Gala (apple)

Gala is an apple cultivar with a sweet, mild flavor, a crisp but not hard texture, and a striped or mottled orange or reddish appearance. Originating from New Zealand in the 1930s, similar to most named apples, it is clonally propagated. In 2018, it surpassed Red Delicious as the apple cultivar with the highest production in the United States, according to the US Apple Association. It was the first time in over 50 years that any cultivar was produced more than Red Delicious.[2]

SpeciesMalus domestica
Hybrid parentage'Kidd's Orange Red' × 'Golden Delicious'
OriginNew Zealand New Zealand, 1930s[1]
The fruit is characteristically striped or mottled

Appearance and flavor

Gala apples are non-uniform in color, usually vertically striped or mottled, with overall orange color.[1] They are sweet, fine textured, and aromatic,[1] and in addition to being eaten raw and cooked are especially suitable for creating sauces.[3]

  • Density 0.86 g/cc
  • Sugar 13.5%
  • Acidity 4.2 grams/ litre
  • Vitamin C 0–5 mg / 100 gram[4]
Typical size distribution[4]
55–60 mm60–65 mm65–70 mm70–75 mm75–80 mm80–85 mm


The first Gala apple tree was one of many seedlings resulting from a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Kidd's Orange Red planted in Greytown, Wairarapa, New Zealand in the 1930s by orchardist J.H. Kidd. Selected in 1939, introduced in 1960.[5] Donald W. McKenzie, an employee of Stark Bros Nursery, obtained a US plant patent for the cultivar on October 15, 1974.[6] It is a relatively new introduction to the UK, first planted in commercial volumes during the 1980s. The variety now represents about 20% of the total volume of the commercial production of eating apples grown in the UK, often replacing Cox's Orange Pippin.

Sports (mutations)

Many sports of Gala have been selected, mostly for increased red color, including the popular Royal Gala. The original cultivar produced fruit with orange stripes and a partial orange blush over a yellow background. Since then, several un-patented sports have been recognized. Additionally, more than twenty sports have received US plant patents:

Date "Inventor" Marketed as Mutated from Assignee Habit Pattern Earlier Color Plant patent number
Feb 20, 2013W. Fulford, New ZealandRegal Gala (Fulford Gala, Gala Must)Galareddish orange blush over a yellow groundUSPP 3309
Oct 15, 1974McKenzieGalaStarkstandardpartial blushyellowUS plant patent 3637
Oct 4, 1977H.W. Ten Hove, New ZealandRoyal Gala, TenroyGala3637StarkstandardstriperedUS plant patent 4121
May 10, 1988John Creech, USScarlet Gala[7]Kidd's D-83637C & 0standardblushscarletUS plant patent 6172
Aug 1, 1989K.W. Kiddle, New ZealandGalaxyTenroy4121Starkstandardstripeearlierintense redUS plant patent 6955
Dec 18, 1990CooperTreco Spur Red Gala No. 42, RegalAuvilOregon RootstockspurstriperedUS plant patent 7396
Jul 16, 1991FulfordFulfordKidd3637standardblushbright redUS plant patent 7589
Mar 1, 1994OlsenObrogala, UltraRedTenroy4121Starkstandardstripe2–4 daysredderUS plant patent 8621
Apr 5, 1994Waliser, USWaliser GalaTenroy4121Waliserstandardstripe10 daysbright redUS plant patent 8673
May 10, 1994HillApplewaitesKidd's3637standardblush2–3 daysmore complete redUS plant patent 8720
Nov 5, 1996OlsenOlsentwo Gala, Pacific GalaRoyal Gala4121standardstripe5–10 daysdistinguishably differentUS plant patent 9681
Sep 2, 1997Paul Brookfield, New ZealandBaigentRoyal Gala4121Brookfieldstandardstripeextremely earlybright redUS plant patent 10016
Nov 11, 1997GaleGale GalaRoyal Gala4121Van Well, USstandardstripe3 weeksmore completeUS plant patent 10114
Jun 23, 1998Tina Fackler, USBig Red GalaKidd's3637ProtreestandardstripesameUS plant patent 10458
Mar 30, 1999SimmonsSimmonsImperialPeace Valleystandardstripe21 daysbrighter redUS plant patent 10840
Jan 18, 2000StiekemaStiekema 1Obragala8621standardblushredUS plant patent 11182
Apr 11, 2000McSpadden, JrCaitlinTenroy4121Starkstandardstripe"earlier"US plant patent 11348
Aug 13, 2002Bob Black, USHarry Black Gala (Autumn Gala)Kidd's3637International Plant Managementstandardstripe5 wk. laterUS plant patent 12842
Apr 29, 2003BanningBanning GalaImperialstandardstripeintense red blush, darker stripeUS plant patent 13753
Jan 6, 2004SmithSmith galaTenroy4121standardstripeyellowUS plant patent 14448
May 4, 2004WeaverWeaverFulford7589Adams County Nurserymore compactblushbright redUS plant patent 14752
Jan 4, 2005LigonniereDalitogaImperialSNC Elarisstandardstripe3 wk.yellowUS plant patent 15465
Aug 15, 2006BurkittBurkitt GalaTenroy4121BMA Truststandardstripe10 d.completely redUS plant patent 17013
Feb 26, 2008McDonaldEl NiñoRoyal4121standardintense dark red stripebright redUS plant patent 18512
Jul 8, 2008McLaughlinMcLaughlin Gala, BlondeeKidd's3637standardno striping or blush4—6 d.yellowUS plant patent 19007
Dec 30, 2008G. E. Fankhauser, AustraliaAlvniaGalaFankhauserstandardstripes"earlier"red, > 95A% coverageUS plant patent 19604
Apr 14, 2009A. Richard, FranceGalavalGalaxy Gala6955Pepinieres du Valoisstandardblushintense dark purple brownUS plant patent 19909
Sept 28, 2010M. Julien, FranceJugalaMitchgla Gala5 d.USPP 21315
Aug 14, 2012S. Buck, New ZealandPremier StarImperial GalaUSPP 22949
Jul 22, 2014R. Wyle, USFoxtrotTenroy Galaearlier ripeningmore intensely redUSPP 24664
Apr 7, 2015S. Perathoner, ItalyGala ParathonerMitchgla Galastripeslight and dark stripes 95–100%USPP 25407
Jan 24, 2017A. Gruber-Genetti, ItalyGala Schnico RedGala Schnitzer Scinga100% dark redUSPP 27577
May 9, 2017A. Defrancesschi, ItalyGala 2013Gala100% purple-redUSPP 27978
Jan 23, 2018L. Fabre, FranceGalafab(Gala Star)GalaRed 90–100%USPP 28885
Dec 25, 2018Brisset, FranceGala SurfGalaVery dark purple redUSPP 30009
May 21, 2019J. Braun, ItalyGalaMicGalaDeep purpleUSPP 30512

Unpatented varieties

Unpatented varieties
Namemutated fromyear and country
Imperial Gala
Ultima Gala (Banning)Imperial Gala1997 US

Gala apple from South Tyrol, Italy, with protected-origin (PDO) sticker.

Descendant cultivars

NameParentageCross madeIntroducedOrigin
Aurora Golden GalaSplendour x Gala1981Canada
BravoCripps Red x Royal Gala1992Australia
Delfloga(Royal Gala × Florina) [8] ? ?
Envy(Scilate)(Royal Gala × Braeburn)1985New Zealand
GaiaGala x A3-7Italy
GalarinaGala x Florina Querina1978France
Jazz (Scifresh)Braeburn x Royal Gala1985 ?New Zealand
Nicoter (Kanzi)(Gala × Braeburn) [9]Belgium
ModiGala x Liberty1992Italy
MonalisaGala x Malus 4Brazil
NewsonGala x Hawkes Bay Red Delicious1983Canada
NicolaSplendour x Gala1981Canada
Sciros (Pacific Rose)(Splendor × Gala)[10]
Rubens(Civni)Elstar x GalaItaly
Sweetie ('PremA280')
SalishSplendour x Gala19811997Canada


Gala apples are grown from May through September in the northern hemisphere, but, like most apples, are available almost all year through the use of cold storage and controlled atmosphere storage.[11] Australian Gala are available from late January. California fruit is available until October. While the season usually lasts only 9 or 10 months, they are able to last all year round. However, due to some apples continuing to be grown in some orchards, and the fact that they can be refrigerated for some months leads to the availability of the Gala apple year-round in some Australian markets. These usually taste different (slightly less sweet) from those in season. The UK season begins in late summer (August). Storage makes the UK fruit available nearly year-round as with fruit from other origins.

Royal Gala sport

'Royal Gala' cultivar

Royal Gala is a Gala sport, patented by Stark in 1977, which produces redder fruits than the original cultivar. It is a pink-red dessert apple and is therefore usually eaten fresh. Royal Galas are usually harvested in early to late February in the southern hemisphere. In New Zealand, the pinker original Gala has almost disappeared as a commercial apple in favor of the darker-skinned Royal Gala.


  1. "Gala", National Fruit Collection, retrieved 31 October 2015
  2. 2018 Annual Review Archived 2019-01-24 at the Wayback Machine U.S. Apple Association.
  3. "Royal Gala Apples | Australian Apple Varieties | Aussie Apples". Archived from the original on 2015-08-26. Retrieved 2014-02-09.
  4. Silbereisen, Robert; Götz, Gerhard; Hartmann, Walter; Tambour, Gisela; Eberle, Christl (1996). Obstsorten – Atlas. Ulmer (Eugen). ISBN 9783800155378.
  5. Brooks, Olmo. American Society for Horticultural Science, Vol. 91, page 908
  6. US plant patent 3637
  7. US plant patent 7396
  8. "Delfloga". Government of Canada Plant Inspections. Retrieved 29 January 2021.
  9. United States Patent PP17201
  10. Ltd, Orange Pippin. "Apple - Pacific Rose - tasting notes, identification, reviews". Orange Pippin - all about apples and orchards. Retrieved 16 February 2018.
  11. McGlone, V.Andrew; Jordan, Robert B.; Martinsen, Paul J. (2002-06-01). "Vis/NIR estimation at harvest of pre- and post-storage quality indices for 'Royal Gala' apple". Postharvest Biology and Technology. 25 (2): 135–144. doi:10.1016/S0925-5214(01)00180-6. ISSN 0925-5214.
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