
1993Provincial BenefitПровинциальный бенефисIvan Semenovich Velikatov
1993The Codex of DisgraceКодекс бесчестияaccountant Chugunov
1994Burnt by the SunУтомлённые солнцемVsevolod Konstantinovich
1994A Boulevard RomanceБульварный романStanislav Vasil'evich Kandinski
1995An AdventureАвантюраcameo appearance
1995The Codex of Silence 2: Trace of black fishКодекс молчания 2: След чёрной рыбыpolice colonel AgaevVoice
1996Sweet Friend of Years Forgotten Long Ago...Милый друг давно забытых лет...Fedor Fedorovich
1998Composition for Victory DayСочинение ко Дню ПобедыLev Morgulis
2001Berlin Express TrainБерлинский экспрессGeorgy Astakhov
2006Eyes of the WolfГлазами волкаold scientist
2006Andersen. A Life without LoveАндерсен. Жизнь без любвиGod(final film role)


Year Title Russian Title Role Notes
1973Seventeen Moments of SpringСемнадцать мгновений весныMax Otto von Stierlitz12 episodes
1984TASS Is Authorized to Declare...ТАСС уполномочен заявить...KGB General Konstantinov10 episodes
1998Waiting RoomЗал ожиданияMikhail Zaitsev, director of the orphanage


  • The name of Vyacheslav Tikhonov is given to the marine vessel of geophysical exploration of the shipping company Sovcomflot (launched in August 2011, the flag was raised on 16 September 2011).[8]
  • In May 2013, a monument by sculptor Alexey Blagovestnov was installed on the actor's grave. The monument reflects the versatility of Tikhonov's talent. The bronze figure is located in front of the relief on the gospel story Adoration of the Magi, which depicts many biblical characters.[9]
  • A Commemorative plaque is installed on the building of Lyceum No. 2 in Pavlovsky Posad (the former school No. 1, where the actor studied), now bearing his name.
  • Since 2017, the Vyacheslav Tikhonov International Film Festival, called "17 Moments", has been held. The initiator of the festival was the actor's daughter Anna.[10]
  • On 25 August 2018, the V. Tikhonov House-museum was opened in Pavlovsky Posad in the house where the actor was born and grew up.[11]
  • 2019 — Volodarsky Street in Pavlovsky Posad was renamed Tikhonov Street.[12]
  • On 20 May 2022, a monument to Vyacheslav Tikhonov was unveiled in Pavlovsky Posad. The monument made of bronze and granite is installed at the intersection of Herzen and Kirov streets.[13]


  1. Peter Rollberg (2009). Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Cinema. US: Rowman / Littlefield. pp. 692–693. ISBN 978-0-8108-6072-8.
  2. "Vyacheslav Tikhonov: Actor best known for playing Soviet spies in a career spanning 60 years". The Independent. London. p. 44.
  3. Vladimir Tikhonov at IMDb
  4. Riley, John (11 July 2008). "Nonna Mordyukova: Star of 'The Commissar', cause célèbre of glasnost cinema". The Independent. London. p. 44.
  5. Anna Tikhonova at IMDb
  6. Nostalgia for Love. Tatyana Andriasova. Moscow News (Russia). Culture; No. 29. 28 July 1995. LexisNexis. Retrieved 6 September 2008.
  7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 8, 2003, no. 147 Archived 4 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine" (in Russian). Presidential Administration of Russia. Retrieved 20 December 2009.
  8. "Владимир Путин дал имя судну "Вячеслав Тихонов"". www.vesti.ru (in Russian). 16 September 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2023.
  9. "На могиле Вячеслава Тихонова появился памятник с библейским сюжетом". www.ntv.ru (in Russian). 31 May 2013. Retrieved 11 January 2023.
  10. "Межджународный кинофестиваль имени Вячеслава Тихонова «Семнадцать мгновений»". kinofest17.tv (in Russian). Retrieved 11 January 2023.
  11. "Съездил на родину Вячеслава Тихонова. Там открыли Дом-Музей народного артиста". dzen.ru (in Russian). 15 October 2021.
  12. "Улицу Володарского в Павловском Посаде переименуют в честь Вячеслава Тихонова". er.pavpos.ru (in Russian). 21 March 2018.
  13. "Памятник Вячеславу Тихонову открыли в Павловском Посаде" (in Russian). 20 May 2022.
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