Grimes Golden

Malus domestica 'Grimes Golden'
Hybrid parentage'unknown'
Cultivar'Grimes Golden'
OriginUnited States Wellsburg, Virginia 1832

Grimes Golden

is a cultivar of apple originated in Wellsburg, Virginia (now West Virginia) in 1832 on the farm of Thomas Grimes. Flesh yellow, firm, fine-grained, juicy, aromatic, spicy, subacid.[1] Susceptible to bitter pit.[2] It could be a parent of the famous Golden Delicious apple,[3] and is known to be the maternal parent of 'Yellospur', and the pollen parent of 'Sinta'.[4]

Grimes Golden[5]
---When to pickWhen ripe enough to eatLatest cold storage limit
In Northern statesSept. 8 - Oct. 28Nov. 1-10Jan. 15
In Southern statesAug. 23 - Sept. 18Oct. 5-15Dec. 15


  1. John Warder, American Pomology
  2. Korban, Genetic and Nutritional status in Bitter Pit-resistant and - susceptible Apple seedlings. J.Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 109(3) 428–432, 1984.
  3. "Malus 'Grimes Golden'". Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved January 22, 2013.
  4. "Grimes Golden", National Fruit Collection, University of Reading and Brogdale Collections, retrieved 27 October 2015
  5. Stark Nurserie's, catalog, 1917

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