World Reformed Fellowship

The World Reformed Fellowship (WRF) is an ecumenical, Christian fellowship that advances partnerships among confessional Reformed churches around the world.[1]

World Reformed Fellowship
OrientationConfessionally Reformed
Origin2000 (2000)


The World Fellowship of Reformed Churches was formed in 1994 by the Presbyterian Church in America, the National Presbyterian Church in Mexico, and the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, as well as member churches mainly from Latin American countries and from India, East Africa and the United States.[2] The International Reformed Fellowship (IRF) was formed also in 1994 with Calvinist churches in Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, and from all part of Asia.

The World Fellowship of Reformed Churches and the International Reformed Fellowship united on October 24, 2000 to form the World Reformed Fellowship. The WRF is now an international body represented in seventy-nine countries.[3]


The WRF operates commissions that serve its global membership, focusing on evangelism and missions, theological education, and theology. These commissions facilitate dialogue for better partnership between member denominations and organizations, produce and provide resources for the church, operate as theological and ministerial forums between WRF members, and serve as platforms of engagement from the WRF towards other organizations. The theological commission has produced several documents, such as the WRF’s Statement of Faith, a narrative statement on Reformed identity, and a statement on ecclesiology, all designed to facilitate greater theological partnership across cultural and intra-Reformed theological differences.[4] The commissions of the WRF sometimes facilitate larger forums, such as partnering with the Lausanne Movement to host a consultation on theological education in 2014 in Sao Paulo[5][6] and a theological consultation on Christian ministry among Muslims in 2011 in Istanbul.[7][8] The WRF partners with both the World Evangelical Alliance, of which the WRF is an affiliate member,[9] and New Growth Press for book publishing.[10][11]

The WRF hosts a global general assembly approximately every four years. These assemblies review and direct the work of the WRF’s commissions, are a time of networking and fellowship for the membership of the WRF, and are where the WRF’s membership hears about major issues facing the global church in order to consider and address them.

WRF membership is also divided up into regional boards for planning and implementing fellowship for ministries within their own larger, geographic area.[13] These boards are more contextualized than the general assembly, both in composition and in the nature of their work.


Governance of the WRF is held by its membership voting at general assemblies. Oversight and operations are carried out by a board of directors and an international director (CEO).

Chairmen of the Board,

International Directors,


The WRF is similar in theology to the International Conference of Reformed Churches and more conservative than the World Communion of Reformed Churches, though several member churches of the WRF are also members of either the ICRC or the WCRC. The WRF primarily differs from these other groups in that it is a fellowship, not a council, and so includes in its membership not only denominations, but individual congregations, pastors and theologians, and non-ecclesial organizations (e.g. theological seminaries). It conceives of its existence as facilitating dialogue and sharing of resources between the different global branches of Reformed Christians.[16] Unlike the WCRC, which officially supports the ordination of women,[17][18] and the ICRC, which prohibits denominational members that ordain women as pastors,[19][20] the WRF as a confessional fellowship recognizes the diversity of positions among its members regarding the ordination women.[21] There are a total of 82 denominational members of the WRF and 155 organizational members, as of July 08, 2023.[22][23] The majority (75 of 83, as of September 15, 2023) of WRF member denominations prohibit women from being ordained as pastors, elders, or deacons.

The WRF has a Reformed, confessional basis for membership. Members have to agree with:

  • The statement that "The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are without error in all that they teach."
  • At least one of the following historic Reformed Confessions – The Gallican Confession, The Belgic Confession, The Heidelberg Catechism, The Thirty-Nine Articles, The Second Helvetic Confession, The Canons of Dort, The Westminster Confession of Faith, the London Confession of 1689, the Savoy Declaration, or the WRF Statement of Faith.[24]

The largest churches as of 2023 are (membership of 100,000 or more):

  1. National Presbyterian Church in Mexico (2,800,000)[25]
  2. Presbyterian Church in Korea (HapDong) 2,351,896)[26]
  3. Presbyterian Church of Brazil (702,949)[27]
  4. Presbyterian Church in America (393,528)[28]
  5. United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan (250,000)
  6. Christian Reformed Church in North America (189,753)[29]
  7. ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (127,000)[30]
  8. Evangelical Presbyterian Church (125,870)[31]

Denominational members

Countries with member denominations and former members of the World Reformed Fellowship

As of February 2024, there are 83 member denominations:[32][33][34]

CountryDenominationNumber of congregationsNumber of membersYear
South AfricaChristian Reformed Church in South Africa192,5001984[35]
South AfricaReformed Churches in South Africa38276,8122022[36]
AngolaPresbyterian Church of Angola10060,0002023[37]
ArgentinaOrthodox Episcopal Anglican Church (Buenos Aires)---
ArgentinaECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (Argentina)^---
AustraliaPresbyterian Church of Australia54654,0002006
AustraliaWestminster Presbyterian Church of Australia---
AustraliaPresbyterian Church of Eastern Australia167192016[36]
BangladeshPresbyterian Church of Bangladesh26-2011[38]
BangladeshBangladesh Presbyterian Church13-2017[39]
BangladeshGrace Presbyterian Church of Bangladesh---
BangladeshSmyrna House of Prayer Church---
BangladeshIsa-e Church1256,0002015[40]
BangladeshThyatira Church Trust Bangladesh---
BangladeshEvangelical Reformed Church of Bangladesh---
BangladeshBangladesh Evangelical Reformed Church of Bandarban, Tripura---
BrazilPresbyterian Church of Brazil5,420702,9472021[27]
BrazilChristian Church Nations For Christ---
BurundiChristian Reformed Church in Burundi---
BurundiHoly Spirit Revival Church---
CanadaReformed Church of Quebec5[41]400[36][42]2018[36]
ColombiaUnited Church of Christ in Colombia---
CongoUnited Presbyterian Churches of Congo---
Democratic Republic of the CongoKivu Presbyterian Church---
Democratic Republic of the CongoReformed Community of Katanga---
EgyptGospel Peace Church of Egypt---
EthiopiaRaisin Power Baptist Church of Ethiopia---
HaitiUnion of Churches of the Christian Community of Haiti---
HungaryReformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe253702022[36]
IndiaCouncil of Reformed Churches of India---
IndiaTelugu Baptist Church Council---
IndiaCelitic Cross Ministry Dioceses of India---
IndiaChristian Reformed Fellowship of India300-2019[43]
IndiaMalankara Evangelical Church---
IndiaReformed Church of India---
IndiaPresbyterian Reformed Church in India10-(2022)[44]
IndiaIndia Christian Mission Church---
IndiaPresbyterian Church in India (Reformed)5010,0002015[45]
IndiaReformed Presbyterian Church of India103,0002004[46]
IndiaReformed Presbyterian Church India---
IndiaReformed Presbyterian Church North East India10511,3762021[36]
IndiaEvangelical Reformed Church of India84--
IndiaUnited Church of India---
IndonesiaIndonesian Reformed Evangelical Church747,0002011[47]
ItalyEvangelical Reformed Baptist Churches in Italy145002020[48]
KenyaAfrica Evangelical Presbyterian Church10022,0002020[49]
LiberiaEmmanuel Temple (Sinkor, Monrovia)---
LithuaniaEvangelical Reformed Church of Lithuania147,0002008[50]
MadagascarProtestant Church of Ambohimalaza-Firaisiana---
MalawiEvangelical Presbyterian Church of Malawi and Mozambique9015,0002016[51]
MexicoNational Presbyterian Church in Mexico6,0002,800,0002010[25]
MyanmarBiblical Reformed Church in Myanmar---
MyanmarChristian Reformed Church in Myanmar505,0002004[52]
MyanmarCommunity of Reformed Churches in Myanmar---
MyanmarReformed Evangelical Church of Myanmar407,0002010[53]
MyanmarReformed Presbyterian Church in Myanmar352,5002021[54]
New ZealandGrace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand25--
PakistanUnited Presbyterian Church of Pakistan200250,0002018
PakistanSutlej Reformed Church of Pakistan20--
PolandEvangelical Presbyterian Church in Poland4--
RussiaEvangelical Reformed Church of Russia153502010[55]
SenegalPresbyterian Church of Senegal208002017[56]
South KoreaPresbyterian Church in Korea (HapDong)11,9202,351,8962022[26]
Sri LankaChristian Reformed Church in Sri Lanka[57]413,0002014[58]
Sudan and South SudanSudanese Reformed Churches275002005[59]
UgandaPresbyterian Church in Uganda873,0472019[36]
UgandaReformed Presbyterian Church in Uganda125,0002004 [60]
UgandaCommunity Worship Presbyterian Church---
UgandaCovenant Reformed Church in Uganda---
UgandaGreater Grace Ministry (Kampala, Uganda)---
UgandaKing's Church (Kampala, Uganda)---
UgandaReformed Presbyterian Church in Africa (Uganda)---
UgandaNew Life Presbyterian Church of Uganda---
United KingdomAssociated Presbyterian Churches92002021[61]
United KingdomFree Church of Scotland[62]1125,4002016[36]
United States of AmericaPresbyterian Church in America1,934393,5282023[28]
United States of AmericaAssociated Reformed Presbyterian Church27330,6492021[36]
United States of AmericaEvangelical Presbyterian Church (United States)627125,8702022[63]
United States of AmericaEvangelical Reformed Church in America---
United States of AmericaECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians400127,0002022[30][64]
United States of AmericaChristian Reformed Church in North America[65]1,000189,7532024[29]
United States of AmericaUnited Episcopal Church of North America26--
UruguayPresbyterian Church of Uruguay21502023


  1. WRF Case Statement
  2. Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie
  3. "Global Membership of the WRF". World Reformed Fellowship. 2023-07-08. Retrieved 2023-07-08.
  4. "WRF Commissions". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  5. "WRF/Lausanne Global Theological Education Consultation". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  6. "2014 Consultation on Global Theological Education". Lausanne Movement. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  7. "WRF Resources for Ministry in the Context of Islam". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  8. "Our Muslim Neighbors: Improving Student Knowledge of the Diversity of Islamic Faith and Practice" (PDF). Reformed Theological Seminary. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  9. "WEA Congratulates New International Director of World Reformed Fellowship". World Evangelical Alliance. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  10. "New Growth Press: World Reformed Fellowship". New Growth Press. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  11. "The Decalogue Project: Disciples from Six Continents Engage God's Ten Commandments, Latest Book in WEA World of Theology Series Available Now". World Evangelical Alliance. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  12. "The General Assembly". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  13. "WRF Regional Boards". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  14. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church is not a denominational member of the WRF; Sam Logan held an individual membership with the WRF.
  15. "WRF Executive Leadership". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  16. "WRF Case Statement".
  17. "The WCRC Considers A Call For Its Members to Accept the Ordination of Women". World Communion of Reformed Churches. Retrieved 2020-07-22.
  18. "A Declaration of Faith on Women's Ordination" (PDF). World Communion of Reformed Churches. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  19. "Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Suspended by the International Conference of Reformed Churches for Adopting Women's Ordination". The Aquila Report. Retrieved 2020-07-31.
  20. "ICRC: GKV Membership Terminated". Wes Bredenhof. Retrieved 2022-12-20.
  21. "WRF State on Ecclesiology". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-09-15.
  22. "WRF Denominational Members". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-07-08.
  23. "WRF Organizational Members". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-07-08.
  24. "WRF Case Statement". World Reformed Fellowship. Retrieved 2023-07-23.
  25. "Report on the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico 2010" (PDF). Retrieved April 20, 2024.
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