List of radio stations in Ohio

The following is a list of FCC-licensed radio stations in the U.S. state of Ohio, which can be sorted by their call signs, frequencies, cities of license, licensees, and programming formats.

List of radio stations

Call sign Frequency Band City of license[1][2] Licensee Format[3]
WABQ 1460AMPainesvilleRadio Advantage One, LLC.Gospel music
WAGX 101.3FMManchesterJewell Schaeffer Broadcasting Co.Classic hits
WAIF 88.3FMCincinnatiReal Stepchild Radio of CincinnatiVariety/Alternative/Eclectic
WAIS 770AMBuchtelNelsonville TV Cable, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WAJB-LP 92.5FMWellstonThe Calvary Connection Independent Holiness ChurchSouthern Gospel
WAKR 1590AMAkronRubber City Radio GroupSoft adult contemporarysports
WAKS 96.5FMAkroniHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WAKT-LP 106.1FMToledoToledo Integrated Media Education, Inc.Variety
WAKW 93.3FMCincinnatiPillar of Fire ChurchContemporary Christian
WAOL 99.5FMRipleyDreamcatcher Communications, Inc.Adult hits
WAOM 90.5FMMowrystownGod's Final Call & Warning, Inc.Christian (Radio 74 Internationale)
WAPS 91.3FMAkronBoard of Education, Akron City School DistrictAdult album alternative
WARD 91.9FMNew ParisEducational Media Foundation
WARF 1350AMAkroniHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR/VSiN)
WATH 970AMAthensJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Classic hitsTalk
WAUI 88.3FMShelbyAmerican Family AssociationChristian (AFR)
WBBG 106.1FMNilesiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WBBW 1240AMYoungstownCumulus Licensing LLCSports (ISN)
WBCJ 88.1FMSpencervilleTaylor University Broadcasting, Inc.Christian adult contemporary
WBCO 1540AMBucyrusFranklin Communications, Inc.Classic country
WBCY 89.5FMArchboldTaylor University Broadcasting, Inc.Christian adult contemporary
WBEX 1490AMChillicotheiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WBGU 88.1FMBowling GreenBowling Green State UniversityCollege radio
WBIE 91.5FMDelphosAmerican Family AssociationChristian (AFR)
WBIK 92.1FMPleasant CityAVC Communications, Inc.Classic rock
WBJV 88.9FMSteubenvilleAmerican Family AssociationChristian (AFR)
WBKS 93.9FMColumbus GroveiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WBLL 1390AMBellefontaineV-Teck CommunicationsCountry
WBNO-FM 100.9FMBryanImpact Radio, LLC.Classic rock
WBNS 1460AMColumbusRadiohio, IncorporatedSports (ESPN)
WBNS-FM 97.1FMColumbusRadiohio, IncorporatedSports (ESPN)
WBNV 93.5FMBarnesvilleAVC Communications, Inc.Classic hits
WBTC 1540AMUhrichsvilleWBTC Radio LLCClassic hits
WBUK 106.3FMOttawaBlanchard River Broadcasting CompanyClassic rock
WBVB 97.1FMCoal GroveiHM Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WBVI 96.7FMFostoriaTCB Holdings, Inc.Classic hits
WBWC 88.3FMBereaBaldwin Wallace UniversityCollegealternative
WBWH-LP 96.1FMBlufftonBluffton CollegeSmooth jazz–Variety
WBZI 1500AMXeniaTown and Country BroadcastingClassic country
WCBE 90.5FMColumbusBoard of Education, City School District, ColumbusPublic radio (NPR)
WCBV-LP 105.9FMLimaCalvary Bible ChurchChristian
WCCD 1000AMParmaNew Spirit Revival Center Ministries, Inc.Gospel music
WCCR 1260AMClevelandSt. Peter the Rock MediaCatholic
WCDK 106.3FMCadizOhio Midland Newsgroup, LLCClassic hits
WCFI-LP 96.1FMCuyahoga FallsCity of Cuyahoga FallsVariety
WCHD 99.9FMKetteringiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WCHI 1350AMChillicotheiHM Licenses, LLCSoft adult contemporary
WCHO 1250AMWashington Court HouseiHM Licenses, LLCOldies
WCHO-FM 105.5FMWashington Court HouseiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WCIT 940AMLimaWoof Boom Radio of Lima LLCClassic country
WCJO 97.7FMJacksonJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Country
WCKX 107.5FMColumbusBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban contemporary
WCKY 1530AMCincinnatiiHM Licenses, LLCSports (ESPN)
WCKY-FM 103.7FMPembervilleiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WCLI-FM 101.5FMEnonAlpha Media Licensee LLCClassic country
WCLT 1430AMNewarkWCLT RadioAdult contemporary
WCLT-FM 100.3FMNewarkWCLT RadioCountry
WCLV 90.3FMClevelandIdeastreamClassical
WCMJ 96.7FMCambridgeAVC Communications, Inc.Top 40 (CHR)
WCMO 98.5FMMariettaMarietta CollegeCollege radio
WCNW 1560AMFairfieldVernon R. Baldwin, Inc.Silent
WCOL-FM 92.3FMColumbusiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WCPN 104.9FMLorainRadio Seaway, Inc.Public radio (NPR/WKSU)
WCPZ 102.7FMSanduskyBAS BroadcastingHot adult contemporary
WCRF-FM 103.3FMClevelandThe Moody Bible Institute of ChicagoChristian (Moody)
WCRM-LP 102.1FMColumbusPri-Value FoundationVariety
WCRS-LP 92.7FMColumbusThe Neighborhood NetworkVariety
WCSB 89.3FMClevelandCleveland State UniversityCollege–freeform
WCSM 1350AMCelinaBuzzards Media, LLCCountry
WCSM-FM 96.7FMCelinaBuzzards Media, LLCHot adult contemporary
WCSU-FM 88.9FMWilberforceCentral State UniversityCollegejazz
WCUE 1150AMCuyahoga FallsFamily Stations, Inc.Christian (Family Radio)
WCVJ 90.9FMJeffersonEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WCVO 104.9FMGahannaChristian Voice of Central OhioContemporary Christian
WCVV 89.5FMBelpreBelpre Educational Broadcasting FoundationConservative Christian (BBN)
WCWA 1230AMToledoiHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR/VSiN)
WCWT-FM 101.5FMCentervilleCenterville City Board of EducationStudent radiomodern rock
WCXX-LP 105.5FMCincinnati24-7 Broadcasting, Inc.Classic rock
WCYC-LP 105.1FMLondonMadison Area Youth Center, Inc.Christian
WDAO 1210AMDaytonJohnson CommunicationsUrban AC–talk
WDBZ 1230AMCincinnatiBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban talk/urban contemporary
WDCM-LP 92.9FMDefianceDC Radio Group, Inc.Variety
WDEQ-FM 91.7FMDe GraffRiverside Local Board of EducationOldies
WDFM 98.1FMDefianceiHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WDHT 102.9FMUrbanaAlpha Media Licensee LLCRhythmic contemporary
WDIF-LP 97.5FMMarionMarion Makes Music, Inc.Blues
WDJO 1480AMCincinnatiMustang Media, Inc.Oldies
WDJQ 92.5FMAllianceD.A. Peterson, Inc.Top 40 (CHR)
WDLR 1270AMMarysvilleDelmar Communications, Inc.Classic hits
WDLW 1380AMLorainWDLW Radio, Inc.Oldies
WDNP-LP 102.3FMDoverDover – New Philadelphia Educational BroadcastingVariety
WDOH 107.1FMDelphosWoof Boom Radio of Lima LLCClassic hits
WDOK 102.1FMClevelandAudacy, Inc.Adult contemporary
WDPG 89.9FMGreenvilleDayton Public Radio, Inc.Public radioclassical (NPR)
WDPN 1310AMAllianceD.A. Peterson, Inc.Soft adult contemporary
WDPR 88.1FMDaytonDayton Public Radio, Inc.Public radioclassical (NPR)
WDPS 89.5FMDaytonDayton City SchoolsStudent radioJazz
WDTZ-LP 98.1FMDelhi TownshipDelhi Public Radio, Inc.1980s’ classic hits
WDWC 90.7FMMartins FerryLight of Life Community, Inc.Religious
WEBN 102.7FMCincinnatiiHM Licenses, LLCMainstream rock
WEDI 1130AMEatonTown and Country BroadcastingClassic country
WEEC 100.7FMSpringfieldWorld Evangelistic Enterprise CorporationChristian
WEFC-LP 92.7FMGallowayChristian Church of Evangelical Faith PentecostalEthnic/Russian
WEGE 104.9FMLimaWoof Boom Radio of Lima LLCClassic rock
WENZ 107.9FMClevelandBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Mainstream urban
WEOL 930AMElyriaElyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co.Talksports
WERE 1490AMCleveland HeightsBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Talk radio
WERT 1220AMVan WertFirst Family BroadcastingAdult standards
WFCJ 93.7FMMiamisburgMiami Valley Christian BroadcastingChristian
WFCO 90.9FMLancasterRiver Radio MinistriesContemporary Christian
WFGA 106.7FMHicksvilleSwick Broadcasting Company, Inc.Classic country
WFGF 92.1FMWapakonetaWoof Boom Radio of Lima LLCCountry ("Froggy")
WFGU-LP 88.1FMWinchesterHope Radio of WinchesterChristian (3ABN)
WFHM-FM 95.5FMClevelandSalem Media Group, LLCContemporary Christian
WFIN 1330AMFindlayBlanchard River Broadcasting CompanyTalk radio
WFOB 1430AMFostoriaTCB Holdings, Inc.Sports (ESPN)
WFOT 89.5FMLexingtonOur Lady of Guadalupe Radio, Inc. d/b/a Annunciation RadioCatholic (Annunciation Radio)
WFRO-FM 99.1FMFremontBAS BroadcastingAdult contemporary
WFTK 96.5FMLebanonRadio License Holding SRC LLCAlternative rock
WFUN 970AMAshtabulaMedia One Holdings, LLCSports (ESPN)
WFXJ-FM 107.5FMNorth KingsvilleMedia One Holdings, LLCClassic rock
WFXN-FM 102.3FMGalioniHM Licenses, LLCMainstream rock
WGAR-FM 99.5FMClevelandiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WGBE 90.9FMBryanPublic Broadcasting Foundation of NW OhioPublic radioclassical (NPR/WGTE-FM)
WGDE 91.9FMDefiancePublic Broadcasting Foundation of NW OhioPublic radioclassical (NPR/WGTE-FM)
WGFT 1330AMCampbellY-Town Radio Broadcasting, LLCUrban adult contemporary
WGGN 97.7FMCastaliaChristian Faith Broadcast, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WGJM-LP 97.9FMEnglewoodM&M Community Development Inc., Dayton, OH BranchUrban contemporary gospel
WGLE 90.7FMLimaPublic Broadcasting Foundation of NW OhioPublic radioclassical (NPR/WGTE-FM)
WGNH 94.9FMSouth WebsterSomerset Educational Broadcasting FoundationChristian
WGNZ 1110AMFairbornL&D Broadcasters, Inc.Southern gospel
WGOJ 105.5FMConneautBible Broadcasting, Inc.Christian (BBN)
WGRI 1050AMCincinnatiChristian Broadcasting SystemChristian
WGRN-LP 91.9FMColumbusCentral Ohio Green Education FundVariety
WGRR 103.5FMHamiltonRadio License Holding SRC LLCClassic hits
WGTE-FM 91.3FMToledoPublic Broadcasting Foundation of NW OhioPublic radioclassical (NPR)
WGTZ 92.9FMEatonAlpha Media Licensee LLCAdult hits
WGUC 90.9FMCincinnatiCincinnati Public RadioPublic radioclassical (NPR)
WHBC 1480AMCantonAlpha Media Licensee LLCTalksports
WHBC-FM 94.1FMCantonAlpha Media Licensee LLCHot adult contemporary
WHEI 88.9FMTiffinSoaring Eagle Promotions Inc.Freeform–College radio
WHIO 1290AMDaytonCamelot Radio Buyer, LLCTalk radio
WHIO-FM 95.7FMPleasant HillCamelot Radio Buyer, LLCTalk radio
WHIZ 1240AMZanesvilleMarquee Broadcasting Ohio, Inc.Full-service
WHIZ-FM 92.7FMSouth ZanesvilleMarquee Broadcasting Ohio, Inc.Hot adult contemporary
WHJM 88.7FMAnnaRadio Maria, Inc.Radio Maria (KJMJ)
WHK 1420AMClevelandCaron Broadcasting, Inc.Conservative talk (SRN)
WHKC 91.5FMColumbusChristian Broadcasting Services, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WHKO 99.1FMDaytonCamelot Radio Buyer, LLCCountry
WHKU 91.9FMProctorvilleEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WHKW 1220AMClevelandCaron Broadcasting, Inc.Christian (SRN)
WHKZ 1440AMWarrenRelevant Radio, Inc.Catholic
WHLK 106.5FMClevelandiHM Licenses, LLCAdult hits
WHLO 640AMAkroniHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WHOF 101.7FMNorth CantoniHM Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WHOT-FM 101.1FMYoungstownCumulus Licensing LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WHRQ 88.1FMSanduskyOur Lady of Guadalupe Radio, Inc., dba Annunciation RadioCatholic (Annunciation Radio)
WHSS 89.5FMHamiltonSpryex Communications, Inc.Classic rock
WHTD 106.3FMLondonBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban contemporary
WHTH 790AMHeathRunnymede, Inc.Talk radio
WHTX 1570AMWarrenSagittarius Communications, LLCNews/Talk
WHVT 90.5FMClydeClyde Educational Broadcasting FoundationChristian
WHVY 89.5FMCoschoctonClyde Educational Broadcasting FoundationChristian
WHWN 88.3FMPainesvilleLa Cadena Mundial Hispana, Inc.Spanish music
WILB 1060AMCantonLiving Bread RadioCatholic (EWTN)
WILB-FM 89.5FMBoardmanLiving Bread Radio, Inc.Catholic
WILE 1270AMCambridgeAVC Communications, Inc.Country
WILE-FM 97.7FMByesvilleAVC Communications, Inc.Adult standards
WIMA 1150AMLimaiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WIMT 102.1FMLimaiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WIMX 95.7FMGibsonburgGCR Licenses, LLCUrban adult contemporary
WINF-LP 98.5FMDelawareDelaware County Development CompanyEasy listening
WING 1410AMDaytonAlpha Media Licensee LLCSports (ESPN)
WINT 1330AMWilloughbySpirit Broadcasting LLCTalkethnic
WINW 1520AMCantonCap III Media, Inc.Urban contemporary gospel
WIOI 1010AMNew BostonMaillet MediaAdult standards
WIOT 104.7FMToledoiHM Licenses, LLCMainstream rock
WIRO 107.1FMIrontonEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WITO 1230AMIrontonKW Ministries, Inc.Sports (FSR)
WIXZ 950AMSteubenvilleRobert William Scharnhorst and Kim Paris ScharnhorstUrban adult contemporary
WIZE 1340AMSpringfieldiHM Licenses, LLCBlack Information Network
WJAW-FM 100.9FMMcConnelsvilleQuiet Radio Inc. d/b/a WJAW RadioCountry
WJCU 88.7FMUniversity HeightsJohn Carroll UniversityCollegealternative
WJEE 90.1FMBolivarSoaring Eagle Promotions, Inc. dba Shine FMChristian
WJEH-FM 93.1FMRacineVandalia Media Partners 2, LLCCountry
WJER 1450AMDover-New PhiladelphiaWJER, LLCSoft adult contemporary
WJFY-LP 104.1FMNewarkNewark Area Christian BroadcastingChristian
WJIC 91.7FMZanesvilleVCY AmericaConservative Christian (VCY America)
WJJE 89.1FMDelawareAmerican Family AssociationChristian (AFR)
WJKR 103.9FMWorthingtonNorth American BroadcastingCountry
WJKW 95.9FMAthensChristian Faith Broadcast, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WJMO 1300AMClevelandBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Gospel music
WJTA 88.9FMGlandorfHoly Family CommunicationsCatholic (EWTN)
WJUC 107.3FMSwantonFleming Street Communications, Inc.Mainstream urban
WJVG-LP 96.7FMColumbusChristian Media, IncorporatedChristian
WJYD 107.1FMCirclevilleBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban gospel
WJYM 730AMBowling GreenFamily Worship Center Church, Inc.Gospel music
WJZE 97.3FMOak HarborGCR Licenses, LLCMainstream urban
WKBN 570AMYoungstowniHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WKCD 90.3FMCedarvilleEducational Media FoundationChristian adult contemporary (K-Love)
WKCO 91.9FMGambierKenyon CollegeCollege–freeform
WKDD 98.1FMMunroe FallsiHM Licenses, LLCHot adult contemporary
WKEN 88.5FMKentonSoaring Eagle Promotions, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WKET 98.3FMKetteringKettering City School DistrictAlbum-oriented rock
WKFI 1090AMWilmingtonTown and Country BroadcastingClassic country
WKFM 96.1FMHuronElyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co.Country
WKFS 107.1FMMilfordiHM Licenses, LLCHot adult contemporary
WKHR 91.5FMBainbridgeKenston Local School DistrictAdult standards
WKJA 91.9FMBrunswickChristian Healthcare Ministries, Inc.Christian
WKKI 94.3FMCelinaThe Sonshine Communications CorporationActive rock
WKKJ 94.3FMChillicotheiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WKKO 99.9FMToledoCumulus Licensing LLCCountry
WKKY 104.7FMGenevaMusic X-press Broadcasting Corp. of Northeast OhioCountry
WKLM 95.3FMMillersburgWKLM Radio, Inc.Adult contemporary
WKLN 102.3FMWilmingtonEducational Media FoundationChristian adult contemporary (K-Love)
WKNA 98.3FMLoganWLGN, LLC.Classic hits
WKNR 850AMClevelandGood Karma Broadcasting, LLC.Sports (ESPN)
WKOV-FM 96.7FMWellstonJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Adult contemporary
WKRC 550AMCincinnatiiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WKRJ 91.5FMNew PhiladelphiaKent State UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WKSU)
WKRK-FM 92.3FMCleveland HeightsAudacy, Inc.Sports (ISN)
WKRQ 101.9FMCincinnatiCincinnati FCC License Sub, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WKRW 89.3FMWoosterKent State UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WKSU)
WKSD 99.7FMPauldingFirst Family Broadcasting, Inc.Classic hits
WKSU 89.7FMKentKent State UniversityPublic radio (NPR)
WKSV 89.1FMThompsonKent State UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WKSU)
WKTL 90.7FMStruthersBoard of Education Struthers Ohio City SchoolsAdult album alternative
WKTN 95.3FMKentonHome Town Media Ltd.Hot adult contemporary
WKTX 830AMCortlandKingstrust LLCOldiesethnic
WKVX 960AMWoosterWWST Corporation, L.L.C.Classic hits
WKWO 90.9FMWoosterEducational Media FoundationChristian adult contemporary (K-Love)
WKXA-FM 100.5FMFindlayBlanchard River Broadcasting CompanyCountry
WLCI-LP 97.5FMNelsonvilleHocking Technical CollegeRock
WLEC 1450AMSanduskyBAS BroadcastingOldiessports
WLFC 88.3FMNorth BaltimoreUniversity of FindlayCollegeindie rock
WLGN 1510AMLoganWLGN, LLC.Classic hits
WLHS 89.9FMWest ChesterLakota Local School DistrictAdult standards
WLKP 91.9FMBelpreEducational Media FoundationChristian adult contemporary (K-Love)
WLKR 1510AMNorwalkElyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co.Classic hits
WLKR-FM 95.3FMNorwalkElyria-Lorain Broadcasting Co.Adult album alternativesports
WLOH 1320AMLancasterWLOH Radio CompanyConservative talk (SRN)
WLRD 96.9FMWillardChristian Faith Broadcast, Inc.Southern gospel
WLRU-LP 106.9FMHillsboroSt. Mary Catholic Broadcasting SystemCatholic
WLRY 88.9FMRushvilleArcAngel Broadcasting FoundationChristian
WLTP 910AMMariettaiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WLVQ 96.3FMColumbusFranklin Communications, Inc.Classic rock
WLW 700AMCincinnatiiHM Licenses, LLCTalksports
WLYV 1290AMBellaireOhio Midland Newsgroup, LLCTalksports
WLZZ 104.5FMMontpelierSwick Broadcasting Company, Inc.Country
WMAN 1400AMMansfieldiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WMAN-FM 98.3FMFredericktowniHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WMCO 90.7FMNew ConcordMuskingum UniversityCollegealternative
WMIH 89.5FMGenevaHoly Family CommunicationsCatholic (EWTN)
WMJI 105.7FMClevelandiHM Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WMJK 100.9FMClydeBAS BroadcastingCountry
WMKV 89.3FMReadingMaple Knoll Communities, Inc.Adult standards
WMLX 103.3FMSt. MarysiHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WMMS 100.7FMClevelandiHM Licenses, LLCActive rockhot talksports
WMMX 107.7FMDaytoniHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WMNI 920AMColumbusNorth American BroadcastingSports (FSR)
WMOA 1490AMMariettaJawco, Inc.Adult contemporary
WMOH 1450AMHamiltonVernon R. Baldwin, Inc.Conservative talk (SRN)
WMPO 1390AMMiddleport-PomeroyPositive Radio Group, Inc. of OhioSports (ESPN)
WMRN 1490AMMarioniHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WMRN-FM 94.3FMMarioniHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WMRT 88.3FMMariettaMarietta CollegeClassical
WMTR-FM 96.1FMArchboldNOBCO, Inc.Classic hits
WMUB 88.5FMOxfordThe President & Trustees of Miami UniversityPublic radio (NPR)
WMVR-FM 105.5FMSidneyFender Broadcasting, LLCHot adult contemporary
WMWX 88.9FMMiamitownSpryex CommunicationsClassic rock
WMXY 98.9FMYoungstowniHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WMYW-LP 102.7FMPauldingPaulding JB Antwerp Radio, Inc.Variety
WNCD 93.3FMYoungstowniHM Licenses, LLCMainstream rock
WNCI 97.9FMColumbusiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WNCO 1340AMAshlandiHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR)
WNCO-FM 101.3FMAshlandiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WNCX 98.5FMClevelandAudacy, Inc.Classic rock
WNDH 103.1FMNapoleoniHM Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WNHC-LP 104.1FMLimaNew Hope Christian CenterReligious
WNIO 1390AMYoungstowniHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR/VSiN)
WNIR 100.1FMKentMedia-Com, Inc.Talk radio
WNKL 96.9FMWauseonEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WNKN 105.9FMMiddletownRelevant Radio, Inc.Catholic radio
WNKO 101.7FMNewarkRunnymede, Inc.Classic hits
WNLB-LP 97.7FMHollandSpringfield Board of EducationOldies
WNLT 104.3FMHarrisonEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WNND 103.5FMPickeringtonFranklin Communications, Inc.Classic hits
WNNF 94.1FMCincinnatiCumulus Licensing LLCCountry
WNNP 104.3FMRichwoodFranklin Communications, Inc.Classic hits
WNOC 89.7FMBowling GreenOur Lady of Guadalupe Radio, Inc., dba Annunciation RadioCatholic (Annunciation Radio)
WNPA-LP 102.5FMCantonNeopaVariety
WNPQ 95.9FMNew PhiladelphiaEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WNRK 90.7FMNorwalkKent State UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WKSU)
WNUS 107.1FMBelpreiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WNWV 107.3FMElyriaRubber City Radio Group, Inc.Alternative rock
WNXT 1260AMPortsmouthHometown Broadcasting of Portsmouth, Inc.Sports (FSR)
WNXT-FM 99.3FMPortsmouthHometown Broadcasting of Portsmouth, Inc.Hot adult contemporary
WNZN 89.1FMLorainPace FoundationSpanish music
WNZR 90.9FMMount VernonMount Vernon Nazarene UniversityContemporary Christian
WOAR 88.3FMSouth ViennaEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WOBC-FM 91.5FMOberlinOberlin College Broadcasting, Inc.College–freeform
WOBL 1320AMOberlinWOBL Radio, Inc.Classic country
WOBN 97.5FMWestervilleOtterbein UniversityCollege radio
WOBO 88.7FMBataviaEducational Community Radio, Inc.Variety
WODC 93.3FMAshvilleiHM Licenses, LLCAdult hits
WOFN 88.7FMBeach CityDavid Ingles Ministries, Inc.Christian (KNYD)
WOFX-FM 92.5FMCincinnatiCumulus Licensing LLCClassic rock
WOHA 94.9FMAdaHoly Family Communications, IncCatholic (EWTN)
WOHC 90.1FMChillicotheEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WOHF 92.1FMBellevueBAS BroadcastingClassic hits
WOHI 1490AMEast LiverpoolFM Radio Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WOHK 96.1FMAshtabulaEducational Media FoundationChristian adult contemporary (K-Love)
WOHP-LP 101.3FMHuntsvilleVillage of Huntsville, OhioOldies
WOMP 100.5FMBellaireOhio Midland Newsgroup, LLCClassic hits
WOMP-LP 101.9FMCambridgeBuckeye Broadcasting Inc.OldiesAdult standards
WONE 980AMDaytoniHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR)
WONE-FM 97.5FMAkronRubber City Radio GroupClassic rock
WONW 1280AMDefianceiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WOOO-LP 95.5FMDefianceFort Defiance Youth Radio, Inc.Variety
WORI 90.1FMDelhi HillsEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WOSA 101.1FMGrove CityOhio State UniversityClassical
WOSB 91.1FMMarionOhio State UniversityPublic radioclassical (NPR/WOSX)
WOSE 91.1FMCoshoctonOhio State UniversityPublic radioclassical (NPR/WOSX)
WOSL 100.3FMNorwoodBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban adult contemporary
WOSP 91.5FMPortsmouthOhio State UniversityPublic radioclassical (NPR/WOSX)
WOSU-FM 89.7FMColumbusOhio State UniversityPublic radio (NPR)
WOSV 91.7FMMansfieldOhio State UniversityPublic radioclassical (NPR/WOSX)
WOSX 91.1FMGranvilleOhio State UniversityPublic radioclassical (NPR)
WOTL 90.3FMToledoFamily Stations, Inc.Christian (Family Radio)
WOUB 1340AMAthensOhio UniversityPublic radiocommunity (NPR)
WOUB-FM 91.3FMAthensOhio UniversityPublic radio (NPR)
WOUC-FM 89.1FMCambridgeOhio UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WOUB-FM)
WOUH-FM 91.9FMChillicotheOhio UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WOUB-FM)
WOUL-FM 89.1FMIrontonOhio UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WOUB-FM)
WOUZ-FM 90.1FMZanesvilleOhio UniversityPublic radio (NPR/WOUB-FM)
WOVU-LP 95.9FMClevelandBurten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc.Variety
WOXY 97.7FMMasonLazo Media LLCAdult hits
WPAY 1520AMRossfordRelevant Radio, Inc.Catholic radio
WPFB 910AMMiddletownSacred Heart Radio, Inc.Catholic
WPFX-FM 107.7FMLuckeyPatton Advertizing Enterprises, LLPCountry
WPKO-FM 98.3FMBellefontaineV-Teck CommunicationsHot adult contemporary
WPLC-LP 95.1FMPiquaPiqua Christian Lifestyle RadioChristian (3ABN)
WPOS-FM 102.3FMHollandMaumee Valley Broadcasting AssociationChristian
WPTW 1570AMPiquaMiami Valley Radio LLCClassic hits
WPYK 104.1FMNew BostonEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WQAL 104.1FMClevelandAudacy, Inc.Hot adult contemporary
WQCD 1550AMDelawareDelmar Communications, Inc.Oldies
WQCT 1520AMBryanImpact Radio, LLC.Classic hits
WQEL 92.7FMBucyrusFranklin Communications, Inc.Classic rock
WQGR 93.7FMNorth MadisonMedia One Holdings, LLCOldies
WQIO 93.7FMMount VernonBAS BroadcastingAdult contemporary
WQKT 104.5FMWoosterWWST Corporation, L.L.C.Countrysports
WQLX 106.5FMChillicotheiHM Licenses, LLCHot adult contemporary
WQMX 94.9FMMedinaRubber City Radio GroupCountry
WQOU-LP 104.1FMMt. GileadLegion of MaryCatholic
WQQO 105.5FMSylvaniaCumulus Licensing LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WQRP 89.5FMDaytonEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian
WQXK 105.1FMSalemCumulus Licensing LLCCountry
WRAC 103.1FMGeorgetownDreamcatcher Communications, Inc.Country
WRDL 88.9FMAshlandAshland UniversityCollegealternative
WREO-FM 97.1FMAshtabulaMedia One Holdings, LLCSoft adult contemporary
WREW 94.9FMFairfieldCincinnati FCC License Sub, LLCAdult hits
WRFD 880AMColumbusSalem Media of Ohio, Inc.Christian (SRN)
WRGM 1440AMOntarioGSM Media CorporationSports (ESPN)
WRKD-LP 101.3FMRockfordVillage of RockfordOldies
WRKZ 99.7FMColumbusNorth American BroadcastingActive rock
WRMU-FM 91.1FMAllianceUniversity of Mount UnionCollegejazzalternative
WROU-FM 92.1FMWest CarrolltonAlpha Media Licensee LLCUrban adult contemporary
WRPO-LP 93.5FMRussells PointVillage of Russells PointOldies
WRQK-FM 106.9FMCantoniHM Licenses, LLCMainstream rock
WRQN 93.5FMBowling GreenCumulus Licensing LLCClassic hits
WRQX 600AMSalemCumulus Licensing LLCConservative talk
WRRM 98.5FMCincinnatiRadio License Holding SRC LLCAdult contemporary
WRRO 89.9FMEdonOur Lady of Guadalupe Radio, Inc.Catholic (Annunciation Radio)
WRUW-FM 91.1FMClevelandCase Western Reserve UniversityCollege–freeform
WRVB 102.1FMMariettaiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WRVF 101.5FMToledoiHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WSAI 1360AMCincinnatiiHM Licenses, LLCSports (FSR)
WSAV-LP 93.7FMLorainShiloh Missionary Baptist ChurchChristian
WSAX-LP 98.5FMColumbusSemm FoundationSmooth jazz
WSEO 107.7FMNelsonvilleNelsonville TV Cable, Inc.Country
WSGR 88.3FMNew BostonSt. Gabriel Radio, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WSHB 90.9FMWillardOur Lady of Guadalupe Radio, Inc. d/b/a Annunciation RadioCatholic (Annunciation Radio)
WSIB-LP 106.7FMAthensSt Isadore Media, Inc.Oldies
WSJG-LP 103.3FMTiffinSan Raphael Radio, Inc.Catholic
WSNY 94.7FMColumbusFranklin Communications, Inc.Adult contemporary
WSOH 88.9FMZanesfieldSoaring Eagle Promotions, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WSPD 1370AMToledoiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WSRW 1590AMHillsboroiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WSTB 88.9FMStreetsboroStreetsboro City School DistrictAlternative rockoldies
WSWO-LP 97.3FMHuber HeightsSouthwestern Ohio Public Radio, Inc.Oldies
WSWR 100.1FMShelbyiHM Licenses, LLCClassic hits
WTAM 1100AMClevelandiHM Licenses, LLCTalksports
WTGN 97.7FMLimaAssociated Christian BroadcastersChristian
WTGR 97.5FMUnion CityPositive Radio Group, Inc. of OhioCountry
WTIG 990AMMassillonWTIG, Inc.Sports (ESPN)
WTJN-LP 107.1FMTroyTroy Community FMVariety
WTKC 89.7FMFindlayFaith Educational Media, Inc.College radio
WTKD 106.5FMGreenvilleDelmarva Educational AssociationChristian
WTNS 1560AMCoshoctonCoshocton Broadcasting Co.Country
WTNS-FM 99.3FMCoshoctonCoshocton Broadcasting Co.Adult contemporary
WTOD 106.5FMDeltaDelmarva Educational AssociationChristian
WTOH 98.9FMUpper ArlingtonSalem Media of Ohio, Inc.Conservative talk (SRN)
WTPG 88.9FMWhitehouseTaylor University Broadcasting, Inc.Religious
WTPS-LP 94.1FMNapoleonSt. Paul Lutheran ChurchContemporary Christian
WTTF 1600AMTiffinBAS Broadcasting, Inc.Oldies
WTTP-LP 101.1FMLimaCalvary Chapel of LimaChristian
WTUE 104.7FMDaytoniHM Licenses, LLCClassic rock
WTUZ 99.9FMUhrichsvilleWTUZ Radio, Inc.Country
WTVN 610AMColumbusiHM Licenses, LLCTalk radio
WUBE-FM 105.1FMCincinnatiCincinnati FCC License Sub, LLCCountry
WUDR 98.1FMDaytonUniversity of DaytonCollege–freeform
WUFM 88.7FMColumbusSpirit CommunicationsChristian rock
WUHS-LP 96.9FMWest UnionWest Union High Schoolhigh school radio
WULM 1600AMSpringfieldRadio Maria, Inc.Radio Maria (KJMJ)
WUSO 89.1FMSpringfieldDayton Public Radio, Inc.Classical
WVKF 95.7FMShadysideiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WVKO-FM 103.1FMJohnstownLazo Media LLCSpanish ACRegional Mexican
WVKS 92.5FMToledoiHM Licenses, LLCTop 40 (CHR)
WVLO 99.3FMCridersvilleEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WVMC-FM 90.7FMMansfieldSoaring Eagle Promotions, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WVML 90.5FMMillersburgThe Moody Bible Institute of ChicagoChristian (Moody)
WVMS 89.5FMSanduskyThe Moody Bible Institute of ChicagoChristian (Moody)
WVMU 91.7FMAshtabulaThe Moody Bible Institute of ChicagoChristian (Moody)
WVMX 107.9FMWestervilleFranklin Communications, Inc.Adult Top 40
WVNO-FM 106.1FMMansfieldJohnny Appleseed Broadcasting Co.Adult contemporary
WVNU 97.5FMGreenfieldSouthern Ohio BroadcastingSoft adult contemporary
WVQC-LP 95.7FMCincinnatiMusic Resource Center – CincinnatiVariety
WVSG 820AMColumbusSt. Gabriel RadioCatholic
WVXG 95.1FMMount GileadDelmar Communications, Inc.Classic rock
WVXU 91.7FMCincinnatiCincinnati Public RadioPublic radio (NPR)
WVZC-LP 96.5FMToledoNuestra Gente Community ProjectsVariety
WWBJ-LP 92.1FMHillsboroHope Radio of HillsboroReligious
WWGL-LP 97.9FMSteubenvilleCommunity of God's LoveReligious
WWGV 88.1FMGrove CityAmerican Family AssociationChristian (AFR)
WWJM 105.9FMNew LexingtonPerry County Broadcasting Co., Inc.Hot adult contemporary
WWKC 104.9FMCaldwellAVC Communications, Inc.Country
WWLG 102.5FMBaltimoreSoutheastern Ohio Broadcasting System, Inc.Regional Mexican
WWOC-LP 97.7FMBowling GreenWWOC Gospel Broadcasting, Inc.Christian (3ABN)
WWOH-LP 104.5FMMariettaHope Radio of Marietta, Inc.Christian (3ABN)
WWOV-LP 101.1FMMartins FerryWheeling Jamboree, Inc.Traditional Country
WWOW 1360AMConneautLake Effect MediaOldies
WWSR 93.1FMLimaWoof Boom Radio of Lima LLCSports (ESPN)
WWSU 106.9FMFairbornWright State UniversityCollege–freeform
WWTL-LP 106.3FMLoganBranch CommunicationsSouthern gospel
WWWR-LP 97.1FMWadsworthDowntown Wadsworth Inc.Variety
WWYC 1560AMToledoCSN InternationalChristian (CSN International)
WXBW 101.5FMGallipolisFifth Avenue Broadcasting Company, Inc.Country
WXGT 1580AMColumbusICS Communications, Inc.Oldies
WXIC 660AMWaverlyCrystal Communications CorporationGospel music
WXIZ 100.9FMWaverlyCrystal Communications CorporationClassic country
WXKR 94.5FMPort ClintonCumulus Licensing LLCClassic rock
WXMF 91.9FMMarionKayser Broadcast Ministries, Inc.Christian
WXMG 95.5FMLancasterBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban adult contemporary
WXML 90.1FMUpper SanduskyKayser Broadcast Ministries, Inc.Christian
WXMW 89.3FMSycamoreKayser Broadcast Ministries, Inc.Christian
WXTQ 105.5FMAthensJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Classic rock
WXTS-FM 88.31FMToledoBoard of Education Toledo City School DistrictStudent radiojazz
WXUT 88.31FMToledoUniversity of ToledoCollegealternative
WXXF 107.7FMLoudonvilleiHM Licenses, LLCSoft adult contemporary
WXZQ 100.1FMPiketonPiketon CommunicationsTop 40 (CHR)
WXZX 105.7FMHilliardiHM Licenses, LLCAlternative rock
WYBL 98.3FMAshtabulaMedia One Holdings, LLCCountry
WYBZ 107.3FMCrooksvilleAVC Communications Multimedia Group, LLCClassic hits
WYDA 96.9FMTroyEducational Media FoundationContemporary worship (Air1)
WYDB 94.5FMEnglewoodDelmarva Educational AssociationConservative talk
WYFY 88.1FMCambridgeBible Broadcasting Network, Inc.Conservative Christian (BBN)
WYHT 105.3FMMansfieldiHM Licenses, LLCHot adult contemporary
WYKL 98.7FMCrestlineEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WYLR 101.9FMHubbardEducational Media FoundationContemporary Christian (K-Love)
WYNS 89.1FMWaynesvilleSpryex CommunicationsClassic rock
WYNT 95.9FMCaledoniaiHM Licenses, LLCAdult contemporary
WYOH 1540AMNilesSagittarius Communications, LLCTalk/Music
WYOR 88.5FMRepublicSmile FMContemporary Christian
WYPC 1330AMWellstonJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Sports (FSR)
WYRO 98.7FMMcArthurJackson County Broadcasting, Inc.Classic rock
WYSA 88.5FMWauseonSide By Side, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WYSM 89.3FMLimaSide By Side, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WYSO 91.3FMYellow SpringsMiami Valley Public MediaPublic radio (NPR)
WYSU 88.5FMYoungstownYoungstown State UniversityPublic radio (NPR)
WYSZ 89.3FMMaumeeSide By Side, Inc.Contemporary Christian
WYTN 91.7FMYoungstownFamily Stations, Inc.Christian (Family Radio)
WYTS 1230AMColumbusiHM Licenses, LLCBlack Information Network
WYVK 92.1FMMiddleportPositive Radio Group, Inc. of OhioClassic hits
WYWH-LP 104.5FMAthensHope Radio of AthensChristian (3ABN)
WZAA-LP 106.9FMJeffersonville3M Community Broadcasting, IncVariety
WZAK 93.1FMClevelandBlue Chip Broadcasting Licenses, Ltd.Urban AC–talk
WZCB 106.7FMDubliniHM Licenses, LLCUrban contemporary
WZCP 89.3FMChillicotheChristian Voice of Central OhioContemporary Christian
WZDA 103.9FMBeavercreekiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WZIP 88.1FMAkronThe University of AkronCollegeCHR
WZLP-LP 95.7FMLoudonvilleZion Evangelical Lutheran ChurchChristian
WZLR 95.3FMXeniaCamelot Radio Buyer, LLCClassic hits
WZMO-LP 104.7FMMarionMarion Community RadioVariety
WZNP 89.3FMNewarkChristian Voice of Central OhioContemporary Christian
WZOM 105.7FMDefianceiHM Licenses, LLCCountry
WZOO-FM 102.5FMEdgewoodMedia One Holdings, LLCOldies
WZRX-FM 107.5FMFort ShawneeiHM Licenses, LLCOldies
WZVL 103.7FMPhiloMarquee Broadcasting Ohio, Inc.Country
WZWP 89.5FMWest UnionSomerset Educational Broadcasting FoundationContemporary Christian
WZZZ 107.5FMPortsmouthHometown Broadcasting of Portsmouth 2, Inc.Classic rock
1 Operating under a "Shared Time" agreement on the same frequency.


  • KDPM Cleveland (1921–1927)
  • W45CM/WELD Columbus (1941–1953)
  • WAQI/WAST Ashtabula (1964–1982)
  • WBKC/WCDN/WATJ Chardon (1969–2004)
  • WBBY-FM Westerville (1969–1990)
  • WBOE Cleveland (1938–1978)
  • WAND/WCNS/WNYN/WTOF/WBXT/WCER Canton (1947–2011)
  • WCLW Mansfield (1957–1987)
  • WCRX-LP Columbus (2007–2020)
  • WDBK/WFJC Cleveland; moved to Akron in 1927 (1924–1930)
  • WFRO Fremont (1950–2021)
  • WJDD Carrollton (surrendered in 2022)
  • WJEH/WGTR/WJEH Gallipolis (1950–2021)
  • WJTB North Ridgeville (1984–2017)
  • WKNT/WJMP Kent (1965–2016)
  • WJVS Cincinnati (surrendered in 2012)
  • WKJH-LP Bryan (cancelled in 2023)
  • WLBJ-LP Fostoria (2015–2020)
  • WLMH Morrow (cancelled in 2012)
  • WLQR Toledo (1954–2016)
  • WMH Cincinnati (1921–1923)
  • WMVO Mount Vernon (1953–2023)
  • WNSD Cincinnati (1972–1978)
  • WHBD/WPAY Bellefontaine; moved to Mt. Orab in 1929 and Portsmouth in 1935 (1925–2011)
  • WWGK Cleveland (1947–2021)
  • WWIZ Lorain (1958–1967)


  1. "FM Query – FM Radio Technical Information – Audio Division (FCC) USA". Archived from the original on August 25, 2009. Retrieved February 12, 2012.
  2. "AM Query – AM Radio Technical Information – Audio Division (FCC) USA". Archived from the original on August 25, 2009. Retrieved February 12, 2012.
  3. "Station Information Profile". March 3, 2010. Retrieved February 12, 2012.
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